MTB Riva Del Garda and Sentiero Del Ponale Trail Tour Video Italy.
MTB Riva Del Garda and Sentiero Del Ponale Trail Tour Video Italy.
My motivation to coming here several times is for mountain biking on the very famous Old Ponale Path or Road. In my opinion this Ponale path is one of the best for MTB lovers. The Ponale Road was in the past the only connection between Lake Garda and the Ledro Valley. Starting from Riva del Garda, it brings you to the waterfall of the Ponale river through tunnels and fortifications of the first World War. This road attracts tourists and MTB riders from all over Europe for the wonderful views over Lake Garda. If you have time don't forget to visit also Limone sul Garda, Sirmione and Malcesine. They are all beautiful places on Garda lake.
Some small information about place; In Italy Riva del Garda is described as a pearl of Garda Trentino. When you are there, you feel like you are in a small beautiful mediterranean town by the sea. But its not. This beautiful town is on Lake Garda with mediterranean climate, wide and sunny free beaches and fascinating panorama. All these make Lake Garda a very nice holiday spot for everyone. Riva del Garda is the main center of the Garda Trentino area. Sport is the main motivation for a holiday. Sailing and Windsurfing, Walking, Cycling, Mountain biking, Tennis and Rowing are main sport people do in Riva del Garda. The climate favors the typical vegetation of the Mediterranean area like lemons, olives, laurels and palms. Also the city center is an ideal place for you to spend pleasant moments with its cafes, bars and restaurants.
For further information write a message please. I have more videos on my CEM BERKSOY channel and if you like it, don't forget to give a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to my channel. Thank you for support.
My Channel Link:
#mtb #mountainbike #mountainbiking #ponale #garda
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Ascoli Piceno MTB Ride, Marche, Italy
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MTB Sanctuary Oropa ride, Hardtail MTB Trail Video Biella, Piemonte ITALY
Pista Ciclabile Greenway Girasile da Treviso a Jesolo HARDTAIL MTB ride ITALY.
Cogne Hardtail MTB Trail Video Valle d'Aosta Gran Paradiso, Italy
Milano Parco Monte Stella Hardtail MTB trail Video, Italy
Susegana Collalto MTB Ride Italy
Remember to SUBSCRIBE to my channel. I upload video every Tuesday. See you soon on my next adventure.
Riva Del Garda la perla del Lago Garda. Sono stato qua con la mia MTB bici per il sentiero del Ponale. La vecchia strada del Ponale. Il sentiero della Ponale collega Riva del Garda alla valle di Ledro. Sentiero storico sul lago di Garda. La strada, scavata nella roccia nella seconda metà del 1800. Dal 2004 è stata trasformata in sentiero. E un sentiero molto battuto sia a piedi che in biciclette mountain bike. Per le sue caratteristiche ambientali e storiche è uno dei più belli e conosciuti sentieri europei. Si parte dal centro di Riva del Garda e si segue la costa, passando davanti alla storica centrale idroelettrica. Dopo meno di un km, attraversiamo la strada Gardesana occidentale, seguendo il segnavia D01 in direzione Ledro. Lasciamo dietro di noi l’asfalto e ci troviamo già in mezzo al bellissimo percorso panoramico del Ponale, che si aggrappa alle pareti di roccia, a tratti perforandole con piccole gallerie. En un percorso molto ideale per le MTB mountain bike. Durante il percorso non dimenticate fare delle bellissime foto del panorama.
DELTA DEL PO - Minicrociera Fluviale - River cruise - HD
Il Parco del Delta del Po è un territorio incantevole, sospeso fra terra e acqua.
Le Minicrociere fluviali su Motonave fanno scoprire le peculiarità di un scenario incontaminato unico al mondo.
