Bear hide ep. 4 - @ the Bear SPA
While visiting the bear SPA at the hide, a young 5 years old female gave us an amazing show by massaging her foot, scratching and washing her face.
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For booking with us a visit at the bear hide in Transylvania near Brasov city / Zarnesti town send us an email at:
Check out more programs on our official website
Tour of The Little Mountain Cabin | Carpathian Mountains Romania
Vacation in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania! Check out our authentic log cabin, inside and out! We show you our vacation rental cabin, tucked in at the base of the Carpathian Mountain range. This cabin is available for your getaway vacation in the mountains. Booking available on our website, link below. The cabin has:
-Living/dining room with a natural wood burning fireplace, leather sofa and recliner (rare find in Romania :)
-Full kitchen with a gas stove, microwave, fridge, espresso machine.
-Full bathroom with a double bowl sink and shower.
-Bedroom with a large rustic log queen bed, closet, and entrance onto the back terrace.
-Loft with it's own balcony, sofa bed that sleeps two, and small office table with printer and 23 screen with HDMI cable.
-Outdoor terrace with a rustic picnic table
-Lawn area, private drive and parking, picnic area, situated beside a mountain stream, authentic hand dug well, all the firewood you need for the fireplace, privacy surrounded by trees and withdrawn about 150 meters from the road.
Check out availability on our website!
Transylvania | Romania Holiday - Transalpina & Transfagarasan - Travel Video
Transylvania is home to some of Europe's best-preserved medieval towns, like Brasov, Sibiu and Sighisoara. Of course, Transylvanian cities are beautiful and atmospheric, but we focused on nature during our 2019 holidays. Beautiful passes among the peaks and reaching up to the clouds :) … and bears ! Traveling towards transylvania, we also visited Timisoara.
We fell in love with the two highest routes in Romania. It's absolutely necessary to take a drive through Transfagarasan Road and Transalpina DN67C because the views are amazing. Anyway, see for yourself.
More travel information around Transylvania:
More travel information around TransAlpina ( Route # 67 C or DN 67C )
Romania's Scenic Drives: Transfagarasan ( Route # 7 C or DN 7C )
Among others you can see in the movie:
Urdele Pass 0:00, 1:44
Transalpina DN 67C 1:09, 1:27
Transfagarasan Road DN 7C 0:23, 1:00, 1:25
Cycling 0:23
Timisoara: 0:26. 0:37
Sibiu 0:30
ASTRA Museum of Traditions and Folk Art in Sibiu – old class 00:32
Balea Lake 1:03
Donkeys 1:34
Bear Watching 1:42
#Transylvania #Romania #Travel
Shot with:
GoPro HERO 7
GoPro Karma Grip
Panasonic Lumix DC-LX100 II
Brasov - Romania - MIX TV BRASOV - THE CITY AUGUST 2010.mpg
Brasov - Romania - MIX TV BRASOV - THE CITY AUGUST 2010
24 hours in Brasov, Romania
Often before we visit somewhere we have a general idea of what we're planning on doing when arriving; however, while heading to Brasov for the 1st time we had no clue. Our 24 hours spent in the city allowed us to cover most of the Old Town, do a bit of hiking and tuck into some delicious food before heading out for nightlife. With such time scarcity we tried to pack in as much as we possibly could. The following are some of the places we had a chance to visit in Brasov, Transylvania (Transilvania):
Olympus OM-D E-M5 II:
Canon G7X:
Olympus 14-150mm II Lens:
Rode Video Mic GO:
Joby Gorilla Pod:
SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro:
1) Council Square
2) Black Church
3) Biserica Neagra
4) Brasov Historical Center
5) Yekaterina's Gate
6) Rope Street
7) Citadel of The Guard
24 hours in Brasov, Romania Travel Video Transcript:
So welcome to Brasov. We have finally arrived at our destination. It was a really pleasant train ride. I actually slept for most of it because the motion just puts me to sleep like a baby. But Sam did film some of the scenery and it was really pretty. The fall colors are starting to change. So yeah, now we're in the town. We're going to check it out. We're actually feeling a little bit hungry so I think lunch will be the first order of business and then we'll start exploring.
