Afrasiab Museum of Samarkand - Uzbekistan 4K Travel Channel
The Afrasiab Museum lies on the terrain of the ancient settlement Afrasiyab, founded approximately 2750 years ago. It bears the name of Afrasiab. He was the mythical king of Turan, the country of origin of the Turks in Central Asia. The troops of Genghis Khan destroyed the town in the first half of the 13th century. Today it is one of the largest excavation sites in the world. Together with Samarkand, it belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Already shortly after the take-over of the Russians, the first excavations started in 1833.
In the northern part, one excavated a citadel, surrounded by an eight-meter-thick wall. The palace dates from the time of the Sogdia, an Achaemenid Empire, the first Persian empire. At that time Afrasiyab was the capital of the province of Sogdia.
Valuable wall frescoes belong to the most beautiful showpieces in the museum today. They were recovered from the southern palace of the Ikhshidid dynasty from the 7/8th century.
The museum's 22,000 exhibits provide information about people's lifestyles, clothing, food, and habits. These include books and writings, weapons, vessels and statues, coins and bones of the deceased. Particularly noteworthy are the terracotta figures placed at the entrance.
After leaving the museum, we pass the Shah-i-Zinda Ensemble, whose mausoleums are among the oldest and most beautiful monuments of Samarkand. Among others, the sisters and nieces of Amir Temur are buried here.
But since Ursula still doesn't feel well, we didn't pay a visit. And there was a second reason for it. After so many mausoleums, our need for more tombs is satisfied for the time being. Nevertheless, they are undoubtedly worth seeing.
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Das Afrasiab Museum liegt auf dem Gebiet der antiken Siedlung Afrosiab, die ungefähr vor 2750 Jahren gegründet wurde. Sie trägt den Namen von Afrosiab. Er war der sagenumwobene König von Turan. dem Ursprungsland der Türken in Zentralasien.
Die Stadt wurde in der ersten Hälfte des 13. Jahrhunderts durch Truppen von Dschingis Khan zerstört. Heute ist das Gelände eines der größten archäologischen Ausgrabungsfelder weltweit und gehört zusammen mit Samarkand zum UNESCO Weltkulturerbe.
Bereits kurz nach der Machtübernahme der Russen begannen 1833 hier erste Grabungen.
Im nördlichen Teil wurde eine Zitadelle, mit einer sie umgebenden acht Meter dicken Mauer, ausgegraben. Der Palast stammt aus der Zeit der Sogder, einem Achämenidenreich, dem ersten persischen Großreich. Damals war Afrasiab die Hauptstadt der Provinz Sogdien.
Aus dem südlichen Palast der Ichschididen aus dem 7./8. Jahrhundert wurden wertvolle Wandfresken geborgen. Sie zählen heute zu den schönsten Ausstellungsstücken im Museum.
Die 22.000 Exponate des Museums geben Auskunft über die Lebensweise der Menschen, ihre Kleidung, Nahrung und Lebensgewohnheiten. Dazu gehören Bücher und Schriften, Waffen, Gefäße und Statuen, Münzen und Gebeine Verstorbener. Besonders hervorzuheben sind die Terrakottafiguren, die am Eingang platziert wurden.
Nachdem wir das Museum wieder verlassen haben, passieren wir auf der Weiterfahrt das Shohizinda-Ensemble, dessen Mausoleen zu den ältesten und schönsten Baudenkmälern von Samarkand zählen. Unter anderem sind hier Schwestern und Nichten von Timor Lenk begraben.
Nachdem es aber Ursula immer noch nicht so gut ging, haben wir auf einen Besuch verzichtet. Es gab aber noch einen zweiten Grund dafür. Nach so vielen Mausoleen, ist unser Bedarf an weiteren Grabmälern erst mal gedeckt Trotzdem sind sie zweifellos sehenswert.
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3D reconstruction of frescos on the ancient settlement Afrosiab, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Among the most prominent exhibits of Samarkand State Museum-Reserve wall paintings- frescos found in ancient Afrosiab are especially important. Back then they decorated the hall, in which foreign ambassadors are received. It was the family Residence of the ruler Varkhuman, governed in Samarkand in the third quarter of the 7 century. On the four walls there are four different plot - reception of foreign envoys by the governor of Samarkand, paying reverence to the grave of the father of Varkhuman, hunting on leopards and such different events.
