Ahu Hanga Te'e on Easter Island
Ahu Hanga Te’e, a site with eight fallen Moai and their Pukao (topknots). Some of these topknots fell into the sea when the Moai where toppled but were recovered in 1986. You can really see the red colour of these topknots. In front of the of the ahu is a pania (a ceremonial stone circle).
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Full Day Tour around Easter Island
My first full day on Easter Island and I go on an organised tour to the main sites.
The first stop is Ahu Hanga Te’e, a site with eight fallen Moai and their Pukao (topknots). Some of these topknots fell into the sea when the Moai where toppled but were recovered in 1986. You can really see the red colour of these topknots. In front of the of the ahu is a pania (a ceremonial stone circle).
Next on our tour is Ahu Akahanga, as we arrive a local seller has set up a stall by the entrance and Chris explains the significance of some of the local items such as the Rongo Rongo tablet which contains ancient Rapa Nui writing.
Ahu Akahanga is also known as the “platform of the king” because, according to legend, the tomb of Hoto Matu’a is nearby. There is 4 Ahu, 12 Moai and 8 Pukao, a boat ramp, earth ovens and a small cave that we went it that contained lots of spiders on the ceiling.
We then went to what I think is the most impressive site on the Island, Rano Raraku. Rano is the Easter Island statue quarry and not only are there cavities in the volcanic rock where the moai were carved and removed but many moai are still in various states of completion.
This is where we had to pay the $60 park entry fee which is good for five days so hopefully will not need to pay anything again it has recently gone up from $10 which it was for many years. I don’t mind paying the fee if it helps to preserve the statues.
We walk around the quarry following the designated paths and are not allowed to touch any of the statues, we spend a bit of time here exploring all the moai. Chris explains that the statues are actually in pits buried up to their necks and only 1/3 of the figures are visible, this was so the sculptors could work on the statues back and face.
We walk around the hill a bit to see a moai still attached to the cliff, Chris shows us the tool that the sculptors used to carve the statues; it was basically a hard bit of stone that the used to bang against the soft stone of the moai. We continued to walk around and saw the kneeling moai which has had to have a fence put around it due to people having their pictures taken on it’s knee causing it to get damaged, someone has even carved their initials into its back.
We then walk a bit higher and come across “El Gigante” the largest moai ever carved at 65 feet and estimated to weigh 250 tons, it is still in it’s construction phase and would have been impossible to move if complete.
To finish our tour at Rano Raraku we walk up to the craters rim to see the fresh water lake that is inside. There is also a number of moai in here as well. On the shore of the lake there are a number of reed beds.
We walk back to the bus and move on to our next site, but before we do I have a quick look around the shop but to be honest it is not very good.
We then call at Ahu Tongaiki, probably one of the most photographed Ahu’s on the Island and the biggest. It contains 15 moai that have been recently restored after the Ahu was destroyed in the 1960’s by a Tsunami. On the approach to the Ahu you pass by a lonely moai know as the “Travelling Moai” due to the fact it went on a tour around Japan a few years ago. The size of the 15 statues is immense and with them being on top of their platform increases their scale as you look up at them. There is also some petroglyphs carved into the ground in front of the Ahu showing a turtle.
The penultimate archaeological site of the tour is Ahu Te Pito Kura which has the largest moai that was ever moved at 32 feet and 82 tons. It is also said that Te Pito Kura was the last statue to be pulled down, probably some time after 1838. we walk over to the left side towards the bay where there is a spherical rock about three feet in diameter with four smaller rocks around it. Legend states that Hotu Matu’a brought this stone from his original homeland. The stone is said to have special powers, in fact if you pass a compass over the stone the needle changed direction, which we tested out, I even tried it with my iphone and it did move around.
The final stop on the tour was Anakena beach. We first went to look at the platform with seven moai on it. These are some of the best preserved examples of moai on the Island as they remained protected and undisturbed buried in the sand until they were recently discovered and restored. This is also the site where the only moai eye was found and is on display in the museum which I will be visiting later in the trip.
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Ahu Akahanga on Easter Island
Ahu Akahanga, as we arrive a local seller has set up a stall by the entrance and Chris explains the significance of some of the local items such as the Rongo Rongo tablet which contains ancient Rapa Nui writing.
Ahu Akahanga is also known as the “platform of the king” because, according to legend, the tomb of Hoto Matu’a is nearby. There is 4 Ahu, 12 Moai and 8 Pukao, a boat ramp, earth ovens and a small cave that we went it that contained lots of spiders on the ceiling.