Il fiume Po raccoglie quasi tutte le acque dei fiumi del Nord Italia e con la sua lenta ma instancabile sedimentazione ha creato il Parco del Delta. L’uomo con la sua sapiente opera nel corso dei secoli ha saputo correttamente argomentare e deviare il deflusso delle acque coordinando ed aiutando il lavoro del fiume Po. L’intero triangolo del delta odierno era, fino a 3000 anni or sono, sommerso dal mare. Le alluvioni frequenti e le preoccupazioni della “Serenissima” Repubblica Veneta di vedere la propria laguna interrata dal Po hanno da sempre fatto sì che l’uomo anteponesse la propria forza a quella del più grande fiume italiano.
Il Parco del Delta è una terra in continuo, naturale mutamento. Una zona dove ambienti differenti si sviluppano l’uno accanto all’altro proprio per le diverse gradazioni dei livelli d’acqua e della salinità: la duna e il fiume, il bosco e il canneto, la palude d’acqua dolce e la laguna salmastra, le velme scoperte ad intermittenza dalla marea e le terre coperte di salicornia.
I suoi svariati, armoniosi, variabili aspetti invitano ad uno stretto rapporto con il territorio.
I rumori, il traffico cittadino, la tumultuosità della vita contemporanea vengono dimenticati percorrendo le pianeggianti e spesso solitarie strade di questa terra.
Il Parco del Delta solitario, sognante forse un po’ incantato richiede e dona a chi vi arriva un grande amore per la natura in tutte le sue molteplici sfumature. I paesaggi a volte immerse fra le nebbie, a volte brillanti sotto il sole splendente, sono per ogni visitatore una serena, tranquilla risposta alla quotidiana ricerca di un equilibrio tra uomo e ambiente.
The Po Delta Park is a lovely area, suspended between land and water.
Mini-cruises on the river motorboat will make you discover the peculiarities of an unspoiled scenery unique in the world.
The river Po collects almost all the rivers of northern Italy and its slow but relentless sedimentation has created the Delta Park. The man with his wise work over the centuries has been able to successfully argue and divert the flow of water by coordinating and assisting the work of the River Po. The entire delta triangle today was, up to 3000 years ago, submerged by the sea . Frequent floods and concerns of the Serenissima Republic of Venice to see its underground lagoon from the Po have always meant that the man anteponesse their strength to that of the largest Italian river.
The Delta Park is a land in continuous, natural change. An area where different environments are developed next to each other because of the different shades of water levels and salinity: the dune and the river, the forest and the reeds, freshwater marshes and brackish lagoon , the mud flats discoveries intermittently by the tide and land covered with salicornia.
Its different, harmonious aspects variables invite to a close relationship with the territory.
The noise, the traffic, the tumultuosità of contemporary life are forgotten along the flat and often lonely roads of this land.
The lone Delta Park, dreaming perhaps a little 'enchanted requires and gives to those who get you a great love of nature in all its many nuances. The landscapes sometimes immersed in the mists, sometimes shining under the bright sun, are for each visitor a serene, peaceful response to the daily search for a balance between man and environment.
Matrimonio sub a Riva del Garda, 15.09.2012
Rai3 / TGR Trentino Alto Adige, 19.30 del 15.09.2012
Luxury Yacht - Riva Aquariva Super - Ferretti Group
Luxury Yacht - Riva Aquariva Super - Ferretti Group
Great brands - those that make the history of lifestyle and design every day - do not belong to the companies that manage them but to the people who love them, to the fans who dream about them and honour them with their admiration and enthusiasm. This is the key to understanding why Riva Yacht has transfused into the luxury yacht Aquariva Super all the qualities and timeless charm of the legendary luxury yacht Aquarama, an unforgotten cult boat that is still an object of desire today. The luxury Yacht Aquariva Super was born because there is a need in the world of yachting, and in the world more generally, for soft and elegant lines, for fine woods (the mahogany deck panelling with maple inlays) and luxurious leather finishes. Naturally, as well as the best things from the past, this outstanding yacht also features state of the art technology, such as the innovative electronically-controlled two speed gearbox, installed on the standard version, which boosts the acceleration of the twin powerful 370 HP Yanmar engines, enabling outstanding performances (with a top speed of 41.5 knots). And while the 10.07 m long and 2.8 m wide hull is no longer built in wood but in Kevlar composites, thanks to technological evolution, the spacious sun pad at the stern is a faithful copy of the one which hosted stars like Brigitte Bardot and Sophia Loren in the past. Past, future, glory, the pleasure of cruising, the thrill of perfection. In two words: Aquariva Super.
