Vikingemuseet i Aarhus
Vikingemuseet i Aarhus er et helt særligt museum, hvor en tur ned af trappen til udstillingslokalet i bogstaveligste forstand er en rejse tilbage til vikingernes by. Her kan du se de fund, som er gjort på netop det sted for ca. 1000 år siden, der hvor Nordea ligger i dag på Store Torv. Det er gratis at besøge Vikingemusset, som kan besøges i bankens åbningstid. Her en lille musikalsk flyvetur gennem museet.
TOP 100 AARHUS (DENMARK) Tourist Attractions (Things to Do)
100 things to do in Aarhus (Denmark)
Top 100 tourist attractions in Aarhus, Denmark, by Explore Earth. Aarhus is 2nd largest city in Denmark. Aarhus located on the east coast of the Jutland peninsula, about 187 km northwest of Copenhagen. WIth this list of 100 best places to visit in Aarhus, we hope you can explore many beautiful places in Aarhus - Denmark.
Things to do in Aarhus - Denmark, most important are to visit Den Gamle By, Moesgaard Museum, Aros Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Marselisborg Deer Park, Botanical Garden and Greenhouses, Musikhuset Aarhus, Dokk1, Latin Quarter, Molestien, Tivoli Friheden and Marselisborg Slot (Palace). You can also visit other must see or visit places in Aarhus such as Ega Engso, Women's Museum in Denmark, Salling Rooftop, Moesgaard Strand, Classic Race Aarhus event, Aarslev Engso, Marselisborg Mindepark, Salling Department Store, Old Town Aarhus, Den Uendelige Bro, Steno Museum, Aarhus Radhuset (Town Hall), Ost for Paradis, Modelpark Denmark, Aarhus Vikingemuseet, Iceberg Housing and Aarhus Lystbaadehavn.
There also so many where to go or what to do list in Aarhus. Watching this video to know complete list of things to do or tourist attractions in Aarhus. We also made some video about tourist attractions in cities of Denmark such as Billund, Odense, Skagen and Copenhagen. Check out our other video on this channel Explore Earth.
Talende runesten på Vikingemuseet i Århus
Gåtur i Væksthusene, Botanisk have Aarhus
Gåtur i Væksthusene, Botanisk have Aarhus. Optaget med drone camera af Jack Fridthjof
Viking Museum Aarhus
Viking museum at the basement of Nordea bank in downtown Aarhus, a miniature of Moesgaard Museum, tells story of Aarhus at its starting point in VIking age.
Aarhus Stories
Aarhus Stories er en storslået udendørs biograf- og koncertoplevelse i stor skala, som man kan opleve, fra den 15 til 18 marts. Aarhus Stories er inspireret af Den Gamle Bys nye permanente udstilling, Aarhus Fortæller, der åbner 12. april 2017.
Nevesta's Voice - Natkirke i Vor Frue (Aarhus)
Georgian lullaby performed in Vor Frue Kirke, Denmark.
Århus Viking Museum
In the middle of Århus there is a museum only small part of people in Århus know about. The basement of the Nordea Bank office has a small secret of holding an important part of Danish history.
Turen Til Naturhistorisk Museum (Aarhus)
I weekenden var vi på en tur til Naturhistorisk Museum og vi havde en god dag :)
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Musik: Jingle Plunks
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Datoen for Turen/Begivenheden
18 november 2018
Tak fordi du læste beskrivelsen
#Naturhistoriskmuseum #Aarhus
Latinerkvarteret, Aarhus Top #6 Facts
Episode 19: Marselisborg Slot - Aarhus, Denmark
Catching you up on the rest of the previous day going to Marselisborg Dyrehave, moesgaard beach and museum and jelshøj. Today exploring the park and Marselisborg palace and filling you in on some more things about Denmark.
Hikuins blodhævn
Besøg tolv steder i Århus hvor Moesgård Museum gennem udgravninger har fundet spor af vikingetiden og oplev på de steder et vikingedrama gennem din mobiltelefon.
Stykket er skrevet af Maria og Svend Åge Madsen, og man kommer igang med det ved bl.a. at besøge Vikingemuseet i kælderen under Nordea på Skt. Clemens Torv 6. TV3 Østjylland var med ved pressemødet i Festugen hvor Turistdirektør Chris Jensen præsenterede projektet sammen med forfatter Svend Åge Madsen og Martin Brandt Djupdræt fra Moesgård Museum.
Vizitati Aarhus. are doua curse pe saptamina din/spre Aarhus are doua curse pe saptamina din/spre Aarhus
Arhus este cel de-al doilea oras ca marime din Danemarca, principalul port al tarii si capitala culturala a peninsulei Jutlanda.
Chiar daca nu inspira aceeasi maretie ca Londra si nici eleganta Parisului, Arhus are multi admiratori care nu l-ar inlocui cu nici un alt oras din lume. Frumusetea cadrului natural caracterizat in principal prin forme de relief domoale, paduri compacte si intinderi nesfarsite de apa este completata de cea a spatiului urban. Caile de comunicatie rutiera si feroviara converg catre acest centru de greutate al regiunii iar turistii se intorc de fiecare data la casele lor mai bogati sufleteste decat au sosit. Arhus a fost supranumit orasul zambetelor datorita ospitalitatii locuitorilor sai.