3D-reconstruction: Northeast Asian History Foundation (South Korea)
Joanna Lumley's Silk Road Adventure | The Afrasiab Museum of Samarkand | ITV
At the Afrasiab museumin Samarkand, Uzbekistan, she shows us a seventh century Sogdian fresco, and tells the story of how these powerful traders were long the beating heart of the Silk Road.
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Samarkand, Gur-e-Amir and Registan - Uzbekistan 4K Travel Channel
The precursor of Samarkand was Afrasiyab. Today there is only a sandhill north-east of today's center of Samarkand left. Afrasiyab, founded in 750 BC, was the capital of the province of Sogdia in the Achaemenid Empire, the first Persian empire. Due to trade on the Silk Road, the city had come to prosperity already at this time. In 329 BC Alexander the Great conquered the city. After his death, Afrasiyab fell to the Seleucid Empire, one of the three Diadoch states that divided Alexander's empire among themselves. Later it fell to the Greek-Bactrian Kingdom and then to the Kushan Empire.
In the third century, the Sassanids conquered the city. In the 6th century, it fell to the Khan of Western Turkey. After that, it came under Chinese influence. After the Chinese lost Central Asia to the Tibetans, the region came to the Umayyads, a family clan from Mecca, where Muhammad originated from. The reign was replaced by the Choresm Empire before Genghis Khan completely destroyed the city.placed
The city was rebuilt in the 14th century. Under the Mongolian ruler Timur, Samarkand became the capital of his empire. 150,000 people, mainly silk weavers, and gunsmiths, settled here. They developed the city into one of the most important metropolises of its time.
Because of this architectural heritage, Samarkand is legitimately called the Gem of the Orient.
In 1500, the Shaibanids conquered Samarkand and the city became part of the Khanate of Bukhara.
The region experienced its greatest prosperity under Timur. Thus Uzbekistan relies on the historical heritage of Timur (Amir Timur or Tamerlane) to strengthen its identity.
The Gur-e-Amir Mausoleum is the final resting-place of Timur. In 1405 he set out on a campaign to China. After several days of extensive alcohol consumption, he died near Shymkent in present-day Kazakhstan.
Timur was a merciless conqueror who had hundreds of thousands if not millions slaughtered. But at the same time, he was also regarded as a promoter of culture and literature. He built one of the largest but also most short-lived empires of Central Asia.
But Timur was a conqueror and military leader, not a politician who created sustainable administrative structures and organizations. The destruction of ......
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Der Vorläufer von Samarkand war Afrasiab. Davon existiert heute nur noch ein Sandberg nordöstlich des heutigen Zentrums von Samarkand. Die Stadt wurde 750 v. Chr. gegründet und war im Achämenidenreich (erste persische Großreich) die Hauptstadt der
Bereits in dieser Zeit war die Stadt durch den Handel auf der Seidenstraße zu Wohlstand gekommen. 329 v. Chr. wurde sie durch Alexander den Großen erobert. Nach dessen Tod fiel die Stadt and das Seleukidenreich, einem der drei Diadochenstaaten, die das Reich Alexanders unter sich aufteilten. Später fiel es an das Griechisch-Baktrische Königreich und danach an das Kuschanreich.
Im dritten Jahrhundert wurde die Stadt von den Sassaniden erobert. Im 6. Jahrhundert fiel sie an den westtürkischen Khan, danach kam sie unter chinesischen Einfluss. Nach dem die Chinesen Zentralasien an die Tibeter verloren kam die Region zu den Umayyaden, einem Familienclan aus Mekka, dem auch Mohammed entstammte. Abgelöst wurde die Herrschaft durch das Choresm Reich, bevor Dschingis Khan die Stadt restlos zerstörte.
Ab dem 14. Jahrhundert wurde die Stadt wieder aufgebaut. Unter dem mongolischen Herrscher Timur wurde Samarkand Hauptstadt seines Großreiches. 150000 Menschen, hauptsächlich Seidenweber und Waffenschmiede siedelten hier und bauten die Stadt zu einer der bedeutendsten Metropolen seiner Zeit aus.
Aufgrund dieses architektonischen Erbes wird auch Samarkand nicht umsonst Perle des Orient (Gem of the Orient) genannt.