Yacht di Lusso - Riva Aquariva Super - Ferretti Group
I grandi marchi, quelli che scrivono ogni giorno pagine di storia dello stile e del costume, non appartengono alle aziende che li gestiscono, ma alla gente che li ama, ai fan che li sognano e li onorano con ammirazione ed entusiasmo. Solo così si può capire perché Riva abbia trasfuso nell’imbarcazione di lusso Aquariva Super tutte le qualità e il fascino senza tempo del leggendario Aquarama, barca di culto mai dimenticata e ancora oggi oggetto del desiderio. L'imbarcazione di lusso Aquariva Super è nata perché nel mondo delle nautica, e nel mondo in generale, c’è bisogno di linee morbide ed eleganti, di legni pregiati (il mogano intarsiato in acero della coperta), di preziose finiture in pelle. Ovviamente, insieme al meglio del passato, questa barca di lusso straordinaria contiene anche le più avanzate tecnologie, come l'innovativo cambio a due velocità a gestione elettronica, montato di serie, che incrementa in accelerazione la grinta dei due potenti motori Yanmar da 370 cavalli, regalando performance eccezionali (velocità massima di 41,5 nodi). E se lo scafo, lungo 10,07 metri e largo 2,8 metri non è più costruito in legno, ma, grazie al progresso, in compositi di Kevlar, ecco però che l’ampio prendisole di poppa ricalca fedelmente quello che in passato ha ospitato dive come Brigitte Bardot o Sophia Loren. Passato, futuro, gloria, piacere di navigazione, emozione della perfezione. In due parole: Aquariva Super, l'imbarcazione di lusso!
A vela sul lago Maggiore tra Monvalle (Italia) e Locarno (Svizzera)
4 giorni a vela tra Monvalle e Locarno con tappa a Cannero Rieviera. Risalita verso la Svizzera e rientro su Planadas, Beneteau First 24. 1-4 Agosto 2019.
Beneteau Antares 6 [ Novità del Salone Nautico di Parigi 2017]
Presentata in anteprima mondiale al Salone Nautico di Parigi 2017, finalmente sta arrivando anche in Italia.
Stiamo parlando di innovazione e miglioramento rispetto ad una gamma che è in continua evoluzione. Accattivante e con carattere, pur restando sempre uno dei modelli più funzionali e comodi sul mercato è pronto dettare nuove leggi in un settore molto apprezzato dal pubblico europeo.
La nuova Beneteau Antares 6 non ha abbandonato le caratteristiche che hanno reso famose le sue sorelle, ma le ha migliorate e perfezionate.
Conserva le sue dimensioni contenute, ma è adatta ad un pubblico con esigenze smisurate.
Siamo pronti a scoprirla.
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Per maggiori dettagli clicca sul link qui sotto:
Vienimi a trovare presso il cantiere BARCHE BELLANDI, a Lonato
del Garda, in via Catullo n° 6/8. A soli 2.5 Km dal casello autostradale di Desenzano del Garda.
Sei un appassionato del mondo della nautica?
Vieni a dare un'occhiata al mio blog
Il canale YouTube di Barche Bellandi è l'unico in Italia che ti permette di essere sempre aggiornato su:
✔ Test in acqua imbarcazioni nuove.
✔ Test in acqua imbarcazioni usate.
✔ Presentazione in anteprima di imbarcazioni ai saloni nautici.
✔ Tutorial pratici su imbarcazioni ed accessori.
