Italy's Monti seeks key labour reforms
Targeting Italy's red tape wrapped and inefficient labour market, technocrat Prime Minister Mario Monti met top trade union leaders on Tuesday.
As part of his attempts to revive Italy's chronically uncompetitive economy Monti's is hoping to reach a reform deal with the unions, but even if they do not agree he has pledged to push through changes swiftly.
Out would go Article 18 of Italy's labour law, which makes it very difficult to fire workers in companies with more than 15 employees for all but the grossest of misconduct.
It is part of legal protection for employees that dates back to the 1970s era of trade union power.
A priority is jobs for the young as nearly a third of under-24-year-olds unemployed.
For the first time all Italians would be covered by an unemployment benefits plan.
Angelino Alfano, who now leads former PM Silvio Berlusconi's party, said: It's a unique opportunity to reform Italy's labour market. We need this as the labour market is central to the country's competitiveness.
Officially only about 57 percent of Italians have a job. That is partly because fewer woman work but the figures also hide a huge underground -- and therefore untaxed -- economy.
As well as one of the lowest employment rates in the euro zone Italy also has some of the slowest growth in Europe.
Failure to get union backing for reforms will likely lead to strikes and dissent within the grand coalition of parties supporting Monti in parliament.
The three main confederations, which represent a substantial part of Italy's 12 million-strong union membership, are divided. The CGIL, the largest group, is taking a harder line than the more moderate CSIL and UIL.
A deal on labour reforms will determine whether Monti can push through the kind of far-reaching changes to the economy needed to restore growth and reduce Italy's crippling burden of public debt.
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un giro di LA - Animazione matrimonio con Lillo Strillo
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CHI SONO: Artisticamente parlando, sono un'insalata mista dell'intrattenimento, in grado di offrire:
♪ Musica live con formula solista/duo/trio/band
♪ Intrattenimento con interpretazioni allegre
♪ Dj Set e animazione per balli di gruppo
Sono un artista poliedrico e personalizzabile in base ai vostri gusti, alle vostre esigenze, in base al vostro budget.
Qui di seguito trovate le mie caratteristiche artistiche:
●CANTANTE per Matrimoni - Interpreto i brani con la giusta verve e spesso rivisito le canzoni dal vivo, modificandone l'arrangiamento. Compatibilmente con le caratteristiche della mia voce, canto di tutto tranne il genere Neomelodico Partenopeo
●PIANISTA di Pianobar - Suono il pianoforte ma siccome sarebbe impossibile portarlo da casa, porto con me la mia tastiera con cui posso far ballare (grazie ai ritmi dance, slow, samba, rock e ai vari suoni di piano, fisarmonica, sax, organo jazz...)
●DJ per festa - Durante i matrimoni, quando arriva il momento della discoteca preferisco mixare i brani disco più radiofonici e orecchiabili (evitando house, minimal, ecc) in modo da tener contenti un pò tutti, anche gli invitati di mezza età che normalmente non ballano la disco!
●INTRATTENITORE ANIMATORE- Per mantenere vivo un evento come il matrimonio (che può durare anche 9-10 ore), serve un intrattenitore musicale come me. Il mio speakeraggio è disinvolto, allegro eppur garbato e dosato, grazie a un equilibrio che si impara con l'esperienza e l'autocritica. Parlo fluidamente 4 lingue straniere e potrò intrattenere con:
- Brani di cabaret musicale (con balletti e mosse mimiche) ad hoc sul matrimonio o su qualche situazione avvenuta realmente in sala;
- Gag e monologhi riflessivi su fatti di vita vissuta, che facciano sorridere e riflettere, senza ricadere mai nel volgare;
- Interviste botta e risposta con qualche invitato simpatico e disponibile, sul tema aneddoti su sposa o sposo;
- Quiz e giochi a premi che si rifanno ai famosi giochi televisivi (tipo il Cruciverbone di Non è la Rai o i fagioli nel vaso di Raffaella Carrà)
- Karaoke-show, a fine festa, creando simpatici siparietti tipo Corrida dove il vincitore del Karaoke vincerà anche un premio.
●CHITARRISTA D'ACCOMPAGNAMENTO - In determinati momenti, in base al tipo di brano, posso accompagnare con gli accordi della chitarra acustica o classica. Questo strumento mi permette anche di prolungare la festa anche quando la sala ci dice STOP: verranno spenti gli impianti e potremo continuare la festa con la chitarra, sotto le stelle, cantando in compagnia degli amici più stretti.
