MYSTERY OF RESIDENCY [ Water Gate ] | Interesting Facts Of Independence War 1857 | History Lucknow |
Channel- Sunil Batta Films
Documentary- MYSTERY OF RESIDENCY [ Water Gate ]
Produced & Directed by Sunil Batta, Voice- Navneet Mishra, Camera-Chandreshwar Singh Shanti, Research & Script- Prabhaker Johri, Production- Dhruv Prakesh, Camera Asst.- Runak Pal, Kuldeep Shukla.
लखनऊ की रेजीडेन्सी-1857 के उन दिनों की साक्षी है - जब क्रान्तिकारियों ने इस शहर का नाम इतिहास के पन्नों पर सुनहरे अक्षरों में लिखा था। आज भी लखनऊ के तमाम इमली के दरख्त स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों के हरियाले स्मारक हैं जिन पर 1857 की क्रान्ति को विद्रोह कहकर वीर बांकुरों को फांसियां दी गयी थीं। आज भी सन् 1857 के स्वतंत्रता संग्राम का सबसे बड़ा गवाह लखनऊ का बेलीगारद यानि रेज़ीडेंसी का इस इमारत के भग्नावशेष हैं जिस पर 1857 को चली तोप और गोलियों के निशान आज भी मौजूद हैं।
लखनऊ रेजीडेंसी की प्रसिद्ध इमारत नवाब आसफुद्दौला के शासनकाल में अवध दरबार की तरफ से बनवायी गयी थी। नवाब ने अपने अंग्रेज मेहमानों को ठण्डे मुल्क का निवासी जानकर उन्हें गोमती नदी के किनारे एक ऊंचे टीले पर बसाया था। सन् 1800 में नवाब सआदत अली खाँ के शासनकाल में लखनऊ की रेजीडेंसी पूरी तरह बनकर तैयार हुई। ईस्ट इण्डिया कम्पनी की तरफ से रियासत अवध में नियुक्त किये गये। रेज़ीडेन्ट और ब्रिटिश पदाधिकारी इस भवन में रहा करते थे और तब ही उसे रेज़ीडेन्सी कहा गया। आवश्यकतानुसार समय-समय पर इस इलाके में अनेक भवन बनते रहे और बाद में एक मील तीन फर्लांग 433 फिट का ये पूरा घेरा रेज़ीडेन्सी कहा जाने लगा। फिर ये विशेष रूप से योरोपियन लोगों की बस्ती बन गयी।
लखनऊ स्थित रेजीडेंसी अपनी जर्जरावस्था में भी सन् 1857 के प्रथम स्वतंत्रता संग्राम का स्मरण कराती है। वास्तव में, यहॉ की इमारतों की प्रत्येक ईंट पर सन् 1857 की महान क्रान्ति का इतिहास उत्कीर्ण है। यह अवध के उन लाखों रणबांकुरों की अनुपम देशभक्ति व त्याग की भावना की अनुभूति कराता है जिन्होंने क्रान्ति में बढ़ चढ़ कर भाग लिया तथा अपनी हिम्मत और बलिदान से भारतीय जनता के इतिहास में एक नया गौरवपूर्ण अध्याय लिखा। स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों द्वारा घेर लिये जाने के बाद अंग्रेजों द्वारा जिस ढंग से रेजीडेंसी की रक्षा की गयी उसकी प्रतिध्वनि आज भी यहॉ सुनाई पड़ती है।
लखनऊ के औपनिवेशिक स्मारकों में लखनऊ स्थित रेजीडेंसी का विशिष्ट स्थान है। रेजीडेंसी का इतिहास सन् 1764 से प्रारम्भ होता है जब बक्सर के युद्ध में पराजित होने के पश्चात् हुई संधि के अनुसार नवाब सुजाउद्दौला ने अवध दरबार में एक ब्रिटिश रेजीडेन्ट को रखने की इजाजत दी। सन् 1775 में अवध की राजधानी फैजाबाद से लखनऊ स्थानान्तरित किये जाने पर अंग्रेज रेजीडेन्ट भी लखनऊ आ गये। उन्नीसवीं सदी के प्रारम्भ में नवाब सआदत अली खां ने कर्नल बेली के सम्मान में रेजीडेंसी के दक्षिण पूर्व में एक गार्ड ऑफ ऑनर स्थापित किया था और तब ही से रेजीडेंसी का यह मुख्य प्रवेश द्वार बेलीगारद गेट कहा जाने लगा।
Lucknow visiting place (1857 memorial museum Residency )
#supper place go and visit this place and see Lucknow beauty
State Museum Lucknow राज्य संग्राहलय लखनऊ Uttar Pradesh India
State Museum Lucknow Uttar Pradesh India,
Visit State Museum Lucknow,
State Museum Lucknow (राज्य संग्राहलय लखनऊ) का उद्घाटन भारत के प्रधान मन्त्री श्री जवाहर लाल नेहरू ने 12 मई 1963 ई को किया था।
इस संग्राहलय मे बहुत सी प्राचीन चीजें रखी है जिसे आप देख सकते है।
LUCKNOW ZOO VIDEO LINK ????????????????????????