✔ Tutorial tecnici su imbarcazioni e motori.
✔ Riflessioni sul mondo della nautica da diporto.
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Rimani in contatto con me iscrivendoti al canale Barche Bellandi
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Se hai dubbi o domande inerenti al video lascia un commento, ti risponderò al più presto!
Buon vento
Oscar Bellandi
#barchebellandi #beneteau #antares
Lago di Caprolace
Grazie al nostro socio Marco Menna. TevereInBici.
BEACH TOWN IN PATAGONIA | Visiting Puerto Piramides on Valdes Peninsula | Chubut, Argentina
In today's travel video, we explore the Patagonian beach town of Puerto Piramides, which is the only town located within the Valdes Peninsula. The town has a population of just over 700, though for a few months of the year, the whale population far exceeds the number of inhabitants on land! We had one full day to explore Puerto Piramides, so we spent it: watching the sunrise up on the cliffs, hiking out to the lobería where we saw sea lions, eating a delicious seafood pasta at La Covacha, strolling down the colourful Avenue of the Whales, and enjoying our stay at the Oceano Patagonia eco-hotel. We hope you enjoy this little taste of a beach town in Patagonia and we'll see you tomorrow with more adventures around the peninsula!
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Panasonic GH5:
Canon G7X ii:
Rode Video Micro:
Joby Gorilla Pod:
SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro:
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BEACH TOWN IN PATAGONIA | Visiting Puerto Piramides on Valdes Peninsula | Chubut, Argentina
Hey guys! We are Samuel and Audrey, a travel vlogging couple from Canada. In this travel channel we share our travel and food vlogs while touring the world.
We had the privilege of traveling around Argentina for nearly 3 months from January- April 2019 on a trip covering a large section of the country.
We kicked things off with several days in Buenos Aires where we were joined by Audrey's parents eating and sightseeing around some of our favourite neighbourhoods in the city. We then flew from Buenos Aires to Cordoba where we spent a couple of weeks in the Sierras of Cordoba visiting both La Cumbrecita and Villa General Belgrano with highlights including hiking and delicious German and Swiss cuisine.
From Cordoba, we then travelled a considerable distance on an overnight bus to Mar Del Plata just in time for a special food festival called Feria Masticar featuring the best of Argentine food and wine. We spent several days enjoying beaches and seafood before heading south to Patagonia to visit the province of Chubut.
While on the Atlantic side of Chubut we visited Puerto Madryn, Peninsula Valdes, Trelew, Gaiman and Dolavon. To summarize our time in this area, we had incredibly close encounters with wildlife including penguins, sea lions and guanacos while also experiencing Welsh culture in Argentina.
Our time in Patagonia continued as we headed from east to west trading more barren landscapes for thick forests, impressive mountains and magnificent lakes. We spent significant time in both Esquel and El Bolson with day trips to visit Trevelin, Parque Nacional Los Alerces, Cholila and Lago Puelo. Highlights included sailing, hiking, riding vintage trains and partaking in the national asado festival.
We finished visiting Patagonia with time spent in Villa La Angostura, San Martin De Los Andes and Bariloche where we enjoyed more stunning scenery and hiking. On our way back to Buenos Aires, we took the Tren Patagonia to Las Grutas before meeting up with Audrey's dad again.
To finish off our trip in Argentina, we spent more time in the capital and later Mendoza where we got to experience wine tourism to its fullest extent. Overall, we had an amazing time travelling around Argentina having only scratched the surface of this vast and diverse country.
Overall our Argentina travel series explores cities, small towns that are off-the-beaten-path, and scenic attractions with a strong emphasis on Argentina cuisine and local culture.
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If you're new to our channel or this Argentina series please check out the following playlists to get caught up on all of our videos:
All of our Argentina travel + food videos:
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Music We Use:
Visitando Cabo Breton + Manejando el Cabot Trail en Nueva Escocia, Canadá
En este video, continuamos nuestro viaje por las provincias marítimas de Canadá, esta vez visitando la isla de Cabo Breton en la provincia de Nueva Escocia. Durante nuestra visita, nos hospedamos en un antiguo granero, caminamos por los senderos del parque nacional Cape Breton Highlands, y manejamos los 300 kilometros del famoso Cabot Trail que bordea la isla.
