Masai Village Kenya Souvenir Shop
Video 2013-3-257***KENYA***Family Holidays in Africa Souvenirs Apr 2013
Travel to Kenya comes to the end, just am sending the last clip that shows all the souvenirs which were imported from Africa! All the videos from this family holidays are placed in the PLAYLIST Family Holidays in Africa so I invite you to watch!
My family went on holidays to Africa (Kenya) in April 2013!Great possibility to see Kenyan lanscapes,Indian Ocean,Safari trip with wild animals,opportunity to learn traditional Kenyan dances and music,to meet local people,to see local nature:plants and local animals,to know accommodation in the hotel where my family spent two weeks.This vid presents African souvenirs imported from Kenya.
I have created a special PLAYLIST with Kenyan vids which have been uploaded progressively.since June 2013!Hope u enjoyed!Amnas2011
Podróż do Kenii dobiega końca, właśnie przesłałem ostatni klip z tych wczasów mojej rodziny w Afryce przedstawiający pamiątki przywiezione z Afryki! Wszystkie filmy z tej podróży są umieszczone na PLAYLIŚĆIE Wakacje rodzinne w Afryce Family Holidays in Africa, zapraszam do oglądania!
KENIA-Afrykańskie pamiątki przywiezione Kenii:
Od końca czerwca 2013 przesyłałem sukcesywnie klipy przedstawiające wyjazd mojej rodziny na wczasy do Kenii.Moje wnuki Dominik i Filipek (7 i 9 lat)spędzili tam z rodzicami dwa tygodnie i przywieźli mnóstwo ciekawego filmowego materiału!mogliście zobaczyć podróż z lotniska przez Mombasę do hotelu,zwiedzić otoczenie i zagospodarowanie kurortu,podziwiać piękno Oceanu Indyjskiego,plażę,odbyć wycieczkę po parku Safari,zobaczyć prawdziwe żyjące w parku dzikie zwierzęta,uczestniczyć w wyprawie po oceanie,zwiedzić rafę koralową,poznać różne afrykańskie rośliny.Również mogliście poznać miejscowe tańce i muzykę.
Przesłany film przestawia pamiątki z Afryki!
Serdecznie zapraszam oglądania i komentowania!Życzę udanego weekendu!Amnas2011
Video 2013-3-175***KENYA***Family Holidays in Africa SAFARI TRIP Back through Mombasa (1)Apr 2013
KENYA-SAFARI TRIP Day 2 East National Park Back through Mombasa(1)
My family went on holidays to Africa (Kenya) in April 2013!Great possibility to see Kenyan lanscapes,Indian Ocean,Safari trip with wild animals,opportunity to learn traditional Kenyan dances and music,to meet local people,to see local nature:plants and local animals,to know accommodation in the hotel where my family spent two weeks.This vid presents two-days trip to The East National Park in Kenya.
I have created a special PLAYLIST with Kenyan vids which will be uploaded progressively.EVERY SATURDAY one or two VIDEOS!Hope u will enjoy!Amnas2011
KENIA-SAFARI-Dzień drugi-Kenijski Wschodni Park Narodowy Powrót do hotelu przez Mombasę(1)
Od końca czerwca 2013 przesyłam sukcesywnie klipy przedstawiające wyjazd mojej rodziny na wczasy do Kenii.Moje wnuki Dominik i Filipek (7 i 9 lat)spędzili tam z rodzicami dwa tygodnie i przywieźli mnóstwo ciekawego filmowego materiału!Będzie można zobaczyć podróż z lotniska przez Mombasę do hotelu,zwiedzić otoczenie i zagospodarowanie kurortu,podziwiać piękno Oceanu Indyjskiego,plażę,odbyć wycieczkę po parku Safari,zobaczyć prawdziwe żyjące w parku dzikie zwierzęta,uczestniczyć w wyprawie po oceanie,zwiedzić rafę koralową,poznać różne afrykańskie rośliny.Będzie można również poznać miejscowe tańce i muzykę.
Przesłany film przestawia powrót do hotelu z dwudniowej wycieczki na Safari do Kenijskiego Parku Narodowego!Zapraszam na kolejne odcinki!