So last time I attempted riding a pennyfarthing we were in Germany early this summer and I was not very successful. I think these are more for decoration and it is actually attached to the bike-rack so you can just leave your bike and stack it there.
So ready for lunch? You better believe it. And we thought we were going to a local Romanian restaurant but it turns out it is Hungarian. I suppose it is close enough they share a border together.
And the bread has arrived. Oh, that is a nice loaf. It looks homemade. It looks nice and homemade. Look at how thick that is.
Take a bite for us. Woah. This is going to be nice with my soup. Mmmm, it's nice. Crispy on the outside and really soft on the inside.
It just needs some butter now.
So my soup has arrived and I'm very excited. It is a Hen's soup with vegetables. And it has huge semolina dumplings. Show us how big? Bigger than my spoon. Look at that.
Wow, let's get a close-up shot of that. Yeah, and it is nice and hot. It is steaming so let's try it.
It's almost like a bread dumpling. Or like Polenta. It's good.
So we've had our lunch and now we are checking out the town. This is actually one of those trips that we didn't plan too well. We just decided to come to Brasov spur of the moment. So we don't really know what the main attractions are which means this afternoon we're just going to be walking around and figuring it out as we go.
We've been walking around Brasov for a few hours what are your first impressions so far? Well, already I can tell you I like it a lot more than Bucharest. It definitely has more of a medieval feel here and it is more well preserved as well. You can walk around and there is lots of cool architecture and buildings and great restaurants and pubs to drop in to. Yeah, it is very colorful and lots of renovations happening. Exactly.
So where are we now? We are visiting the narrowest street in Brasov. And we've seen pictures of people jumping and touching both sides of the walls. So we're going to try to both attempt that.
So at its narrowest this is 1.3 meters so let's keep walking towards the most narrow part.
And I think this is probably it.
Something I've really been enjoying about this city so far are all of these little side streets and alleys. It's really easy to escape the busy sections of the city.
Alright guys, so this is Brasov on a Thursday night. It's looking a little bit quiet and I'm not seeing a lot of people but I'm sure there has to be a neighborhood where the pubs are open and people are hanging out. So let's go find one.
So that's a wrap from Brasov. We had a really good time here. It reminded us of a place we had visited in Europe and it took us all day to figure it out. That place is Tallinn, Estonia. Anyways, we had a really good time and tomorrow we're off to Bran Castle. To find Dracula!
This is part of our Travel in Romania series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Romanian culture, Romanian arts, Romanian foods, Romanian religion, Romanian cuisine and Romanian people.
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
Discovering Romania-Wild Carpathia (Mountains of Transylvania) [FULL HD] [Ro sub]
Romania's national and natural parks, displaying a unique variety of landscapes, vegetation and wildlife, protect some of the largest remaining areas of pristine forest in Europe--------------------------------------- ▼ citeste descrierea ▼
The film was created for Travel Channel on 2011.
Carpathian Mountains, and crossing through Romania. Areas still wild, unique in Europe. The inhabitants of these places, their traditions and customs, wildlife. Important natural riches. Documentary that should not lose it !
Hasmasul Pass, 1792m, Carpathian Mountains, Romania
This is a 360 degree panoramic view from the top of the Hasmasul Pass in Romania.
Ultimul episod al producției „Wild Carpathia“, lansat sâmbătă la Brașov
Al cincilea episod al seriei „Wild Carpathia“, realizată de jurnalistul britanic Charlie Ottley, va fi lansat la Brașov sâmbătă, 28 septembrie, de la ora 18.00, în Piața Sfatului, printr-o proiecție cu acces liber. În cadrul evenimentului va avea loc și un recital Dacika, trupa care a asigurat coloana sonoră a filmului.
„White Carpathia – Winter is Coming” este un documentar de o oră ce oferă un portret al vieții în condiţii de iarnă în Carpaţi, dar și prezentarea evenimentelor și atracțiilor din Brașov și din toată țara. Episodul, ultimul și cel final al seriei, este centrat pe povestea de iarnă a României, iar Brașovul ocupă un loc important, atât ca locație în sine, cât și prin Poiana Brașov, cea mai importantă stațiune de schi din România. Nu lipsesc nici localități din județ, inclusiv din Zona Metropolitană Brașov.