En nuestro primer día en la isla, visitamos el parque nacional Cape Breton Highlands, que fue el primer parque nacional creado en las provincias atlánticas de Canadá. Pasamos 2 días haciendo trekking por el parque y buscando el elusivo alce. Lo más chistoso que nos paso en el parque: habían muchas advertencias de osos y una mañana Togo iba paseando suelto porque le gusta ir adelante. Un grupo de gente venía caminando en sentido opuesto, y cuando el perro doblo la curva solito, le vieron la cara peluda y negra, y por un momento pensaron que se habían encontrado con un oso. El pobre Togo quedo con cara de confundido, solo quería saludar al grupo!
También manejamos el Cabot Trail; este es un camino que bordea la isla de Cabo Breton y es un paseo muy conocido en Canadá. El camino lleva el nombre de John Cabot, o Giovanni Caboto, un navegante y explorador italiano, que fue uno de los primeros europeos de la época moderna en llegar a la parte continental de Norteamérica en el año 1497. Él había buscado apoyo para sus viajes en España y Portugal, pero fue negado. De ahí, se fue a Inglaterra, donde recibió el apoyo financiero de Enrique el Séptimo. El plan de Caboto era llegar a Asia navegando hacia el oeste por el Atlántico norte y el estimaba que esa ruta podría ser más corta y rápida que la recién descubierta por Colón. La ubicación exacta de su llegada a Norteamérica es desconocida; historiadores piensan que puede haber sido la isla de Terranova o la isla de Cabo Breton, pero hoy la ruta que bordea Cabo Breton lleva su nombre.
Durante nuestra visita a Cabo Breton, visitamos el museo de Alexander Graham Bell. Mejor conocido como el inventor del teléfono, Bell también inventó el fotófono, el detector de metales, la hidroala, y diseño el avión que realizó el primer vuelo en Canadá. Pero aún más interesante, es que aparte de todos estos grandes inventos, Bell dedicó la mayor parte de su vida a enseñar a los sordos, siguiendo en los pasos de su padre y su abuelo. Este es un museo muy recomendable para los que quieran aprender más sobre la vida de Bell.
Y ese fue nuestro viaje a la isla de Cabo Breton en la provincia de Nueva Escocia! Nos vemos en el próximo video donde continuamos nuestro viaje a una nueva provincia: la Isla del Príncipe Eduardo.
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Visitando Cabo Breton + Manejando el Cabot Trail en Nueva Escocia, Canadá:
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Nuestro equipo de fotografía:
Panasonic GH5:
Canon G7X ii:
Rode Video Micro:
Joby Gorilla Pod:
SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro:
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Turismo en Cabo Breton, Nueva Escocia:
Gracias por mirar nuestra guía de viaje a Cabo Breton, Nueva Escocia. Como viajeros visitando un nuevo destino, todos tenemos las mismas preguntas:
¿Qué hacer en Cabo Breton?
¿Qué comer en Cabo Breton?
¿Qué visitar en Cabo Breton?
¿Qué ver en Cabo Breton?
El objetivo de nuestra guía turística es de compartir nuestras sugerencias sobre las mejores atracciones, comidas típicas, museos, arquitectura, y transporte, y ofrecerles consejos de viaje para ayudarles a planear su itinerario a Cabo Breton. Si tienen otras sugerencias para este destino, compartan sus ideas con la comunidad de viajeros en los comentarios.
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This is the WELSH TEA HOUSE that PRINCESS DIANA visited in Gaiman, Chubut, Argentina
Come join us for another travel episode from Argentina where we have afternoon tea at Ty Te Caerdyd, the Welsh Tea House, that Princess Diana visited in Gaiman, Chubut. We kick things off with a visit to a farmhouse called Narlu which specializes in delicious jams, cakes and other fruits which you can pick directly from the trees and vines.