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Ahu Te Pito Kura on Easter Island
Ahu Te Pito Kura has the largest moai that was ever moved at 32 feet and 82 tons. It is also said that Te Pito Kura was the last statue to be pulled down, probably some time after 1838. we walk over to the left side towards the bay where there is a spherical rock about three feet in diameter with four smaller rocks around it. Legend states that Hotu Matu’a brought this stone from his original homeland. The stone is said to have special powers, in fact if you pass a compass over the stone the needle changed direction, which we tested out, I even tried it with my iphone and it did move around.
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Ahu Akivi on Easter Island
Ahu Akivi, the first Ahu on the Island to be restored in 1960. the 108 foot long Ahu features seven moai facing the setting sun and is belived to represent the seven explorers sent to scout the Island before the arrival of Hotu Matu’a and is estimated to have been constructed around 1450.
Ahu Akivi is a particular sacred place in Rapa Nui (or Easter Island) in the Valparaíso Region of Chile, looking out towards the Pacific Ocean. The site has seven moai, all of equal shape and size, and is also known as a celestial observatory that was set up around the 1500s. The site is located inland, rather than along the coast. Moai statues were considered by the early people of Rapa Nui as their ancestors, whom they worshipped as their deity – Make Make.[1]
A particular feature of the seven identical moai statues is that they exactly face sunset during the Spring Equinox and have their backs to the sunrise during the Autumn Equinox. Such an astronomically precise feature is seen only at this location on the island.
Ahu Akivi is part of the Ahu Akivi-Vai Teka complex which was built up by the Rapa Nui people in two phases. In the first phase, during the 16th century a central rectangular platform was created on a leveled surface. It had wings projecting to the north and the south directions. An approach ramp was also part of this platform which led to the ceremonial plaza stretching 25 metres (82 ft) towards the west of the central platform. A cremation ground existed behind the central platform. The second phase of construction was elaborately planned and implemented in the early years of the 1600s when the platform was modified, a ramp was created, seven statues of equal size were erected. Another crematorium was also built. A cave in which people used to reside was also used as tomb during historic times.
The other Ahu in the complex is the Ahu Vai Teka, which is a much smaller platform of 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) length made up of rough lava stone blocks. There is no statue now, though one is believed to have existed initially. Both the ahus were believed to have been aligned astronomically with respect to the Sun. Both are located in the territory of the Miru, the highest ranking clan and the western confederacy, and both were contemporary. It is also conjectured that the seven statues were placed at Ahu Akivi at least 150 years before the first Europeans found the island when the clan was functional at that time. It is also evident that their culture existed for 250–300 years with economic prosperity with political stability.
In 1955, Thor Heyerdahl was the first to discover and take pictures of the moai statues. At that time he had recruited American archaeologist William Mulloy and his Chilean associate, Gonzalo Figueroa García-Huidobro, who restored the statues to their original position; they had found them in knocked down condition in 1960. Mulloy's work on the Akivi-Vaiteka Complex was supported by the Fulbright Foundation and by grants from the University of Wyoming, the University of Chile and the International Fund for Monuments. Ahu Akivi also gives its name to one of the seven regions of Rapa Nui National Park.
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Ahu Tongariki on Easter Island - Rapa Nui - Isla De Pascua
Ahu Tongariki is the largest ahu on Easter Island. Its moai were toppled during the island's civil wars and in the twentieth century the ahu was swept inland by a tsunami. It has since been restored and has fifteen moai including an 86 tonne moai that was the heaviest ever erected on the island. Ahu Tongariki is one kilometer from Rano Raraku and Poike in the Hotu-iti area of Rapa Nui National Park. All the moai here face sunset during Summer Solstice.
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Unsere Reise um die Welt. 11.03.2014 Hangaroa I. - Osterinsel - Chile. 78. Video.
Unsere Reise um die Welt
vom 22.12.2013 bis 12.04.2014
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ART074 | 111 Tage | 22.12.2013 - 12.04.2014 | Artania
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Unsere Reise um die Welt.
11.03.2014 Hangaroa I. - Osterinsel - Chile. 78. Video.
Ausflug: Ahus und Moai ca. 3 Std.
Die bekanntesten Sehenswürdigkeiten auf der Insel sind die Moai.
Man findet auf der Osterinsel 350 Ahu (Steinplattformen, alte Opferstätten und Grabanlagen) und 600 Moai.
Moai sind große Statuen, 2 - 10 m hoch und 8 - 74 Tonnen schwer. Sie bestehen aus vulkanischem Tuffgestein.
Im Original waren sie mit dem Rücken dem Meer zugewandt.
