Maltempo, in Salento la mareggiata cancella la spiaggia di Torre Lapillo
Una delle spiagge simbolo del Salento spazzate via dallo Scirocco. La sabbia di Torre Lapillo non esiste quasi più. Mangiata dalla mareggiata che si è abbattuta sulla Puglia. Raffiche di vento a oltre 100 chilometri orari che hanno causato danni e allagamenti. Il video è di Gianluca Colelli
Minecraft: Oasis Survival - Ep 34 La serra di vetro e il recinto di legno
L'avventura sull'oasi continua, tra vegetali coltivati sotto una serra di vetro e un temibile recinto che si frappone come ostacolo tra Peryuri e il suo inventario andato perduto.
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1600 Pennsylvania Avenue / Colloquy 4: The Joe Miller Joke Book / Report on the We-Uns
After Miller's death, John Mottley (1692--1750) brought out a book called Joe Miller's Jests, or the Wit's Vade-Mecum (1739), published under the pseudonym of Elijah Jenkins Esq. at the price of one shilling. This was a collection of contemporary and ancient coarse witticisms, only three of which are told of Miller. This first edition was a thin pamphlet of 247 numbered jokes. This ran to three editions in its first year.
Later (not wholly connected) versions were entitled with names such as Joe Miller's Joke Book, and The New Joe Miller to latch onto the popularity of both Joe Miller himself and the popularity of Mottley's first book. It should be noted that joke books of this format (i.e. Mr Smith's Jests) were common even before this date. It was common practice to learn one or two jokes for use at parties etc.
Owing to the quality of the jokes in Mottley's book, their number increasing with each of the many subsequent editions, any time-worn jest came to be called a Joe Miller, a Joe-Millerism, or simply a Millerism.
Joke 99 states:
A Lady's Age happening to be questioned, she affirmed she was but Forty, and called upon a Gentleman that was in Company for his Opinion; Cousin, said she, do you believe I am in the Right, when I say I am but Forty? I ought not to dispute it, Madam, reply'd he, for I have heard you say so these ten Years.
Joke 234 speaks of:
A famous teacher of Arithmetick, who had long been married without being able to get his Wife with Child. One said to her 'Madam, your Husband is an excellent Arithmetician'. 'Yes, replies she, only he can't multiply.'
Joe Miller was referred to in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol (1843), by the character Scrooge, who remarks Joe Miller never made such a joke as sending [the turkey] to Bob's will be!
Joe Miller was also referred to in James Joyce's Ulysses (1922) in the limerick that Lenehan whispers during the Aeolus episode to Stephen Dedalus, the last line of which is I can't see the Joe Miller. Can you?.
According to Leonard Feinberg, the 1734 edition contains one of the oldest examples of gallows humor.
Tg 30 Settembre 2014: leccenews24 politica, cronaca, sport, l'informazione 24 ore
Il tg di del 30 settembre 2014 si apre con la cronaca e il ritrovamento nel mare di San Gregorio di Patù, di panetti di marijuana dal peso di 50 Kg. Il ritrovamento avviene a poche ore dal primo avvenuto a Otranto ad opera della Guardia Costiera. Indagano i carabinieri della Compagnia di Tricase che sono impegnati in attività di perlustrazione della zona.
E poi un episodio di tentativo di raggiro da parte di alcuni rumeni ai danni di un leccese: fingendosi bisognosi di aiuto con l’auto in panne, hanno tentato di vendere all’ignaro soccorritore anelli in ottone spacciandoli per oro. E’ intervenuta la Polizia. In ultimo lo sport, con gli allenamenti dei giallorossi dopo la gara contro la Paganese. Lerda è alle prese con l’infermeria piena.