Adam Mickiewicz Müzesi-Adam Mickiewicz Museum
Polonya’lı özgürlük şairi Adam Mickiewicz’in hayatının son yıllarını geçirdiği ve 1855’te öldüğü Tarlabaşı’ndaki evi, şairin ölümünün 100. yıldönümü olan 1955`te Polonya Kültür ve Sanat Bakanlığı ile işbirliği yapılarak müzeye dönüştürülmüştür.
Müzede Mickiewicz’in hayatı ve eserleri ile ilgili bilgi ve belgeler, şairin İstanbul’da geçirdiği yıllara ait fotoğraflar ve Polonya özgürlük mücadelesine ait belge ve fotoğraflar bulunmaktadır. Binanın bodrum katında ise mezarı Krakow’da bulunan Mickiewicz’e ait sembolik bir mezar vardır.
Vilnius, City Walk - Lithuania 4K Travel Channel
The starting point for our city walk is the Cathedral of St. Stanislaus. This time take a look inside, where a Holy Mass just takes place
From the cathedral, we continue to the funicular tramway which brings us to the Gediminas mountain. We pass the National Museum of Lithuania, in front of which stands a monument to the Grand Duke Mindaugas. He is regarded as the founder of Lithuania and even received the royal crown at the instigation of Pope Innocent IV, in 1253. He was murdered in 1263 because he had lost the support of the population.
From the top of Gediminas Mountain, we have a wonderful panoramic view over Vilnius. Countless churches determine the cityscape. The steepness of the flanks of the mountain gives a sense of how difficult it was for attackers to take over the fortress. Gediminas' Tower on the mountain now houses a museum and is the landmark of Vilnius.
Back at the foot of the mountain we go back to the cathedral and pass the castle. From there we turn into Pilies gatve. It is the main shopping street and the tourist center of Vilnius.
Along the street you find plenty of restaurants and shops. Approximately in the middle of the road, the Literary Street branches off to the left.
Innumerable bookstores and antiquarians lined the narrow lane once. The Lithuanian writer Adam Mickiewicz also lived here temporarily.
Egle Vertelkaite, the curator of the Modern Art Center, launched the project Literatų Street in 2009. About 150 artists pay homage to writers and poets who influenced Lithuanian literature. Therefore they created on the house walls about 200 tiles and plaques made of different materials, such as ceramics, wood, or glass. Also some unknown literati are immortalized here.
The road ends at the Cathedral of the Theotokos in the Maironio gatve.
From here it is only a few steps to Uzupio gatve. The bridge over the Vilnia leads to Uzupis, one of the oldest districts of Vilnius. After Lithuania's independence, it became more and more of a bohemian district. In 1997, the artists proclaimed the independent Republic of Uzupis.
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Ausgangspunkt für unseren Stadtspaziergang in Vilnius ist die Kathedrale St. Stanislaus. Diesmal werfen einen Blick hinein, wo gerade eine Messe stattfindet.
Von der Kathedrale gehen wir weiter zur Schrägseilbahn die uns auf den Gediminas-Berg bringt. Dabei passieren wir das Nationalmuseum von Litauen, vor dem ein Denkmal des Großfürsten Mindaugas steht. Er gilt als Gründer Litauens und erhielt auf Veranlassung von Papst Innozenz IV im Jahre 1253 sogar die Königskrone. 1263 wurde er ermordet, da er den Rückhalt in der Bevölkerung verloren hatte.
Oben auf dem Gediminas-Berg angekommen, bietet sich uns ein herrlicher Panoramablick über Vilnius. Unzählige Kirchen bestimmen das Stadtbild. Die Steilheit der Flanken des Berges vermittelt ein Gefühl wie schwer es Angreifer hatten, die Festung einzunehmen. Der Gediminas-Turm auf dem Berg beinhaltet heute ein Museum und ist das Wahrzeichen von Vilnius.
Zurück am Fuß des Berges gehen wir zurück zur Kathedrale und passieren das Schloss. Von dort biegen wir in die Pilies gatve ein. Sie ist die Haupteinkaufstrasse und das touristische Zentrum von Vilnius.
Zahlreiche Restaurants und Geschäfte säumen die Straße. Ungefähr in der Mitte des Verlaufs zweigt die Literatenstraße links ab.
Einst reihten sich in der schmalen Gasse unzählige Buchhandlungen und Antiquariate. Aber auch der litauische Schriftsteller Adam Mickiewicz lebte zeitweise hier.
