Obama Kunjungi Agung Rai Museum of Art - Net 12
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Arma Museum and resort UBUD BALI Agung Rai Founder
ARMA Museum and Resort, is more than a museum. It is a centre for visual and performing arts, and provides opportunities for the visitor to enjoy painting exhibitions, theatre performances, danse, music and painting classes, library and reading room, etc... Accommodation is available for visitors.
Bali - Ubud - dancers - Agung Rai Museum of Art
Agung Rai Museum of Art (ARMA) was established for a purpose. Founded by Agung Rai, a Balinese who has devoted his life to the preservation and development of Balinese art and culture, the museum was officially opened on June 9, 1996 by Prof. Dr. Ing. Wardiman Djojonegoro, Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. The museum is administered by ARMA Foundation set up on May13th 1996.
The major goals of the ARMA Museum are:
to collect and preserve artworks
to develop and preserve the art of painting, sculpture, dance, music, and various other cultural art forms
to provide means and infrastructure for the local society to learn various artistic skills.
The permanent exhibition of paintings by Balinese, Indonesian and foreign artists include the collections of the ARMA Foundation and works on loan from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Agung Rai.
The collection ranges from traditional to contemporary, including classical Kamasan painting on tree bark, masterpieces by Batuan artists of the 1930s and 1940s and the only works to be seen on the island of Bali by 19th century Javanese artist Raden Saleh and Syarif Bustaman.
Prominent are works by Balinese masters such as I Gusti Nyoman Lempad, Ida Bagus Made, Anak Agung Gede Sobrat and I Gusti Made Deblog.
Foreign artists who lived and worked in Bali are represented by Willem Gerard Hofker, Rudolf Bonnet, and Willem Dooijewaard among others. The works of German painter Walter Spies have a special place in the collection because of his important contribution to the development of Balinese arts.
ARMA is more than a museum. It is a centre for visual and performing arts, allowing the visitor to enjoy the permanent collection of paintings, special temporary exhibitions, theatre performances, dance, music and painting classes, bookshop, library and reading room, cultural workshops, conferences, seminars and training programs. Its vision is to become an internationally renowned museum of Balinese and Indonesian culture by organizing events showing the uniqueness and diversity of this culture. The museum provides many quality services to people from various cultural backgrounds. It serves people who wish to experience and learn about Bali’s unique cultural heritage. ARMA functions as a living entity, always on the look out for new opportunities to sustain the Balinese arts
Bali - Ubud - Agung Rai Museum of Art
Das Agung Rai Museum of Art (ARMA) ist ein Kunstmuseum in Ubud auf Bali, Indonesien.
Das in einer Gartenanlage liegende Kunstmuseum wurde am 9. Juni 1996 offiziell durch den damaligen indonesischen Minister für Erziehung und Bildung, Wardiman Djojonegero, eröffnet.[1] Das ARMA wird von der gleichnamigen Stiftung verwaltet, die am 13. Mai 1996 gegründet wurde. Die Dauerausstellung enthält Gemälde örtlicher und auch auswärtiger Künstler, die auf Bali gelebt haben. Ein Teil der Bilder befindet sich im Besitze der ARMA-Stiftung, ein anderer wurde von der Familie Agung Rai auf Leihbasis zur Verfügung gestellt. Neben der Kunstausstellung finden im ARMA Theater- und Tanzaufführungen statt und es werden Schulungskurse und Workshops angeboten.
Die Kunstsammlung reicht von traditionellen Werken, wie zum Beispiel Gemälden auf Baumrinde im Kamasan-Stil oder Meisterwerke der 30er und 40er Jahre von Künstlern aus Batuan, bis zu zeitgenössischer Kunst. Es ist das einzige Museum auf Bali, in dem Gemälde von Walter Spies, einem deutschen Künstler, der in den 30er Jahren in Bali gelebt und gewirkt hatte, und Raden Saleh, der als Gründer der modernen indonesischen Malerei gilt, ausgestellt sind. Des Weiteren sind Werke balinesischer Meister wie zum Beispiel I Gusty Nyoman Lempad, Ida Bagus Made, Anak Agung Gde Sobrat und I Gusti Made Deblog sowie von auswärtigen Künstlern, die auf Bali gelebt haben, ausgestellt. Unter diese fallen Willem Gerard Hofker, Rudolf Bonnet, Adrien-Jean Le Mayeur und Willem Dooijewaard.