After walking back into Gaiman we followed many signs until we finally reached Ty Te Caerdydd. The place is more than we expected in terms of beautiful gardens and a pristine property. We ended up ordering a full afternoon tea set which came with buttery breads and a wonderful assortment of cakes and tea and coffee. It was an experience we'd highly recommend for anyone visiting Gaiman. Considering we had to wait for an evening bus it was a great way to spend the day.
Welsh Tea House Information in Gaiman:
Ty Te Caerdydd
Welsh Tea house
Address: Finca 202, Gaiman, Chubut
Hours: Monday to Sunday 2-8PM
Phone: 0280 449-1510
Panasonic GH5:
Canon G7X ii:
Rode Video Micro:
Joby Gorilla Pod:
SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro:
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This is the WELSH TEA HOUSE that PRINCESS DIANA visited in Gaiman, Chubut, Argentina:
Hey guys! We are Samuel and Audrey, a travel vlogging couple from Canada. In this travel channel we share our travel and food vlogs while touring the world.
We had the privilege of traveling around Argentina for nearly 3 months from January- April 2019 on a trip covering a large section of the country.
We kicked things off with several days in Buenos Aires where we were joined by Audrey's parents eating and sightseeing around some of our favourite neighbourhoods in the city. We then flew from Buenos Aires to Cordoba where we spent a couple of weeks in the Sierras of Cordoba visiting both La Cumbrecita and Villa General Belgrano with highlights including hiking and delicious German and Swiss cuisine.
From Cordoba, we then travelled a considerable distance on an overnight bus to Mar Del Plata just in time for a special food festival called Feria Masticar featuring the best of Argentine food and wine. We spent several days enjoying beaches and seafood before heading south to Patagonia to visit the province of Chubut.
While on the Atlantic side of Chubut we visited Puerto Madryn, Peninsula Valdes, Trelew, Gaiman and Dolavon. To summarize our time in this area, we had incredibly close encounters with wildlife including penguins, sea lions and guanacos while also experiencing Welsh culture in Argentina.
Our time in Patagonia continued as we headed from east to west trading more barren landscapes for thick forests, impressive mountains and magnificent lakes. We spent significant time in both Esquel and El Bolson with day trips to visit Trevelin, Parque Nacional Los Alerces, Cholila and Lago Puelo. Highlights included sailing, hiking, riding vintage trains and partaking in the national asado festival.
We finished visiting Patagonia with time spent in Villa La Angostura, San Martin De Los Andes and Bariloche where we enjoyed more stunning scenery and hiking. On our way back to Buenos Aires, we took the Tren Patagonia to Las Grutas before meeting up with Audrey's dad again.
To finish off our trip in Argentina, we spent more time in the capital and later Mendoza where we got to experience wine tourism to its fullest extent. Overall, we had an amazing time travelling around Argentina having only scratched the surface of this vast and diverse country.
Overall our Argentina travel series explores cities, small towns that are off-the-beaten-path, and scenic attractions with a strong emphasis on Argentina cuisine and local culture.
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If you're new to our channel or this Argentina series please check out the following playlists to get caught up on all of our videos:
All of our Argentina travel + food videos:
This is part of our Travel in Argentina video series showcasing Argentine food, Argentine culture and Argentine cuisine.
Music We Use:
Finger per barche e pontili
I pontili e le piattaforme galleggianti modulari Otto con una portata massima di 350Kg a metro quadro e il loro fondo concavo sono perfette per realizzare stabili piattaforme e pontili anche solo temporanei resistenti anche in condizioni di mare mosso.
Se avete problemi di spazio per salire sulla vostra imbarcazione, con i nostri cubi potete creare facilmente e in poco tempo uno stabile supporto.