„Vrem să arătăm România și Brașovul ca destinație turistică de iarnă. Dacă până acum am acoperit primăvara, vara și toamna, ultimul episod al seriei este centrat pe iarnă. Din Brașov poți vedea toată Transilvania. Pe timp de iarnă e perfect, poţi să schiezi în , Poiana Braşov Sinaia, Buşteni. Ai totul la îndemână, aşa că, dacă vrei să vii să vezi cum e în Transilvania pe timp de iarnă, Braşovul este un loc numai bun în care să poposeşti“, a spus Charlie Ottley, în conferința de presă organizată astăzi la Primăria Brașov.
„Este un film care a adus foarte multă notorietate României și Brașovului până acum și a fost vizionat în toată lumea, iar noi , împreună cu Agenția Metropolitană Brașov, am realizat practic o cofinanțare a acestui ultim episod, așa cum am făcut-o și pentru episodul anterior. Este cel mai cunoscut documentar despre România și implicit despre Brașov, care se regăsește și în episodul 4, și în acest ultim episod. Iarna este principalul sezon turistic al Brașovului și este un foarte bun prilej de a ne face încă o dată cunoscuți în lume. De altfel, pentru că avem o relație foarte bună cu producătorii acestui film, vom căuta o modalitate de colaborare pentru realizarea unor filme de prezentare care să vizeze Brașovul și Zona Metropolitană, în perioada următoare “, a explicat primarul George Scripcaru.
Filmele, puse la dispoziția televiziunilor românești pe gratis
Pentru „White Carpathia – Winter is Coming“, britanicul şi echipa sa au muncit 14 luni – în total peste 100 de ore de filmări în Transilvania, Moldova, Bucovina și Maramureș. „S-a filmat adesea în minus douăzeci de grade. Echipamentul de filmare îngheța imediat ce era pornit. Capturarea vieții sălbatice, urmărirea animalelor prin adâncurile pădurii a durat mai multe săptămâni, și absolut toate imaginile sunt filmate aici, în România. Sper ca oamenii să fie de acord că«White Carpathia» are cele mai uimitoare imagini din filmele Wild Carpathia şi vrea să demonstreze că România este o țară care merită vizitată tot anul, chiar și în cele mai reci luni ale anului. Pentru că ester ultimul episod al seriei, am dorit să subliniem și mesajul care reunește și episoadele anterioare, și anume că turismul durabil este esențial pentru viitorul economic al țării. Dar acest lucru poate fi realizat numai dacă protejăm peisajele naturale și culturale ale României”, a adăugat realizatorul britanic. Ottley spune că mai ales acest ultim episod a fost făcut mai întâi pentru români și apoi pentru străini, pentru că românii au nevoie în primul rând să-l vadă și să înțeleagă ce țară frumoasă avem și de ce trebuie să păstreze, să ocrotească și să promoveze peisajele, natura, monumentele și stilul de viață tradițional. „Turiștii vor să vadă casele din lemn de acum sute de ani, pe care nu lemai văd în alte părți ale Europei, vin să vadă peisaje fantastice și păduri virgine. Românii trebuie să înțeleagă că degeaba construiesc pensiuni imense de beton, din cauza cărora nu se mai văd peisajele și casele vechi pe care turiștii vin să le vadă. Turiștii vor înceta să vină, și vor rămâne doar niște pensiuni și hoteluri mari și goale, și mulți oameni săraci, dacă nu sunt păstrate lucrurile care îi atrag aici“, a subliniat britanicul. Din acest motiv, realizatorul va pune seria gratuit la dispoziția tuturor televiziunilor naționale interesate să-l difuzeze. De altfel, Charlie spune că în ultimii șase ani, de când este implicat în proiectul Wild Carpathia, și-a petrecut mai mult timp pe an în România decât acasă, în Marea Britanie, și în contextul Brexitului, crede că se va muta definitiv în România.
Bugetul de producție și post-producție al acestui ultim episod a fost de 90.000 de euro, adică aproape jumătate din bugetul episodului anterior. Contribuția municipalității brașovene, prin AMB, a fost de 10.000 de euro.
Why You NEED To Visit Romania! | ???????? Romania Travel Guide ????????