●GUIDA per BALLI DI GRUPPO - A differenza della classica ballerina da balli di gruppo, il mio modo di guidare i balli è sicuramente più comico e accomodante anche per chi non sa ballare. Del resto i balli di gruppo dovrebbero essere momenti di intrattenimento, divertimento e coinvolgimento e NON CERTO esibizioni di ballo! Ho quindi eliminato dalla mia playlist tutti quei balli troppo complicati e soprattutto quei balli un pò trash tipo il ballo del cavallo.
●AUTORE/COMPOSITORE - Scrivo canzoni dall'età di 17 anni, sono iscritto alla SIAE e ho composto brani per la pubblicità, sigle TV, jingle, inni aziendali e brani per gli sposi!
Ho un repertorio immenso ed in continuo aggiornamento: dalla musica d'ascolto che prevede cantautori italiani, evergreen internazionali, standard jazz, chillout, bossanova, lounge, a quella da coinvolgimento totale che comprende:
- Dance '70/'80/'90/'00
- Hit dance del momento
- Latino americani
- Danze caraibiche
- Revival
- Balli di gruppo
- Happy music
- Divertentismo
- Balli di sala
Musica, intrattenimento e Animazione per Matrimoni, feste private e per feste di compleanno in Puglia, Abruzzo, Campania, Calabria, Molise, Marche, Lazio nelle zone di San Salvo, Vasto, Chieti, Pescara, Lanciano, Teramo, L'Aquila, Termoli, Campobasso, Isernia, Montenero di Bisaccia, Giulianova, Sulmona, Avezzano, San Benedetto del Tronto, Ascoli Piceno, Foggia, San Severo, Torremaggiore, San Nicandro Garganico, Bari, Sulmona, Vieste, Cosenza, Brindisi, Lecce, Taranto.
Labour ministers from world's 14 major economies meet
(29 Mar 2009) SHOTLIST
1. Wide exterior of Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry building
2. South African delegation entering the ministry followed by Italian Minister of Labour Maurizio Sacconi
3. Wide of news conference
4. Sacconi talking with John Evans, Secretary General of Trade Union Advisory Committee
5. Close up of G8 Social Summit logo
6. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Maurizio Sacconi, Italian Labour Minister:
This crisis we are experiencing is first and foremost a crisis about the level of trust in the future by a great part of the world's communities. We want to rebuild a circle of trust, starting again from social protection.
7. Journalists
8. SOUNDBITE (English) John Evans, Secretary General of Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC):
The appalling situation which is happening now in the jobs market has to be put at the centre of all policies and all governments' attentions in dealing with the crisis. We're often told that in order to settle the employment issue, we have to try and fix the problems with the banks. I think our message will be that in order to be able to fix the crisis in the banks we have to fix the employment crisis.
9. Wide of news conference
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Tadahiro Asami, Secretary General of Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD (BIAC):
The current financial and economic crisis is unprecedented, in terms of its depths and its widths. Its impact on jobs is significant and has become in itself a crisis that we must address. We are facing real problems that must be addressed in near time.
11. Wide shot of news conference
12. Various of roundtable meeting
13. Indian delegate
14. Egyptian and Japanese delegates
15. Italian trade unions representatives
16. Various of meeting
Group of Eight labour ministers on Sunday discussed ways to strengthen welfare systems and help the rising numbers of jobless amid the global economic crisis, during the first of a three-day summit in Rome.
Sunday's summit opened with talks between the ministers, unions, business groups and international organisations.
Ahead of the summit, Italian Labour Minister Maurizio Sacconi said Italy, which holds the rotating presidency of the group of industrialised countries, will ask fellow members to agree to a global welfare pact to pursue social stability alongside economic stability.
On Sunday, the delegates called on leaders due to attend the April 2 Group of 20 summit in London not to ignore the human implications of the global financial crisis and the social sustainability of the decisions taken by governments to cope with it.
Speaking at a news conference, Sacconi said governments need to rebuild a circle of trust with the world's communities.
Rome hopes participants will pledge to protect the income of the unemployed, invest in workforce training and ensure that welfare systems remain sustainable while addressing basic needs like pensions and health services.
John Evans, the Secretary General of Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC), said that in order to be able to fix the crisis in the banks we have to fix the employment crisis.
Unemployment figures have been rising amid the global downturn, along with unrest and protests over layoffs.
In a report released during the conference, OECD, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, warned that many who have found themselves unemployed fail some G8 and OECD nations' criteria to claim benefits because they stem from ranks of atypical jobs.
OECD called for accessible social assistance to become a priority.
The summit's plenary sessions on Monday and Tuesday will include six emerging or developing countries that are not G-8 members to broaden the discussions.
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