Patrimoine : l'Abbaye de Maubuisson (Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône)
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Découverte de l'Abbaye Notre-Dame-la-Royale dite « de Maubuisson » fondée par Blanche de Castille en 1241.
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PASSAGE BB17000/RIO A St-Ouen L'Aumône (Parc Abbaye de Maubuisson)
PASSAGE BB17000/RIO A St-Ouen L'Aumône (Parc Abbaye de Maubuisson) LE MERCREDI 7 decembre 2016 A 14H49. BB17073, rame RIO 626 (Sûrement peut-être, de la RIO79. A vérifier.). Ce super endroit, se situe à St-Ouen L'Aumône, dans le Parc de l'Abbaye de Maubuisson . A l'intérieure, du triangle ferroviaire de St-Ouen l'aumône. Ce super film, à été fait à l'aide d'un caméscope JVC GZE15BE. Voici les cordonnées exacts, pour ceux qui se servent bien de google maps. 49°02'56.4N 2°07'01.7E
Ces coordonnées, sont exactement celle de l'endroit en question.
Abbaye de Maubuisson (Greater Paris, France)
copyright 2012 Lisa B. Falour, B.S., M.B.A. all rights reserved LISA, INC. (EURL)
When in Paris, do yourself a favor and get just outside the city limits. Greater Paris is known as Ile-de-France and is a gem. I know of at least one travel book in English which details all the wonderful places you can get to via public transportation from central Paris and be onsite in less than 60 minutes. I am a private guide.
This Cistercian abbey is one of many around Paris. Founded in 1236 by Queen Blanche of Castille, this lovely place has wetlands and a lot of water (water being key to Cistercians). Saint-Ouen l'Aumone is very near Paris and you can get here by train or automobile. There is a grange, a huge barn, and the central abbey building. There are parklands all around. Art installations help fund the upkeep of the place. I think in almost any weather, with appropriate clothing, this would be a lovely place to spend hours. You'd have to bring a picnic, art materials, or just your senses to relax here and soak this up. There are free toilet facilities by the main building.
I made many clips of this place, inside and out, and they will be posted here and on CUTECATFAITH, and also on Dailymotion under LisaFalour. There is an ongoing wetlands project around this site, growing natural weeds and things which are appropriate to this area and good for the planet. France tends to be a slow, rather low-tech country, still, and this is a haven of peace. In the main building, I picked up vibes of human lives long past. Meals taken, bad teeth pulled, washing done, literacy, and also, aid for the poor. Not control or violence. Say what you will about nobility or religion, but the Medieval period is fascinating. Also, a 6th century order of Saint-Benôit was based here, so this is very old Christianity indeed. I give some details on this on another clip.
L'Abbaye de Maubuisson ouvre ses portes aux jeunes entreprises culturelles
Encore en travaux pour l'instant, le premier étage de l'Abbaye de Maubuisson s'ouvrira aux jeunes entreprises culturelles d'ici quelques mois. Des ateliers d'artistes et un espace d'expérimentation vont également voir le jour pour les artistes en résidence. Objectif de ce projet porté par le département : renforcer la vocation artistique du lieu.
Visa pour l'Afrique passe par l'abbaye de Maubuisson
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Exposition jusquau 30 août à Maubuisson. L'abbaye accueille les oeuvres de l'artiste camerounais Billy Bidjocka dans le cadre de Visa pour l'Afrique. (DROITS RESERVES . Pour toute exploitation sur TV, web, mobile, aller sur )
Expo d'art contemporain à Maubuisson (Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône)
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Présentation de exposition d'art contemporain qui se tient à l'Abbaye de Maubuisson à Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône.
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Présentation du canton de Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône
Ce canton bénéficie d'une importante attractivité, fondée sur l'accueil, sur son territoire, de l'un des plus grands regroupements de PME/PMI d'Europe. Le cadre de vie y est privilégié, avec un développement réfléchi et harmonieux de l'habitat, et marqué par une démarche volontariste de revalorisation de l'habitat social.
Val d'Oise: deux des cinq enfants tombés dans un étang sont morts - 23/06
Toute l'actualité sur Quatre enfants âgés de 3 à 8 ans se trouvaient samedi entre la vie et la mort après être tombés dans un étang situé dans une zone industrielle de Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône (Val-d'Oise) où ils étaient logés dans un hébergement social. Un cinquième enfant, une fillette de 5 ans, également tombée à l'eau, est hors de danger, selon police et pompiers. Transportée à l'hôpital de Pontoise, elle se porte aussi bien que possible, a indiqué le préfet du Val-d'Oise Jean-Luc Névache, qui s'est rendu sur place.
La Grange-Aux-Dîmes (L'Abbaye de Maubuisson, France)
This Cistercian abbey about 27 km from central Paris, France was founded in the early 13th century by Queen Blanche of Castille. This is a large barn structure, functional in nature, for the agricultural purposes of the abbey community, which numbered as high as 120 individuals during its 200 busy years. After that, it began to decline a bit, and then went into decadence by the early 18th century. During the first French revolution, when religion was outlawed, this was made into a military hospital in 1793 and in 1928 was made a residence for children (possibly orphans or those in need of shelter). Cistercian abbeys abound around Paris and many can be visited via public transportation. They are always situated in places which have good natural water sources, and this place has a very pretty park and protected, experimental wetlands.
