Yokota, Road trip to Yokosuka, Atsugi, Zama and Aeon Mall
This fast paced journey to all bases from Yokota AB. Yokota to Yokosuka is 1st then on to Atsugi 2nd, Zama was 3rd and Aeon Mall last and that is our favorite mall in Japan.
Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa-Ken - Cinematic
Esse vídeo é um curta metragem ou um pequeno vídeo caseiro mostrando alguns locais da cidade de Atsugi-shi na província de Kanagawa que fica próximo à Tokyo no Japão.
Visiting AEON mall in Yokosuka
Ayase CIty
Ayase is known for its processed meat industry, and is the leading producer of pork products in Kanagawa Prefecture.
The Naval Air Facility Atsugi, one of the key United States military bases on the Kantō region, occupies approximately 18% of the area of the city.
#ayase city #naval air facility atsugi #kanagawa #ayasemall #NAF
Lễ hội đường phố atsugi - japan
Sunday July 3rd. We went back in time! Luckily we had the chance to travel back to Atsugi Naval Base in Kanagawa (about an hour train ride from Setagaya, Tokyo). We took the Den-en-Toshi line (glad I still remembered that) down to Sagami Ono, then transferred to Sagami Otska. From there we walked to Bamiyan (uff heart eyes) and ate the best food I could remember from 2004 lol. AND THEN we walked about a mile all the way to the base because we couldn't rent a car without an international driver's license (HUGE TIP for travelers abroad). At the base we walked from end point to end point which ultimately resulted in some major foot cramps (I walked 12 miles in Birkenstocks...) because no taxis were offered. It was really humbling to revisit the place I grew up in, though. I never thought that after 12 years I'd be back. And now I am LIVINGGGG.
Japan Vlog | August 21, 2013
Throwback Thursday to almost exactly one year ago! I take you on the walk to my local Aeon after living in my city for only three weeks. :)
Sayonara VAW 115
VAW 115 says Sayonara Japan after 44 years support to U.S. 7th Fleet!
Day 11 of Tour in Atsugi
The Party Animals Japan Tour 3012
Exploring Japan - Life in Yokosuka Part 3
Cheat Sheet for Tourists! - In this third part of Exploring Yokosuka series, we found some awesome and cute things at the Livin store. You will see some cute puppies, some food, and a little bit of the city. I hope you enjoy watching it!
【No.248】東芝エレベーター 本厚木駅周辺の雑居ビルのエレベーターPart4 Toshiba elevator
撮影場所:本厚木駅周辺の雑居ビルのエレベーター(Location: Tenant building of Hon-Atsugi station Around)
メーカー:東芝(Maker: Toshiba)
機種:エレメイトセレブラムVF(Model:Element Cerebrum VF)
積載:600kg(Load: 600kg) 定員:9名(9 Persons) 用途:乗用(For Passenger)
停止階:B1・1・2・3・4・5・6・7・8(Stop floor: B1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
停止しない階:9(Not stop floor: 9)
アナウンス:なし(Announce: Unexist)
ボタン確認音:なし(Button sound: Unexist)
到着チャイム:なし(Bell and chime: Unexist)
行先キャンセル:不可(Floor Cancel: NG)
このエレベーターのスコア:90pt(Elevator score: 90pt)
aikawa machi
nays restobar,entrega
Tamie's Power Rangers
Tamie captured the power rangers, live, in person putting on a show at the local Ebina city festival.
☆涼子の女装ライフ 01042 イオン 赤ミニワンピ ジャケット ハンドバック 女装OL スカーフ 通勤OL 美脚OL 自撮り サンダル 階段 屋上パーキング 自販機
☆Ryoko's transvestite life pinkskirt Jacket pantyhose crossdresser Beautiful legs Sandals
☆涼子の女装ライフ P1212(花柄スカート ピンクスカート ブラウス ジャケット パンスト ミニスカ 女装OL スカーフ 通勤OL サンダル 美脚OL スーパー 美足OL 営業OL
☆료코의여장라이프 더 이상 신을 수없는 초미니 스커트 여장 OL 팬티 스타킹 재킷 계단 역 지하도 샌들 하이힐 팬티 자판기 슈퍼 보도 스카프 갈색 머리 로우 앵글
☆涼子の女装ライフ 12181P(花柄スカート 茶髪ストレート 白ジャケット パンスト ハイヒール 女装OL スカーフ 通勤OL 美脚OL 美足OL スーパー 深夜 冬 寒い 自撮り スマホ)
☆涼子の女装ライフ 1016(雨の日 傘 ランドリー 女装Ol スーパー ハイヒール 水玉スカート ブラウス ジャケット ストッキング 美脚OL ハンドバック 交差点 CROSSDRESSER)
ItoYokado experiences - a real-life in Japan!
Planning a travel to Japan?
Why don't you try to experience a real-life in Japan?
Please take a look at this video!
You can find how Japanese people live here through your shopping experience at Ito-Yokado!
Japan Shopping Center
Small Japan shopping center.
【HD】TOTO C48AS 便器洗浄 Part1(品番ステッカーJISマークなし) (現在はありません)
japan walk machida city
The walk going to say Machida-shi in Japan is done today.
As I take a walk.
shion he
life is
2013年11月17日 イオンモール浦和美園にて、MONKEYSのパフォーマンスを見ていただきました!たくさんの方にモンキーズの演技で元気・勇気・笑顔をお届けできたと思います!!