Life in Japan 14: Return to Akiha Park and Surprise Temples | May 2, 2017
Hello Everyone, Today is the first official day of Golden week and I decided to return to the gigantic Akiha Park in Niigata. I mange to find a lake, cherry blossoms, and manage to climb over two mountains. Nature is amazing peaceful. This is a Vlog/ on the Go segment, and I hope to have many more in the future. If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to ask, and please don’t hesitate to like, comment, subscribe, or share the video if you enjoyed it and would like to see more.
Thanks for watching, Theresa
【サバイバル】村松公園:新潟県五泉市:Survival in The Park:Gosen Niigata Japan
Life in Japan 19: Golden Week Final - Lost in the Woods | May 7, 2017
Hello Everyone, Today is the last day of Golden Week. I went back to Akiha/Akiba Park and explore new areas in the woods. This is a Vlog/ on the Go segment, and I hope to have many more in the future. If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to ask, and please don’t hesitate to like, comment, subscribe, or share the video if you enjoyed it and would like to see more.
Thanks for watching, Theresa
Life in Japan 33: Return to Akiha Park | June 23,2017
Hello Everyone, I have returned to Akiha Park to visit asome areas I haven’t been to. This is a Vlog/ on the Go segment, and I hope to have many more in the future. If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to ask, and please don’t hesitate to like, comment, subscribe, or share the video if you enjoyed it and would like to see more.
Life in Japan 32: Lake Sakata Park | June 17, 2017
Hello Everyone, Today, I went to Sakata Park here in Niigata. There were lakes, fish, birds, and a whole lot of farms.
This is a Vlog/ on the Go segment, and I hope to have many more in the future. If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to ask, and please don’t hesitate to like, comment, subscribe, or share the video if you enjoyed it and would like to see more.
Thanks for watching, Theresa
Shirasagi Forest Park Niigata
Hello Everyone, This time I went to Shirasagi Forest Parkin in Niigata. The park took multiple vists, but it was definently worth it. This is a Vlog/ on the Go segment, and I hope to have many more in the future. If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to ask, and please don’t hesitate to like, comment, subscribe, or share the video if you enjoyed it and would like to see more.
Thanks for watching, Theresa
Muramatsu Park Gosen, Niigata
Hello Everyone, It’s been a while since I have posted. This time I went to Muramatsu Park in Gosen, Niigata. The park took multiple visits, but it was definitely worth it. This is a Vlog/ on the Go segment, and I hope to have many more in the future. If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to ask, and please don’t hesitate to like, comment, subscribe, or share the video if you enjoyed it and would like to see more.
Thanks for watching, Theresa
Tagami Machi Park YOU遊ランド管理棟 Niigata
Hello Everyone, It’s been a while since I have posted. This time I went to Tagami Machi YOU遊ランド管理棟in Tagami, Niigata. The park took multiple visits, but it was definitely worth it. This is a Vlog/ on the Go segment, and I hope to have many more in the future. If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to ask, and please don’t hesitate to like, comment, subscribe, or share the video if you enjoyed it and would like to see more.
ぎおん柏崎まつり 海の大花火大会 2017 -有限会社片貝煙火工業 ‘’’’新潟県柏崎市 みなとまち海浜公園 柏崎港中浜 中央海水浴場一帯 7月26日固定(水):July 26 2017(Wed). Gion kashiwazaki Festival A Large Fireworks Display Over The Sea. at Kashiwazaki City,Niigata Prefecture Japan.
Japan Fireworks Display 2017 Kashiwazaki -Minatomachi Seaside Park.Kashiwazaki City,Niigata Pref.
Life in Japan 17: Golden Week Part 2 - Akiba Park, Zip-lines, and Beaches | May 4, 2017
Hello Everyone, Today is the second day of adventure with Rachael. We Head to Akiha/ Akiba Park and take on a zip-line. The we head to Fukushima Lagoon and to recreate the Sound of Music. We Head to the Sea of Japan and I see my first Japanese beach. The we return to the city and visit the Anime Museum and pig out on some Korean BBQ. This is a Vlog/ on the Go segment, and I hope to have many more in the future. If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to ask, and please don’t hesitate to like, comment, subscribe, or share the video if you enjoyed it and would like to see more.
小出まつり 花火大会 2018 魚沼大花火 & Finale Japan Fireworks 2018 Koide-machi Uonuma City Niigata Pref.
〔清水川辺神社秋季例大祭〕定日開催/8月26日(日). 2018 小出まつり 花火大会 -有限会社小千谷煙火興業 新潟県魚沼市小出青島地区 魚野川堤防上青島大橋上流左岸打揚 August 26(Sun).Koide Festival Fireworks Display 2018 Uonuma City Aoshima Koide Town Niigata Pref.
ぎおん柏崎まつり 海の大花火大会 2017 -有限会社片貝煙火工業 ‘’’’新潟県柏崎市 みなとまち海浜公園 柏崎港中浜 中央海水浴場一帯 7月26日固定(水):July 26 2017(Wed). Gion kashiwazaki Festival A Large Fireworks Display Over The Sea. at Kashiwazaki City,Niigata Prefecture Japan.
No,20_56 市民の花火
Japan Fireworks Display 2017 Kashiwazaki -Minatomachi Seaside Park.Kashiwazaki City,Niigata Pref.
7月21(土) 新潟県見附市 「第44回、見附まつり 花火大会 2012」 July 21 (Sat). Mitsuke City, Niigata Prefecture , Japan. [ Mitsuke Festival Fireworks Displays.2012 ]
Life in Japan 16: Golden Week Part 1 - An Old Friend, Fireworks, Niigata City | May 3, 2017
Hello Everyone, Today is the first official day off of Golden week and I met up with my old friend Racheal from Middle School. We head into Niigatat City and explore to our hearts content. We ate Kare Katsudon (a Niigata Specialty), Take Purikura in a photo booth, stop by the Niigata Anime Museum, check out some fireworks, and go to the top the Tokke Messe Observation Deck. This is a Vlog/ on the Go segment, and I hope to have many more in the future. If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to ask, and please don’t hesitate to like, comment, subscribe, or share the video if you enjoyed it and would like to see more.