Čebelarski muzej v Radovljici
Muzej je res vreden ogleda. Če ga boste obiskali, boste videli še več.
Panjska končnica z motivom usmrtitve Maksimiljana Habsburškega sodi med zgodovinske motive. Prizor, v katerem avstrijski nadvojvoda Maksimiljan I. Mehiški (1832−1867) čaka na izvršitev smrtne obsodbe, temelji na zgodovinskih dejstvih, pogosto upodobljenih v evropski umetnosti.
Hrani: Čebelarski muzej v Radovljici, Radovljica, Slovenija
Beehive panels are painted panels that enclose the kranjič beehive. Several beehives together formed an apiary. The beehive panel with the motif of the execution of Maximilian of Habsburg is regarded as a historic motif. The scene in which the Austrian archduke Maximilian I of Mexico (1832-1867) is waiting for the execution of his death sentence is based on historical facts – a common motif in art across Europe.
Held: Museum of Apiculture in Radovoljica, Slovenia
Kamp Radovljica
- Kamp Radovljica leži ob robu mesta Radovljica, kjer je urejen tudi kopalni bazen, gostom pa nudi prijetno in mirno vzdušje. Kamp na travnati površini ponuja sodobno opremljene parcele za avtodome in prikolice ter neparcelirana zemljišča za šotore. Gostom kampa so na voljo tudi lepo urejene sanitarije.
Ob kampu Radovljica je čez celo leto odprto kopališče z velikim olimpijskim bazenom z ogrevano vodo ter mali otroški bazen. V obeh bazenih je temperatura vode 27°C, letna sezona kopališča traja od 1.6. do 1.9, v drugem delu leta pa je kopališče pokrito z zračnim balonom.
V kompleks je vključen tudi športni park (nogometno, košarkarsko, odbojkarsko, badminton in hokejsko igrišče, tenis, namizni tenis ter fitnes center). V kampu je tudi restavracija, picerija in bar. Vsi gostje kampa lahko koristijo brezplačni WI-FI, omogočajo tudi najem koles.
Okolica kampa in Radovljice je primerna za sprehode in planinske izlete, kolesarjenje, rafting po Savi Bohinjki in Savi Dolinki in druge športne aktivnosti. V okolici so uredili kolesarske in sprehajalne poti katerih zemljevid lahko dobite v recepciji kampa. Lahko obiščete tudi Čebelarski muzej, Šivčevo hišo z likovnimi razstavami in različne festivale (festival čokolade, stare glasbe in Ko Radovljica zaživi).
250 letnica lectarske delavnice v Radovljici
Radovljica, 10. februar 2014 (MOREL)- V lectarski delavnici in muzeju Lectar v Radovljici letos obeležujejo visok jubilej – 250 let lectarske delavnice, saj so v več k 500 let starih hiši prve lecte izdelali že leta 1766! Tudi danes, pridne roke štirih lectark, lecte še vedno dnevno izdelujejo popolnoma ročno in po stari recepturi, saj edino to zagotavlja želeno kvaliteto in ohranjanje znane slovenske tradicije peke in okraševanja kruha iz medenega testa.
Z obeleženjem visoke obletnice želijo spomniti tudi da je lectarstvo ena izmed najstarejših obrti v Sloveniji, saj je bila prvič omenjena že v 14. stoletju in bila v 18 in 19. stoletju celo ena izmed najbolj razširjenih obrti sploh in tako dajala »kruh« mnogim.
Otvoritev razstave o lectarstvu
V penzionu in muzeju Lectar iz Radovljice so pripravili razstavo o lectu. Posnetek je iz otvoritve razstave v avli Čebelarskega razvojno izobraževalnega centra Gorenjske v Lescah.
The ladies play the traditional hat game - Radovljica, Slovenia
Traditional Slovenian hat game Each player begins wearing a hat. When the music starts, grab the hat of the player to your right and put it on your own head. As tempo of the music increases, keep pace with it. When someone messes up, they leave the game and the next round begins with the remaining players. Last player in won a free glass of schnapps!
Recorded 19 October 2017.
Fall Inspection Slovenian Hives (2019) Healthy Bee's, Beautiful Honey!
Hello! We had a hot summer and now its dropping into the 30's at night! My Bee's seem real happy & healthy. So excited to be able to pull 2 frames of Beautiful capped Honey for the first time!
Love my Slovenian Bee hives! Made for a very comfortable, easy beekeeping year!
Thank you for watching!
Happy Beekeeping!!!