Egle Vertelkaite, Kuratorin des Modern Art Center startete 2009 das Projekt Literatų Straße. Etwa 150 Künstler erinnern an bedeutende litauische Schriftsteller und Dichter. Hierzu schufen sie an den Hauswänden ca. 200 Kacheln und Gedenktafeln aus verschiedenen Materialien, wie Keramik, Holz, oder Glas. Auch einige unbekannte Literaten sind hier verewigt.
Die Straße mündet bei der Kathedrale der Himmelfahrt der Gottesmutter in die Maironio gatve.
Von hier aus sind es nur wenige Schritte zur Uzupio gatve. Die Brücke über die Vilnia führt nach Uzupis, einem der ältesten Viertel von Vilnius. Nach der Unabhängigkeit Litauens entwickelte es sich mehr und mehr zum Künstlerviertel. 1997 wurde Uzupis von den Künstlern zu unabhängigen Republik Uzupis erklärt.
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Lithuanian literature
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Lithuanian literature concerns the art of written works compiled by Lithuanians throughout their history.
About the author(s): Martynas Mažvydas
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Lithuania-Vilnius Church of St. Constantine and St. Michael
25 May 2017
#kaunasbiennial2017 | Jonas Oškinis ir Raimundas Krukonis
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A. Mickevičiaus g. 56, Kaunas
Didysis lenkų ir lietuvių (ar kieno?) poetas romantikas Adomas Mickevičius (1798–1855), keletą metų gyvenęs Kaune, šioje vietoje buvusiame name.
Mūsų Mickevičius yra matęs tarpukario Vilniuje didelį medinį Mickevičiaus skulptūros maketą, kurį nunešė pavasario potvynio vandenys, jis matė ir granite parimusį Mickevičių prie Šv. Onos bažnyčios, ir netvarkingai sudėliotas „Vėlinių“ stelas, kurios turėjo būti kito Mickevičiaus paminklo postamente – toje vietoje, kur paskui buvo Černiachovskis, o dabar stovi Kudirka. Mūsų Mickevičius yra lankęsis ir Neonų muziejuje Varšuvoje. Mūsų Mickevičius – tai XX amžiaus neono invazija į XXI amžiaus Kauną. Ar jis žino, kur jis yra? Jūs esate čia.
A. Mickevičiaus g. 56, Kaunas
The great Polish-Lithuanian (or Lithuanian-Polish?) romantic poet Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855), who lived in Kaunas for several years in a house that once stood on this spot.
Our Mickiewicz has seen a large wooden model for a Mickiewicz monument in interwar Vilnius that was destroyed by the spring floods, he has seen a pensive Mickiewicz made of granite next to St. Anne’s Church, and a pile of the “Dziady” reliefs to be installed in the base of another Mickiewicz monument – in the same place where bronze Chernyakhovsky was later erected and now stands a monument to Kudirka. Our Mickiewicz has also been to the Neon Museum in Warsaw. Our Mickiewicz is a 20th century neon invasion into the 21st century Kaunas. Does he know where he is? You are here.
#kaunasbiennial2017 #THEREandnotTHERE
Litwo, Ojczyzno Adomasa Mickevičiusa
Visiting Lithuania brings all the time some new interesting antipolonisms. We can read, for example, that Adam Mickiewicz was Lithuanian poet (Wikipedia LT). Wikipedia PL says something different.
Who cares? But...
I've meet some guy who's really anti polish and was very angry on me, when I said it's my third time in Wilno. (I used origin polish name of the Lithuanian capitol city).
- no! Its Vilnius!!! - he started screaming.
- ok man, tell me what's the name of polish capitol city? - I tried to teach his stupid mind something...
- Warsaw! - he answered.
- No! It is WARSZAWA! - was my replay with polish city name.
His face was the most funny thing I saw for the last time.
Who cares?
Lithuanian people cares very much! It starts seems like scary sick mania. Pure antipolonisms in the historical origin polish city, Vilnius. Who cares? ;))) Even historical Lithuanian capitol Troki (Trakai) is 100% fake, rebuild in 1951-1961 by Soviet Union and absolutely nothing is real about the one of the most important museum in Lithuania.
Lithuanian Poet Judita Vaiciunaite (1937-2001), with Svaja Worthington and Leslie Fried
The art, life, and times of Lithuanian Poet Judita Vaiciunaite (1937-2001) is highlighted at this bi-lingual event with Svaja Worthington and Leslie Fried.
Judita Vaiciunaite's poetry explored a wide field of experience, from Lithuanian mythology to jazz, and from historical figures to contemporary city dwellers. Regarded as a poet of the city and the night, she is also a re-creator of myths... She was fascinated by human events which occur within the backdrop of Vilnius' Old City, where she spent most of her life... The beauty and meaning for her are contained in details of everyday life and fragments of our daily existence.
