Visit Vergina in Macedonia, Greece
Visit Macedonia - Vergina.
The excavation by Professor Manolis Andronikos and his associates under the Great Tumulus of Vergina village in Imathia, Central Macedonia in 1977 brought to light the most important archaeological discovery of the 20th century in Greece. Today's Vergina (Ancient Aigai), in the foothills of Mt. Pieria, was the first capital of ancient kingdom of Macedonia, called Aigai. The site of the Royal Tombs under a modern roof hosts the main excavation, as well as an exhibition of the major finds from the burials. It is protected by UNESCO as world cultural heritage and comprises a unique discovery of an enormous universal impact.
In the same area, inhabited continuously since the 3rd millennium BC, are also the ruins of an acropolis, palace, theater, shrines and private buildings, and hundreds of common graves of an extensive necropolis of the ancient city of Aigai until Roman times.
The exhibition's shelter has the external form of the Great Tumulus, a man-made mound, while the underground building has been housing since November 1997 tombs and treasures found in them. This sheltered group includes three Macedonian tombs: the intact tomb of Philip II (II) with a hunting scene fresco painting. Intact is also the so-called Tomb of the Prince (III), which may belong to Alexander IV, grandson of Philip II and his son Alexander the Great and another ruined and plundered Macedonian tomb (IV) of the third BC century.
The visitor will also see a plundered a cist family tomb (I), known as the Tomb of Persephone, with the incomparable fresco of the abduction of Persephone by Hades and a ruined building named Heroon, probably used for the worship of the dead royal members buried next door. Some of the major finds exhibited here are the two golden urns, containing the bones of Philip II and one of his wives, two oak and one myrtle golden wreaths worn by the royal dead. On display is also the rare gold-and-purple embroidered cloth, which wrapped the bones of the royal wife, along with her golden diadem of a unique art, two ivory symposium beds, weapons and armor of Philip II, valuable symposium utensils of the royal family and the silver urn of Prince.
The awe and anguish of man before death, the gateway to another dimension of the dead to Hades, the splendor of the royal glory, the emotion that creates the tragic end of the royal house of Temenids are ideas inherent in the atmosphere of the Royal Tombs of Aigai, exhibited in a dark, neutral place, dominated only by the brightly lit treasures and tombs.
Licensed Tourist Guide
& Conservator of Antiquities
BBC Alastair Sooke: Treasures Of Ancient Greece - Aigai (Vergina) Macedonia 2015
To the south of River Haliacmon, in the “land of Macedon”, as described by Herodotus, on the foothills of Pieria, the ancient “Macedonian mount”, lays Aigai, the first city of Macedon, the land with many goats (“Aigai” in ancient Greek means “goats”).
Aigai was a city formed by distinct villages, an “open” urban agglomeration having a central core and multiple settlements of various sizes developing around it. This multiplicity explains the plural suffix of its name (the diphthong “ai”), like in the names of other ancient cities, e.g. “Athinai”, “Thibai” or “Ferai”, and reflects the ancient model of a society founded on the aristocratic structure of clans having as its point of reference and cohesion pole, the royal authority.
In the mid-7th century BC, Perdiccas I, a Dorian from Argos, a descendant, according to tradition, of the family of Hercules, became king of Macedonians. Aigai became the cradle of the Temenids, the dynasty that will rule Macedonia for 3.5 centuries and will give to humanity Philip II and his son Alexander the Great, who set off from Aigai and changed the history of Greece and the World.
The name “Makednoi” or “Macedonians” is derived from the root mak-, as in the Greek adjective μακρύς (long), and originally meant the “tall ones” or “highlanders” in Greek. According to Herodotus, the Macedonians were the same tribe as the Dorians, who originally resided in the Pindus mountain range.
In the beginning of the last pre-Christian millennium, the Macedonians, whose main economic activity was animal husbandry, are found in the northern side of mount Olympos and around the ancient Macedonian mount (the mountains of Pieria).
Here, to the south of river Haliacmon, in Herodotus’ “land of Macedon”, on the foothills of the “Macedonian mount”, lays Aigai, the land with many goats, the first city of Macedon. Built at the beginning of the route that crossed the mountains and from the Macedonian basin led to the south, Aigai was an important centre playing a pivotal role in the region from as early as the 10th-8th century BC.
Άγρας Έδεσσας - Άρνισσα Πέλλας Κεντρική Μακεδονία Agras Edessa - Arnissa Pella Macedonia Greece
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Το τραγούδι I Don't See the Branches, I See the Leaves του καλλιτέχνη Chris Zabriskie έχει άδεια με βάση το εξής: Creative Commons Attribution (
Dion, Macedonia - Greece HD Travel Channel
Dion, a place with approx. 1450 inhabitants, is located near the highway Thessalonki-Larissa in the Greek region of Central Macedonia, about 15 km from the town of Katerini. Ancient Dion, an important archaeological place of the Macedonian culture is not far from the modern place Dion in the plane northwest of the Mount Olympus massif. The oldest finds are remains of the buildings built by the kings of Macedonia, dating from the 3rd century BC.