Come along with Jake and Tom on our latest trip to Romania! Join us as we take a castle tour through Transylvania, drive through the stunning Romanian landscape and visit the old town of Brasov, full of gorgeous architecture and winding streets.
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Hello and welcome to Romania, I'm Jake from Holiday Extras Travel Guides and I'm here with Tom (Hello!) who's from our social team - he runs all of our social media platforms - and we're out here in Romania to shoot some lovely content for our Facebook page and everything like that and we just thought we'd give you a bit of a behind-the-scenes look at what it's like for us here on shoot so we're going to take you with us we're spending two days here shooting lots of lovely content and... yeah!(Let's see what we can see!) Yeah!
Day 1 of our trip in Romania and what we've got planned today is a lovely little sort of mini one-day castle tour and we're going to be heading to Peles Castle which is about an hour away from where we're staying then onto... ooh Rasnov Fortress and then Bran Castle from there Bran Castle is the one that's famous for having inspired Dracula whichI can't wait to see should be really really cool. Can sort of hear farm equipment and kids and stuff in the background of where we're staying there are some cows in the fields as well literally just off the balcony which is amazing very relaxing way to wake up I think. Feel very connected to nature. And the black coffee is helping as well, so. See you in a bit!
Hello! So we've just arrived at the beautiful Peles Castle which I think you can see in the background there along with dear Tom. Took us about an hour's drive to get here from where we were staying but it was a beautiful drive and the landscape was crazy. Hm suppose you can't see past the tree line but we're right in the middle of the Carpathian Mountains where
this is based and it's beautiful.
All finished up Peles Castle and now we're gonna head off to Rasnov Fortress which is about another hour's drive away but here's a quick Jake and Tom tip for you. This pathway up the to
the castle is cobbled and there are a fair few cobbles missing so I would say make sure you pack some lovely walking shoes to make it nice and easy.
So here we are on our way up the little forest path to Rasnov Fortress - Took about an hour to get here from Peles Castle which I've already said but still it was a lovely drive I really would recommend getting a hire car because the landscape here in Romania is insane and then you can do stuff like drive out to a castle that's an hour away! So. I'll see you at the top this roads getting quite steep as you can probably hear I'm already a little bit out of breath and See you when we're up there!
So here we are at the top of Rasnov Fortress and I don't know if you can see that but the view is absolutely stunning. It's brilliant.
So as you walk - we're inside Rasnov Fortress now as you walk through it not only is there stunning views in every single direction but it's also full of these like original structures as well some of which are really broken down and some others have sort of been restored and being used for tourist shops it's just really cool. To see such piece of history.
So we're on our way back down now from the top of the castle and it was stunning. I can't recommend it enough. The views of like the surrounding forest and mountains and then Rasnov down below was just crazy. Absolutely do it. And now we're gonna head to Bran Castle - hopefully catch ourselves a lovely sunset.
Here's another Jake and Tom tip - we're heading back down and this lovely little walk we showed you before but there is actually like a tractor that can take you up the hill if you don't want to do it. The walk is only about 10 minutes, but it is super steep so no shame in getting the tractor up here and it only costs about 5 Romanian lei (about that yeah) which is about like 1 pound, if that. So it's well worth it if you want to save yourself the trouble, save a bit of time.
So after a bit of a mess finding parking we're here at Castle Bran. Parking was really reasonable it's only 4 lei an hour so we've got plenty time to chill out. The Sun's setting there is a lovely garden here just outside Castle Bran which we're taking the opportunity to chill out in, its nice little water features you know it's just really nice it's good chance - good to get a chance - to unwind after such a busy day.
Romania Travel Guide - Peles Castle in Sinaia
Take a tour of Peles Castle in Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Romania is a country of many castles, one of the most beautiful being the Peles Castle.
The German neo-Renaissance design of the castle gives it a very elegant appearance.
The construction took two architects 41 years, between 1873 and 1914, to complete.
The castle was home to King Carol I, Queen Elizabeth, and then their son, Carol II.
A portion of Peles Castle is open to visitors, including the museum in the basement.
Because of its location in the Carpathian Mountains, the surrounding countryside is absolutely stunning.
