Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi/Akkerman Fortress Spotlight
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In this video I talk about the key strategic fortress of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi/Akkerman, its history, importance, and legacy in the Region as well as in relation to the Cossacks.
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The Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi fortress or Akkerman fortress
Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, which recently celebrated its 2500th anniversary, is considered to be the oldest town in Ukraine. Along with Rome and Athens, it is among the ten most ancient towns in the world. Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi is located just 80 km from Odesa.
Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi / Білгород-Дністровський fortress (Ukraine)
(EN) Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi (Ukrainian: Білгород-Дністровський, transliteration: Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi) is a city situated on the right bank of the Dniester Liman (on the Dniester estuary leading to the Black Sea) in the Odessa Oblast (province) of southwestern Ukraine, in the historical region of Bessarabia. In 2004, its population was estimated at 48,100.The city of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi is also referred to by alternative transliterations from Ukrainian as Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky or Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyy.
Previous settlements on the current site of the city were called Ophiusa (Οφιούσα) or Tyras (Τύρας) , also the name for the Dniester) by the ancient Greeks and Album Castrum (White Castle) by the Romans.
The Byzantine fortress was first noted as Asperon, a name deriving from the local Turkic Pecheneg word for white, after the appearance of the shoreline with its high content of white seashells. The word white as a basis for the name of the city has persisted ever since.
Greek forms of the name were Leukopolis (Λευκόπολης), meaning white city, Asprokastron (Ασπρόκαστρον) from Asperon, and Maurokastron (Μαύροκαστρον), ironically meaning black castle. The latter was modified to Latin Maurocastrum and Moncastrum and, later, became Italian Moncastro or Maurocastro.
From 1503 to 1918 and 1940 to 1941, the city was known as Akkerman (Russian: Аккерман), Turkish for white rock. From 1918 to 1944 (with a short brief in 1940-1941), the city was known by its Romanian name of Cetatea Albă, literally white citadel. From 1944 to 1991, the city was most commonly known by its Russian name of Belgorod-Dnestrovskiy (Бе́лгород-Днестро́вский), literally white city on the Dniester. Currently, the city is most commonly referred to by the Ukrainian version of the same name Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi (Білгород-Дністровський).
The city is known by translations of white city or white rock in a number of languages including Белгород Днестровски (Belgorod-Dnestrovski) in Bulgarian, Akerman (Акерман) in Gagauz, Białogród nad Dniestrem in Polish, Dnyeszterfehérvár in Hungarian, עיר לבן (Ir Lavan) in Hebrew, and Walachisch Weißenburg by local German speakers (although Akkerman was usually used).
In western European languages, including English, the city has typically been known by the official name of the time or a transliteration derived from it.
Akkerman Fortress, Ukraine
The fortress in Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi is a monument of history and town-planning of the 13th-15th centuries, one of the best preserved fortresses on the territory of Ukraine. The total area of the fortress is 9 hectares, the length of the walls – 2.5 km.
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Белгород-Днестровский. Крепость Аккерман. Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi. Fortress Akkerman.
Картографические данные: Google, DigitalGlobe
Map data : Google, DigitalGlobe
Белгород-Днестровский. Крепость Аккерман (Украина)
Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi. Fortress Akkerman. (Ukraine)
Видео создано из моих авторских фотографий во время поездки в крепость Аккерман
The video was created from my author's photos during a trip to fortress Akkerman
Субтитры к данному видео опубликованы по материалам статьи из Википедии.
Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Subtitles for this video posted on the article from Wikipedia.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
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Бе́лгород-Днестро́вская кре́пость (рум. Cetatea Albă) (до 1944 года — Аккерма́нская кре́пость) — памятник истории и градостроительства XIII—XV столетий. Является одной из наиболее сохранившихся на территории Украины. Своими размерами она превосходит все подобные фортификационные сооружения страны. Общая площадь территории крепости составляет 9 га. Крепость лежит на скалистом берегу Днестровского лимана и имеет вид неправильного многоугольника. Ранее она состояла из четырёх дворов, каждый из которых имел специфическое назначение и мог самостоятельно вести оборону (В настоящее время сохранилось только три крепостных двора). Все крепостные строения обнесены прочными стенами, протяженность которых достигает 2,5 км. Через 40—45 м куртины были встроены крепостные башни и бастионы. Их первоначальное количество достигало 34, 12 из них являлись полыми боевыми башнями. Остальные — бастионы и полубастионы. Они позже были забутированы и превращены в площадки для установки артиллерийских орудий. Многие башни твердыни имеют собственные названия (башня Овидия (Девичья), Сторожевая башня, башня Пушкина и т. д.), ставшие отражением местных преданий и легенд.
Крепость заложена в XIII в. золотоордынским ханом Берке и получила название Ак-Либо[1] В XIV веке генуэзцы получили право (ярлык) на пользование крепостью как укрепленным торговым центром (генуэзцы использовали названия Маврокастро, Монкастро). После утери Золотой Ордой в середине XIV века территорий Днестровского лимана, крепость перешла в управление молдавских князей. Генуэзцы также лишились права на использование крепости.
