Oludeniz | Deniz Park Caddesi, Belcekum 2 Sitesi NO:15 Daire 3, Oludeniz 48300, Turkey
Alex landing in Olu Deniz, Turkey- Airborne Paragliding
Landing in Olu Deniz on the beach after a tandem flight from Mount Babadag on a cloudy October afternoon. I flew with Deniz from Airborne (Previously Ikarus). Brilliant, enjoyable and my second flight with that company. Definitely recommended!
Paragliding Fethiye AIRBORNE
Yamaç paraşütü & Spiral Dive / Paragliding in Turkey - 2014 Fethiye Ölüdeniz Babadağ
There is one of the highest commercial take-off sites in the world – Babadag Mountain located near the Oludeniz beach and Hisaronu. If you wonder how high is Babadag Mountain then we need to notice that the Babadag Mountain paragliding heght is about 6500 ft (1960 m). Breathtaking panorama and stable weather conditions make launch site for tandem paragliding from Babadag Oludeniz Mountain the best in Europe for tandem Oludeniz paragliding in Turkey. During the Babadag paragliding Oludeniz flight you will experience exciting 360 degrees turns, wingovers and even thermal flows that may extend the descent. Contrary to popular belief Oludeniz paragliding in Fethiye does not imply Oludeniz mountain jump from the cliff but the several steps run to take off to the sky. Landing on the Oludeniz beach is as easy as taking off from Babadag Mountain - no rapid decline but just gentle touch down. All pilots are professionals with years of mount Babadag paragliding (parascending) experience so the tandem flight with the pilot is completely safe. You are insured from the moment you get on the transport truck that will take you to the launch site to landing on the Olu Deniz beach.
Enjoy breathtaking tandem Oludeniz paragliding Turkey flight with an experienced pilot. Fly along one of the most beautiful beaches in Turkey - Olu Deniz. Total airborne time is 30-40 minutes. During the Fethiye paragliding in Oludeniz Turkey you will have enough time to enjoy bird’s-eye views of stunning famous Blue Lagoon and gently land on the Oludeniz beach. Absolutely no experience is required to fly in tandem with pilot, all is under the control of professional and experienced pilot. Children under 6 years and adults with heart disease and weighing more than 95 kg are not allowed to fly. Each passenger is given a helmet and flight suit. To ensure complete safety our specialists are monitoring changes in the weather and wind direction twice - before transportation to the takeoff point and straight before takeoff. Transportation to the launch site takes about 60 minutes through villages of Hisaronu and Ovacik. For your convinience our mount Babadag paragliding flights are conducted 5 times a day 9.00 am - 11.00 am - 1.00 pm - 3.00 pm - 5.00 pm. Please notice that Fethiye paragliding flight may be cancelled due to the bad weather conditions - your health and safety is our priority #1. In this case your flight is cancelled we reschedule it for the closest possible date.
Paragliding from the top of the popular Holiday Destination of the Babadag Mountain in Turkey
Taken from the launch pad high above the Mediterranean coast at Oludeniz and The Blue Lagoon.
This is one of the highest commercial take-off sites in the world – Babadag Mountain located near the Oludeniz beach and Hisaronu. If you wonder how high it is On Babadag Mountain then we need to notice that the Babadag Mountain paragliding heght is about 6500 ft (1960 m). Breathtaking panorama and stable weather conditions make launch site for tandem paragliding from Babadag Oludeniz Mountain the best in Europe. During the Babadag paragliding Oludeniz flight you will experience exciting 360 degrees turns, wingovers and even thermal flows that may extend the descent. Contrary to popular belief Oludeniz paragliding in Fethiye does not imply Oludeniz mountain jump from the cliff but the several steps run to take off to the sky. Landing on the Oludeniz beach is as easy as taking off from Babadag Mountain - no rapid decline but just gentle touch down. All pilots are professionals with years of mount Babadag paragliding (parascending) experience so the tandem flight with the pilot is completely safe. You are insured from the moment you get on the transport truck that will take you to the launch site to landing on the Olu Deniz beach.
