Амберг. Германия
Амберг - это город сказка Германии, без преувеличений.
Германия очень красивая страна. Любой, даже самый маленький городок достоин внимания. Амберг не исключение.
Очень живописный, уютный, компактный, чистый и доброжелательный. Архитектура покоряет.
На рыночной площади красуется Базилика Святого Мартина. Возведенная в 1421 году в стиле готики. Одна из самх величественных церквей Верхнего Пфальца.
Соперничать с ней может разве что Регенбургский собор.
На горе Спасения Марии, которая над самим Амбергом находится церковь 1711 г.. Сюда на протяжении долгого времени приезжали паломники.
В Амберге несколько музеев: Археологический, музей Воздуха, музей индустрии и горнодобычи в Тойерн.
Через центр города протекает река Фильс. Множество мостов предают очарование Амбергу, сродни с Венецией.
В видео Вы увидите самый маленький отель Европы, всего с 1 номером, для новобрачных.
Большая достопримечательность города Городские Очки. Они образуют арки моста через реку Фильс.
В здании бывшего монастыря, некогда принадлежавшем монахам францисканцам ныне расположен театр. Атмосфера в нем удивительная. Своей труппы у театра нет. Но, сюда постоянно приезжают на гастроли из других театров. Театральное кафе очень красивое, уютное, полностью отвечающее духу прошлого Амберга.
За стенами старого города расположен замечательный аквапарк.
Мне с погодой не повезло. Не было солнца. Оттого и видео вышло не очень красочным. Жаль!
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Interview Res Ingold / ingold airlines im Luftmuseum
Der Künstler Res Ingold (Köln) über seine Ausstellung Fliege, was fliegen kann. ingold airlines im Luftmuseum in Amberg. Ausstellungsdauer: 3.11.2019 bis 19.01.2020
Artist Res Ingold talking about his solo exhibition of ingold airlines at the AIR MUSEUM in Amberg (Germany). Exhibition runs from 2019-11-03 to 2020-01-19.
Interview Marion Mack im Luftmuseum
Die Künstlerin Marion Mack (Amberg) im Interview über ihre Soloausstellung DSCHINN in der gotischen Hauskapelle des Luftmuseums in Amberg. Ausstellungsdauer: 3.11.2019 bis 19.01.2020
Amberg based artist Marion Mack talking about her solo exhibition at the gothic chapel of the AIR MUSEUM in Amberg (Germany). Exhibition runs from 2019-11-03 to 2020-01-19
Interview Johannes Steininger im Luftmuseum
Der Linzer Bildhauer Johannes Steininger im Interview im LUFTMUSEUM in Amberg über seine Soloausstellung Lineare Buckelarbeiten. Ausstellungszeitraum 4.08.-27.10.2019
Austrian Air-Sculptor Johannes Steininger talks about his soloshow AIR_Luftplastics at the AIR MUSEUM in Amberg. Exhibition runs from 2019-08-04 to 2019-10-27
Luftmuseum Amberg - kleiner Rundflug
Kurzfilm über das LUFTMUSEUM Amberg von Christian Fuß
Luft hören, sehen, begreifen, erleben, verstehen.
Neben Ausstellungen gibt es Vorträge, Lesungen, Führungen und Konzerte. Im Erdgeschoss finden Wechselausstellungen über Design, Architektur, Kunst, Technik und Alltagskunst statt.
Poetry in Motion: The Fanning Hot Air Engine
This hot air pumping engine spent most of its service life about 100 miles south where it was made in Chicago. The Fanning Manufacturing Co. began in the 1890s as the Fanning Cycle Co. and for a time made bicycles before branching out into automobiles and hot air engines. John Wickstom patented this unique and powerful engine in 1900, assigning his patent to Frank and John Fanning. The Fanning brothers' Economy hot air engines were made and sold for the next 3 years and very few have survived. The Fannings were thought to have sold their stock and trade to the Thomas & Smith Co. in Chicago which produced similar engines for the next 7 or 8 years.
Interview Luftmuseum Rie Hosokai zur Ausstellung Capsule von Daisy Balloon, Tokio
Vergänglichkeit und Unbeständigkeit sind eher Eigenschaften, die sich gegenständlich nur schwer in einem Museum ausstellen lassen. Und doch sind sie das Hauptthema der Sonderausstellung „Capsule“ des japanischen Duos DAISY BALLOON, die bis 22. Januar 2017 im Luftmuseum zu sehen ist. In ihrer ersten Ausstellung in Deutschland zeigt das japanische Künstlerpaar neue Arbeiten, die ortsspezifisch für die Räume im Luftmuseum geplant und erstellt wurden.
