Carl Orff - Die Kluge Opera Premiere @ Kharkov Academic Theatre of Musical Comedy (30.11.2015)
Премьера оперы ''Умница'', К Орф. ХАТМК, Харьков, Украина (30.11.2015). В гл. роли - Валерия Чуденцова.
Артисты ХАТМК - Моя Україна
Больше информации на сайте:
Музичні барви України
Харьковский академический театр музыкальной комедии
25 апреля 2015
Чарующие мелодии Штрауса закружились в водовороте пестрых цыганских событий.
Состоялась премьера в Харьковском академическом театре музыкальной комедии - на суд зрителя представили «Цыганского барона».
Мистецтво муз Искусство муз Александр Лапин и Алла Мишакова
Гости программы заслуженный артист Украины, солист харьковской оперы Александр Лапин, солистка харьковской оперы Алла Мишакова
Национальная телекомпания Украины
Телеканал ОТБ (Харьков, Украина)
Open the 70th season of Odessa Musical Comedy Theater
Odessa 2016
Euro 2012 Ukraine Opening Party
Guru Nanak Jayanthi Celebration | Kharkiv, Ukraine
Одесса. Танцуем в музкомедии. Odessa. Dances in the Theater of musical comedy.
Одесса. Детский хореографический центр выступает на праздничном концерте. Танцуем в музкомедии.
Odessa. The Children's Choreographic Centre is at the holiday concert. Dances in the Theater of musical comedy.
Playlist: Полезная еда. Healthy food.
Playlist: Салаты. Salads.
Playlist: Блюда из Мяса. Meat Dishes.
Playlist: Одесса. Что посмотреть? Куда пойти? Odessa. What to see? Where to go?
Interesting Culinary channel (Интересный кулинарный канал):
Interesting channel (Интересный канал):
Сосиски В Дрожжевом Тесте. Sausages In Dough.
Желатин Для Здоровья, Красоты И Спорта. Gelatin For Health, Beauty And Sport.
Картофельная Запеканка С Мясом. Meat And Potato Casserole.
Легенда Сокровищ. Белгород-Днестровская Крепость. The Legend of Treasures. Fortress.
Ночь оперы / Night of Opera
24 мая в Харькове впервые состоялось грандиозное событие культурной жизни Ночь оперы. Руководил оркестром известный дирижер, заслуженный артист Украины Виктор Плоскина. Салоны вин InVino угощали гостей вечера вином винодельческого хозяйства П.Н. Трубецкого, которое органично дополняло атмосферу старины, изысканности и элегантности / May 24 in Kharkiv first held a grand event in the cultural life of Night of Opera. Famous conductor led the orchestra, Honored Artist of Ukraine Victor Ploskina. Salons of wines InVino regaled the guests with wine winery PN Trubeckogo that organically complements the atmosphere of antiquity, sophistication and elegance.
Hora Show-ballet МАХІ Ukraine
Полина Шеперд и Детский Хор Гармония с песней Игра Ветерка Kharkov Klezmer Teg 2013
Полина Шеперд и детский хор Гармония исполняют песню на идиш Игра Ветерка
Руководитель хора: Капустенко Екатерина Алексеевна
Музыка - Полина Шеперд, слова - Шике Дриз
Аудио: Алексей Розов
Видео: Броня Громова
Polina Shepherd & Children's Choir Harmony Kharkov Klezmer Teg 2013-11-05
Dem Vinteles Shpilekhlekh(Yiddish) - Vind's Play
Music - Polina Shepherd, lyrics - Shike Driz
Forest Song
Presented by the Oakton Theatre League, a student organization, in Des Plaines, Illinois.
Based on the Play by - Lesia Ukrainka
Adaptation - Olia Talanchuk | Anthony Churchill
Direction | Scenography - Anthony Churchill
Costumes - Elizabeth Wislar
Lights - Matt Kooi
Original Music - Gabriel Wallace | Pink Pinstripe Collective
Props - Chuck Stanton
Welcome to Kharkiv
Kharkiv is one of the largest cities in Ukraine, and also it’s the regional center of the Kharkiv region. Kharkiv is founded in 1654. The population is about 2 million people.
Kharkiv is located in north-eastern part of Ukraine on the border of two landscape zones - forest-steppe and steppe - near the confluence of the rivers Lopan, Uda, and Kharkiv. Its territory is a hilly plain - more than half the total area of the city is located on the sites altitude of 100 m above sea level. Kharkiv rivers and their tributaries are shallow and not navigable.