It was the southernmost fortification of the kingdom of Macedonia. Due to its proximity to Mount Olympus, it developed to the central shrine in Macedonia, in which Zeus was the center of worship. Dion's name is derived from the Greek name for Zeus.
The underfloor heating systems, the water pipes of the baths, and the ornate mosaics emphasize the prosperity of this city.
Dion was venue of the Olympic Games of the North for several centuries. It is said, that one performed the works of the tragedian Euripide in the Greek theater already in 4th Century AD. Today the theater is again used for events.
Later, a Roman theater was built. Outside the walls, surrounded by ponds and canals, a temple was dedicated to the Egyptian goddess Isis.
At the end of the heyday a Christian basilica was built in Dion.
The excavations in Dion started in 1928 and will continue even today.
Archaeologically and historically interested should not miss a visit of the archaeological site and museum in Dion, because Dion was the most important antique place of worship besides Delphi and Olympia.
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Dion, ein Ort mit ca. 1450 Einwohnern liegt ca. 15 km von der Stadt Katerini entfernt in der Nähe der Autobahn Thessalonki-Larissa in der griechischen Region Zentralmakedonien.
Das antike Dion, unweit des modernen Ortes Dion in der Ebene nordwestlich des Olymp-Massivs, ist eine wichtige archäologische Stätte der mazedonischen Kultur. Die ältesten Funde sind Reste, der von den Königen von Makedonien erbauten Gebäude, aus dem 3. Jahrhundert. v. Chr.
Es war die südlichste Befestigung des Königreiches Makedonien. Durch seine Nähe zum Berg Olymp entwickelte es sich zum zentralen Heiligtum in Makedonien, bei dem Zeus im Mittelpunkt der Verehrung stand. Der Name Dion leitet sich aus dem griechischen Namen für Zeus ab.
Die Fußbodenheizungen, die Wasserleitungen der Badeanstalten und die kunstvoll gestalteten Mosaike unterstreichen den Wohlstand dieser Stadt.
Dion war mehrere Jahrhunderte Austragungsort der Olympischen Spiele des Nordens. Im griechischen Theater sollen bereits im 4. Jahrhundert nach Chr. Aufführungen von Werken des griechischen Dramatikers Euripides stattgefunden haben. Heute wird das Theater wieder für Veranstaltungen genutzt.
Später wurde auch ein römisches Theater errichtet. Außerhalb der Stadtmauern wurde inmitten von Teichen und Kanälen ein Tempel der ägyptischen Göttin Isis geweiht.
Am Ende der Blütezeit Dions wurde auch hier eine christliche Basilika errichtet.
Die Ausgrabungen begannen 1928 und werden auch heute noch weitergeführt.
Archäologisch und geschichtlich Interessierte sollten sich einen Besuch der Ausgrabungen und des Museums in Dion nicht entgehen lassen, denn Dion war neben Delphi und Olympia die bedeutendste antike Kultstätte.
Weitere Infos im Reisevideoblog:
Macedonian Tomb - Vergina, Central Macedonia, Greece
Recorded on July 12, 2010 using a Flip Video camcorder.
Ancient City of Aigai, Pella, Greece
Ancient city of Aigai just below Edessa's high rock.
Video taken with our Heavyweight Sixcopter with GoPro Gimbal rev. 2 and GoPro Hero 2 Camera.
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Arseni Skydra Pella Central Macedonia Greece Αρσένι Σκύδρας Πέλλας Κεντρική Μακεδονία
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Royal Necropolis and Palace of Aigai in Vergina
Γιαννιτσά Πέλλας Κεντρική Μακεδονία Giannitsa Pella Central Macedonia Greece
Distance between Giannitsa and biggest cities
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Γιαννιτσά Πέλλας Κεντρική Μακεδονία Giannitsa Pella Central Macedonia Greece
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Βεργίνα/Vergina - Μακεδονία/Makedonia/Makedonien/Macedoine/Macedonia (Ελλάς/Griechenland/Greece)
Vergina (Greek: Βεργίνα) is a small town in northern Greece, located in the regional unit of Imathia, Central Macedonia. Since the 2011 local government reform it is part of the municipality Veroia, of which it is a municipal unit.The town became internationally famous in 1977, when the Greek archaeologist Manolis Andronikos unearthed the burial site of the kings of Macedon, including the tomb of Philip II, father of Alexander the Great. The finds established the site as the ancient Aigai (Greek: Αἰγαί).