Kolejne filmy będą przesyłane W KAŻDĄ SOBOTĘ i umieszczane w nowej PLAYLIŚCIE!Serdecznie zapraszam do oglądania i komentowania!Amnas2011
Kenya souvenir
fantastic holidays in Kenya
Swazi in Kenya Vlog: First time in Nairobi/ Maasai market/ gifts and souvenirs in Nairobi
Is it your first time in Nairobi? Well, watch this video to learn about the most important landmarks and places that you need to master. Get information such as where to exchange money in Nairobi, where the hotels are and where to get permits - work, study permits etc.
Karibuni Kenya
Provided to YouTube by MRC
Karibuni Kenya · Nabil and The Savannahs
Safari Souvenir Volume 2 - Greatest Hits Of East Africa - Hits Aus Ost Afrika
℗ 1985 Sonodisc
Released on: 1985-07-01
Auto-generated by YouTube.
ケニアの土産物屋 kenya Souvenir shop
Sand castles attracting tourists at Diani beach | ADVENTURE DIARIES
The beach is not only a place of selling curios and souvenirs. The sand at the beach can also be put to another use without even carrying away an inch of it. Sandcastles have not gained much prominence in Kenya as in countries abroad ‑ but just maybe its time the ministry of tourism can seize the opportunity.
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KTN News is a leading 24-hour TV channel in Eastern Africa with its headquarters located along Mombasa Road, at Standard Group Centre. This is the most authoritative news channel in Kenya and beyond.
VLOG 1 19/20 - De to første ukene i Nairobi, og SAFARI!
Sjekk ut vår første vlog!! Her er de to første ukene på tomta i Nairobi, pluss en syk tur på safari! Enjoy
Location: Tsavo East National Park Kenya
February 2018
How much action in just 48 hours! Wow !
For a great safari important is : location, safari guide and a little bit of luck !
Visit me and I'll show you the best of Kenya
African Souvenirs
Welcome to my channel! In this 3rd part of my trip to Nairobi Kenya. I experience the Maasai Market with a Local Kenyan Travel blogger, Marion Mithamo. We take a Matatu and jump on a Boda Boda to get to the Maasai Market. We also share GREAT TIPS for visiting.
I really hope you enjoy the video. Do SUBSCRIBE if you are new:
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*** ***
Location: Lagos, Nigeria (West Africa)
I'm a Nigerian Travel and Lifestyle Blogger and Vlogger sharing by passion for travel in Africa & around the world and my LIFE IN LAGOS, Nigeria.
Kulaguni- Tsavo West National Park- Mtito Andei- Train jusqu'à Mombasa 29/10/2017
Nous sommes le 29 octobre et c'est la fin de notre Séjour Safari au Kulaguni, la matinée du départ de l'immensité de Tsavo West National Park... 24000km2 de nature sauvage, ça dépayse !
Nous prendrons le train jusqu'à Mombasa à bord du récent et somptueux Mandareka Express. Un taxi et Hop ! Direction l' hôtel Ziwa réservé avec mon club MWR Life.
Nous avons voyager 12 Jours à 4 (3 adultes et un enfant de 5 ans)
Une Aventure rendue possible grâce à mon Club de Voyages et les Economies Réalisées lors des réservations des Hotels (5 au total..) et des Activités.
J'ai enrichis ma vie avec MWR Life :-)
De l'argent en poche, des souvenirs plein la tête !!!
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KENYA | Souvenirs from Kibera - Charles's story
After 20 years, MSF is handing over its health centre in Kibera, famous for being the world’s biggest slum, to the Ministry of Health and another NGO. Here, we highlight the huge contribution MSF has made to Kibera in that time, focusing on the testimonies of our patients and staff.
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organisation that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare.
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Best beach in kenya? here is some shots from our stay in Diani beach.
We visited Kenya for 18 days In January 2019. We visited safari, some vilages and Mombasa town and some nice beaches. We spend 12 days in Diani beach, and this video is all about Diani beach. We think that Diani is the one of the nicest beach in Kenya. If you have any other tips for better beaches, let me know in comment. We would love to come back to Kenya again in short time. So i would be really thankful if you let me know about another beatiful beaches in Kenya in comments.
kiteboarding in diani beach is the one of the best place for this sport.