Bear hide ep. 1
Dear friends. This is a first episode on wild brown bears attracted with food at the bear hide.
For booking a visit at the bear hide in Transylvania near Brasov city / Zarnesti town send us an email at:
Stay tuned, subscribe for more episodes and don't forget to like if you enjoyed the video!
羅馬尼亞「特蘭西凡尼亞」之旅 Exploring Transylvania Romania
特蘭西凡尼亞地區位於羅馬尼亞中西部, 地處喀爾巴阡山胍南緣.它曾為羅馬帝國轄下, 後來成為奧匈帝國與土耳其奧圖曼帝國爭奪的焦點, 境內風光明媚, 文化元素多彩, 楓红季節尤其令人驚艶, 請一起來欣賞歐洲這個獨特又美麗經典的地方.
Transylvania is a region in mid west Romania. It's known for the scenery of its Carpathian landscape, medieval towns, and castles like Bran Castle, a Gothic fortress associated with the legend of Dracula. The city of Brașov features expansive Council Square, ringed by colorful baroque buildings. Sinaia is a popular mountainous resort, nearby Peleș Castle is a beautiful Neo-Renaissance castle. If you have a chance to visit Balkan, Transylvania Romania is absolutely worth to go.
Bear hide ep. 3 - A young female with 2 cubs
A 7-8 years old female with two 8 months old cubs visiting the hide for a snack. As the hide is frequented by many bears they all need to stay on guard and evaluate any potential risk. This is why they raise their heads and even stand on two legs, as bears have poor sight and rely more on their sense of smell. At the end of the footage you can see they are right, as another bear is joining them for their snack.
For booking with us a visit at the bear hide in Transylvania near Brasov city / Zarnesti town send us an email at:
Check out more programs on our official website
Stay tuned, subscribe for more episodes and don't forget to like if you enjoyed the video!
7 Ladders Canyon and Piatra Mare - Mountain Hiking Romania
The lads final day mountain hiking in Romania starts with the 7 Ladders Canyon Walk near Brasov
Then it's up through the forest to the summit of Piatra Mare, for some more hiking in the Bucegi Mountains of the Romanian Carpathians.
If you want to see us take on the highest summit in the Bucegi Mountains then watch them here -
Part one -
Part Two -
Summit or Nothing is a great hiking channel, with Trev and friends documenting their conquests and outdoors adventures of hiking, mountain hiking and wild camping in some of the UK's most beautiful National Parks. So SUBSCRIBE now to keep up to date with our hiking vlog!
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#7LaddersCanyon #Piatramare #romanianmountains
EXPLORING ROMANIA - 7 Ladders Canyon
Music: Manganas Garden - Get You Up
In late August this year, I went on a weekend tour with a private guide from Book Tours Romania(link below) and this was definitely one of the highlights.
The water have carved out a canyon in the mountains in a place in the county Brasov in Romania. You can get around the trail by climbing metal ladders and platforms. The nature and sights are absolutely amazing!
Earth Wanderess is a female solo traveler who loves nature and adventure. She will soon quit her job and start traveling full time.
Follow on
Book Tours Romania:
Omu Peak 2507m - Hiking in the Carpathians - Romanian Mountain Hiking
Its day 2 hiking in Romania's Carpathian Mountains and a trip up to the top of Omu Peak via the hornul mare.
Starting at the cabana Malaiesti, the lads continuing to climb up through snowcapped bucegi mountains, tackling the formidable hornul mare scramble before breaking out above the clouds at the summit of Omu peak. For part 1 of this most excellent adventure, then please follow this link -
Summit or Nothing is a great hiking channel, with Trev and friends documenting their conquests and outdoors adventures of hiking, mountain hiking and wild camping in some of the UK's most beautiful National Parks. So SUBSCRIBE now to keep up to date with our hiking vlog!
Want one of our Summit or Nothing T-Shirts? Then why not check out our BRAND NEW MERCH SHOP here -
Check out our blogs, routes, walking guides and other great stuff on our website -
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Summit or Nothing logo designed by Art of Carroll -
Please note that any product links above are affiliate links which means that we will see a very small commission for any products that you may purchase. This will not affect your price at all and is just a way of us to try and fund our adventures to keep making great content for you. Thanks for your support!