Νέα Ζωή Σκύδρας Πέλλας Κεντρική Μακεδονία Nea Zoi Skydra Pella Central Macedonia Greece
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Μουσείο Βασιλικών Τάφων Αιγών, Βεργίνα / Museum of Royal Tombs of Aigai - Vergina, Greece
Με την αποκάλυψη των βασιλικών τάφων των Αιγών, το 1977, άρχισε αμέσως η συντήρηση των περίφημων τοιχογραφιών που τους διακοσμούσαν. Παράλληλα, δημιουργήθηκε επιτόπου εργαστήριο συντήρησης για την διάσωση και αποκατάσταση των εξαιρετικά σημαντικών κινητών ευρημάτων που περιείχαν. Για την προστασία των βασιλικών τάφων κατασκευάστηκε το 1993 υπόγειο κτίριο που εγκιβωτίζει και προστατεύει τα αρχαία μνημεία, διατηρώντας σταθερές τις συνθήκες θερμοκρασίας και υγρασίας, πράγμα απαραίτητο για την διάσωση των τοιχογραφιών.
Το κτίσμα αυτό εξωτερικά έχει τη μορφή χωμάτινου τύμβου, ενώ στο εσωτερικό του εκτίθενται από το Νοέμβριο του 1997 οι θησαυροί που βρέθηκαν μέσα στους βασιλικούς τάφους.
Υπηρετώντας το ουτοπικό όνειρο της αιώνιας διατήρησης, η σύγχρονη τεχνολογία επιστρατεύεται για να σταματήσει τη φυσική διαδικασία της φθοράς. Το αρχαίο αντικείμενο καθαρίζεται, συντηρείται, αποκαθίσταται και εκτίθεται στο κοινό αποξενωμένο από την πρωτογενή λειτουργία του. Ό,τι πέθανε και θάφτηκε, ακολουθώντας το νεκρό στον τάφο του, μπορεί ίσως να επιστρέψει κάποτε ξανά στο φως, όμως ποτέ πια δε θα είναι αυτό που ήταν.
Ο τρόπος έκθεσης οφείλει να σέβεται τη μορφή και το χαρακτήρα του, ωστόσο δεν μπορεί παρά να εκφράζει την αισθητική των συγχρόνων στις ιδεολογικές ανάγκες των οποίων απευθύνεται. Με γνώμονα αυτές τις σκέψεις επιλέχθηκαν για την έκθεση φόρμες αυστηρά λιτές, διαχρονικά γεωμετρικές και υλικά μοντέρνα και ουδέτερα που ανταποκρίνονται στις πιο αυστηρές προδιαγραφές συντήρησης: μέταλλο, κρύσταλλο, θαμπό αλουμίνιο, συνθετικό γυαλί. Χρησιμοποιήθηκε ό,τι καλύτερο διαθέτει η σύγχρονη διεθνής τεχνολογία στον τομέα της μουσειογραφίας, μετάλλινες, στεγανές, αυτόνομα κλιματιζόμενες προθήκες, κρυστάλλινες οπτικές ίνες, μετάλλινα, ηχοαπορροφητικά πετάσματα, πολλαπλά ηλεκτρονικά συστήματα ελέγχου, ώστε να εξασφαλίσουμε τις καλύτερες δυνατές συνθήκες προστασίας και διαρκούς συντήρησης για τα ευρήματα, χωρίς ωστόσο να θυσιάσουμε την ατμοσφαιρικότητα που έπρεπε να έχει αυτή η έκθεση που θέλει να απευθύνεται όχι μόνο στη λογική αλλά και στο συναίσθημα.
Παίρνοντας ως αξίωμα την ιδέα ότι ο θάνατος, το παρελθόν, το χώμα και η λήθη είναι σκιά και απουσία χρώματος, ενώ η ζωή και η μνήμη είναι φως και χρώμα, οι εμπνευστές αυτής της έκθεσης δημιούργησαν έναν κόσμο σκιών, όπου πάμφωτα και θερμά βασιλεύουν τα αρχαία αντικείμενα και όπου, εκτός από τα μνημεία, το μόνο χρώμα είναι η πορφύρα, υπαινιγμός του αίματος των βασιλικών νεκρών. Το σκοτάδι που βασιλεύει στο χώρο γεννά δέος, κάνει τις φωνές να γίνονται ψίθυροι και υποβάλλει την ατμόσφαιρα της χώρας των νεκρών, όπου ο επισκέπτης πλανιέται ξετυλίγοντας το κουβάρι της μνήμης.