1500 wurde die Stadt von den Schaibaniden erobert und Teil des Khanats Buchara.
Die größte Blüte erlebte die Region unter Timur. Deshalb setzt Uzbekistan zur Festigung der Identität auf das geschichtliche Erbe von Timur (Temür ibn Taraghai Barlas oder Tamerlan)
Das Gur-Emir-Mausoleum ist die letzte Ruhestätte von Timur, nachdem er 1405 zu einen Feldzug nach China aufgebrochen war und in der Nähe von Schymkent im heutigen Kasachstan nach einem mehrtägigen Alkoholexzess starb.
Timur war ein gnadenloser Eroberer, der Hunderttausende wenn nicht Millionen hin metzeln ließ, gleichzeitig galt er aber auch als Förderer von Kultur und Literatur. Er errichtete eines der größten aber auch kurzlebigsten Reiche Zentralasiens.
Timur Lenk war aber Eroberer und Militärführer, kein Politiker, der nachhaltige Verwaltungsstrukturen und -organisationen schuf. Die Zerstörungen in .......
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【K】Uzbekistan Travel-Samarkand[우즈베키스탄 여행-사마르칸트]푸른 모자이크 성지, 샤이진다/Shakhi Zinda/Mosaic/Cemetery
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나는 평일과 주말 할 것 없이 많은 우즈벡인들이 찾는다는 사마르칸트에서 가장 신성한 곳,
샤이진다를 찾았다. 우즈베키스탄이 이슬람의 영향을 받기 시작한 8세기 이후에 형성된 성지로 예언자 마호메트의 사촌인 쿠산과 테무르의 일족, 울르크베크의 은사, 자녀들의 유골이 안치돼 있는 곳이다. 성스러운 곳 샤이진다를 빛내는 것은 외벽의 푸른색 모자이크 타일 장식이었는데 감탄이 나올 정도로 아름다웠다. 샤이진다 옆으로는 공동묘지가 위치해 있다. 우즈벡 사람들에게 신성시 되는 곳이라 그런지 많은 묘들이 있었는데 특이한 것은 비석에 얼굴을 그려 넣었다는 점이다. 성인의 얼굴이나 조각을 만들지 않는 이슬람교, 그러나 가족에 대한 애틋한 사랑은 이렇게 표현되는 듯했다.
[English: Google Translator]
I am the most sacred places in Samarkand Uzbeks have a lot to look without weekdays and weekends,
Shire is found. Uzbekistan is the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad in the Holy Land Pico Mountain and temureu formed after the 8th century Islam began to be influenced by family, cried gift of Krk Beck, is where you gotta settle their children's bones. It will be gracing the holy place, so come admire Shai was a beautiful blue mosaic tiles decorate the outer walls. Sheikh is located next to the cemetery. There was a lot of grungy place called the sacred tombs are peculiar to the Uzbek people is not got a face drawn on the monument is that. Do not make a face or a piece of adult Muslims, but aeteuthan love for the family seemed to be so represented.
[Uzbek: Google Translator]
Men, Samarqand o'zbeklar ichida eng muqaddas joylar ko'p hafta ichi va dam olish kunlari holda qarash kerak emasman
Shirin bo'ladi. O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Islom oila ta'sir qila boshladi 8 asrdan keyin hosil Muqaddas Land Pico Mountain Payg'ambar Muhammad qarindoshi va temureu bo'lib, ularning bolalar suyak hal kerak qaerda Krk Beck in'omi, deb qichqirdi. Bu muqaddas joy gracing, shuning uchun Shai go'zal ko'k mozaik chinni tashqi devorlarini bezab edi qoyil keladi. Shayx qabristoniga keyingi joylashgan. Muqaddas mozor yodgorligi chizilgan bir yuzi bor emas o'zbek xalqiga xos bo'lgan deb nomlangan grungy joyda, bir joyi bor, deb qilingan edi. A yuzini yoki kattalar musulmonlar bir parcha, lekin oila uchun aeteuthan sevgi qilmang shunday vakili tuyulardi.