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Classic Heritage place of Lucknow | General kothi & Chattar Manzil & Saadat Ali TOMB | YAMAHA R 15 S
Hey friends and viewers today's Vlogs Classic heritage Place of Lucknow .Please find the below details of places .
General Khoti :-The story of 1857, India's first war of independence, would be told anew with the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) shifting the 1857 memorial museum from the Residency to the General Kothi soon.
The paperwork is over and shifting would begin in May. The museum at Residency, set up in 2003, evolved from a collection of articles and artifacts excavated from the premises. Additional material such as drawings, photographs and lithographs, was also placed to add value to the visitor's experience. There are 10 galleries displaying different items related to the war of 1857.
Chattar Manzil :- It was constructed by order of Nawab Ghazi Uddin Haider and completed after his death by his successor, Nawab Nasir Uddin Haider.[2][3][4]
The Chattar Manzil stand on the banks of the River Gomti. The Chattar Manzil consisted of a Bari (larger) Chattar Manzil and Chhoti (smaller) Chattar Manzil, however only the larger one still exists. These two buildings were examples of the Indo-European-Nawabi architectural style, even though the Bari Chattar Manzil has been altered over the years. The palaces were named after the chattris (umbrella-shaped domes) on the octagonal pavilions, which crown the buildings.[5] The imposing building has large underground rooms and a dome surmounted by a gilt umbrella.
SAADAT ALI TOMB :- Before it came in the present from the same place was the part of grand palace where in Ghazi -ud-Din Haider used to reside, which was built by Saadat Ali khan was laid to rest. where his son Ghazi -ud-Din Haider used to dwell. Later this residence turned into the present day tomb .which was denoted as Kaiser Bagh by the royal family .
Full Tour of Residency museum
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Lisburn VC Winners from the 1850s Indian Mutiny
I found this poster displayed in the foyer area of the Irish Linen centre and Lisburn Museum. It lists 2 local men who won V Cs during the Indian Mutiny of the 1850s.
William James Lendrim VC (1 January 1830 – 28 November 1891)
He was 25 years old, and a corporal in the Royal Sappers and Miners, British Army during the Crimean War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC.
On 14 February 1855 during the Siege of Sevastopol, Crimea, Corporal Lendrim superintended 150 French Chasseurs in building No. 9 Battery left attack and replacing the whole of the capsized gabions under a heavy fire. On 11 April he got on top of a magazine under fire, and extinguished burning sandbags, making good the breach. On 20 April he was one of four volunteers who destroyed the screen which the Russians had erected to conceal their advance rifle-pits'
His Victoria Cross is displayed at the Royal Engineers Museum (Chatham, England). William also received the Légion d'honneur and Médaille militaire of France.
Sergeant Samuel Hill V C (1826 in Glenavy, County Antrim – 21 February 1863)
In 1844 he enlisted in the 67th Regiment of Foot and then transferred in 1856 to the 90th. He was about 31 years old, and a sergeant in the 90th Regiment (later The Cameronians - Scottish Rifles), of the British Army during the Indian Mutiny when the following deed took place on 16 and 17 November 1857 at Lucknow, India for which he was awarded the VC:
For gallant conduct on the 16th and 17th of November, 1857,, at the storming of the Secundra Bagh at Lucknow, in saving the life of Captain Irby, warding off with his firelock a tulwar cut made at his head by a sepoy, and in going out under a heavy fire to help two wounded men. Also for general gallant conduct throughout the operations for the relief of the Lucknow garrison. Elected by the non-commissioned officers of the Regiment.
He was killed in action, Meerut, India, on 21 February 1863.
His Victoria Cross medal is in the Tolson Memorial Museum, Huddersfield, Yorkshire.