Transience and impermanence are hard to show in objects, but nevertheless these two characteristics are the main topics of the current special exhibition at the AIR MUSEUM in Amberg. The Japanese duet DAISY BALLOON created the special exhibition „Capsule“, which is exhibited until 22. January 2017 as their first exhibition in Germany. For the Air Museum, Takashi Kawada (art director, born 1976) and Rie Hosokai (balloon artist, born 1976) created site specific artworks for the historical rooms of the Air Museum.
Places to see in ( Nuremberg - Germany ) Weissgerbergasse
Places to see in ( Nuremberg - Germany ) Weissgerbergasse
The Weißgerbergasse is a street in Nuremberg . It is one of the few predominantly preserved historical monument ensembles of Nuremberg's Old Town . It is lined with bars, restaurants and galleries. The Weißgerbergasse is located in the Nuremberg district 0 - 06 in the north of the Pegnitz Sebalder old town. It leads from the south in Pegnitz near Maxplatz first northeast, then east towards Sebalduskirche to the wine market. To the north run the Geiersberg and the Irrerstraße parallel to the Weißgerbergasse. The Irrerstraße begins at the wine market. The south side of the corner house Irrerstraße 1 is located on the Weißgerbergasse.
About twenty medieval half-timbered houses in the Weißgerbergasse have the heavy air raids on Nuremberg over. The Weißgerbergasse therefore reflects a part of the historic Nuremberg, especially an old artisan quarter within the Burgviertel . The name of the street comes from the White tanners , which in the Middle Ages were located there and in contrast to the Rotgerbern using alum to fine raw hides, salt, flour, eggs and tree oil, light leather, the so-called white leather, processed Since the tanning of the animal skins at that time claimed a great deal of water and also represented a not inconsiderable odor nuisance, it is no accident that the craft houses almost all had a private well and were located at the outskirts near the outflowing Pegnitz.
It is thanks to the Nuremberg Old Town friends and the homeowners that most of the houses have been lovingly renovated and you can gain a glimpse of what old Nuremberg once looked like. At the houses Weißgerbergasse 16 and 25 you can even find two of the Nürnberger Chörlein, d. H. Bay window on the house facade, which loosened the strict picture of the Nuremberg house facades. At the same time they served to observe the events on the street.
Erich Mulzer wrote about the Ensemble Weißgerbergasse and its sights: With 22 old houses, the Weißgerbergasse is the best preserved street in the old town. In contrast to the Füll, however, there are narrower houses that are mostly built of timber framing. Despite the similar width of the street and the height of the houses as in the Füll, it creates a much more moving and colorful picture - characteristic of the artisan lanes of the old city, in which a diverse and active life always took place. Works of art, on the other hand, return to the overall impression: there is only one single old chörlein (at no. 25), and the dormersusually remain unadorned. Typical for craftsman houses are instead the white tiger emblem of 1708 and the locksmith's sign from about 1820 (both at no. 24) as well as the small Biedermeier door with carved fruit cornucopias (no. 28). The corner figure of St. Egidius with the Hindu (No. 26) is a copy of a ruined similar half-timbered house elsewhere. Some charming and picturesque courtyards (Nos. 19, 21, 23 and 35) are not generally accessible. This is also true of a striking Baroque garden room with rich Stuckierung (in the passage behind the entrance next to no. 27).
A Nuremberg townhouse usually included front building, narrow side wings, courtyard and rear building . The courtyard with fountain , staircase, elevator and sometimes a small garden was often the center of everyday life. At least the side wing carried on all floors open galleries (called corridors) as a combination of front and rear building. Often these galleries also moved on two or three sides or on all sides the yard. The ornamental architecture of the galleries was a mixed Nuremberg style of Gothic tracery in the balustrades and later Renaissance columns and baroque consoles, The form of balustrade ('dock') balustrades, which corresponds more to the Renaissance, can be found in wood in the Weißgerbergasse 23. The timelessly simple parapet of the brigades is provided by the Weissgerbergasse 35.
( Nuremberg - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Nuremberg . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Nuremberg - Germany
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Campbell & Heald hot air engine
While Edgar E. Campbell and George W. Heald of Chicago applied for a patent for this small hot air engine in 1913, the patent was not granted until five years later. The patent was assigned to the General Utility Power Co., also of Chicago.
With nickel plated highlights but no trademark or nameplate, the engine is likely a company prototype. Since it's the only known example, it's possible the company never began mass production and it is likely that production versions would have been much larger. The inventors claimed higher efficiency and more power than similar engines on the market at the time.