Kharkiv is a large industrial center of Ukraine. The basis of the productive capacity of the enterprise is high-tech industries: power engineering, electrical engineering, transport and agriculture engineering, instrumentation, electronics, aerospace. Production of many of Kharkiv enterprises is known on the world market, including high technology, such as modern tanks, aircraft and turbines.
Kharkov is the second largest in Ukraine on scientific and educational potential. In an average year over 33 thousand experts are being prepared, which ensures a high level of manpower in the region. It is the first time in Kharkov in Europe the atom was split, the nature of superconductivity was studied, the largest radio telescope was created, a framework of the theory of oscillations in the plasma, the scattering of slow neutrons in crystals were developed,. There were established many scientific schools. The works of L. Landau, N. Barabashova, A. Walter, A. Palladin are received International recognition.
Kharkiv is a city with rich cultural traditions. There are 6 major theaters: the Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre of N. Lysenko, the Ukrainian Drama Theatre of T. Shevchenko, the Russian Drama Theatre of A. S. Pushkin, the Theater of Musical Comedy, the Theatre for Children and Youth, the puppet theater. The city has a lot of libraries. There are more than 6.5 million books and periodicals in funds of the State Scientific Library of Korolenko, among which are rare and unique.
Kharkiv is sports city. There are all conditions for sports and education of future masters and champions. There are 19 stadiums, 850 sports fields, 363 gyms, 19 pools, 40 tennis courts, and the golf club. Kharkov is a proud football team «Metalist», and the volleyball team «Lokomotiv». The names of many of Kharkovites forever inscribed in the history of the world of sports. This is a double Olympic champion Rustam Sharipov (gymnastics), Ludmila Dzhigalova (athletics), Yuri Poyarkov (volleyball), Olympic champions Maria Gorohovskaya (gymnastics), Igor Fisherman (weightlifting), Basil Matushevich, Yuri Vengerovsky (volleyball), Alex Barkalov (water polo), Igor Tselovalnikov, Vladimir Movchan (cycling), Yana Klochkova (swimming).
Official language of the country is Ukrainian, but the mother tongue of most residents of Kharkov are Russian, and Ukrainian, so they are still used in everyday life.
Kharkiv is a cosmopolitan city: Ukrainian and Russian, Poles and Jews, Germans, Armenians, Bulgarians, Tatars, Belarusians and the Greeks, Gypsies, and Latvians, representatives of other nations in Europe and Asia are lived here since ancient times. Today in the town, there are 50 national-cultural associations, acting Catholic and Protestant churches, synagogues, mosques, houses of worship of other faiths, there are 15 schools with in-depth study of national cultures. The uniqueness of Kharkov is that throughout its history there was not a single major clashes between the residents on national, racial or religious grounds. A traditional hospitality to the guests, wherever they came features Residents of the city.
Coming here you will find sincere and warm welcome, see the town that will amaze you with a variety of architectural styles, traditions and ideas, and have a good rest.
Частини - Parts - Части - Naya's Performance
Kharkiv city, near Ukraine's border with Russia 2016. We are working together with Ukrainian theatre makers and a large group of young people with both the Ukrainian and Russian background to set up a musical based on their own stories. The musical puts the focus on the personal, individual consequences of the undertones of the conflict.
C:NTACT был создан в Копенгагене (Дания) и уже более 10 лет занимается созданием театральных и медиа постановок о горячих точках и зонах конфликта (странах Европы, Ближнего Востока и Африки). C:NTACT инициирует свидетельские спектакли, в которых на сцене выступают сами герои, а не профессиональные актеры. Уникальность украинского спектакля заключается в том, что его создадут в формате мюзикла.
Led show Venice Show-ballet МАХІ Ukraine
Ankara 2015
Show-ballet Energy Juice. Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk.
Yulia Shandala, Svetlana Bakalenko, Anna Bakaneva, Nataliya Loskutova.
Оперный Air. Харьков 11.07.2014
Фестиваль на открытом воздухе. г. Харьков 11 июля 2014
Sergii Minenko, Gethsemane from Jesus Christ Superstar, 2019
Kharkiv Academic Theater of Musical Comedy, Ukraine. Concert From operetta to musical.