Средневековая крепость, которая строилась в периоды генуэзского и молдавского господства, неоднократно подвергалась нападению. В XV веке гарнизон трижды отразил попытки Османской империи захватить эту твердыню. И только в 1484 году предавшие народ старейшины города преподнесли султану Баязиду II символические ключи от города и крепости. В течение трёх веков Аккерман входил в состав султанской Турции. Кроме того, сюда совершали военные походы казачьи отряды под предводительством атаманов Е. Дашкевича, И. Покотила, Г. Лободы, Р. Собко, И. Сирко, С. Палия
С историей города связаны три русско-турецкие войны. В военных кампаниях участвовали выдающиеся русские полководцы и флотоводцы: Фёдор Фёдорович Ушаков, Михаил Илларионович Кутузов (в период второй русско-турецкой войны несколько месяцев был комендантом крепости), атаман донских казаков Матвей Платов — будущие герои войны с французами 1812—1813 гг. и др. По Бухарестскому мирному договору (1812 года) земли Нижнего Приднестровья с крепостями Хотин, Тигина, Аккерман, Килия, Измаил отошли Российской империи.
В 1832 году Аккерманская крепость упраздняется как военный объект. В 1963 году Аккерманская крепость была внесена в список памятников архитектуры, которые находятся под охраной государства. Белгород-Днестровская крепость — уникальный памятник оборонной архитектуры средневековья и самая большая крепость на территории Восточной Европы.
В 1975 году здесь снимался фильм «Капитан Немо». Благодаря талантливой игре исполнителя главной роли Владислава Дворжецкого этот фильм стал любимым для миллионов зрителей многих поколений.
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Welcome to Ukraine. Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi fortress ????????
Bilhorod Dnistrovskyi Fortress
Bilhorod Dnistrovskyi fortress was built in the 13-14 centuries on the short of the Bilhorod Dnistrovskyi Estuary. The fortress was originally built by the Genoese who controlled it until Lithuanian took control in 2nd half of the 14th century. Later control was taken by Moldova and it was called Cetatea Alba - Chetyatya Albay (literally the White Citadel).
Today the fortress serves as an open air museum, located right in the city of Bilhorod Dnsitrovskyi. For about $2.50 you can enter the fortress and walk around the grounds. Often on weekend there are special presentations of medieval technology and history.
Transport lângă Cetatea Albă/Transport near Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, Ukraine
For clickable index(RO+EN) please expand.
RO: Infrastructura de transport existentă în zona adiacentă limanului Nistrului, lângă orașul Cetatea Albă(Akkerman).
EN: Various means of transport captured in the area adjacent to the Dniester Lagoon near the city of Akkerman.
1.00:15 - Trecere a podului rutier la bordul unui automobil/Crossing the Zatoka bridge by car;
2.03:15 - Trecere a podului Zatoka pe motocicletă/Crossing the Zatoka bridge by motorbike;
4.10:40 - Tren marfar greu intră în stația Cetatea Albă/Freight train entering the Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi station behind 3 VL80s;
5.12:20 - Podul feroviar peste limanul Nistrului văzut din cabina locomotivei/Engineer's view of the Zatoka bridge;;
6.13:50 - Trecere a podului peste limanul Nistrului într-un automotor electric ”Electrichka”/Crossing the bridge over Dniester Liman aboard an ”Electrichka”;
7.15:05 - Vapor maritim de mediu tonaj întră în limanul Nistrului/Maritime bulk carrier enters the Dniester liman;
8.18:50 - Podul de lângă Cetatea Albă văzut de pe vapor/The Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi bridge as seen from a ship;
9.20:30 - Vedere aeriană a cetății zidite din porunca lui Ștefan cel Mare/Bird's eye view of Akkerman fortress(Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi).
© 2016 Cornel Sibianul -
Akkerman fortress, Fighting
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Akkerman Fortress
Akkerman Fortress
AKKERMAN Fortress ????
AKKERMAN Fortress 1484 A.D.
The fortress of Akkerman is located on a promontory inside the estuary (liman) of the Dniester River, some 15 km from the point where the river enters the Black Sea. With a circumference of over 2 km, an area of 9 hectares, double walls, a ditch 13 m. deep, and 30 towers still standing, it is one of the most remarkable architectural and cultural monuments of the Black Sea region.
Akkerman fortress in Belgorod Dnestrovskiy. Sky video HD. Фортеця в Білгород Дністровську
Зйомка з повітря. Aeral video.
Shot with DJI Phantom. Music by Ingwie Malmsteen
Exploring Ukraine's Akkerman Fortress
This video is about Exploring Ukraine's Akkerman Fortress. This relic from Medieval Times features intact fortress walls, catacombs, along with weapons and tools used by ancient inhabitants. Enjoy your exploration of Akkerman Fortress.
Narrated by DynamicDenise and brought to you by, this special perspective on the ancient Akkerman Fortress is a one of a kind treat.
The Akkerman Fortress
Akkerman Fortress or Belgorod-Dnestrovskiy fortress is the largest fortress in the Ukraine. The fortress was built in the 13th century by Genoese, on the bank of the Dniester estuary. In the 14th century, during the Turkish War, the fortress fell to the Turks. They renamed it Ak Kerman which means White Castle. For more than 300 years, the fortress belonged to Turks and Tatars who were specially moved here. In 1806, during the Russian-Turkish War, the fortress was taken by Russian troops. The Tatars were forcibly evicted, and the fortress became a free settlement. For many millennia, the city has repeatedly changed its name and its governor. At the moment, it's a part of the Ukrainian state.
Bilhorod Dnistrovskyi
Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi (Ukrainian: Білгород-Дністровський), formerly known as Akkerman (see naming section below), is a regional city and port situated on the right bank of the Dniester Liman (on the Dniester estuary leading to the Black Sea[2]) in the Odessa Oblast (province) of southwestern Ukraine, in the historical region of Bessarabia. The city serves as an administrative center of the Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky Raion and a big freight seaport.
Аккерманська фортеця / Akkerman Fortress
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Fortress Akkerman
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