#omupeak #carpathianmountains
Rumania: Western Delights in Europe (1964) | British Pathé
Rumania (now Romania) is full of Western charm and character. From the London Exhibition to the Carpathian Mountains, the popular trotting races to the fruit stand commemorating the August revolution of 1944, and Mamaia Rumania's summer beach resort to Poianna Brasov’s ski resort – Rumania has something to see and experience for everyone.
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#BritishPathé #History #Rumania # Travelogue
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(FILM ID: 301.05)
Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unclear or unknown.
London exhibition. Two teenage girls (twins) look at some of the Rumanian Craftware on display at the exhibition. Rumanian women demonstrate weaving techniques.
Rumania - countryside. Farmer and his herd of cows. Scenic shots of the countryside. Carpathian Mountains. Narrator details some of Rumania's history. Scenes at a racecourse. The tote. Bookmakers. Trotting race. Narrator makes jokes about the Rumanians being capitalists. Chairlift at the skiing resort of Poianna Brasov. Various shots of the countryside - some views from the moving chairlift. Sport Hotel with holidaymakers drinking cocktails. Museum opens its gates - ornate architecture. Churches and monastery in Moldavia.
Narrator speaks of how Rumania is reaching westwards for new ideas and inspiration. New buildings and roadways. An oil rig - a sightseeing attraction in Bucharest's permanent industrial exhibition. Tourists arrive aboard a Caravelle aircraft with the word Sabena on the side. Landmarks of Bucharest seen from a car. Traffic warden is seen. High angle shot of a street market. Woman chooses some flowers to buy.
Housing - blocks of flats. The new concert hall and the home of the circus - Big Top Deluxe. People lounging beside a hotel swimming pool - it has a wave machine. Mamaia Rumania's summer beach resort is featured. Nice shots of people on the beach then holidaymakers relaxing beside their tents in a campsite. Man uses a chest expander whilst his friend laughs. Girl feeds a foal with a bottle.
Fruit stall with a display to commemorate the August revolution of 1944. Various shots of hotels and bright lights at night. Narrator gives the hard sell: Suspicious, sullen Rumania is really a vivacious young girl, flirting with Western ideas and beckoning the tourist to come just a little further afield in the search for fun and bright lights. For some it could be love at first sight. Cuts exist - see separate record.
Before television, people came to movie theatres to watch the news. British Pathé was at the forefront of cinematic journalism, blending information with entertainment to popular effect. Over the course of a century, it documented everything from major armed conflicts and seismic political crises to the curious hobbies and eccentric lives of ordinary people. If it happened, British Pathé filmed it.
Now considered to be the finest newsreel archive in the world, British Pathé is a treasure trove of 85,000 films unrivalled in their historical and cultural significance.
British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website.
Photography in Transylvania, Romania
Be sure to check out for more of my photography.
I'm on Instagram at
Romania has been on my travel radar for quite a few years. And, the part of the country I really wanted to spend time in was Transylvania. Just the stories of vampires, Dracula, and all the history of Transylvania absolutely fascinates me. What I found in my photography trip to Romania was so much more than I expected. Sure, the area is beautiful and all the castles are interesting as billed. But what surprised me the most was how great the food was, and how interesting the countryside was. I really could have spent weeks driving around through all the rural villages in Transylvania and all of Romania for that matter.
I'm already planning my next bit of photography in Romania. I can't wait to get back here!
Romania Road Trip in 8 Days
This is a trip in June 2016 travelling through the major towns in Romania, a total of 1,700kms. I was pleasantly surprised by how beautiful the country is. We started by going east towards the Danube delta where we saw the most amazing cloud formation before the storm. The seafood in that area was so fresh and delicious. We then headed inland towards the mountains and explored beautiful fairy tale castles. The architecture of the buildings and churches in the towns are all so different and ornate. The places we stayed in were all reasonably priced and the food absolutely sumptuous. Romania is highly recommended for a great value holiday destination. You will not be disappointed.
Very beautiful peyzhazhi Carpathians
Absolute altitude mountain Volovetskogo-intermountain highland (Volovetskiy and Mizhgirya areas) Places are protected by UNESCO