От Ялты до Белгорода ехали на машине.Каких-то полторы тысячи км.???? До Свидания, Крым. ???? До свидания, Ялта???? Я еще вернусь????
Крым. Путь на Родину. Документальный фильм Андрея Кондрашова
Подпишитесь на канал Россия24: Полнометражная документальная лента была задумана, чтобы сохранить для истории каждый значимый эпизод событий, происходивших в Крыму весной 2014 года. Съемки продолжались 8 месяцев и охватили Севастополь и Форос, Симферополь и Керчь, Ялту и Бахчисарай; Феодосию, Джанкой, Алушту и еще десяток населенных пунктов Крыма. По горячим следам был записан большой разговор с Владимиром Путиным, а потом еще больше полусотни интервью с участниками и свидетелями Крымской весны. С чего все началось? Как Россия получила официальное обращение от легитимного президента Украины с просьбой спасти ему жизнь? #крымнаш #крым #крым наш #крымский референдум
Будьте в курсе самых актуальных новостей! Подписка на офиц. канал Россия24:
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Крым. Путь на Родину. Документальный фильм Андрея Кондрашова
Crimea Has Been Cut Off From Electricity.
Ukrainian Crimea has been occupied by Russia already for 1.5 years.
According to Article 55 of Geneva Convention all responsibility for the wellbeing of the population on the occupied territories lies on the occupying power: “To the fullest extent of the means available to it, the Occupying Power has the duty of ensuring the food and medical supplies of the population; it should, in particular, bring in the necessary foodstuffs, medical stores and other articles if the resources of the occupied territory are inadequate.”
However, somehow it was Ukraine that has been providing necessary supplies to the peninsula: 80% of food, water and electricity was delivered to Crimea from the continental Ukraine, and Russia considered it normal.
It’s like somebody has stolen your car and expects you to continue fueling it.
Such “business as usual” situation could have continued much longer if not for the idiotic bullying behavior of Russian government in Crimea, which: 1) closed Ukrainian and Crimean Tatars’ newspapers and TV channels; 2) banned leaders of Crimean Tatars from entering to Crimea; 3) started political persecution of holders of Ukrainian passports; 4) imprisoned Ukrainian and Tatar activists for falsified reasons.
On September 20, 2015, fed-up Crimean Tatar activists started transport blockade of Crimea to help Russian occupants to fulfill their duties according to Geneva Convention.
On November 22, 2015, high-voltage electricity lines connecting Crimea with continental Ukraine were blown by unknowns.
Lock On Modern Air Combat: F-15 Campaign [Mission 2]
Mission Objective: The southern group of Russian forces is leaving the town of Alushta along the southern coast of the Crimea. Escort a group of strike aircraft that have been assigned to seek out and destroy this Russian armored force before it can reach Yalta. Protect these strikers from Russian air threats.
Ironically, I forgot to stick around after recording this video to finish the mission, which was the destruction of the armored convoy via the bot A-10's. Be careful when fighting the Mig-29's, as engaging them too early will result in you wandering into the no-fly zone of the S-300/SA-10 Grumble missile system. And they never miss.
OOUPS I DID IT AGAIN! The drone was in SPORT MODE and I was not paying enough attention and I didn`t observe the electric wires. I was lucky this time...:)
Алушта ралли 2011 СУ 12 Хомяк
Алушта ралли 2011 СУ 12 Хомяк
Trafic fail ! Almoust accident. RED light ! Baia Mare
Opel gone on red light. Thet line was just for straight ahead and green light was just for left.