Kanpur Sangrahalaya
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Kanpur Sangrahalaya / Kanpur Museum is a museum in Kanpur, the industrial hub of Uttar Pradesh in North India.It is the official museum in Kanpur.It was built by the British as King Edward Memorial Hall in honour of Edward VII.It is a storehouse of artifacts and exhibits that tell the story of the events and people who have influenced the making of Kanpur city and tell many interesting details about the historical past of the city.
About the author(s): Sunshineroshan
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Author(s): Sunshineroshan (
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The Asokan Pillar (Northern Ridge) : Landmarks of 1857 (Part 9)
In this episode - the Asokan Pillar.
National War Memorial | Museum in Delhi : Indian War Memorial Museum
National War Memorial | Museum in Delhi : Indian War Memorial Museum
The National War Memorial is a monument constructed by the Government of India in the vicinity of the India Gate, New Delhi, to honour its Armed Forces. A War Museum will be also constructed in the adjoining Princess Park area.
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Residency Lucknow : धूमिल होता संरक्षित स्मारक का इतिहास
Residency Lucknow,Heritage,Awadh,best places to visit in lucknow,wow lucknow,visiting places in lucknow,travels in lucknow,residency towers,residency coimbatore,The Residency Lucknow,British Residency Lucknow,1857 Memorial Museum,Residency,Lucknow,Residency in Lucknow,Lucknow’s 1857 Memorial Museum,Museums in Lucknow,
lucknow residency video
lucknow residency video
The British Residency of Lucknow is a famous historical landmark of this area. It is now in ruins and has been declared a protected monument by the Archaeological Survey of India. The British Residency was the place that served as a refuge for approximately 3000 British inhabitants during the time of the uprising of 1857. Lucknow was center of all British activities during the siege along with the Residency became the monopolistic center of the British for almost 90 days.
The Residency still has within its walls, the graves of around 2000 British soldiers who died in the Revolt of 1857. The people of Lucknow tell intriguing stories of British who fled from their homes find shelter in these red buildings. Only a 1000 inhabitant survived this tough ordeal. On November 17th, the British troops led by Sir Colin Campbell defeated the Indian powers. Though they triumphed, it was victory in the true sense.
Today, the British Residency of Lucknow serves as a government office. The Residency also holds a museum that is well-maintained by assets. One also finds the tombs Sadat Ali Khan, who was the first Nawab of Awadh, Kaisarbagh Palace and an observatory built for Colonel Wilcox, who was a British uranologist.
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british residency lucknow
residency in lucknow
shaheed smarak wall 15-10-17
made by pankaj arora
IMA Tour to the ShaheedSmarak Museum for 1857 Revolution Meerut..3
The Indian Rebellion of 1857 began on 10 May 1857,in Meerut, and soon escalated into other mutinies and civilian rebellions all over India. It is also known as 'India's First War of Independence' 10th May is celebrated as 'Kranti-Diwas.' Indian Medical Association Meerut conducted a tour under the guidance of Dr.Amit Pathak to the museum at Shaheed Smarak and other historical places where the events happened...Dr. Amit Pathak narrated and explained the events to everyone.....
Rani Lakshmibai Statue of Agra, Uttar Pradesh
Agra, the former capital of Hindustan, is a city on the banks of the river Yamuna in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, India. It is 363 kilometres west of the state capital, Lucknow, and 200 kilometres south of the national capital New Delhi. It is one of the most populous cities in Uttar Pradesh and the 19th most populous in India. It is a major tourist destination because of its many splendid Mughal-era buildings, most notably the Tāj Mahal, Agra Fort and Fatehpūr Sikrī, all three of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Agra can also refer to the administrative district that has its headquarters in Agra city. Nearly five centuries ago, Agra was the commercial nerve centre of Mughal empire. Due to the presence of the Taj Mahal and other historic monuments, it has a tourism industry as well royal crafts like Pietra Dura, marble inlay and carpets. Today 40% of the population depends largely on agriculture, and others on the leather and footwear business and iron foundries. Agra is the second most self-employed in India in 2007, behind Varanasi, followed by Bhopal, Indore and Patna.
