Aizpute no putna lidojuma 4K, Aizpute (Latvia) bird's eye view Айзпуте (Латвия)с птичьего полёта 4К
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Aizpute (German: Hasenpoth) is a town in western Latvia's Aizpute Municipality in the valley of Tebra River, 50 km northeast of Liepāja. The territory of modern Aizpute was inhabited by ancient Curonians since the 9th century. St. John Lutheran church was built on the Curonian hillfort. In the 13th century during the Livonian crusade, the territory of Aizpute was conquered by German crusaders. In 1248 the master of the Livonian Order Dietrich von Grüningen ordered the building of a stone castle in Aizpute. The castle and the whole settlement became known as Hasenpoth. After the partition of Courland in 1253 Aizpute became part of the Bishopric of Courland. In 1260 Aizpute church was built.
Bishop of Courland Otto granted Magdeburg rights to Aizpute in 1378.
In the second half of the 16th century Aizpute experienced rapid development because the Tebra river was used as the main trade route for the merchants of Aizpute who shipped their cargo down to the sea. After the Polish-Swedish war all trade and shipping infrastructure was destroyed and Aizpute started to experience decline. During the period 1611-1795 it was under the power of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth as a capital of the semi-autonomous Powiat Piltynski (District of Piltene).
In 1795 Aizpute and the whole of Courland was incorporated into the Russian Empire and became part of the Courland Governorate. During the Russian revolution of 1905 Aizpute was one of the places where local revolutionists showed armed resistance to Cossack punitive units. It led to the so-called Aizpute War.
Территория современного Айзпуте была заселена древними куршами с IX века. Церковь Святого Иоанна Лютеранская была построена на куршском городище. В 13 веке во время Ливонского крестового похода территория Айзпуте была завоевана немецкими крестоносцами. В 1248 году магистр Ливонского ордена Дитрих фон Грюнинген приказал построить в Айзпуте каменный замок. Замок и все поселение стали известны как Хазенпот. После раздела Курляндии в 1253 году Айзпуте стало частью епископства Курляндии. В 1260 году была построена Айзпутская церковь.
Епископ Курляндский Отто предоставил Магдебургским правам Айзпуте в 1378 году.
Во второй половине 16-го века Айзпут пережил бурное развитие, потому что река Тебра использовалась в качестве основного торгового пути для торговцев Айзпуте, которые отправляли свои грузы в море. После польско-шведской войны вся торговая и транспортная инфраструктура была разрушена, и в Айзпуте начался спад. В период 1611-1795 гг. Он находился под властью Речи Посполитой в качестве столицы полуавтономного повята Пилтынского (округ Пилтене).
В 1795 году Айзпуте и весь Курляндия были включены в состав Российской империи и стали частью губернаторства Курляндии. Во время русской революции 1905 года Айзпуте было одним из мест, где местные революционеры оказали вооруженное сопротивление казачьим карательным отрядам. Это привело к так называемой войне Айзпуте.
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Porch Swing Days - slower by Kevin MacLeod (
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Winter Chimes by Kevin MacLeod (
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Aizpute Town Sights
Welcome to Aizpute -- And please join TheCeļotājs latest excursions of Latvian Cities, Towns and Villages as we visit the Town of Aizpute Latvia and explore Aizpute sights with Aizpute Mill Lake and its Watermill, then there is the Stone Bridge over the Tebra River is Aizpute's oldest bridge, built in 1907. Across from the Stone Bridge you will find Aizpute Saint John's Lutheran Church -- which was originally built in 1254, The church has been rebuilt many times, the current structure dates from 1860. Across the valley from the church is the Aizpute Livonian Order Castle Ruins which dates back to ANNO 1249. The Order castle of a regular plan castellan type, with a corner tower and wooden buildings in the courtyard, was built in the late 13th to early 14th centuries. In the 15th century, an eastern wing was built on the outside next to the castle wall. After the Livonian War the castle was no longer used and written sources reveal that in 1555 it was mentioned as a grain store. These are only a few of the many historical sights one can find while visiting Aizpute.
This short video will show you many other sights that can be found in Aizpute. So set back and enjoy this short excursion of the Town of Aizpute.