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Prihodnost slovenske samooskrbe
Obiskali smo mesto Radovljica na Gorenjskem. Naš namen je bil, da predstavimo Lokalno trgovino 18sedem3, vendar pa nas je tudi prijetno presenetil utrip mesta, ki izžareva gostoljubje in bogato lokalno ponudbo. Imeli smo intervju z lastnikom lokalne trgovine Gregorjem Budnom. Povedal nam je zelo zanimivo zgodbo o začetkih trgovine, ki danes povezuje 55 kmetij in oskrbuje tako vrtce, restavracije, hotele, kot tudi turiste in lokalno prebivalstvo z domačo, slovensko pridelano hrano. Imel je željo in vizijo, da bi gostom v Radovljici in lokalnemu prebivalstvu nudil kvaliteto tega kar imamo mi sami. Zavedal se je, da imamo pestro ponudbo, kvaliteto in ogromno znanja, ki ga zaradi pomankanja sodelovanja in povezovanja, ne znamo predstaviti in ponuditi. Na začetku ni bilo lahko, pa vendar je verjel in vztrajal, ter tako premaknil prepričanja mnogih. Usplelo mu je in veselimo se z njim.
Čebelarska spoznanja 3. del
Slovenia buzzing for first-ever World Bee Day
(18 May 2018) LEADIN:
This Sunday (20 May) is set to be the first-ever World Bee Day, after a proposal from Slovenia to the United Nations was unanimously approved in December (2017).
The aim is to draw attention to declining bee populations and to raise awareness of the vital role the insects play in sustaining our planet's ecosystems.
Nature-loving Slovenia is also a bee-loving country.
The small Alpine nation has a long tradition of beekeeping and has been a key advocate of global bee protection and raising awareness of the importance of bees for the environment and nature.
Last year at the United Nations, Slovenia pushed through an initiative to establish a World Bee day on 20 May.
It's now set to host the first international gathering and events marking the day.
Experts say bees are crucial for the preservation of the environment.
They are major pollinators, ensuring food and food security, sustainable agriculture and biodiversity.
Beekeeper Daniejela Ambrozic, from Bled, claims that about 70 to 80 percent of food that humans consume exists thanks to the buzzing insects.
Every third spoon we give in our mouth, it depends on the bee, she says.
That's why all this World Bee Day and everything. So, we try to educate people.
Beekeeping is part of everyday life in Slovenia.
The Slovenian Beekeepers Association has initiated a number of projects including promoting honey for breakfast, beekeeping school clubs and more.
Bees need the same clean environment as humans, says Dr. Peter Kozmus from the Slovenian Beekeeper's Association.
So, if we are doing in the way that we conserve bees, we must be aware, or we must take care for clean air, clean water, clean environment, these are also conditions which are good for humans.
So, we believe that when we help bees, we believe also help humans, and this is the main purpose of World Bee Day.
The mountainous land is dotted with bee hives and many homes produce their own local honey.
Multi-coloured wooden boxes with hives can be seen among endless green hills and meadows.
There are about 10,000 beekeepers in Slovenia, bee tours for tourists, a museum and a local bee subspecies is protected by law.
It's called the Carniolan honey bee, which Slovenians say is known for its docility, hard work, humility and excellent sense of orientation.
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Razstava o lectu
Otvoritev razstave o lectarstvu v Čebelarskem centru Gorenjske. Lectar Radovljica.
Multimedijska predstavitev o Čebelarski poti
V okviru projekta Duša tematskih poti se je izdelala multimedijska predstavitev o Čebelarski poti.
Exploring Tolmin Castle, Slovenia
Exploring The Fortress Ruin of Tolmin Castle, Slovenia
46°11′21.59″N 13°43′31.63″E
Slovenski kulturni praznik v Slovenskem etnografskem muzeju
Video prikazuje praznovanje slovenskega kulturnega praznika v Slovenskem etnografskem muzeju 8. februarja 2016. Snemanje in montaža Manca Filak, produkcija Slovenski etnografski muzej, 2018.
Čebelarski praznik Slovenije 2010 - Velenje
Daljši govor predsednika čebelarske zveze Slovenije, g. Noč Boštjana v Velenju 2010.
Hiša Kranjske čebele - muzej - trail
Hiša Kranjske čebele - muzej - trail
Skala TV info - aktualno MEDENI DAN - srečanje čebelarjev
V petek, 17.junija je na ploščadi pred Kulturnim domom v Slovenskih Konjicah v okviru Konjiških dnevov Občine Slovenske Konjice 2011 potekalo zanimivo srečanje mladih s predstavniki dela na področju čebelarstva. Stane Kokelj je kot predsednik Čebelarskega društva Slovenske Konjice približal življenje in delo čebel in nakratko predstavil društvo in njegov namen delovanja.