Meistens findet man Moai in der Nähe oder auf Ahus.
Viele Moai tragen auch Hüte oder Zylinder aus rotem Stein (Pukao).
Ausflug: Ahus und Moai ca. 3 Std.
Dieses mal hat es geklappt mit den Tender-Bedingungen!!!
Wir lagen bereits schon einmal vor Jahren vor dieser Insel und das Tendern war wegen des hohen Wellengangs nicht möglich.
Mit kleinen Bussen werden wir drei Anlagen besuchen.
Zuerst besichtigen wir die Anlage Ruine Ahu Hanga Te'e - Vaihu , Die gebogene Ahu Ruine.
Hier erleben wir ein ursprüngliches noch nicht restauriertes Gelände.
Eine ganze Reihe Moai sind umgestürzt. Am Wasser ist ein großer Pukao.
Tour Easter Island: The Tattoos of Ahu Ature Hiki on Anakena Beach
Information: A Park Pass is $60 US only and available when landing at Easter Island Airport or the Park Service Office near Orongo Ceremonial Center. Since everyone visits this site first, don't bother standing in the Airport long line; get it at the office.
All necessities must be shipped in to Easter Island. A cargo ship visits every two months filled with petrol and whatever is needed. Everything must be ordered in!
Anakena Beach is the only White Sand Beach on Easter Island and has a line of 7 Moai; the first four have their Pukao on (red top hats or top knots) while the last two are only fragments of their former size. This site is thought to be the landing area of the first Polynesians.
Vinapu on Easter Island
Vinapu features a female moai statue although it is so badly weathered it is difficult to tell and some very fine stonework similar to that of the Inca’s. which has led some people to theorise that the Island was populated from the East rather than the West and Polynesia (although all the evidence points to the first inhabitants coming from the West). There is also a number of fallen moai and topknots here.
Ahu Vinapu is an archaeological site on Rapa Nui (Easter Island) in Eastern Polynesia.
The ceremonial center of Vinapu includes one of the larger ahu on Rapa Nui. The ahu exhibits extraordinary stonemasonry consisting of large, carefully fitted slabs of basalt. The American archaeologist, William Mulloy investigated the site in 1958.
Heyerdahl believed that the accurately fitted stonework showed contact with Peru, but both Vinapu I and Vinapu II were constructed earlier than 1440 and similar work only shows up in Peru after 1440.
The stone wall faces towards sunrise at Winter Solstice.
Vinapu is part of the Rapa Nui National Park, which UNESCO has declared a World Heritage Site.
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Moai in Ahu Tahai - Easter Island
Ahu Tahai, Easter Island
Tour Easter Island: Ahu Huri a Urenga Moai
This gigantic Moai is one of the few to be erected inland and appears to be oriented towards either the winter or summer solstice. It got confusing when guide Alex started talking about the Northern Hemisphere vs. the South Hemisphere solstice. Supposedly, the sun directly hits its face on either December 21 or June 21. Feel free to weight in on the facts.
It is also exceptional because it has two sets of hands and 20 fingers! The second is carved above the first and researchers believe that is because the lower set was damaged during transport to the Ahu.. FYI: Ahu has two meanings: flat mound or stone pedestal upon which the moai stand; or a sacred ceremonial site where several moai stand.
Rano Raraku on Easter Island - Rapa Nui - Isla De Pascua
Rano Raraku is a volcanic crater formed of consolidated volcanic ash, or tuff, and located on the lower slopes of Terevaka in the Rapa Nui National Park on Easter Island in Chile. It was a quarry for about 500 years until the early eighteenth century, and supplied the stone from which about 95% of the island's known monolithic sculptures (moai) were carved. Rano Raraku is a visual record of moai design vocabulary and technological innovation, where 397 moai remain. Rano Raraku is in the World Heritage Site of Rapa Nui National Park and gives its name to one of the seven sections of the park.
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Puna Pau on Easter Island
Puna Pau which is the topknot quarry where the red scoria was extracted, carved and transported. There are a number of abandoned topknots around the quarry and some even have petroglyphs carved into them.
Pukao are the hats or topknots formerly placed on top of some moai statues on Easter Island. They were all carved from a very light red volcanic stone scoria, which was quarried from a single source at Puna Pau.
Pukao are cylindrical in shape with a dent on the underside to fit on the head of the moai and a boss or knot on top. They fitted onto the moai in such a way that the pukao protruded forwards. Their size varies in proportion to the moai they were on but they can be up to 8 feet tall and 8 feet in diameter.