■클립명: 아시아033-우즈베키스탄01-06 푸른 모자이크 성지, 샤이진다/Shakhi Zinda/Mosaic/Cemetery
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 현상용 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2006년 8월 August
,아시아,Asia,,우즈베키스탄,Uzbekistan,Ozbekiston,우즈베키스탄 공화국,현상용,2006,8월 August,,,,
Going arround Amir Timur museum tashkent uzbekistan by putu dewi
Hello guys, welcome to my channel by putu dewi, you can see the museum of amir Timur
Throughout history, few names have inspired such terror as Tamerlane. That was not the Central Asian conqueror's actual name, though. More properly, he is known as Timur, from the Turkic word for iron.
Amir Timur is remembered as a vicious conqueror, who razed ancient cities to the ground and put entire populations to the sword. On the other hand, he is also known as a great patron of the arts, literature, and architecture. One of his signal achievements is his capital in the beautiful city of Samarkand, in modern-day Uzbekistan.
A complicated man, Timur continues to fascinate us some six centuries after his death.
Early Life
Timur was born in 1336, near the city of Kesh (now called Shahrisabz), about 50 miles south of the oasis of Samarkand, in Transoxiana. The child's father, Taragay, was the chief of the Barlas tribe. The Barlas were of mixed Mongolian and Turkic ancestry, descended from the hordes of Genghis Khan and the earlier inhabitants of Transoxiana. Unlike their nomadic ancestors, the Barlas were settled agriculturalists and traders.
Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Arabshah's 14th-century biography, Tamerlane or Timur: The Great Amir, states that Timur was descended from Genghis Khan on his mother's side; it is not entirely clear whether that is true.
Samarkand | Wikipedia audio article
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Samarkand (; Uzbek language: Samarqand; Persian: سمرقند; Russian: Самарканд), alternatively Samarqand, is a city in modern-day Uzbekistan, and is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Central Asia. There is evidence of human activity in the area of the city from the late Paleolithic era, though there is no direct evidence of when exactly Samarkand was founded; some theories propose that it was founded between the 8th and 7th centuries BC. Prospering from its location on the Silk Road between China and the Mediterranean, at times Samarkand was one of the greatest cities of Central Asia.By the time of the Achaemenid Empire of Persia, it was the capital of the Sogdian satrapy. The city was taken by Alexander the Great in 329 BC, when it was known by its Greek name of Marakanda. The city was ruled by a succession of Iranian and Turkic rulers until the Mongols under Genghis Khan conquered Samarkand in 1220. Today, Samarkand is the capital of Samarqand Region and Uzbekistan's second largest city.The city is noted for being an Islamic centre for scholarly study. In the 14th century it became the capital of the empire of Timur (Tamerlane) and is the site of his mausoleum (the Gur-e Amir). The Bibi-Khanym Mosque (a modern replica) remains one of the city's most notable landmarks. The Registan was the ancient center of the city. The city has carefully preserved the traditions of ancient crafts: embroidery, gold embroidery, silk weaving, engraving on copper, ceramics, carving and painting on wood. In 2001, UNESCO added the city to its World Heritage List as Samarkand – Crossroads of Cultures.
Modern-day Samarkand is divided into two parts: the old and new city. The old city includes historical monuments, shops, and old private houses, while the new city includes administrative buildings along with cultural centers and educational institutions.
Persianate world | Wikipedia audio article
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00:03:33 1 Etymology
00:05:52 2 Definition
00:10:59 3 In Persian literature
00:11:10 4 Background
00:16:49 5 Provinces and regions
00:17:58 5.1 Middle East
00:18:07 5.1.1 Bahrain
00:29:08 5.1.2 Iraq
00:38:08 5.2 Kurdistan
00:39:00 5.3 Caucasus
00:39:08 5.3.1 North Caucasus
00:40:06 5.3.2 South Caucasus
00:44:42 5.4 Central Asia
00:46:46 5.4.1 Tajikistan
00:47:43 5.4.2 Turkmenistan
00:48:34 5.4.3 Uzbekistan
00:49:29 5.4.4 Xinjiang
00:49:56 5.5 South Asia
00:50:05 5.5.1 Afghanistan
00:51:06 5.5.2 Pakistan
00:51:58 6 Historical and modern maps of Iran
00:52:10 7 Treaties
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Greater Iran (Persian: ایران بزرگ, Irān-e Bozorg) is a term used to refer to the regions of the Caucasus, West Asia, Central Asia, and parts of South Asia that have significant Iranian cultural influence due to having been either long historically ruled by the various imperial dynasties of the Iranian Empire (such as those of the Medes, Achaemenids, Parthians, Sasanians, Samanids, Safavids, and Afsharids and the Qajars), having considerable aspects of Persian culture due to extensive contact with the various imperial dynasties of Iran (e.g., those regions and peoples in the North Caucasus that were not under direct Iranian rule), or are simply nowadays still inhabited by a significant amount of Iranian peoples who patronize their respective cultures (as it goes for the western parts of South Asia, Bahrain and Tajikistan). It roughly corresponds to the territory on the Iranian plateau and its bordering plains. The Encyclopædia Iranica uses the term Iranian Cultural Continent for this region.The term Greater Iran is not limited to the modern state of Iran, but includes all the territory ruled by the Iranians throughout the history, including Mesopotamia, Eastern Anatolia, all of the Caucasus and Central Asia. The concept of Greater Iran has its source in the history of the Achaemenid Empire in Persis (modern day Pars region), and overlaps to a certain extent with the history of Iran.