Svaja Vansauskas Worthington was just 18 months old when her family fled Lithuania to escape the devastation caused by World War II. For the past 40 years, she has called Alaska home. In 2013, she was named the Honorary Consul from the State of Alaska to the Republic of Lithuania. Her translations of 2 poems by Judita Vaiciunaite appear in Cirque Literary Journal Vol. 6, no. 2.
Leslie Fried is the curator of the Alaska Jewish Museum in Anchorage. She received a BA in Fine and Applied Arts from the University of Oregon and holds a Masters in Library and Information Science from the University of Washington.
Valhalla Polish Festival.
Presentation by Banner of Jasna Gora XVII Century Living History group dedicated to study of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Polish Hussaria.
Universität Vilnius
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Universität Vilnius
Die Universität Vilnius in Vilnius ist die größte Universität in Litauen und eine der ältesten in Mitteleuropa.Sie besteht aus zwölf Fakultäten, acht Universitätsinstituten sowie zehn Studien- und Forschungszentren.Die Universitätsbibliothek Vilnius ist die älteste Bibliothek in Litauen.Angegliedert sind drei Universitätsspitäler, ein astronomisches Observatorium, der Botanische Garten, das Universitätsrechenzentrum und die Universitätskirche St.
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Švedijos generalinis konsulatas Kaune (1930-1931)
Antano Žmuidzinavičiaus namas, kuriame 1930-1931 m. buvo įsikūręs ir Švedijos karalystės generalinis konsulatas Kaune. Architektas: Vytautas Landsbergis-Žemkalnis (1928 m.). 1930 m. Švedijos konsulate dirbo ir Suomijos švedas rašytojas Henris Parlandas. Ant fasado yra pritvirtinta A. Žmuidzinavičiaus atminimo lenta su įrašu ŠIAME NAME 1929-1966 M. GYVENO DAILININKAS ANTANAS ŽMUIDZINAVIČIUS, o žemiauų jos ir H. Parlando atminimo lenta su įrašu lietuvių, suomių ir švedų kalbomis ŠIAME PASTATE, BUVUSIAME ŠVEDIJOS KONSULATE, 1930 M. DIRBO SUOMIJOS ŠVEDAS RAŠYTOJAS HENRIS PARLANDAS. Dabar šiame pastate yra A. Žmuidzinavičiaus Velnių muziejus. V. Putvinskio g. 64, Kaunas, 2016 08 20, 14:14
General Consulate of Sweden was located in this building 1930-1933. Building was owned by Lithuanian painter A. Žmuidzinavičius. Architect - Vytautas Landsbergis-Žemkalnis (1928). Now it's a part of A. Žmuidzinavičius museum (Devils' Museum). V. Putvinskio str. 64, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Scenes from the Polish Festival at Federation Square, Melbourne - Sunday 21st November 2010
Literature lesson Lithuania
The spring of Lithuanian Poetry book presentation at Gori University
Abkhaz Literature
Literature: Literature by Country
The written '''Abkhaz literature''' appeared relatively recently in the beginning of the 20th century although Abkhaz oral tradition is quite rich. Abkhaz share with other Caucasian peoples the Nart sagas series of tales about mythical heroes, some of which can be considered as creation myths and ancient theology. There also exist historical legends ( for example about Marshania princes ) , brigands' and hunters' songs, satirical songs and songs about the Caucasian War and various ritual songs.
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Kazimierz Czartoryski
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Prince Kazimierz Czartoryski was a Polish nobleman, Duke of Klewań and Żuków.Kazimierz became Podczaszy of Lithuania since 1699, Grand Treasurer of Lithuania in 1707–1709, nominated by King Stanisław Leszczyński.He was also Deputy Chancellor of Lithuania in 1712–1724.Castellan of Vilnius since 1724 and starost of Krzemieniec, Wieliż and Uświaty.
About the author(s): Anonymous
License: Public domain
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SIK 1001/2 - Wilno in 1920's
SIK 1001/2 is a part of The Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum Film Archive
Wilno in 1920's - pre-war Poland
Wilno - Litwa [ cz.2 ] Vlog 4
Przedstawiam Wam druga część filmy z Wilna;)
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Nikon D5300 + Hama Clip CS-460
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Buddha by Kontekst
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Kilka linków
Lithuanian Feedbacks in Art, Culture, Literature and Media
6th Lithuanian video for the Our Way to Freedom Comenius association, presented in Hungary in March 2014.
EU Prize for Literature 2009 - Laura Sintija Cerniauskaité (Lithuania)
Winning author European Prize of Literature 2009