Bătrânul Carpaților - MERCHEASA - The Carpathian Elder (Brasov County, Transylvania, Romania)
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Stejarul de Mercheașa, numit și Bătrânul Carpaților, este un gorun (varietate de stejar), monument al naturii, care se găsește într-o rezervație naturală de goruni seculari situată la est de satul Mercheașa (comuna Homorod, județul Brașov, Transilvania). Pajiștea cu goruni seculari este un un loc mirific, mistic, care cu greu poate fi descris în cuvinte. Bătrânul Carpaților are 21,3 m înălțime, iar pe baza circumferinței trunchiului, de 9,3m, i-a fost estimată o vechime de peste 900 ani. În anul 2009 a câștigat titlul de ”Cel mai bătrân arbore din România”. În ultimii ani, Asociația Carpaterra care este custodele rezervației, a întreprins mai multe măsuri pentru promovarea turistică a acestor locuri.
The Mercheasa Oak, also called the Carpathian Elder, is a cornish oak, a natural monument located in the natural reserve of secular oaks, at east of the village of Mercheasa (Homorod Commune, Brasov County, Transylvania). The pastureland with secular oaks is a mysterious, mystical place that can hardly be described in words. The Carpathia Elder are 21.3 m tall, and on base of the circumference of the trunk, 9.3 m, it was estimated to be over 900 years old. In 2009 he won the title The oldest tree in Romania. In recent years, the Carpaterra Association, which is the custodian of the reserve, has taken several measures to promote tourism in these places.
Batranul Carpatilor/Stejarul din Mercheasa-The Oldest/Biggest Tree-900YearOld Video HD (PianoMusic)
The oldest tree in Romania!!!!
''In village Mercheasa, commune Homorod, Brasov county, there is a secular oak tree which has been a candidate in the contest The Romanian Tree of the Year. It was identified as a result of a contest initiated by Prince Charles and the Foundation Mihai Eminescu, called The Oldest Tree in the Village Meadow. The tree is part of a natural reserve of secular oak trees that were declared natural monuments and stirred the interest of both researchers and tourists. The 900-year old oak, situated in a protected area, is considered to be the Veteran of the Carpathians and can be visited by those who want to know its history.
9.3 meters in diameter
The Veteran of the Carpathians was found in the natural reserve of secular oak trees from Mercheasa, which, after 900 years of cohabitation with the people who lived in these places, became a messenger of the region. It measures 9.3 meters in diameter and it is part of the species Quercus sesilliflora – durmast (the Cornish oak) and it is 21.3 meters height. This oak is, of course, filled with history and has many stories to tell about the Teutonic Knights, the Transylvanian Saxons who stopped here, the Romanians who built settlements in this region, the Hungarians who still live in the village and the fortified buildings left as testimony, said Mr. Marcel Pelei, Mayor of Homorod.''
Video by Elis Serenity
Music by Dustin O'Halloran
If any producer has problems with the content of the uploads (music), please contact me and I will remove it immediately!!! Thank you for being understanding.
Stejarul de la Mercheasa,jud.Brasov
Stejarul din Mercheasa
Proiect: Declararea ca monument al naturii al Stejarului de la Mercheaşa supranumit Bătrânul Carpaţilor împreună cu Institutul de Cercetări şi Amenajări Silvice Braşov
Produs de Speakaspell Laboratory si Asociatia Carpaterra (fosta Asociatia Geopark Persani)
Camera: Diana Iacomir Veve
Montaj: Razvan Rizea
Asociatia Carpaterra: facebook.com/Carpaterra
Speakaspell Laboratory: facebook.com/Speakaspell
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STREITFORT-KIRCHENBURG, Mercheasa, Mirkvásár, Kreis Kronstadt(Brasov) in Siebenbürgen
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Denken wir mal positiv......
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Dietmar Melzer aus Schwäbisch Gmünd
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Gorun Trail Mercheașa 2016
Povestea Gorun Trail Mercheașa 2016 începe.
Powered by Asociația Carpaterra
IIA la Stejarul din Mercheasa
Mercheașa - stejarul de 930 de ani
Unul dintre cei mai bătrâni stejari din lume se afla în România la Mercheașa