Das Museum besteht aus mehreren, im balinesischen Stil entworfenen Gebäuden, die jedoch größer sind als traditionelle Bauwerke. Zum Bau wurden, soweit möglich, lokale Baustoffe verwendet. Die zwei Hauptgebäude sind das 3300 m² große Balé Daja und das 1200 m² große Balé Dauh. Sie sind von einer weiträumigen Gartenanlage mit Teichen und Springbrunnen umgeben. Gleichfalls auf dem Gelände des Museums befinden sich das Hotel Arma Resort sowie zwei Restaurants.
Agung Rai Musium Of Art - ARMA Ubud
Agung rai musium of art atau biasa di sebut ARMA.
musium ini terletak tidak jauh dari pusat kota ubud.
yup buat kawan yang suka banget dengan ART pasti sudah tidak asing dengan nama itu bahkan mungkin sudah kesana.
Musium ini banyak terdapat lukisan budaya khas bali kadang tempat ini sendiri sering di buat tempat pameran lukisan nasional.
Suasana yang kental oleh budaya bali di tambah tempat ini sejuk membuat pengen berlama di musium agung rai ini.
buat kawan yang main ke ubud wajib nih untuk atur jadwal ke sini.
Legong Dance Lesson at Agung Rai Museum of Art (ARMA) Ubud, Bali 2009
Legong Kraton lessons at Agung Rai Museum of Art. Ubud, Bali Indonesia. Teacher Nyoman Suastini. July 20, 2009.
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Wawancara dengan Agung Rai (Agung Rai Museum of Art) dan Jean Couteau
Wawancara dan teks pengantar dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
Video ini dibuat dalam rangka Anugerah Adhikarya Rupa 2014 (Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif), di mana Agung Rai Museum of Art adalah salah satu penerima penghargaan Ruang Seni.
Versi utuh wawancara dan berbagai materi yang dikumpulkan untuk pembuatan video ini dapat diakses dengan mengisi formulir ini:
Pengantar di bawah ini ditulis oleh Agus Dermawan T. sebagai salah satu juri untuk penghargaan tersebut.
ARMA (Agung Rai Museum of Art) terletak di Ubud, Bali. Diresmikan pada 9 Juni 1996 sebagai institusi yang berbasis museum, dengan aplikasi program seni rupa (disertai seni tari, seni musik dan teater) yang diperuntukkan bagi seniman Bali, Indonesia dan mancanegara.
Agung Rai atau Anak Agung Gede Rai, pendiri ARMA, lahir di Peliatan, Ubud, Bali, 17 Juli 1955. Menempuh pendidikan secara formal sampai Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Ubud, Bali. Secara informal belajar kepada lingkungan tradisional Bali serta para seniman, budayawan serta ilmuwan Indonesia dan ekspatriat yang berada di Bali. Ia biasa dipanggil Gung Rai.
ARMA telah menyelenggarakan sekitar 160 acara seni penting sejak hampir 20 tahun lalu, dengan meletakkan seni rupa sebagai yang utama. Gung Rai menjadikan ARMA sebagai pusat kegiatan kesenian anak-anak sampai orang lanjut usia. Kegiatan seni rupa ARMA telah terselenggara di berbagai negara, seperti Singapura, Australia, Jepang, Jerman, Prancis, Belanda sampai Amerika Serikat. Pada 2012 silam Gung Rai bahkan memberikan ceramah mengenai filsafat seni rupa Bali kepada para pakar seni di San Fransisco, dalam pameran besar seni rupa Bali koleksi ARMA di San Fransisco Museum of Art.
ARMA diresmikan oleh Prof. Dr. Ing Wardiman Djojonegoro pada 9 Juni 1996. Di dalam museum yang memajang lukisan tradisional, modern dan kontemporer ini terdapat sejumlah ruang dan taman lepas untuk menggelar berbagai macam kegiatan seni rupa. Dari konferensi, diskusi, pameran temporer, peluncuran buku sampai lelang karya seni. Di ARMA berbagai pertemuan dan konperensi internasional juga sering diadakan, dengan menghadirkan pemikir seni serta duta budaya berbagai belahan dunia. Pemenang Nobel Perdamaian Desmond Tutu dan Menteri Luar Negeri Amerika Madeline Albright pernah membuat acara di museum ini.
ARMA juga dikenal sebagai living museum, dengan memposisikan kegiatan seni di tengah kegiatan adat, suburnya persawahan, rindangnya kebun, aktivitas hotel, kenyamanan kafe dan restoran. Kini ARMA menempati lahan seluas 60.000 meter persegi, dengan wilayah yang memiliki titik singgung dengan tiga desa pakraman. Yakni desa Pengosekan, Padang Tegal dan Peliatan. Tiga desa yang yang para senimannya tersohor dengan seni lukis, seni patung dan seni tari. Titik singgung tradisional ini dipertahankan sebagai kekuatan utama untuk memasuki wilayah seni modern sampai kontemporer. Semua aktivitas ARMA itu berangkat dari semangat Gung Rai, yang riwayatnya menarik diungkap di sini.