In recent centuries, Iran lost many of the territories conquered under the Safavid and Qajar dynasties, including Iraq to the Ottomans (via the Treaty of Amasya in 1555 and the Treaty of Zuhab in 1639), western Afghanistan to the British (via the Treaty of Paris in 1857 and the MacMahon Arbitration in 1905), and all its Caucasus territories to Russia during the Russo-Persian Wars in the course of the 19th century. The Treaty of Gulistan in 1813 resulted in Iran ceding Dagestan, Georgia, and most of Azerbaijan to Russia. The Turkmanchey Treaty of 1828 decisively ended centuries of Iranian control of its Caucasian provinces, and made Iran cede what is present-day Armenia, the remainder of Azerbaijan and Igdir (eastern Turkey), and set the modern boundary along the Aras River.On the Nowruz of 1935, the endonym Iran was adopted as the official international name of Persia by its ruler Reza Shah Pahlavi. However, in 1959, the government of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, Reza Shah Pahlavi's son, announced that both Persia and Iran could officially be used interchangeably.
Khwarezm | Wikipedia audio article
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Khwarazm , or Chorasmia (Persian: خوارزم, Xvârazm) is a large oasis region on the Amu Darya river delta in western Central Asia, bordered on the north by the (former) Aral Sea, on the east by the Kyzylkum desert, on the south by the Karakum desert, and on the west by the Ustyurt Plateau. It was the center of the Iranian Khwarazmian civilization, and a series of kingdoms such as the Persian Empire, whose capitals were (among others) Kath, Gurganj (the modern Köneürgenç) and – from the 16th century on – Khiva. Today Khwarazm belongs partly to Uzbekistan, partly to Kazakhstan and partly to Turkmenistan.
Khwarezm | Wikipedia audio article
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Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Khwarazm , or Chorasmia (Persian: خوارزم, Xvârazm) is a large oasis region on the Amu Darya river delta in western Central Asia, bordered on the north by the (former) Aral Sea, on the east by the Kyzylkum desert, on the south by the Karakum desert, and on the west by the Ustyurt Plateau. It was the center of the Iranian Khwarazmian civilization, and a series of kingdoms such as the Persian Empire, whose capitals were (among others) Kath, Gurganj (the modern Köneürgenç) and – from the 16th century on – Khiva. Today Khwarazm belongs partly to Uzbekistan, partly to Kazakhstan and partly to Turkmenistan.
The Respite Association - Who Cares? - narrated by Joanna Lumley
The Respite Association - Who Cares? - Joanna Lumley
Greater Persia | Wikipedia audio article
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Greater Persia
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Greater Iran (Persian: ایران بزرگ, Irān-e Bozorg) is a term used to refer to the regions of the Caucasus, West Asia, Central Asia, and parts of South Asia that have significant Iranian cultural influence due to having been either long historically ruled by the various imperial dynasties of Persian Empire (such as those of the Medes, Achaemenids, Parthians, Sassanians, Samanids, Safavids, and Afsharids and the Qajars), having considerable aspects of Persian culture due to extensive contact with the various imperial dynasties of Iran (e.g., those regions and peoples in the North Caucasus that were not under direct Iranian rule), or are simply nowadays still inhabited by a significant amount of Iranic peoples who patronize their respective cultures (as it goes for the western parts of South Asia, Bahrain and Tajikistan). It roughly corresponds to the territory on the Iranian plateau and its bordering plains. The Encyclopædia Iranica uses the term Iranian Cultural Continent for this region.The term Greater Iran is not limited to the modern state of Iran, but includes all the territory ruled by the Iranians throughout the history, including Mesopotamia, Eastern Anatolia, all of the Caucasus and Central Asia. The concept of Greater Iran has its source in the history of the Achaemenid Empire in Persis (modern day Pars region), and overlaps to a certain extent with the history of Iran.