Pontili facili da montare e smontare, è possibile modificarne la forma in base alle esigenze ed essendo componibili si possono ingrandire nel corso del tempo.
Le caratteristiche della materia prima con cui sono costruiti, HDPE 56020S della TOTAL permette al sistema di cubi galleggianti Otto, di essere solido, elastico e resistente agli urti.
Tale materia prima, utilizzata per la costruzione dei nostri elementi, è ottimale per tutte le sollecitazioni marine, sia per acqua salata o dolce che per gli acidi; inoltre è utilizzabile anche per uso alimentare.
Perfettamente resistente ai raggi UV, in grado di non deformarsi in un range di temperature che va da – 60° a + 80° gradi centigradi e soprattutto è anche facilmente riciclabile.
Ogni piattaforma può essere dotata di tutti gli accessori necessari, compresi golfari per l'ancoraggio, bitte per piccole imbarcazioni, scalette di risalita, ecc.
OTTO s.a.s.
Via Belle, 24/c – 35042 Este (Padova)
Telefono: +39 0429-782193
Santa Margharita / Portofino Italy
hier seht ihr nun die restlichen Bilder von der Cinque Terre, bzw Ligurien. Die Orte in den Fotos sind Santa Margharita und Portofino, tja und wie ihr sehen könnt hat die Italienische Riviera ne Menge zu bieten.
Travel Italy - Visit the Fenis Castle
Take a tour of Fenis Castle in Italy -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
A stunning edifice, Fenis Castle is a spectacle of dynamic pillars and gray stone.
Beginning in 1242, Fenis Castle was owned by the Lords of the Challant family for over 450 years.
The structure earned its reputation as a standard in medieval design through seven hundred years of renovations.
A series of dramatic towers connect through a web of stately walkways.
Dazzling architecture is complemented by skilled artwork in the form of paintings and elaborate frescos.
Fenis Castle is a stunning historical structure and brilliant beacon of Italy's past.
Diesel Powerboat World Speed Record - Il record di Fabio Buzzi nelle acque del Lario
Fabio Buzzi ha conquistato sul lago di Como il nuovo Diesel Powerboat World Speed Record, il record di velocità sull'acqua con un'imbarcazione da lui stesso progettata e realizzata dalla sua azienda FB Design
speed boat omg was is fun and fast and if u are going to go to lake Garda I would recommend it. do it. It is so fast and u will really enjoy it ????????
[ITA] 105 NODI !!! CIGARETTE MARAUDER 50 SS - Prova - The Boat Show
Un test unico al mondo! La prova del nostro tester Maurizio Bulleri sul Cigarette 50 Marauder SS con 2 x 1350 cv Mercury Racing. Una barca perfetta, uno stile inconfondibile, finiture insuperabili e prestazioni da paura! 105 nodi! Se avete il coraggio, salite a bordo con noi!
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Riva Olympic For Sale – 1973
For sale in excellent condition Riva Olympic with hull number 210. Since full restoration in maintenance by our team and this Riva has not switched from owner since then. We did a complete restoration for the owner. This Riva Olympic is now located at our showroom in Amsterdam and you are very much welcome to be introduced to this excellent wooden mahogany Riva runabout.
Recently new spray paint and lacquer
Upholstery in great condition
270 HP V8 Crusader Riva Engine in great condition
Sunbath area
Bimini top
Waterski pole
Swimming ladder
Ice cooler
Fresh water shower
Includes transport trailer
Dimensions are 6.55 x 2.55 meters
The Riva Olympic was named after the Mexico Olympics who took place in 1968 and replaced the Super Florida model. The Olympic is a multi purpose boat with a more sophisticated design. The practical cabin is typical for the Olympic model where the sunbathing area can be converted into a separate stern seat. This Olympic has hull number 210 and is one of the few models with full options like a stainless fresh water tank, shower, beverage cooler and bimini top. She has a great running 270 HP V8 crusader engine with of course, the magnificent roaring Riva V8 sound. The Riva Olympic is great for all day tours and water sports. The ski pole and swimming ladder keeps your all day water fun convenient. The restoration has been documented and pictures can be showed upon request. The owner took perfect care of her since and kept her in maintenance by our team. Boat comes with accompanied transport trailer.
