Akyrtas was first mentioned in the diary of the Taoist monk Chan Chun, who traveled from China through Sairam to Samarkand in 1222 to the Genghis Khan camp. Here is what is reported in his diary: “On the road we came across a stone settlement: the stones are completely red; there are traces of an ancient military camp. In the west there are large grave mounds located like stars in Ursa Major
Where the East meets the West
Outdoor Kazakhstan №8
In this release, archeologist Arman Umarkhodzhayev, journalist Dilya Ibragimova and local historian and traveler Kaldan Sadykov will go along the Talas River valley from its headwaters in the Talas Alatau to the Moiynkum Desert, as part of the OUTDOOR KZ Expedition. They will be visiting the most attractive tourist sites in Zhambyl Oblast. They will take you to see the Talas River headwaters in the Western Tien Shan glaciers, visit the Akyrtas Palace Complex, the Taraz ancient site, and the command center of the Kazakh Host. You will be brought to the place where the river dissolves itself into the Moiynkum Sands without a trace.
Дворцовый комплекс Акыртас / Akyrtas
Акыртас — самое загадочное место в Жамбылской области. Многие исследователи приравивают его к египетским пирамидам, римскому Колизею и дворцам племени Майя. Расположен комплекс в 45 километрах от Тараза и входит в список ста сакральных мест Казахстана.
Сюжет из цикла Туган жер: Великое наследие Казахстана. Проект реализован при благотворительной поддержке Фонда Первого Президента Республики Казахстан - Елбасы. Перевод на английский язык осуществлен в КазУМОиМЯ им.Абылай хана.
Автор проекта: Мадина Ашилова madina.almatytv@gmail.com almatynomads@gmail.com @ashilova1165 @almatynomad