In recent centuries, Iran lost many of the territories conquered under the Safavid and Qajar dynasties, including Iraq to the Ottomans (via the Treaty of Amasya in 1555 and the Treaty of Zuhab in 1639), western Afghanistan to the British (via the Treaty of Paris in 1857 and the MacMahon Arbitration in 1905), and all its Caucasus territories to Russia during the Russo-Persian Wars in the course of the 19th century. The Treaty of Gulistan in 1813 resulted in Iran ceding Dagestan, Georgia, and most of Azerbaijan to Russia. The Turkmanchey Treaty of 1828 decisively ended centuries of Iranian control of its Caucasian provinces, and made Iran cede what is present-day Armenia, the remainder of Azerbaijan and Igdir (eastern Turkey), and set the modern boundary along the Aras River.On the Nowruz of 1935, the endonym Iran was adopted as the official international name of Persia by its ruler Reza Shah Pahlavi. However, in 1959, the government of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, Reza Shah Pahlavi's son, announced that both Persia and Iran could officially be used interchangeably.
Khwarazm | Wikipedia audio article
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00:00:53 1 Names and etymology
00:01:03 1.1 Names
00:02:24 1.2 Etymology
00:05:22 2 Legendary history
00:06:26 3 Early people
00:07:46 3.1 Khwarezmian language and culture
00:10:13 4 Achaemenid, Parthian and Sassanid era
00:13:24 5 Afrighids
00:15:23 6 Khwarezmid Empire
00:16:42 7 Modern age
00:20:46 8 In Persian literature
00:24:46 9 Notable people
00:26:54 10 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Speaking Rate: 0.7328698305542791
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-C
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Khwarazm , or Chorasmia (Persian: خوارزم, Xvârazm) is a large oasis region on the Amu Darya river delta in western Central Asia, bordered on the north by the (former) Aral Sea, on the east by the Kyzylkum desert, on the south by the Karakum desert, and on the west by the Ustyurt Plateau. It was the center of the Iranian Khwarazmian civilization, and a series of kingdoms such as the Persian Empire, whose capitals were (among others) Kath, Gurganj (the modern Konye-Urgench) and – from the 16th century on – Khiva. Today Khwarazm belongs partly to Uzbekistan, partly to Kazakhstan and partly to Turkmenistan.
Turan | Wikipedia audio article
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Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Turan (Persian: توران Tūrān, the land of the Tur) is a historical region in Central Asia. The term is of Iranian origin and may refer to a particular prehistoric human settlement, a historic geographical region, or a culture. The original Turanians were an Iranian tribe of the Avestan age.
Khwarezm | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Khwarazm , or Chorasmia (Persian: خوارزم, Xvârazm) is a large oasis region on the Amu Darya river delta in western Central Asia, bordered on the north by the (former) Aral Sea, on the east by the Kyzylkum desert, on the south by the Karakum desert, and on the west by the Ustyurt Plateau. It was the center of the Iranian Khwarazmian civilization, and a series of kingdoms such as the Persian Empire, whose capitals were (among others) Kath, Gurganj (the modern Köneürgenç) and – from the 16th century on – Khiva. Today Khwarazm belongs partly to Uzbekistan, partly to Kazakhstan and partly to Turkmenistan.
