三義電視 ccx358272首屆山線搖滾音樂會第二集(Rock Music meeting At Longteng Broken Bridge No 2)
Rock Music meeting At Longteng Broken Bridge No 2
This filming record produce by ccx358272 for public welfare. It means the forest theater at Longteng Broken Bridge that continue Ho-hai-yan Rock Festival at North Taiwan & Spring Scream at South Taiwan for young people Rock Festival. It has unique music meeting, because it is in mountain valley at Middle Taiwan that is different than Ocean. So it have an echo by mountain valley and very enjoy.
Because the voice is important at this film that is Rock Festival, and image may be out consideration. So I did not modify any image. Please forgive me that image shake a little.
4 times is very long time, limit by internet's bandwith & capacity, divide to 10 parts. One parts have 24 minutes. People can separate to play whom are liking parts.
首屆山線搖滾音樂會(Rock Music meeting At Longteng Broken Bridge No2)