Talsi no putna lidojuma 4K, Talsi (Latvia) bird's eye view 4K, Талси (Латвия) с птичьего полёта 4К
Talsi (Livonian: Tālsa, German: Talsen) is a town in Latvia. It is the administrative centre of Talsi Municipality. It is nicknamed the green pearl of Courland. A hill fort has existed in Talsi at least since the 10th century, originally inhabited by Curonians. The settlement of Talsi is mentioned in written sources for the first time in 1231 during the Middle Ages, in a contract between the elders of a Curonian tribe and the papal envoy Baldwin von Alna. During the Northern Crusades, the settlement came under German over-lordship and a castle was built in Talsi during the late 13th century. The settlement grew in the 15th century, when traders and artisans from German-speaking lands settled in Talsi. The presently visible main church of the town was inaugurated in 1567. Pastor Carl Amenda, a close friend of Ludwig van Beethoven, worked in the church for many years.
Талси (ливонский: Талса, немецкий: Талсен) - город в Латвии. Это административный центр Талсинского муниципалитета. Его называют «зеленой жемчужиной Курляндии». Поселение Талси впервые упоминается в письменных источниках в 1231 году в средние века в договоре между старейшинами куршского племени и папским посланником Болдуином фон Алной. Во время Северных крестовых походов поселение перешло под немецкую власть, и в конце 13 века в Талси был построен замок. Поселение выросло в 15 веке, когда в Талси поселились торговцы и ремесленники из немецкоязычных земель. Видимая в настоящее время главная церковь города была открыта в 1567 году. Пастор Карл Аменда, близкий друг Людвига ван Бетховена, работал в церкви много лет.
Kuldīga no putna lidojuma 4K, Кулдига Латвия 4K, Kuldiga Latvia 4K, Goldingen Lettland 4K
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Kuldīga was first mentioned in 1242. It joined the Hanseatic League in 1368. In the 17th century, Kuldīga (along with Jelgava (Mitau)) was one of the capitals of the Duchy of Courland.
Kuldīga is the pearl of Kurzeme, Latvia's western region. It is an ancient town with unique, distinctive architecture. Saint Catherine is believed to be the patron saint of Kuldīga, and thus the oldest church of the town has been named after St Catherine. The foundation of the building was laid as early as in 1252; later the church was remodelled a number of times. The small River Alekšupīte runs through the very centre of the Kuldīga old town, along the walls of the houses. A 4.5 m high waterfall on the Alekšupīte is the highest in Latvia. The pride of Kuldīga is the Venta Rapid, a 240-meter wide natural rapid which is the widest in Europe. Not far from the rapid there is the Kuldīga brick bridge built in 1874, one of the longest bridges of this type in Europe.
Kuldīga wurde erstmals 1242 erwähnt. Es trat 1368 der Hanse bei. Im 17. Jahrhundert war Kuldīga eine der Hauptstädte des Herzogtums Kurland.
Kuldīga ist die Perle von Kurzeme, der westlichen Region Lettlands. Es ist eine antike Stadt mit einzigartiger, unverwechselbarer Architektur. Die Heilige Katharina gilt als Schutzpatronin von Kuldīga, weshalb die älteste Kirche der Stadt nach der Heiligen Katharina benannt wurde. Der Grundstein für das Gebäude wurde bereits 1252 gelegt; später wurde die Kirche mehrmals umgebaut. Der kleine Fluss Alekšupīte fließt entlang der Häuserwände durch das Zentrum der Altstadt von Kuldīga. Ein 4,5 m hoher Wasserfall auf der Alekšupīte ist der höchste in Lettland. Der Stolz von Kuldīga ist der Venta Rapid, ein 240 Meter breiter natürlicher Rapid, der der breiteste in Europa ist. Unweit der Schnellstraße befindet sich die 1874 erbaute Kuldīga-Brücke, eine der längsten Brücken dieser Art in Europa.
Kuldīga fut mentionné pour la première fois en 1242. Il rejoignit la Ligue hanséatique en 1368. Au 17ème siècle, Kuldīga (avec Jelgava (Mitau)) était l'une des capitales du duché de Courlande.
