Old Havana Cuban Jewish Synagogue
Temple Adath Israel in Old Havana, during Sukkoth.
Temple Adath Israel Infromational Video
Our temple, Adath Israel, is going out of buisness, and we need your help. Please watch this informational video to show you around our wonderful temple.
Cuba Jewish Community
Yakob Berezniak Hernandez discusses various aspects of Adath Israel, an orthodox synagogue in Havana. He said the orthodox synagogue perhaps numbers a few hundred.
Juden in Kuba, Jews in Cuba, Juifs de Cuba, Judios en Cuba.
Jüdisches Leben in Kuba Oktober 2010. Mit dem Präsidenten von Adath Israel in Kuba: Salomón Susi Sarfati.
Jewish Synagogue in Old Havana
Adath Israel Synagogue of Cuban Jews in Old Havan, on Acosta St. Sukkoth services, oops maybe I shouldnt have videotaped :-)
adath israel paris synagogue kriath hatora & hagbaha r eli lemelעדת ישראל פריס
Temple Adath Israel Shabbat A La Cart 11-23-2013
Recorded by RickTrivane@me.com on November 23, 2013 in Merion Station, PA.
Early Childhood Development at Adath Israel
Mimi Greisman and Rabbi Josh Stwlowitz work together at Adath Israel to teach children under the age of 5 and their parents about Jewish tradistions, life and how to relax and build a spritual and family oriented community in San Francisco. Mimi's husband, Irving Greisman, is an exceptional cook that helps prepare snacks for Mimi's children and their families during the programs taught by Mimi. People of many cultures can get a taste of educational and spiritual traditions that are taught at Adath Israel as any families interested in practicing Jewish traditions are welcomed by Mimi.
Cuba Synagogue http://pages.nyu.edu/~air1/
Orthodox Synangogue |Havana adathcuba.com
Enlace Judío - Sucá en la Sinagoga Adat Israel
El día 4 de octubre, en la Sinagoga Adat Israel, se celebró Sucot.
Se sirvieron unas suculentas tortas para todos- y de postre, pastel y galletas.
Al finalizar la comida, Manuel Taifeld, quien se ha dedicado a mantener viva esta icónica institución de la Kehile, entregó reconocimientos a las personas que han apoyado a la sinagoga durante el año y sobre todo en la Fiestas Mayores:
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Candidates Forum at Temple Adath Yeshurun
Visiting Synagogue Nidhe Israel
Family came to visit and we paid a visit to the oldest synagogue in the western hemisphere. Nidhe Israel is in Bridgetown, Barbados and was built in 1654. A hurricane destroyed the synagogue in 1831 but it was rebuilt. It fell into disrepair for some years and was finally truly renovated in the 1980s. This synagogue is used in the winter during the tourist season, otherwise a smaller schul is used.
History of the Jews in Cuba | Wikipedia audio article
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History of the Jews in Cuba
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Jewish Cubans, Cuban Jews, or Cubans of Jewish heritage, have lived in the nation of Cuba for centuries. Some Cubans trace Jewish ancestry to Marranos (converts to Christianity) who came as colonists, though few of these practice Judaism today. More than 24,000 Jewish persons lived in Cuba in 1924, and more immigrated to the country in the 1930s. But during and after the 1959 communist revolution, 94% of the Jews left for the United States and other countries In 2007 an estimated 1,500 known Jewish Cubans remained in the country, overwhelmingly located in Havana., occasionally called Jubans as a portmanteau of the English word Jew and Cuban. Several hundred have since emigrated to Israel.
2008 Jewish Family Service of Colorado Agency Video
Jewish Family Service of Colorado video
CHC 2013
Descripcion de los programas y proyectos activos en la Comunidad Hebrea de Cuba durante el 2013
Chanukah Sermon1.wmv
Part one of Jonathan Miller's Chanukah D'Var Torah (Sermon/Message) at Temple Adath Israel, Lexington, 12/3/10
Mike Gravel in Manchester, N.H. on Sunday, Jan. 6, 2008
Former Alaskan Sen. Mike Gravel campaigned in Manchester on Sunday, Jan. 6, 2008. He appeared, along with Gov. Bill Richardson, at the Temple Adath Yeshurun.
051207 The Plagues Of YHWH - Part 1
Message given at synagogue on May 12, 2007.
TAO Progressive Dinner.MOV
The first Temple Adath Or Progressive Dinner -
June 19, 2010