Located in the town of Saint-Ouen L'Aumône, you really can get here from Paris by bus or train if you don't have an automobile. This is a very peaceful place and would be good for a picnic, sitting and doing artwork, playing games with friends or family, etc. There is a free public toilet and there are permanent artworks outdoors and temporary installations indoors. The phone number here is +33(0)1 34 64 36 10. We did not have to pay for our visit and the place was not too hard for me to get around in (I am disabled).
A 6th century order of Saint-Benôit was based here and I think that saint has a connection with Julius Ceasar when they met walking in the area. This abbey was generally a residence for high-born girls, a residence for royals of various types, and a necropole for royalty. (Burial place.) Abbeys were private and generally not open to the public except for festival times or pilgrimage visits on certain dates. They were for clergy and aristocrats, who cleverly combined forces in the Dark Ages as a kind of power-spin, as both Christianity and monarchy were generally in decline. People had other fish to fry in the Dark Ages.
copyright 2012 Lisa B. Falour, B.S., M.B.A. all rights reserved LISA, INC. (EURL)
The roof of the barn is of interest. It appears to be stacked. Architecture and roofing/building methods here interest me. The shingles here appear to be stones, rather thick ones, not hung on pegs or anything, but stacked. The lauze type of stone and roofing method found in Dordogne comes to mind.
Reflecting Pool, L'Abbey de Maubuisson (France)
copyright 2012 Lisa B. Falour, B.S., M.B.A. all rights reserved LISA, INC. (EURL)
These are some of the parks around L'Abbaye de Maubuisson, a Cistercian abbey founded in the very early 13th century by Queen Blanche of Castille. It is in Saint-Ouen L'Aumône, which is about 27 km from the center of Paris (not far at all from its outer border). You can get here by bus, train or automobile. There is no charge for admission.
Water is key to Cistercian abbeys, and there is plenty here and beautiful wetlands around. I have other clips up here on YT on this channel and SLOBOMOTION, as well as on Dailymotion under LisaFalour, of the abbey building and its beautiful Gothic architecture. There is also a huge barn, the Grange-Aux-Dîmes but it appeared to be closed, so we only saw it from the outside. It is stone, of course, and has an elaborately constructed roof.
This was a very active place for at least 200 years, and was a residence for high-born girls, a royal residence, and a royal necropole (burial place). Inside the abbey building are modern art installations which change periodically and in the parks are permanent art installations. (All modern.) At its peak, about 120 people lived here. By the beginning of the 18th century, the abbey had fallen into decadence, and when religion was outlawed during the first French revolution, in 1793 this became a military hospital. In 1928, this became a residence for children. It became a historic monument a few decades ago.
A small staff is on hand to explain things to you (in French) and there are books and things for sale. There is a free public toilet. There are no food or drink concessions here so this would be an excellent place for a picnic in good weather. It's close to several train stations, since this town has an interesting industrial history and is home to one of the largest, if not the largest, office parks in the Greater Paris region.
The order of Saint-Benôit, which was founded in the 6th century, was here once this abbey was established, and was key in codifying things. This was important, as literacy was rare. Some of these codifications became key to Medieval law.
I am available as a private guide. I do not recommend a visit to Europe in July or August as it is usually dreadfully hot. All around Greater Paris (Ile-de-France) there are hundreds of wonderful places to visit you can reach via public transportation from Paris itself within 60 minutes easily. If you like Cistercian abbeys, there are many, as well as castles, charming villages, forests, sports, and dozens of museums (which are much less expensive than many of the ones in Paris).
Unless you get outside the city of Paris itself, you have no way of appreciating the astonishing beauty of the region. The air is cleaner. It was wonderfully fragrant and peaceful at this place.
1 octobre lac de Maubuisson
Un mini stage à l'abbaye de Maubuisson (Saint-Ouen-l'Aumôn
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Des enfants de 6 à 13 ans se sont immergés pendant 3 jours dans l'univers de l'abbaye de Maubuisson lors de stages de création multimédia. (DROITS RESERVES . Pour toute exploitation sur TV, web, mobile, aller sur )
PARC DE BETHUNES VERT GALANT EPLUCHES - SAINT-OUEN-L AUMONE - Trouver un parcours cyclable virtuel
L'Abbaye de l'Épau (Le Mans)
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L'Abbaye de l'Épau, fondée par la Reine Bérengère de Navarre en 1229, est l'un des plus beaux joyaux du patrimoine sarthois
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1er RIA / Site AAB de St Ouen l'Aumone
Abbaye de Maubuisson
cours de natation lol
Le Buisson Maudit
L'abbaye de Maubuisson, site d'art contemporain du Conseil général du Val d'Oise et soutenu par la DRAC-Île-de-France, invite Les Frères Chapuisat à s'emparer de l'espace pour l'installation Le Buisson Maudit, du 20 mars au 3 novembre 2013.
St ouen l'aumone - Meudon U19
6 ème journée du championnat DSR U 19
Présence inexpliquée dans le ciel de saint Ouen l'aumône (95)
Ovni lumineux observés ce dimanche 22 septembre 2019 sur la commune de Saint Ouen l'aumône (95). Qualité vidéo mauvaise mais l'observation dure depuis près d'une heure sans qu'on ait la moindre réponse a cet observation. Aucunes boites de nuits a proximité de saint ouen l'aumône ni de la tour Eiffel car plus de 50km de distance.