Kuldīga est la perle de Kurzeme, la région occidentale de la Lettonie. C'est une ville ancienne à l'architecture unique et distinctive. On pense que Sainte Catherine est la patronne de Kuldīga et que la plus vieille église de la ville a donc été nommée en l'honneur de Sainte Catherine. Les fondations du bâtiment ont été posées dès 1252; plus tard, l'église a été remodelée à plusieurs reprises. La petite rivière Alekšupīte traverse le centre même de la vieille ville de Kuldīga, le long des murs des maisons. La vieille ville autour de la petite rivière est unique: il s’agit du seul ensemble de ce genre des 17e et 18e siècles dans les États baltes. La cascade Alekšupīte, d'une hauteur de 4,5 m, est la plus haute de Lettonie. La fierté de Kuldīga est la Venta Rapid, un rapide naturel de 240 mètres de large qui est le plus large d’Europe. Non loin du rapide, il y a le pont de briques de Kuldīga construit en 1874, l'un des plus longs ponts de ce type en Europe.
Pirmoreiz Kuldīga tika pieminēta 1242. gadā. Tā Hanzas savienībai pievienojās 1368. gadā. 17. gadsimtā Kuldīga bija viena no Kurzemes hercogistes galvaspilsētām.
Kuldīga ir Latvijas rietumu reģiona Kurzemes pērle. Tā ir sena pilsēta ar unikālu, savdabīgu arhitektūru. Tiek uzskatīts, ka svētā Katrīna ir Kuldīgas patrons, tāpēc pilsētas vecākā baznīca ir nosaukta Sv. Katrīnas vārdā. Ēkas pamati tika likti jau 1252. gadā; vēlāk baznīca vairākas reizes tika pārveidota. Mazā Alekšupītes upe tek cauri pašam Kuldīgas vecpilsētas centram, gar māju sienām. 4,5 m augsts Alekšupītes ūdenskritums ir augstākais Latvijā. Kuldīgas lepnums ir Ventas ātrais, 240 metru platais dabiskais ūdenskritums, kas ir platākais Eiropā. Netālu no straujā te atrodas 1874. gadā celtais Kuldīgas ķieģeļu tilts, kas ir viens no garākajiem šāda veida tiltiem Eiropā.
Кулдига впервые упоминается в 1242 году. Она вступила в Ганзейский союз в 1368 году. В 17 веке Кулдига была одной из столиц Курляндского герцогства. Кулдига является жемчужиной Курземе, западного региона Латвии. Это древний город с уникальной, своеобразной архитектурой. Святая Екатерина считается покровителем Кулдиги, и поэтому самая старая церковь города была названа в честь Святой Екатерины. Фундамент здания был заложен еще в 1252 году; позже церковь была перестроена несколько раз. Небольшая река Алекшупите протекает через самый центр старого города Кулдиги, вдоль стен домов. Водопад высотой 4,5 м на Алекшупите - самый высокий в Латвии. Гордостью Кулдиги является Venta Rapid, естественный порог шириной 240 метров, самый широкий в Европе. Недалеко от порога находится кирпичный мост Кулдиги, построенный в 1874 году, один из самых длинных мостов такого типа в Европе.
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Turaida 2018 ziema. Turaida's castle, Latvia, winter.
Turaida, ziema, 2018.gada februāris. Filmēts ar dronu Mavic Air. Mūzika:
This video is about limbazi
Priekule Town Sights
Welcome to Priekule and Priekule Region!
Join TheCeļotājs latest excursions of Latvian Cities, Towns and Villages as we visit the Town of Priekule Latvia and explore Priekule sights with our host and guide Shoe Leather of Priekule Tourism Information Centre, located at Skolas iela 1. Starting that the Aizpute Tourism Information Centre, we will begin our excursion and exploring the town of Priekule and its many historical structures and sights with the many pictures of Priekule.
If you have decided to travel around Latvia, do not forget to visit Priekule and Priekule Region in the very southwest of Latvia where the borderline with the Republic of Lithuania goes. In Priekules Region you will meet many warm-hearted and creative people, who still honor Ikars of Priekule, a manor blacksmith, who by landing from the church tower with his self-made wings proved to the world that a man can fly like birds. The legend about Ikars of Priekule is still alive today, it is reflected in the emblem of the region, and in honor of this legend each year on the second Saturday of August we are celebrating the biggest festival in the region. We suggest you to begin your journey across the Priekule Region from Priekule, the Swedish gate Zviedru vārti a very symbolic place where seven roads have crossed since ancient times. In the renovated Lutheran church you can get to know the history of Priekule, listen to the sounds of the organ and see Priekule's surroundings through the windows of the church tower. In Priekule Parish, we encourage you to commemorate World War II by visiting the Memorial of Warrior's Cemetery and reading the death-rolls of killed soldiers. But from the viewpoints of the nature reserve park in Ruņupe valley you can find similarities with the most beautiful places in Latvia.
