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Why Chernobyl has suddenly become a hotspot for global tourists
The site of the world’s worst radiological catastrophe is unexpectedly coming back to life -- due to an American television show. Scores of tourists are visiting Chernobyl, located in northern Ukraine, in response to an HBO miniseries that illuminates the disaster, which occurred before Ukraine’s independence from the Soviet Union, in new detail. Special correspondent Simon Ostrovsky reports.
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Film by Kamola Ikramova about ceramist Akbar Rakhimov
Film by Kamola Ikramova about ceramist Akbar Rakhimov
1949 Was born in Tashkent in the family of ceramists.
1974-1979 Tashkent Theatrical-Art institute named after Ostrovskiy.
1991 Solo exhibition, Museum of Applied Art of Uzbekistan. Tashkent.
1992 Exhibition, Academy of Diplomacy. Moscow.
1992 Solo exhibition in Bone, Germany.
1993 Solo exhibition, The State Museum of Art of Uzbekistan. Tashkent.
1994 The Days of Uzbek Culture in Turkey, Istanbul.
1994 Solo exhibition, The State Museum of Applied Art of Uzbekistan. Tashkent.
1994 Opening of House museum of Peoples Artist of Uzbekistan, hereditary master ceramists
Mukhitdin Rakhimov.
1995 Exhibition «The Day of Independence». Tashkent.
1996 «The Bird of Happiness of Afrosiab» House museum of Mukhitdin Rakhimov.
1997 Exhibition «Culture and Art of Temurides» headquarters of UNESCO Paris. 1997 Creative trip to Japan, The Japan Foundation.
1998 Exhibition «The Blue ceramics of Samarqand» Tashkent.
1998 Exhibition «The Great Silk Road» House museum of Mukhitdin Rakhimov.
1999 Exhibition «Dynasty of Rakhimov» Central Exhibition Hall. Tashkent.
2000 Exhibition «The Day of Independence». Tashkent.
2000 Exhibition «The Blue ceramics of Samarqand» Samarqand.
2001 Exhibition «Navruz- Spring» House museum of Mukhitdin Rakhimov.
2003 Exhibition «Heritage» House museum of Mukhitdin Rakhimov.
2004 Project «Architectural ceramics of Temurides period» Metropolitan Museum. USA.
2005 Exhibition «The Beauty of Ornament» House Museum of M.Rakhimov.
2006 Exhibition «Dynasty of Rakhimov» Japan.
2006 Exhibition of Ceramists of Uzbekistan. Studio of Rakhimovs. Tashkent. 2006 Exhibition Revival of Shakhriabz ceramics. Studio of Rakhimovs. Tashkent.
2007 Exhibition Revival of Kattakurgan ceramics. Studio of Rakhimovs. Tashkent.
2008 Exhibition «Magic of oriental design and ornaments» synthesis of ceramic and
embroidery art. Studio of Rakhimovs. Tashkent.
Seminar, Conference and projects, organized by Akbar Rakhimov
1998 «The Blue ceramics of Samarqand», Seminar of Ceramists of Uzbekistan. Tashkent.
2000 «The Blue ceramics of Samarqand» Project of UNESCO, Revival of Architectural
ceramic technology of Temurides period XV-XVI cc. International conference.
2004 Author of the 5 documentary films «Ceramists of Uzbekistan» project of UNESCO.
2006 International Scientific- Practical seminar «Ceramics of Uzbekistan:
Traditional technology and materials», project of UNESCO, 26 June- 1 July.
2006 International Scientific- Practical seminar «Ceramics of Uzbekistan: Shape,
Ornament, Semantics» project of UNESCO 7 -- 11 August, Tashkent.
Museum collections
The State Museum of Art of people of East. Moscow.
The State Museum of Ethnography, Petersburg.
The State Museum of Anthropology, Petersburg.
Museum of Art and Nature . Celle. Germany.
The State Museum of Art of Uzbekistan, Tashkent.
Museum of History of Uzbekistan. Tashkent.
Museum of Applied Art of Uzbekistan. Tashkent.
Museum of Literature named after A. Navoi. Tashkent.
Samarqand museum preserve, Samarqand.
Awards and Diplomas
1991 Distinguished Artist of Uzbekistan.
1995 Certificate of UNESCO.
1997 Full Member of Academy of Art of Uzbekistan.
1999 Golden Medal of Academy of Art of Uzbekistan.
2000 Order «Labor Glory».