Sebagai kolektor yang sedang tumbuh, Gung Rai menginginkan lukisan S.Sudjojono. Maka pada tahun 1980, dengan ransel penuh uang ia menyeberang dari Bali ke Banyuwangi, lantas naik kereta api ke Jakarta. Karena sesampai di stasiun Jakarta masih subuh, ia pun tidur di bangku peron dengan berbantal ransel yang berisi uang sekitar Rp 15 juta.
Setelah fajar menyingsing, dengan taksi ia menuju ke studio Sudjojono di Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan. Di situ Gung Rai menyatakan siap membeli empat lukisan Sudjojono, seharga Rp 10 juta. Melihat Gung Rai yang bertampang desa, berpakaian lusuh, berambut kribo dan belum mandi pula, Rose Pandanwangi, istri Sudjojono, terkejut. “Seriuskah ini?” tanyanya. Rose kala itu kawatir, jangan-jangan uang sebanyak itu hasil mencuri....
Dalam kegemilangannya, Gung Rai tetap membawa dirinya di dataran kerendahan hati. Karena, apa yang dilakukan, seperti upayanya mendirikan serta terus menghidupkan ARMA, sesungguhnya adalah pengejawantahan dari Tri Hita Karana. Sebuah konsep yang mengajarkan keselarasan antara Parahyangan, Pawongan dan Palemahan. Atau terjalinnya keharmonisan antara Tuhan, manusia dan alam. Kerja kesenian yang ia tunaikan adalah untuk menjaga harmoni itu.
Sebelum menerima Anugerah Adikarya Rupa 2014 dari Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Gung Rai telah mendapat Piagam Pemuda Pelopor dari Kementrian Pemuda dan Olahraga, serta Piagam Promotor Seni Indonesia Utama 1999 dari Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
Sumber :
- Wawancara dengan Agung Rai
- Buku “Gung Rai-Kisah Sebuah Museum” (Jean Couteau & Warih Wiratsana), Kepustakaan Populer Granedia, 2014.
Gamelan Orchestra Instruments at Agung Rai Museum of Art (ARMA)
Gamelan Instruments at Agung Rai Museum of Art (ARMA). Ubud, Bali, Indonesia.
Ubud, Bali: KUMBHAMELA live @ Arma Museum
The very first KUMBHAMELA Oriental Jazz Fusion concert took place in 2015, at Water Garden pavillion in the beautiful Arma Museum in Ubud, Bali, featuring:
- Anello CAPUANO - MultiUd, MultiSaz, Darbuka, Cajon, Sagat
- Sergi Kampanella - Mandola, Jaw's harp, Cajon, Udu
- Jo Joost - 5 strings fretless Bass
(...and a spontaneous dancer who joined appropriately on Nataraja)
Here some extracts. Enjoy.
(The audio track it is as captured from the camera mike so quality is not to be expected).
info & bookings:
LDR | Liburan Bareng di Ubud, Bali | the Agung Rai Museum of Art
haloo guys apa kabar ? G'day mate !
di sini aku masih mau share video receh saat liburan di Ubud ya, saat mengunjungi museum Arma. Sayangnya aku gak bisa liput hasil karya di sana karena dilarang meliput saat di dalam museum. Jadi aku hanya meliput suasana di sekitar Museum Arma. Semoga kalian suka ya ????
terima kasih bagi yang sudah mampir di channel ku dan mohon dukungan subscribe dan like nya agar aku bisa terus konsisten berbagi cerita di youtube????????
Music: For Now
#ldr #longdistancerelationship #pacaransamabule #pacarkubule #bali #holidays #travelling #romance #lovestory #armamuseum #ubud #indonesia #indoaustralian #liburan #jalanjalan
2019 Linocut Exhibition Opening at the ARMA Museum Ubud , Bali
The ARMA Museum lobby is a large space divided by a water feature down the centre and a bridge. On One side Shana James and Ebony Russell exhibited Linocuts and on the other side participants of Shana's Linocut workshop in Ubud exhibited their linocuts created during the workshop. The work was beautiful and well received by locals and tourists. Thanks to Adele Frankle for the use of some of her lovely photos from the evening.
You can see More of Shana's artwork at shanajames.com or find out more about the up-skilling linocut retreat in Bali at ubudartworkshops.com.au
Exhibiting artists listed here:
Shana James, Ebony Russell, Tracy Black, Adele Frankle, Toni Gorkin, Jan Jenkins, Sonya Honey, Andrea Brown, Barbara Douglas, Yve Janssens Poucet.