Tukums, Latvia (Тукумс, Латвия)
Tukums (German: Tuckum; Livonian: Tukāmō) is a town in Latvia. Three regions of Latvia meet in the vicinity of Tukums – Vidzeme, Zemgale and Courland.
Ту́кумс — город в Тукумском крае Латвии. Расположен в 65 км к западу от Риги. Узел железнодорожных линий на Ригу, Елгаву, Вентспилс.
Grobina Town Sights
Welcome to Grobina!
And please join TheCeļotājs latest Travels around Latvia with our excursions of Latvian Cities, Towns and Villages as we visit the Town of Grobina Latvia and explore Grobina many historical sights. We will begin exploring the Town of Grobina and its many historical structures and sights starting at Grobina Lutheran Church that dates back to 1664 the walking across the street we will explore Grobina Castle Ruins which is even older with a date if 1253. Then to round out our excursion we will visit a hill that is known as Grobina Castle Hill, which had inhabits living there from the 5th to 13th centuries. These are only a few of the many sights Grobina has to offer.
Bauska no putna lidojuma 4K, Bauska (Latvia) bird's eye view 4K Бауска (Латвия) с птичьего полёта 4К
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Bauska is a town in Bauska Municipality, in the Zemgale region of southern Latvia. Bauska is located 66 km from the Latvian capital Riga and 20 km from the Lithuanian border on the busy European route E67. Link to Wikipedia:
Ба́уска, до 1920 рус. Бауск, нем. Marienland или Bauske — город в Латвии, административный центр Бауского края.
Находится в 66 км к югу от Риги, у слияния рек Муса и Мемеле, образующих Лиелупе.
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Campfire by Scandinavianz |
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Kempings Jūrmalnieki, Mazirbe Latvia
31.7-1.8.2016 Visited Kempings Jūrmalnieki, Mazirbe Latvia.
Very nice stay at Kempings Jūrmalnieki. 400 metres walk to the beach of Baltic Sea and beautiful Slītere National Park. Very peaceful and quiet place to stay for a night. We think, that this place is a hidden gem just waiting to be found.
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De Tous Biens Playne, Josquin Des Pres (1450 - 1521).
For Sale - LAKE, land, forest in Latvia/ Europe !
Real estate by owner (56 km from capital of Latvia-Riga, 30 of Bauska, 35 from the Lithuanian border)
Property uses;
- Hunting - Fishing facilities (boats, campsites, shelters)
- Fish farming (there are tench, perch, pike, etc.).
- Hunting (there are deer, pigs, deer, elk, foxes and birds - ducks, swans, etc.)
- Tour Object-guest house, children's playground, volleyball court, football pitch
- Peat, humus extraction, processing (project for the establishment of factories)
- Agricultural (farming, cropping, poultry)
- Land for construction-development of the village
- Forestry
1 ) forest, land -peat quarry 130 he (~3 000 000 m3 peat) price form Eur 3500 he
2 ) lake 40 he price 165000 Eur
3 ) forest 13 he + sand 60, 000 m3 price 75000 Eur
4 ) sauna house with land 1 he price 29000Eur
Īpašnieks pārdod EZERU, māju - pirti, zemi, mežu.
55 km no Rīgas, Vecumnieku pagasts, skaista, klusa vieta, labs piebraucamais ceļšs
1) Cena mājai - pirtij 36 m2 ar 1ha zemi 29000 eur
2) Iespējams iegādāties blakus esošo lauksaimniecības zemi - mežu ~ 130 ha cena no 3500 eur/ha
3) ezeru ~40 ha cena 165000 eur
4) zeme/mežšs/grants kalns 13 ha 60000 m3 cena 75500 eur
Владелец продает озеро, землю, лес, дом с сауной, лодки, рыба - линь, окунь, щука и др.
55 км от Риги, красивое, тихое место, хорошая подъездная дорога.
1) цена дома 36 m2 с 1 га земли 39000 евро
2) можете приобрести землю 130 га Цена 3500 € / га
3) 40 га озеро - 165000eur
4) лес 13 ha (песок 60 000 m3) цена 75500 Eur
Castle Runkel | 4K | Castles in Germany Episode 3 | Burg Runkel
Our series is about castles and cities in Germany/Europe. If you're interested in European history our channel is for you.