Patented features included annular cooling fins and flat flywheel spokes which moved air across the fins, a double-walled (insulated) base housing the burner, a crankshaft offset from the centerline of the cylinder bore, a one-piece crankcase, and a bell crank linkage.
Küche und Kochen im Wandel der Zeit
Wie sahen die Küchen und Herde im Mittelalter aus? Wie im 18., 19. und 20. Jahrhundert? Und was stand auf dem Speiseplan?
Mit dem Quadrokopter über dem Westpark in München
Zusammenschnitt vom Flug über den Westpark
The biggest model train layout in the world called Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg, Germany.
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HOT AIR ENGINES at Greenville, Ohio 2016
Greenville Ohio's 2016 Power of the Past show featured 150 hot air engines from 3 continents including large working engines, models, and toys. Here's a glimpse of some of the engines that were on display.
1000 Jahre Goldener Steig
Historischer Säumerzug durch die Passauer Altstadt, Säumerlager am Residenzplatz. Zur 1000-Jahrfeier des Goldenen Steigs. mediendenk/ Bürgerblick
Heidelberg, Germany, the Complete Tour
Heidelberg is one of the prettiest and best-preserved towns in all of Germany, set in picture postcard perfection alongside the Neckar River, with a classic castle towering above. Filled with Old World charm, it’s almost like a fantasy version of an ancient German town, or something dreamed up by Disney -- but this is the real thing. Heidelberg’s historic center of picturesque early 18th century buildings, about one mile long and four blocks wide, is an ideal-sized pedestrian zone to explore on foot.
Heidelberg movie chapters; ;
00:01 introduction; 2:39 Marktplatz (Marketplace); 8:43 Hauptstrasse; 13:48 University of Heidelberg; 19:43 Bismarkplatz; 23:32 Castle; 44:21 Philosopher’s Walk; 54:52 Boat Ride; 1:05:05 Walk little lanes; 1:22:27 hotel and restaurants;
In this detailed movie we are taking you in depth for a complete look at Heidelberg. Of course we will take you to the most historic landmark of Heidelberg, the castle up on the hill, one of the most famous and beautiful in Europe. We will show you how to get up there and then we’ll take a walk in the garden and show you how to get down.
But first we’re going to explore the city itself, it has an amazing pedestrian zone filled with restaurants, shops, historic structures and always busy with lots of people.
We’ll go for a walk along the main street o lf town the Hauptstrasse, then we’ll explore the little side streets as well and we’ll take a stroll on the Philosophers Walk up on the hill overlooking the city with great views looking back at the town We’ll take a boat ride on the Neckar River all the way up to Necharsteinach and back, with many practical tips including a survey of the restaurants of town and we’ll visit the University of Heidelberg, the oldest in Germany.
This detailed movie combines 6 recent shorter films into one complete video. The individual films that make up this movie can also be seen individually in this playlist:
Max Streicher Schlafende Körper Sonderausstellung im Luftmuseum Amberg 2013
Interview mit dem ausstellenden Künstler.
Der in Toronto lebende Künstler arbeitet im Spannungsfeld von zeitgenössischer Bildhauerei und Rauminstallation. Seine aufblasbaren bewegliche Skulpturen, die er aus weißem Tyvekstoff näht, erfüllen und erschaffen den jeweiligen bespielten Raum neu, machen ihn zum Ort eines ambivalenten die Besucher in Bann ziehenden Spektakels. Seine Inflatables - die zu atmen scheinen wie Menschen - sind poetisch und rätselhaft, erschreckend und skuril zugleich.
Skiing But No Snow (1963)
Hirschau, Federal Republic of Germany (Western Germany).
MS. Ski lift starting its climb up the slope in German ski resort Hirschau which lacks snow. MLS. Some people walking up slope. MS. Ski lift. Various shots of the skiers arriving at top of ski slopes. MS. People in swimming costumes sunbathing. Various shots of men stripped to the waist skiing down the slalom track - they are skiing on Kaolin, a mixture of chalk and sand which is very slippery and similar to snow. Various shots of the people skiing down Kaolin slopes, one woman takes a tumble. LS. Slopes with skiers seen with crowded swimming pool at the bottom.
Date found in the old record - 21/08/1963.
FILM ID:2671.17
British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website.
Robinsons patent hot air engine
At anson engine museum open day
Dieela.de - Otto Lilienthal - In memoriam of a good friend
Premiere am 26.07.2008 - Sologitarre: Pinkmann - Rhythmusgitarre: Dieela - de auctoritate ecclesiasticae, will heissen: mit Drehgenehmigung.... ALL RIGHTS RESERVED by Dieela.de
Otto Lilienthal Frankrijk 2011
frankrijk juni 2011 model vlieg club Otto Lilienthal