We stayed in Diani Sea resort and Diani Sea loundge. I can just recommend both od these resorts. On the beach you can find a lot activities and a lot friendly african people.
People are extremly friendly but some od them just try to get money from you. Od course we understand this we are just tourists. Nothing bad for us. Also you can meet a lot Maasai people . They try to sell a very nice traditional suvenires and local stuffs.
Beach visited:
Diani beach
Tiwi Beach
Gazi beach
Activities on the beach: snorchling diani beach, sailing on traditional boats, trip to sand bank diani beach, kite boarding in diani beach, dolphin tours, diving in diani beach, and a lot other tours.
On the beach you are be abble to buy cheaper tours then in resort. We bought also safari to Tsavo east and west for 4 days from beach guys. If anybody is interested about some informations feel free to contact me.
Staff used for filming:
Gopro Hero 7
Drone: Dji mavic pro 2
Panasonic GX80
Iphone XS max
edited in Adobe premiere pro.
Music: Møme - Playground
Used a drone in kenya,
drone in diani beach.
Abbiamo visitato il Kenya per 18 giorni nel mese di gennaio 2019. Abbiamo visitato Safari, alcune ville e la città di Mombasa e alcune belle spiagge. Abbiamo trascorso 12 giorni in spiaggia a Diani, e questo video è tutto sulla spiaggia di Diani. Pensiamo che Diani sia una delle spiagge più belle del Kenya. Se hai altri suggerimenti per spiagge migliori, fammelo sapere nel commento. Ci piacerebbe molto tornare in Kenya in breve tempo. Quindi sarei molto grato se mi facessi conoscere altre bellissime spiagge in Kenya nei commenti.
Siamo stati in Diani Sea resort e Diani Sea loundge. Posso solo raccomandare entrambi da questi resort. Sulla spiaggia è possibile trovare molte attività e un sacco di gente amichevole africana. Le persone sono estremamente amichevoli, ma alcuni di loro cercano solo di ottenere denaro da te. Dal nostro punto di vista siamo solo turisti. Niente di male per noi. Inoltre puoi incontrare molte persone Maasai. Cercano di vendere souvenir tradizionali e oggetti locali molto carini.
Sulla spiaggia potrai acquistare tour più economici poi nel resort. Abbiamo anche comprato safari a Tsavo est e ovest per 4 giorni da ragazzi della spiaggia.
Im Januar 2019 besuchten wir 18 Tage Kenia. Wir besuchten Safari, einige Villen und die Stadt Mombasa sowie einige schöne Strände. Wir haben 12 Tage in Diani Beach verbracht und dieses Video dreht sich alles um Diani Beach. Wir glauben, dass Diani einer der schönsten Strände in Kenia ist. Wenn Sie noch andere Tipps für bessere Strände haben, lassen Sie es mich wissen. Wir würden sehr gerne in kurzer Zeit wieder nach Kenia kommen. Ich wäre sehr dankbar, wenn Sie mir in Kommentaren weitere schöne Strände in Kenia mitteilen.
Wir waren in Diani Sea Resort und Diani Sea Loundge. Ich kann nur beides aus diesen Resorts empfehlen. Am Strand finden Sie viele Aktivitäten und viele freundliche Afrikaner. Die Leute sind extrem freundlich, aber einige von ihnen versuchen nur Geld von Ihnen zu bekommen. Aus unserer Sicht sind wir nur Touristen. Nichts Schlechtes für uns. Man kann auch viele Maasai-Leute treffen. Sie versuchen, sehr schöne traditionelle Souvenirs und Einheimische zu verkaufen.
Strand besucht:
Diani Strand
Tiwi Beach
Gazi Strand
Aktivitäten am Strand: Schnorcheln am Diani-Strand, Segeln auf traditionellen Booten, Ausflug zum Sand-Diani-Strand, Kite-Boarding im Diani-Strand, Delfin-Touren, Tauchen im Diani-Strand und viele andere Touren.