History of the Riva yard
Riva’s history dates back to 1842, when Pietro Riva began building boats at Sarnico, a small northern Italian town on the shores of Lago d’Iseo.
By the 1930s, by which time the business was managed by Pietro’s grandson, Serafino, the company was a leading manufacturer of small racing boats, many of which he raced himself. At the same time, it began building pleasure boats.
In the 1950s Serafino’s son Carlo transformed the business. After a considerable struggle with his father to realise his ambitions, he created wooden boats of such exceptional style and elegance that they surpassed anything his competitors produced.
Through a great deal of hard work, and some very clever marketing, the Riva brand became a worldwide legend courted by screen stars, royalty and businessmen alike. Famous owners included Brigitte Bardot, pictured here on her Super Florida, Sophia Loren, Peter Sellers and many more besides.
It is remarkable to think that Carlo Riva evolved the hull design, that is found in modern boats today, not by using high technology, but simply leaning over the bow of his boats and watching how the water parted. A classic example of this evolution is to look at how the bow of the early boats moved from being virtually vertical to much more angled as it meets the water.
Carlo also helped develop the technologies necessary to build his boats by way of wood laminates, varnishes, chrome plating and construction methods. In addition there was the masterly development of the Riva Crusader engines which were eventually at the heart of driving his craft forwards.
Riva Olympic Zu Verkaufen – 1973
Zu verkaufen in ausgezeichnetem Zustand Riva Olympic mit Rumpfnummer 210. Seit der vollständigen Restaurierung in der Wartung durch unser Team und diesem hat Riva seitdem nicht den Besitzer gewechselt. Wir haben eine komplette Restaurierung für den Eigentümer vorgenommen. Dieser Riva Olympic befindet sich jetzt in unserem Showroom in Amsterdam und Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, diesen hervorragenden hölzernen Riva-Runabout aus Holz kennen zu lernen.
Kürzlich neue Sprühfarbe und Lack
Polsterung in sehr gutem Zustand
270 HP V8 Crusader Riva Engine in hervorragendem Zustand
Sonnenbad bereich
Inklusive Transportanhänger
Abmessungen sind 6,55 x 2,55 M
Der Riva Olympic wurde nach den Olympischen Spielen in Mexiko benannt, die 1968 stattfanden und das Modell Super Florida ersetzten. Das Olympic ist ein Mehrzweckboot mit einem anspruchsvolleren Design. Die praktische Kabine ist typisch für das olympische Modell, bei dem der Sonnenbereich in einen separaten Hecksitz umgewandelt werden kann.
Riva Olympic in vendita – 1973
In vendita in ottime condizioni Riva Olympic con scafo numero 210. Da completo restauro in manutenzione da parte del nostro team e questo Riva non è passato dal proprietario da allora.
Di recente nuova vernice spray e vernice
Tappezzeria in ottime condizioni
270 HP V8 Crusader Riva Engine in ottime condizioni
Area per prendere il sole
Bimini top
Polo Waterski
Scala di nuoto
Doccia d’acqua dolce
Include un rimorchio per il trasporto
6,55 x 2,55 metri
Lanzini-dal 1908 a
I Lanzini, le velocissime barche a vela del golfo di Pozzuoli e Napoli . DaDagi inizi del '900 queste barche regatano ed appassionano con un periodo, quello degli anni '70 d i massimo splendore. Oggi un gruppo di appassionati armatori dell'Associazione velica 2000 e dell' Associazione Life le ha portate di nuovo ad un antico spendore pronte a navigare e stupure ancora per le loro caratteristiche che all'epoca erano avveniristiche ma che anche oggi sono in grado di regalare indimenticabili emozioni.
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