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Snodhill Castle
A short story about a passionate group of people who worked tirelessly together with Historic England to buy a 999 year lease in order to save Snodhill Castle, on the Herefordshire border with Wales, from decay and neglect.
Dobeles Pilsdrupas/ruins
Dobeles pilsdrupas/
Pirmdienas pievakarē, spontāni izplānots ceļojums uz Dobeles pilsdrupām. Ir ko redzēt un ko padarīt, kādu foršu vakaru kā šo.
Arī aizdevāmies uz mazo centriņu, lai atrastu geocache. diemžēl viss neizdevās kā plānots.
Zvārtavas pilī filmē trilleri
Zvārtavas pils vairākas nedēļas pielāgota filmēšanas vajadzībām. Tajā darbojas aktieri, scenāristi, režisors no ASV un radošā komanda no Latvijas. Pašmāju aktieri filmā atveido otrā plāna lomas, un filmēšanā iesaistīti arī vietējie Zvārtavas pagasta iedzīvotāji. Ar savu kameru to fiksēja mūsu Vidzemes kolēģi.
The Marvels Of Traveling To Latvia!
This is more or less like going Around The World in 80 Days From A to Z.
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Travel the world's many wonders that has little known places of interest to visit and enjoy:
Latvia enjoys a unique mix of tradition and modern cultures. Though it has gone through a lot politically, it has emerged as one of the best tourist attractions in the tourism map. There's so much you can enjoy in Latvia with so much to do as well.
5 Facts You Might Not Know
Riga old town walk is one of the amazing tours that you can do while in Latvia. Walking down the cobble-stoned streets of labyrinth takes you way back in time in the most relaxed way you can imagine. How about a walk through the Hanseatic city' Nothing could ever come close to the heavenly feeling you get walking through this magnificent city full of momentous cites.
Sightseeing tour in Sigulda, a place situated about 53kms away from Latvia's capital, Riga. This mountainous region is quite breathtaking and very quaint hence its nickname 'the small Latvian Switzerland'. This region is full of historical castles built way back in the 13th century by the Teutonic knights' order and the Riga bishops. Out of the 3 major castle build only one castle has remained that gives it quite a picturesque site that you must visit.
The famous spa resort of Jurmala is situated just a few kilometers on the gulf of Riga. This is a must visit tourist destination for everyone who appreciates nice sandy beaches, conifer forests which are along the coastline and a magnificent climate. This place is full of small cottages, wooden houses, spa centers and good luxurious hotels. It's the only place in Latvia where you can enjoy spa mineral water and some curative medical mud. If you love shopping for unique souvenir then the Jomas Street is the place to be as it's filled with nice shops and cafes.
Heavenly weekend holidays include a night life filled with nice music and lots of drinks, clay pigeon shooting and the magnificent water bike safari within the Latvian waters.
The ultimate Riga city tour is a must activity for every one visiting Latvia. It's filled with the most beautiful sites, from the well-manicured boulevards along the central streets, brethren cemetery, the famous Laima clock and the most natural Daugava River.
The capital of Latvia is Riga. The currency of Latvia is the Latvian Lats(LVL) Flag of Latvia
Latvia belongs to the European continent
Airports in Latvia
Vainode, Uzuru, Tukums, Skrunda, Riga West, Riga-Rumbula, Rezekne-Grivuli, Pukas, Priekule, Liepaja East, Lielvarde, Jelgava Tervete, Jelgava, Jauvaraji, Gluda, Ezere, Durbe West, Daugavpils Northeast, Daugavpils-Griva, Cirava, Cesis, and Aizpute
The Country dialling code of Latvia is +371, and the TLD (Top-level domain) of Latvia is .lv
Languages spoken in Latvia
Coordinates (in Latitude & Longitude) of Latvia
57 00 N, 25 00 E
Kilometers of coastline
531 kilometers
Square kilometers of land
63,589 square kilometers
Square kilometers of water
1,000 square kilometers
Birth rate
9.43 / 1000 population
Death rate
13.64 / 1000 population
Irrigated land
200 sq km
© 2018 |
From Geography Now: So disappointed I didn't talk more about potatoes in this video. I'm a failure. Well, try as best as you can to enjoy the #LATVIA episode.