Khwarazm | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:38 1 Names and etymology
00:00:48 1.1 Names
00:01:49 1.2 Etymology
00:03:59 2 Legendary history
00:04:48 3 Early people
00:05:48 3.1 Khwarezmian language and culture
00:07:37 4 Achaemenid, Parthian and Sassanid era
00:09:57 5 Afrighids
00:11:24 6 Khwarezmid Empire
00:12:22 7 Modern age
00:15:18 8 In Persian literature
00:18:15 9 Notable people
00:19:48 10 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Khwarazm , or Chorasmia (Persian: خوارزم, Xvârazm) is a large oasis region on the Amu Darya river delta in western Central Asia, bordered on the north by the (former) Aral Sea, on the east by the Kyzylkum desert, on the south by the Karakum desert, and on the west by the Ustyurt Plateau. It was the center of the Iranian Khwarazmian civilization, and a series of kingdoms such as the Persian Empire, whose capitals were (among others) Kath, Gurganj (the modern Köneürgenç) and – from the 16th century on – Khiva. Today Khwarazm belongs partly to Uzbekistan, partly to Kazakhstan and partly to Turkmenistan.
Khwarazm | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:53 1 Names and etymology
00:01:04 1.1 Names
00:02:23 1.2 Etymology
00:05:26 2 Legendary history
00:06:31 3 Early people
00:07:55 3.1 Khwarezmian language and culture
00:10:26 4 Achaemenid, Parthian and Sassanid era
00:13:39 5 Afrighids
00:15:40 6 Khwarezmid Empire
00:17:00 7 Modern age
00:21:06 8 In Persian literature
00:25:09 9 Notable people
00:27:15 10 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.7412423606790225
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-B
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Khwarazm , or Chorasmia (Persian: خوارزم, Xvârazm) is a large oasis region on the Amu Darya river delta in western Central Asia, bordered on the north by the (former) Aral Sea, on the east by the Kyzylkum desert, on the south by the Karakum desert, and on the west by the Ustyurt Plateau. It was the center of the Iranian Khwarazmian civilization, and a series of kingdoms such as the Persian Empire, whose capitals were (among others) Kath, Gurganj (the modern Köneürgenç) and – from the 16th century on – Khiva. Today Khwarazm belongs partly to Uzbekistan, partly to Kazakhstan and partly to Turkmenistan.
Greater Iran | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Greater Iran
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Greater Iran (Persian: ایران بزرگ, Irān-e Bozorg) is a term used to refer to the regions of the Caucasus, West Asia, Central Asia, and parts of South Asia that have significant Iranian cultural influence due to having been either long historically ruled by the various imperial dynasties of Persian Empire (such as those of the Medes, Achaemenids, Parthians, Sassanians, Samanids, Safavids, and Afsharids and the Qajars), having considerable aspects of Persian culture due to extensive contact with the various imperial dynasties of Iran (e.g., those regions and peoples in the North Caucasus that were not under direct Iranian rule), or are simply nowadays still inhabited by a significant amount of Iranic peoples who patronize their respective cultures (as it goes for the western parts of South Asia, Bahrain and Tajikistan). It roughly corresponds to the territory on the Iranian plateau and its bordering plains. The Encyclopædia Iranica uses the term Iranian Cultural Continent for this region.The term Greater Iran is not limited to the modern state of Iran, but includes all the territory ruled by the Iranians throughout the history, including Mesopotamia, Eastern Anatolia, all of the Caucasus and Central Asia. The concept of Greater Iran has its source in the history of the Achaemenid Empire in Persis (modern day Pars region), and overlaps to a certain extent with the history of Iran.
In recent centuries, Iran lost many of the territories conquered under the Safavid and Qajar dynasties, including Iraq to the Ottomans (via the Treaty of Amasya in 1555 and the Treaty of Zuhab in 1639), western Afghanistan to the British (via the Treaty of Paris in 1857 and the MacMahon Arbitration in 1905), and all its Caucasus territories to Russia during the Russo-Persian Wars in the course of the 19th century. The Treaty of Gulistan in 1813 resulted in Iran ceding Dagestan, Georgia, and most of Azerbaijan to Russia. The Turkmanchey Treaty of 1828 decisively ended centuries of Iranian control of its Caucasian provinces, and made Iran cede what is present-day Armenia, the remainder of Azerbaijan and Igdir (eastern Turkey), and set the modern boundary along the Aras River.On the Nowruz of 1935, the endonym Iran was adopted as the official international name of Persia by its ruler Reza Shah Pahlavi. However, in 1959, the government of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, Reza Shah Pahlavi's son, announced that both Persia and Iran could officially be used interchangeably.