Wandering Around Agung Rai Museum of Art, Ubud
* Come wander around the world with us!
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Agung Rai Museum of Art (ARMA) was established for a purpose. Founded by Agung Rai, a Balinese who has devoted his life to the preservation and development of Balinese art and culture, the museum was officially opened on June 9, 1996 by Prof. Dr. Ing. Wardiman Djojonegoro, Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. The museum is administered by ARMA Foundation set up on May13th 1996
- Helpful websites:
1. - Official musem website, collections, newsletter, events, information, resort, restaurant, wellness, shop, news and promos, contact.
2. - Guided tours, fees, on display, audio guides, hours, artifacts, reviews and highlights, things to do, restaurants, accomodation, shops in the area.
3. - Where to stay, eat and shop. FAQ's, maps, history, gallery, video, what to do.
Thank You For Watching and Happy Travels!
Arma Museum & Resort 4*, Ubud, Bali
This channel is here to help you find the best destination you can travel to. Also, let's make a community of tourists and adventurers. Help other people with your comments and tips.
Arma Museum & Resort 4*, Ubud, Bali
Arma Museum and Resort - Indonesia Ubud
???? The best hotel deals:
Situated on the grounds of the Agung Rai Museum of Art, Arma Resort is a 10-minute drive from the Ubud Monkey Forest. The hotel offers a free shuttle service to the centre of Ubud, which takes 10 minutes.
These spacious air-conditioned rooms and villas feature views of the pool, rice fields, or river. They each have Balinese decor, thatched roofs, and high ceilings.
ARMA Thai Restaurant serves local specialities and Asian dishes, while Kafe ARMA offers Thai and international favourites. In-room dining is possible. The Poolside Restaurant provides drinks and light meals.
Guests can relax at the spa, take a dip in the resortРўs hot tub or use the business centre. The reception provides assistance with tour arrangement and shuttle services. Free Wi-Fi is available in the resortРўs public areas.
Arma Museum & Resort is 1 km from Ubud Palace and Ubud Market. Ngurah Rai International Airport is a 90-minute drive away. For guests' convenience, airport transfers can be arranged at an additional charge.
is a great choice for travellers interested in . Jl.Raya Pengosekan Ubud ,Bali, Pengosekan, 80571 Ubud, Indonesia
Agung Rai Museum of Art , Ubud , Indonesia
This is another great museum in Ubud.It was very close to our resort, so we gave it a try.The entry fees is 100000 IDR per head.It offers complimentary tea or coffee at the end of trip.
The Art of Living: Bali
( Immerse yourself in the majesty and mystique of Bali during a customizable three-week experience in this island paradise. Mingle with locals and take advantage of ample free time to discover the region while based at a luxurious apartment-style hotel in the heart of Ubud. Enjoy guided tours of bustling Ubud, the renowned Monkey Forest and the stunning, lush rice terraces of Jatiluwih. Explore the engaging Agung Rai Museum of Art and its cultural workshops. Visit grand temples, including Goa Gajah — also known as the Elephant Cave — Pura Taman Ayun and the Mother Temple. In addition to the base program, select from three additional sets of activities geared toward your individual interests: spirituality and wellness; cuisine; or art and architecture. These options allow you to customize your adventure, giving you the opportunity to experience holistic treatments, learn to cook regional culinary delights or visit additional museums and architectural gems. This journey includes an extensive meal program and furnished accommodations.
Miguel Covarrubias: Dressing the Dancers, a painting in Bali
Dressing the Dancers by Miguel Covarrubias. The painting is exhibited at ARMA (Agung Rai Museum of Art) in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia.
Museum Puri Lukisan
Museum Puri Lukisan, Pelestari Khazanah Seni Lukis Bali. Info lengkap klik
Bali Linocut Workshop held at the ARMA Ubud
I love teaching this workshop. You'll find more information including dates, cost, room types etc. at ubudartworkshops.com.au
Join us for this fully immersive art experience at the Arma resort in Ubud, Bali and make linocuts in a fully immersive art experience. An art holiday experience or and Upskilling art retreat. Art teachers can claim this workshop as professional learning. Returning to school feeling inspired to write interesting lesson plans. The course also includes information on art lesson ideas.
I am Shana James and I have planned a fantastic Linocut workshop for you, Here at the ARMA resort in Ubud Bali. Explore the possibilities of Linocut. Create in beautiful surroundings, Ebony printing her Linocut in the 2017 workshop. Learn how to colour your own rice paper for chine colle. Print using hand burnishing like Leticia's beautiful chine colle landscape. An immersive art experience, surrounded by stunning gardens. Start the year feeling relaxed, rejuvenated and inspired. See the website for more details. ubudartworkshops.com