ČEBELARSKO DRUŠTVO SLOVENSKE KONJICE deluje že skoraj šest desetletij, v letu 2006 pa so praznovali še sto let organiziranega delovanja in razvoja čebelarstva v Dravinjski dolini in dokazali, da imajo čebelarska društva v narodovi zavesti in slovenski zgodovini dolgo tradicijo. Temu se imajo zahvaliti s stalnim izobraževanjem čebelarjev, skrbjo za mladi rod čebelarjev preko krožkov in redno vključitvijo s svojimi izdelki v turistično ponudbo kraja. Ponos društva pa je zlasti ohranitev avtohtone čebele Kranjske sivke, za katere pasemsko čistost nameravajo skrbeti še naprej.
Čebelarstvo Žvikart
Smo čebelarstvo z več kot petdeset letno družinsko tradicijo čebelarjenja. Pričel je oče Franc sedaj pa čebelarimo na okoli 250 panjih čebeljih družin. Naše čebele nabirajo med v neokrnjeni naravi pohorskih gozdov in v mirni dolini Žičke kartuzije.
V našem čebelarstvu pridobivamo sortni in mešani med: AKACIJEV, CVETLIČNI, LIPOV, KOSTANJEV, GOZDNI in HOJEV med. Pridobivamo CVETNI PRAH in MATIČNI MLEČEK ter MED S SOKOM RDEČE PESE, izdelujemo PROPOLIS TINKTURO, KREMNE NAMAZE IZ MEDU z okusom LEŠNIKA in VANILIJE. Naš najbolj cenjen proizvod pa se imenuje MEŠANICA MELAMIN. V njej se prepletajo dobre lastnosti medu, cvetnega praha, propolis tinkture in matičnega mlečka.
Med pa ni samo domače zdravilo, lahko je tudi lepo darilo. Tako smo vam v našem čebelarstvu pripravili preko štirideset različnih darilnih paketov primernih za najrazličnejše priložnosti; od rojstnodevnih daril do novoletnih obdarovanj.
Discovering Gorizia Castle
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I was impressed by the beauty of Gorizia's Castle. Inside this awesome castle you can find rare roman pottery and statues. The swords are all replicas as far as I know historically accurate.
Very well made weapons. From the castle there is a breathtaking view. The ticket to see the castle is around 3 euros.
The Castle of Gorizia, dating back to the 11th century, is the city's ancient heart. Situated on the hill that dominates the city, the hill provides an amazing panoramic view over Gorizia and its surroundings.
Today it does not reflect its original aspect; in fact, of the ancient donjon pulled down by the Venetians for defence purposes, only the foundations are visible in the Lanzi courtyard.
The castle can be reached through the Porta Leopoldina (Leopold's Gate), built in 1660 in honour of the visit of Emperor Leopold of Habsburg.
The Castle reflects the evolution occurred between the 13th and the 16th centuries with the progressive addition of defence structures and buildings. The castle changed owners several times, passing from the counts of Gorizia, Advocates of the Church of Aquileia, to the Habsburg rule, with the short Venetian and Napoleonic periods.
During its history, then, the castle was modified several times, with the addition of ramparts and towers and used for different functions, as an administrative centre, as barracks and as a prison. The castle was bombed during the First World War. The patient renovation, carried out in the 1930s by the Cossar family, gave the castle its charming medieval look.
It is possible to visit the evocative interiors of the castle.
Some rooms of the Castle periodically stage exhibitions, whereas the former barn permanently houses an educational section with panels and scale models relating to the County of Gorizia.
The Sala della Musica (Music Room) features perfect reproductions of ancient instruments whose melodies can be listened to, thanks to modern technologies.
From the Chemin de Ronde one enjoys a beautiful view over the city of Gorizia and over the territories of the near Slovenia.
Moreover, the Sala dei Cavalieri (Knights' Room) in the Castle of Gorizia houses the Museum of the Middle Ages in Gorizia, where one can see interesting reproductions of the sidearms used in the Middle Ages.
Near the castle you will find a restaurant and other important museums, such as the First World War Museum, the Museum of Fashion and of Applied Arts, the Picture Gallery and the Archaeological Collection.
A curious fact:
Among those who worked at the castle's defence structures we can also find Edmond Halley, who discovered the homonymous comet.
For information and booking:
Castle of Gorizia
Borgo Castello, 36
I - 34170 Gorizia
Tel.: +39 0481 535146
Museum of the Middle Ages in Gorizia
Admission ticket
full price ticket € 3.00;
reduced price ticket € 1.50 (6-24 year, over 65 year, groups min. 10 member)
school parties € 1.00.
Free with FVG Card
Opening time:
Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 am to 7.00 pm
Mondays from 9.30 to 11.30 am
The ticket office closes 30 minutes before the closure of the castle
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