The pukao was balanced as a separate piece on top of the head of a moai. It is not known how they were raised and placed but theories include them being raised with the statue or placed after the statue was erected. Pukao may have represented dressed hair or headdresses of red feathers worn by chiefs throughout Polynesia.
To date, about 100 pukao have been documented archaeologically, but only at Ahu with fallen statues or at the source quarry
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Isola di Pasqua - Rapa Nui 2008
Isola di Pasqua - Rapa Nui 2008.
L'Isola di Pasqua (in lingua nativa Rapa Nui, grande isola/roccia; in lingua spagnola Isla de Pascua) è un'isola dell'Oceano Pacifico meridionale appartenente al Cile e una delle isole abitate più isolate del mondo.
Le enormi statue colossali che si trovano sull'isola vengono chiamate MOAI.
Le statue venivano erette contemporaneamente alla costruzione del basamento funebre chiamato AHU.
- Ahu Te Pito Kura
- Ahu Hanga Te'e
- Ahu Tongariki
- Ahu Akivi
Rano Raraku è una cava di pietra, che è stata la fonte della pietra utilizzata per le sculture monolitiche Moai. Diversi Moai giacciono incompleti in questo luogo, così come molti che non furono sollevati a causa delle loro tremende dimensioni
I cappelli sono invece stati ricavati da un tufo rossastro proveniente dal piccolo cratere di Puna Pau, distante circa 10 chilometri da Rano Raraku.
Orongo e il culto dell'uomo uccello
L'uomo uccello (in polinesiano: Tangata), un essere per metà uomo e per metà uccello.
Ogni primavera le singole tribù dell'isola sceglievano un guerriero che doveva partecipare al rito dell'uomo uccello, che consisteva nel raggiungere dal santuario di Orongo sulla cima del Rano Kao l' Isola di Motu Nui e riportare il primo uovo deposto dalla Sterna fuscata. Chi riusciva per primo a riportare un uovo indenne diveniva il nuovo uomo uccello fino alla primavera prossima, quando il rituale veniva ripetuto.
La musica ``Tapati Rapa Nui``, J.P. Kori e O.T.Rano. (i consoli: Tapati Rapa Nui, Ka e ara te arga aruga)
Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Остров Пасхи — остров в южной части Тихого океана, территория Чили. Местное название острова — Рапа-Нуи - является самым удалённым населённым островом в мире.
Рапа-Нуи во многом известен благодаря моаи, или каменным статуям из спрессованного вулканического пепла, в которых, по повериям местных жителей, заключена сверхъестественная сила предков первого короля острова Пасхи — Хоту-Матуа.
Моаи — каменные статуи на побережье острова Пасхи в виде человеческой головы высотой до 20 метров. Вопреки распространённому мнению, они «смотрят» не в сторону океана, а в глубь острова. Некоторые моаи имеют «шапки» из красного камня. Изготовлялись моаи в каменоломнях в центре острова. Каким образом они доставлялись к побережью, неизвестно. По легенде они «шли» сами. В последнее время добровольцы-энтузиасты нашли несколько способов для транспортировки каменных блоков. Но каким именно пользовались древние жители (или каким-то своим), пока не определено. Множество недоделанных истуканов находятся в каменоломнях.
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии.
Obelisks of Easter Island; Mystery of Easter Island Solved? - Tom Orsillo
Obelisks of Easter Island; Mystery of Easter Island Solved?
For decades anthropologists, scientists and visionaries have pondered how and why early Polynesian settlers carved, transported and worshiped giant obelisk remains a mystery until now.
Rapa Nui, Ahu Nau Nau, Sikuri
Un aymara y un italiano tocando Sikuri en la playa de Anakena, frente a los Moai de la Ahu Nau Nau
Haka pe'i
en isla de pascua. febrero 2008. dia del haka pei. mostrando la filaaa para el curanto!.
Roblox Story Of GUTB3AST
Anakena is a white coral sand beach in Rapa Nui National Park on Rapa Nui, a Chilean island in the Pacific Ocean. Anakena has two ahus, Ahu-Ature has single moai and Ahu Nao-Nao has seven, two of which are deteriorated. It also has a palm grove and a car park. On 2078 It prohibits access of tourists and visitors Anakena became a Military Point. This beach became a federation Research center of Nature. They moais were removed from the beach and transported to the Research center to Repair them and Keep them on a Santuary
Anakena is unusual for Easter Island in that it is one of only two small sandy beaches in an otherwise rocky coastline.
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Kari Kari Ballet Easter Island - viajedecarro.com
Show de dança cultural Rapa Nui, completo realizado no dia 28/12/12.
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