Nea Pella Giannitsa Central Macedonia Greece Νέα Πέλλα Γιαννιτσών Κεντρική Μακεδονία
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Veria Imathia Greece Central Macedonia Βέροια Ημαθίας Κεντρική Μακεδονία
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Το τραγούδι CGI Snake του καλλιτέχνη Chris Zabriskie έχει άδεια με βάση το εξής: Creative Commons Attribution (
VERGINA - Macedonia, Greece.
VERGINA - Macedonia, Greece.
The excavation by Professor Manolis Andronikos and his associates under the Great Tumulus of Vergina village in Imathia, Central Macedonia in 1977 brought to light the most important archaeological discovery of the 20th century in Greece. Today's Vergina (Ancient Aigai), in the foothills of Mt. Pieria, was the first capital of ancient kingdom of Macedonia, called Aigai. The site of the Royal Tombs under a modern roof hosts the main excavation, as well as an exhibition of the major finds from the burials. It is protected by UNESCO as world cultural heritage and comprises a unique discovery of an enormous universal impact.
In the same area, inhabited continuously since the 3rd millennium BC, are also the ruins of an acropolis, palace, theater, shrines and private buildings, and hundreds of common graves of an extensive necropolis of the ancient city of Aigai until Roman times.
The exhibition's shelter has the external form of the Great Tumulus, a man-made mound, while the underground building has been housing since November 1997 tombs and treasures found in them. This sheltered group includes three Macedonian tombs: the intact tomb of Philip II (II) with a hunting scene fresco painting. Intact is also the so-called Tomb of the Prince (III), which may belong to Alexander IV, grandson of Philip II and his son Alexander the Great and another ruined and plundered Macedonian tomb (IV) of the third BC century.
The visitor will also see a plundered a cist family tomb (I), known as the Tomb of Persephone, with the incomparable fresco of the abduction of Persephone by Hades and a ruined building named Heroon, probably used for the worship of the dead royal members buried next door. Some of the major finds exhibited here are the two golden urns, containing the bones of Philip II and one of his wives, two oak and one myrtle golden wreaths worn by the royal dead. On display is also the rare gold-and-purple embroidered cloth, which wrapped the bones of the royal wife, along with her golden diadem of a unique art, two ivory symposium beds, weapons and armor of Philip II, valuable symposium utensils of the royal family and the silver urn of Prince.
The awe and anguish of man before death, the gateway to another dimension of the dead to Hades, the splendor of the royal glory, the emotion that creates the tragic end of the royal house of Temenids are ideas inherent in the atmosphere of the Royal Tombs of Aigai, exhibited in a dark, neutral place, dominated only by the brightly lit treasures and tombs.
Licensed Tourist Guide
& Conservator of Antiquities
Edessa Pella Central Macedonia Greece snowfall Έδεσσα Πέλλας Κ. Μακεδονία χιονόπτωση γήπεδο # Drone
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#aerial #snow #χιόνια
Ancient City of Pella ( Πέλλα) Macedonia,Greece ✔
➤Pella (Greek: Πέλλα), is best known as the ancient and wealthy capital of the kingdom of Macedon in the time of Alexander the Great. On the site of the ancient city is the Archaeological Museum of Pella.
Pella is first mentioned by Herodotus of Halicarnassus (VII, 123) in relation to Xerxes' campaign and by Thucydides (II, 99,4 and 100,4) in relation to Macedonian expansion and the conflict against Sitalces, the king of the Thracians. According to Xenophon, in the beginning of the 4th century BC it was the largest Macedonian city. It was probably built as the capital of the kingdom by Archelaus I, replacing the older palace-city of Aigai although there appears to be some possibility that it may have been created by Amyntas. In antiquity, Pella was a strategic port connected to the Thermaic Gulf by a navigable inlet, but the harbor and gulf have since silted up, leaving the site landlocked.
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Γραμματικό Έδεσσας Πέλλας Κεντρική Μακεδονία Grammatiko Edessa Pella Central Macedonia Greece
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Mουσείο Αρχαία Πέλλα Κεντρική Μακεδονία Museum Ancient Pella Central Macedonia Greece part 3
Σχετικά: Μέγας Αλέξανδρος - Αρχέλαος - Αμύντας - Ζεύξης - Τιμόθεος ο Μιλήσιος - Ευριπίδης - Φίλιππος - Αντίγονος Γονατάς - Αιγές - Βεργίνα - Μακεδονικό βασίλειο - Μακεδονική Αυτοκρατορία - πήλινα αγγεία - χάλκινα αγγεία - ψηφιδωτά - αργυρά νομίσματα - χρυσά νομίσματα - αρχαία αγορά - νεκροταφείο - παλάτι - σύστημα υδροδότησης - αποχέτευσης - Alexander the Great - Macedonian Emprire - Macedonian Kingdom
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#alexanderthegreat #macedonianempire