Am Strand können Sie günstigere Touren kaufen als im Resort. Wir haben auch Safaris nach Tsavo Ost und West für 4 Tage von Strandjägern gekauft. Wenn jemand an einigen Informationen interessiert ist, kann ich mich gerne an mich wenden.
Odwiedziliśmy Kenię przez 18 dni w styczniu 2019 roku. Odwiedziliśmy safari, niektóre wioski i miasteczko Mombasa oraz kilka ładnych plaż. Spędzamy 12 dni na plaży Diani, a ten film dotyczy plaży Diani. Uważamy, że Diani to jedna z najpiękniejszych plaż w Kenii. Jeśli masz inne wskazówki dotyczące lepszych plaż, daj mi znać w komentarzu. Bardzo chcielibyśmy wrócić w krótkim czasie do Kenii. Wiem, że byłbym naprawdę wdzięczny, jeśli dasz mi znać o innych pięknych plażach w Kenii.
Пляж Диани - это лучший пляж в Кении
Exotic Adventure in Africa #7 –Diani Beach restaurants and Nairobi Giraffe Centre/ 2018 napisy PL
This movie is about my trip to Kenya in 2018. You can watch places which I visited and listen my comment. Also, I give some tips and useful information’s for other travelers.
EVERY FRIDAY new episode!
Episode #7 Chasing crabs at night on Diani Beach. Some of information’s about African food, best local restaurants like Leonardos, Bidi Badu and Forty Thieves Beach Bar & Restaurant. I try kayaking in the Indian Ocean and meet funny Kenyan guy Abraham who want to find love in Poland (if some girls are interested let me know :)) Me and Rafal going back to Nairobi by plane from Ukunda Airstrip. We staying in Easy Hotel Kenya and going to Nairobi Giraffe Centre which is awesome. I feed giraffes and play with them.
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Elephant Sanctuary Kwale Kenya - Vacation Home Pumzika-tu
This house sits on Shimba Hills ridge above an elephant sanctuary and with views as far as the eye can see. You may awaken in the clouds and then as it burns off see the starlings and hundreds of other birds show off, or chase the monkeys from the little swimming pool and don't get anything done as you keep looking for elephants and following the herd as it moves around in the trees below. A micro climate makes it very pleasant and soporific and peaceful. However in half an hour you can be in the heat of the beach, Diani Beach. And then you can return to the tranquility of Pumzika-tu. There you have comfortable rooms, three with king size beds and one with a queen size double bed and with three bathrooms (a king and queen share a bathroom and great for a family). Abed, manager/cook and two watchmen/gardeners/helpers take care of you and are very experienced. You use safari com dongles or smart phone hotspots for the Internet, and a large generator for electricity. There is a lovely bar and a super bar-b-q.
Kwale is a small town with a local market and very colourful one on Wednesdays, but Ukunda and Diani Beach have modern supermarkets, banks and ATMs, clothes and souvenir shops. Two airlines fly from Nairobi to Diani Beach in just over an hour and the cook will meet you and take you to the supermarket to stock up and then up to the house (via Forty Thieves if you fancy a beer and a swim on the way.
Just south of Mombasa cooling off in the sea and protected by the reef. You can chill out in beach bars and restaurants, swimming, take dhow trips, kite surfing and go deep sea fishing or just walking or taking a camel ride along the beach. There a small but delightful game park 10 minutes from the house where you can see giraffe, wart hogs, buffaloes, elephants, monkeys, dung Beatles and other wild animals including the rare and beautiful sable antelopes with their black coats and long circular horns. There are many, about 600, elephants who enjoy a corridor into the elephant sanctuary at Mwaluganje Forest and it is these that regularly visit beneath Pumzika-tu. A visit to the park can be followed by a restaurant meal where fish eagles can be seen to fish and monkeys and bush-babies abound.
(IN ENGLISH) Souvenirs from Kenya
Here I talk about souvenirs we brought back from Kenya, to give you an idea of what you can buy there for family and friends, and how much they would cost. I also give you some shopping tips! ;) This is a nice way to bring a piece of your trip back home and also help the local artisans!
Shopping in Kenya
Join Alex and Ricky as they stroll throught the arts and crafts at an African Curio Shop. Watch the artists at work.