Tourism contributes to the economy of Agra. Agra is home to Asia's largest spa called Kaya Kalp -- The Royal Spa, at the Hotel Mughal in Agra. Agra has many industries. Uttar Pradesh's first plant biotech company Harihar Biotech is located near the Taj. Agra city is known for leather goods, carpets, handicrafts, Zari Zardozi, Marvel and stone carving and inlay work. Agra is known for its sweets (Petha and Gajak) and snacks (Dalmoth), garment manufacturers and exporters and an automobile industry. The city center place at Agra (Kinari Bazar) has jewellery and garments shops. The silver and gold jewellery hub is at Choube Ji Ka Fatak. The Shah Market area is an electronics market while Sanjay Place is the trade center of Agra.
Source: Wikipedia
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7 Wonders of India: Residency
Residency is located in old Lucknow near Gomti banks close to Begum Hazrat Mahal Park. The red brick ruins are peaceful nowadays, surrounded by lawns and flowerbeds, but thousands died during the months-long siege. The Residency has been maintained as it was at the time of the final relief, and the shattered walls are still scarred by cannon shot. The onsite museum includes the original buildings as scale models. The cemetery near St Mary's Church has 2,000 defenders buried on its grounds. The Residency is actually a group of buildings that were built in 1800 A.D. by the then Nawab of Oudh, Nawab Saadat Ali Khan. It is said that as many as 3,500 people sought shelter during the siege of Lucknow in 1857. The siege continued for more than 140 days.
1800's V C Winners, Nicholson Statue Lisburn Co Down
This monument/statue is found in Lisburn City centre at the side of the Linen Museum. It celebrates/remembers the military gallantry of 3 of Lisburn's fighting sons fro the late 1800s.
Brigadier-General John Nicholson CB (11 December 1821 – 23 September 1857) was a Victorian era military officer known for his role in British India. A charismatic and authoritarian figure, Nicholson created a legend for himself as a political officer under Henry Lawrence in the frontier provinces of the British Empire in India. He was instrumental in the settlement of the North-West Frontier and played a noted part in the Indian Mutiny.
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William James Lendrim VC (1 January 1830 – 28 November 1891)
He was 25 years old, and a corporal in the Royal Sappers and Miners, British Army during the Crimean War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC.
On 14 February 1855 during the Siege of Sevastopol, Crimea, Corporal Lendrim superintended 150 French Chasseurs in building No. 9 Battery left attack and replacing the whole of the capsized gabions under a heavy fire. On 11 April he got on top of a magazine under fire, and extinguished burning sandbags, making good the breach. On 20 April he was one of four volunteers who destroyed the screen which the Russians had erected to conceal their advance rifle-pits.
He later achieved the rank of Sergeant-Major, and worked at the Staff College, Frimley. He married Louisa and had 12 children - all alive in 1881. William died Camberley, Surrey, 28 November 1891 and is buried at the Royal Military Academy Cemetery, plot 182. William also received the Légion d'honneur and Médaille militaire of France. His Victoria Cross is displayed at the Royal Engineers Museum (Chatham, England).
Samuel Hill VC (1826 in Glenavy, County Antrim – 21 February 1863) In 1844 he enlisted in the 67th Regiment of Foot and then transferred in 1856 to the 90th. He was about 31 years old, and a sergeant in the 90th Regiment (later The Cameronians - Scottish Rifles), of the British Army during the Indian Mutiny when the following deed took place on 16 and 17 November 1857 at Lucknow, India for which he was awarded the VC: For gallant conduct on the 16th and 17th of November, 1857,, at the storming of the Secundra Bagh at Lucknow, in saving the life of Captain Irby, warding off with his firelock a tulwar cut made at his head by a sepoy, and in going out under a heavy fire to help two wounded men. Also for general gallant conduct throughout the operations for the relief of the Lucknow garrison. Elected by the non-commissioned officers of the Regiment.
He was killed in action, Meerut, India, on 21 February 1863.
His Victoria Cross medal is in the Tolson Memorial Museum, Huddersfield, Yorkshire.
लाल किला संग्रहालय दिल्ली Red fort museum delhi India.
इस वीडियो में लाल किला दिल्ली की ऐतिहासिकता व उनमें उपस्थित संग्रहालय को दिखाया व बताया गया है।Red fort of India.
Lucknow museum. In zoo लखनऊ संग्रहालय चिडया घर
Awesome zoo house. In lucknow.
Ambedkar Memorial Park Lucknow????????