Enjoy breathtaking tandem Oludeniz paragliding Turkey flight with an experienced pilot. Fly along one of the most beautiful beaches in Turkey - Olu Deniz. Total airborne time is 30-40 minutes. During the Fethiye paragliding in Oludeniz Turkey you will have enough time to enjoy bird’s-eye views of stunning famous Blue Lagoon and gently land on the Oludeniz beach. Absolutely no experience is required to fly in tandem with pilot, all is under the control of professional and experienced pilot. Children under 6 years and adults with heart disease and weighing more than 95 kg are not allowed to fly. Each passenger is given a helmet and flight suit. To ensure complete safety our specialists are monitoring changes in the weather and wind direction twice - before transportation to the takeoff point and straight before takeoff. Transportation to the launch site takes about 60 minutes through villages of Hisaronu and Ovacik. For your convinience our mount Babadag paragliding flights are conducted 5 times a day 8.30 am - 10.30 am - 12.30 am - 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm. Please notice that Fethiye paragliding flight may be cancelled due to the bad weather conditions - your health and safety is our priority #1. In this case your flight is cancelled we reschedule it for the closest possible date.
Oludeniz, Turkey is One of the Best Paragliding Places in the World
Ölüdeniz is famous for its paragliding opportunities. It is regarded as one of the best places in the world to paraglide due to its unique panoramic views, and Mount Babadağ's exceptional height.[3] Breathtaking panorama and stable weather conditions make launch site at Babadag Mountain the best in Europe.
Well with my experience, there's no better place for that! Olüdeniz is Turkey’s top destinations for tandem paragliding!
Fly along one of the most beautiful beaches in Turkey – Olu Deniz. Total airborne time is 30-40 minutes. During the Fethiye paragliding in Oludeniz you will have enough time to enjoy bird’s-eye views of stunning famous Blue Lagoon and gently land on the Oludeniz beach. Absolutely no experience is required to fly in tandem with pilot, all is under the control of professional and experienced pilot. Children under 6 years and adults with heart disease and weighing more than 95 kg are not allowed to fly. Each passenger is given a helmet and flight suit.
There are plenty of companies offering tandem paragliding in Ölüdeniz but, there is no way that I wouldn't recommend Reaction Paragliding! Many thanks for the complimentary flight!
paraglide olu deniz landing 2013
tandem paraglide with landing 2013 airborne olu deniz
Sarah paragliding tricks and landing - Oludeniz Turkey 2012
Sarah paragliding tricks and landing - Oludeniz Turkey 2012
Paragliding Tandem in Oludeniz
Paragliding Tandem in Oludeniz with pilot Erdal from Airborne.
Ölüdeniz paragliding. Breathtaking location for the perfect flight.
Oludeniz paragliding with Airborne company. Better than any amusement park ride i have ever ridden!
Wax Airborne 19.08.2011
Thx goes to:
Sait@Airborne team for making me smile :D
K for video work & music
Aruna with Mark Eteson - Let Go (Nic Chagall Mix) vs Sub Scape - Nothings Wrong
Jane Paragliding in Turkey
Jane gets airborne at 1900m
Erzincan, Turkey Paragliding and Aerial Festival 2009
Buy The acrotwins New DVD.
A short report on a great festival held in the east of Turkey mid April 2009.
Gravity Yamaç Paraşütü Ölüdeniz / Tandem Paragliding
Gravity Tandem Paragliding / Ölüdeniz
Tel : +90 (252) 617 03 79 - 617 05 87
Gsm : +90 (5320677099)
Web :
Karioi Flight 23 09 2019
Hang Gliding Raglan Mt Karioi
Oludeniz Turkey Paragliding Beach Landing (Gravity)
Gravity landing on the beach in oludeniz
A paragliding flight, Oludeniz, Turkey
We launched into the setting sun, more than a mile above the water. With all the commercial tandems landing at dusk it looks like LAX at the beach.
Paragliding - Olu Deniz, Turkey
Olu Deniz, Turkey 2012 001 25-04-2012 08-09-29.mp4
Paragliding in Oludeniz part 2
Paragliding Tandem in Oludeniz with pilot Erdal from Airborne.