Ca orice oras vechi care a tinut piept vitregiilor pana in zilele noastre, orasul Arhus beneficiaza de un centru vechi ce contine circa 75 de cladiri construite incepand chiar cu perioada Renasterii. Acest muzeu in aer liber, cu edificii si strazi care emana spiritul unei epoci de mult apuse constituie una dintre cele mai mari atractii ale orasului. Cele mai vechi marturii arheologice atesta prezenta omului pe aceste meleaguri inca de acum 1300 ani in urma. Din perioada vikingilor au ramas cateva locuinte ingropate jumatate in pamanat, care erau utilizate se pare si pe post de ateliere, foarte asemanatoare cu bordeiele romanesti. Daca va intereseaza in mod deosebit urmele acestei vechi civilizatii va trebui sa va indretati pasii catre Muzeul Vikingemuseet ce reuneste in acest sens o colectie inedita.
”Ladbyskibet” navngives og søsættes
Den 14. maj var 3515 mennesker tilskuere til en historisk begivenhed. En kopi af det ca. 1000 år gamle vikingeskib blev sat i vandet og prøvesejlet af mange af de frivillige, der gennem mere end 5 år har arbejdet på at genskabe skibet, som blev fundet i 1935.
Vandet kommer løbende
Ved Vikingemuseet.
Det unge Danmark - Ladbyskibet
En tur til Ladbyskibet - Den eneste kendte skibsgrav i Danmark.
Buster tager Jacob og Frederik med 1100 år tilbage - tiden umiddelbart før Gorm den Gamle og Harald Blåtand.
Underlægningsmusik: Marianne Gade
DUMP! Multispecies Making and Unmaking at Kunsthal Aarhus
COLLECTIVE MAKING series at Kunsthal Aarhus presents a new exhibition curated by Elaine Gan, Steven Lam and Sarah Lookofsky.
AURA; Amy Balkin, et al.; Lothar Baumgarten; Mabe Bethônico; Bob Braine, Mark Dion & Alexis Rockman; Patty Chang; Delft University of Technology; Peter Fend; Fernando García-Dory; Jacqueline Goss; Tue Greenfort; Henning Knudsen & Anna Tsing; Dana Sherwood; Åsa Sonjasdotter; SPURSE; Kidlat Tahimik; Cecilia Vicuña; Paweł Wojtasik; The Yes Men
DUMP! gathers together artists, scientists and organisms to explore multispecies collaboration that reshapes the ruins of modernity and resists industrialized progress. Contesting the celebratory logics of invention and making that dominate contemporary discourse, DUMP! creates an arena for waste, obsolescence, and decomposition, where practices of nurturing and collective cultivation may begin, turning composts to compositions.
DUMP! upends the division between nature and culture, while refusing separations between art and science; the art institution and the natural history museum; and wonder and comprehension. By presenting creations of humans and nonhumans alike, DUMP! calls out for new ways of seeing, describing, making, and living in unruly entanglement within contaminated worlds.
Inspired by Lucy Lippard, a self-described “compiler” of exhibitions, and taking its cue from garbage heaps – and the multispecies life that ferments and flourishes in them – the exhibition will continue to grow throughout its duration.
The exhibition is sited in and between two locations: Kunsthal Aarhus and Søby Brunkulslejerne - a post-mining landscape of contamination, garbage, and unruly multispecies transformation. Both places will host projects, proposals, artifacts, and concepts compiled along two strands of overlapping inquiry that constitute the DNA and organizing principles of the show:
There is a utopian and almost naive celebration of the creative maker in this era of crisis and extinction - a heroic figure invoked as alibi for economic recovery and sustainability by policymakers and governments. DUMP! proposes that the seduction of making, which also often goes unexamined in the field of art, dangerously reinforces a techno-positivist neoliberal logic of accumulation, which has accelerated the ruinous buildup that is threatening the very possibilities of collective life.
The ecological crisis facing the planet evokes an apocalypse that can be rationalized and mapped. DUMP! proposes that its key challenge is messy: nature and culture, humans and nonhumans can no longer be taken apart. Plants, fungi, animals, microbes challenge us to reconsider the unruly, rogue, invasive, and unspectacular compilers that hold things together, in effect playing across difference. DUMP! challenges the story of human domestication and mastery with murky, multispecies heaps.
Art-science collaborations established with the support of the interdisciplinary group Aarhus University Research on the Anthropocene (AURA) will result in numerous newly commissioned projects and public events held on 5 - 6 September. Featuring participation and works by Åsa Sonjasdotter, SPURSE, Anna Tsing, Cecilia Vicuña, Paweł Wojtasik, among others, they will take place at DUMP’s two sites: Kunsthal Aarhus and Søby Brunkulslejerne.
COLLECTIVE MAKING series 2015 – 2016 is developed by Joasia Krysa, Artistic Director at Kunsthal Aarhus, and supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, Aarhus Kommune, the Obel Family Foundation and Goethe-Institut Dänemark. Additional support for DUMP! is provided by Aarhus University Research on the Anthropocene (AURA).
The exhibiton is selected from an international Open Call in connection with our exhibitions programme COLLECTIVE MAKING.
The selection panel maked the following statements:
DUMP: Making and Unmaking of Anthropocene [previous title] is an excellent addition to the current Kunthal Aarhus Collective Making programme. We believe that when approaching ideas around collectivity in contemporary times, it is particularly urgent to consider the role of non-human agents and to collapse the hierarchies between nature and culture. We look forward to seeing how the participating artists and contributors propose a new aesthetic language for post-anthropocentrism and multi species collaboration. The project also presents an exciting curatorial and research collaboration between Aarhus University and Purchase College State University of New York (SUNY) that will inform the related public programme.'
Exhibition period: 27 June - 20 September 2015
Forskningsår på AUH
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Ladby 30 januar
Historiske spørgsmål om Ladby museet