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Song: Suno Na Sangemarmar
Movie: Youngistaan
Singer:Arijit Singh
Music: Jeet Ganguly
Lyrics: Kausar Munir
Music Label: T-Series
Jhansi Fort I jhansi fort inside I jhansi fort tour I jhansi fort documentary I jhansi ka fort
Jhansi plays a important role in the history of India. Jhansi is a historic city in the state of Uttar Pradesh India. The History of Jhansi attracts tourist from around the world. Ruled by the Chandela Kings. Jhansi was known as Balwant Nagar in ancient time. In 11th. century Jhansi lost its importance. In 17th. century under Raja Bir Singh Deo of Orchha, Jhansi again became popular. In the year In 1842 Raja Gangadhar Rao married Mannikarnika. After this marriage she was named as Lakshmi Bai. who led forces against British in 1857. She sacrificed her life to the cause of Indian Independence in 1858.
Jhansi lies in the region of Bundelkhand on the banks of the Pahuj River, in the extreme south of Uttar Pradesh. Jhansi is situated between the rivers Pahuj and Betwa at an average elevation of 285 metres. It is about 415 kilometres from New Delhi and 99 kilometres south of Gwalior. On 28 August 2015, Jhansi was slected as one of the 98 cities for smart city initiative by Government of India.
Jhans fort was built by Raja Bir Singh Ju Deo (1606-27) of Orchha on a rocky hill called Bangra in the town of Balwantnagar (presently known as Jhansi). The fort has ten gate. Some of these are Khandero Gate, Datia Darwaza, Unnao gate, Jharna Gate, Laxmi Gate, Sagar Gate, Orcha Gate, Sainyar Gate, Chand Gate. Among places of interest within the main fort area are the Karak Bijli Toup (Tank), Rani Jhansi Garden, Shiv temple, Ganesh temple at the entrance, and a “Mazar” of Ghulam Gaus Khan, Moti Bai and Khuda Baksh. The visiting time of the fort is 6AM to 6PM. Subject to change . The best time to vist would be 8AM to 5PM
The Jhansi fort, a living testimony of ancient glamor and valour, also has a fine collection of sculptures which provide an excellent inside into the eventful history of Bundelkhand. The granite walls of the fort are between 16 and 20 feet thick and on the south side meet the city walls. The memorial board reminds one of the hair-raising feat of the Rani Lakshmibai in jumping on horseback from the fort.
Jhansi Fort can be reached by Air, train and by road. By Air. At 103 km from Jhansi, Gwalior is the nearest airport. Delhi is the closest international airport, 321 km from Jhansi. Jhansi is an important railhead on the Delhi-Chennai route. Most major cities in the country like Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Agra, Bhopal, Gwalior, etc. are connected to Jhansi by rail. Jhansi is well connected by road to many major cities in the country. Cities like Agra, Khajurao, Delhi, Kanpur, Lucknow, etc. are easily accessible from Jhansi by road.
One of the beautiful tourist places in Uttar Pradesh is Jhansi. One of the beautiful towns, Jhansi is famous all over the world for its valiant struggle against the British troops. The name of Jhansi is synonymous with Rani Lakshmi Bai who fought single handedly with the British troops during the freedom struggle.
The best time to visit the place is from November to March when the weather remains pleasant and calm. A number of tourists also visit the place during February, when the Jhansi Festival is organized.
The Jhansi lies on 246m above sea level The climate is warm in Jhansi. In winter, there is much more rainfall in Jhansi than in summer. ... The average temperature in Jhansi is 26.1 °C. About 955 mm of precipitation falls annually. The warmest month of the year is May, with an average temperature of 35.5 °C. In January, the average temperature is 16.6 °C. It is the lowest average temperature of the whole year.
While on tour to Jhansi there are many famous places to visit in and near Jhansi. Some of the famous places are Rani Mahal 2 km from city center, Jhansi museum 1 km from city center, Panchatantra Park 1 km from city center, Cenotaph of Raja Gangadhar Rao It is at a distance of 2 km from the Jhansi Fort, The small town of Orchha situated 16 km from Jhansi in Madhya Pradesh emanates an architecturally historicized complex Orchha Fort Complex, St. Jude’s Shrine, located in Jhansi, Barua Sagar in the Jhansi district of Uttar Pradesh is a modest town belonging to the Bundelkhand region, One of the historic temples is the 700-year-old Karguvanji Jain temple. Resting amidst the vicinity of Jhansi city, Mahalakshmi Temple is situated on the banks of Lakshmi Tal, a famous lake of the city of Jhansi.
Rai Praveen Mahal upholds the historical legends of the former princely state of Orchha. It is located in a town called Tikamgarh. Please click on the below link to subscribe to our Channel on known as well as unknown places in India
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