Памятник Александру Невскому в Великом Новгороде | Monument to Alexander Nevsky in Veliky Novgorod
#Александр #Ярославич #Невский - второй сын великого князя Ярослава Всеволодовича, правнука Владимира Мономаха. Стал править в Новгороде в 1236 году после отъезда Ярослава в Киев.
Александр прославился в битвах с Швецией и Ливонским орденом, которые хотели овладеть Новгородом и Псковом в то время, когда Русь подверглась опустошительному вторжению татар.
Монумент Александру Невскому открыт в январе 1985 года, в день 41-ой годовщины освобождения Новгорода от немецко-фашистских захватчиков и накануне 40-летия Победы в Великой Отечественной войне.
Памятник был создан архитектором Юрием Черновым. Великий князь идет вперед, а за его плечами развевается накидка. При определенном освещении (как правило, на закате) кажется, что у Александра Невского выросли крылья.
Рядом, буквально в нескольких метрах, расположена церковь Бориса и Глеба в Плотниках. Если пройти от памятника по набережной, названной в честь Александра Невского, можно дойти до моста, который также носит его имя.
Cathedral of Saint Sophia, Novgorod, Russia
Cathedral of Saint Sophia, Novgorod, Russia
【K】Russia Travel-Vladivostok[러시아 여행-블라디보스토크]러시아 출산 퇴원 행사/Childbirth/leave the hospital/Event
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[한국어 정보]
블라디보스토크의 한 출산병원. 내가 이곳을 찾은 이유는 러시아에 독특한 출산 퇴원 행사가 있다고 해 이를 확인하기 위해서다. 병원에서 정해준 퇴원시간에 맞춰 가족과 친지들이 꽃다발을 들고 병원 밖에 모여 있다. 산모입원실로 통하는 문이 있는 출산퇴원실. 아기들의 사진과 출산 장려차 들른 정치인의 사진이 보인다. 퇴원 시간이 되자 의사가 아이를 안고 나와 아빠한테 건네준다. 곱게 차려 입은 산모가 환한 얼굴로 나와 인사를 한다. “기분이 정말 좋아요. 첫째 아이거든요. 아주 행복합니다.” “축하해요. 감사합니다. 처음으로 만져봤어요.” 가족 친지가 모두 축하를 해주고 함께 사진을 찍는다. “아빠를 닮았나요? “”아빠를 닮았어요.””아빠요? 그렇군요.”아빠의 딸이니까요. 행복하시죠?” “네. 행복합니다. 좋아요.” “이름이 뭔가요? “”리다예요. 리디아죠.” 산모는 세상에서 제일 자랑스럽다는 표정이다. 한 생명체의 탄생을 축하하는 모습이 보기가 좋다.
[English: Google Translator]
One maternity hospital of Vladivostok. This is why I find the wihaeseoda make sure that it's a unique maternity hospital events in Russia. A totally discharged from the hospital in time to meet family and friends are holding a bouquet gathered outside the hospital. Maternity hospital room with a door leading to maternal ipwonsil. Baby looks of the photo of the car stopped to encourage politicians and childbirth. By the time the doctor discharged me and my dad holding a baby passes. The women dressed finely dressed and greeted me with a bright face. I feel really good. I first child. Very happy. Congratulations. Thank you. The first time I've touched. Haejugo congratulate everyone takes pictures with family and friends. Do you like your dad? I look like my dad. Dad? Right. Yinikkayo father's daughter. Do you happy? Yes. I'm happy. Okay. What's your name? It's Florida. Lydia's mother is the best workable proud expression in the world. This looks to celebrate the birth of a creature is good view.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아10-16 러시아 출산 퇴원 행사/Childbirth/leave the hospital/Event
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 조연동 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2015년 8월 August
도시,downtown,도심, 시가지, urban, city, metropolitan,기타장소,place,place, resort, 리조트,현지인생활,풍습,,local life,uptown, town, suburb, ,country, old town, farm,기타풍습,풍습,,custom,practice, habit,유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,Российская Федерация,Russian Federation,조연동,2015,8월 August,프리모르스키 주,Primorskiy,Примо́рский край,연해주
Великий Новгород / Veliki Novgorod: 1900s
Дореволюционная Россия на фотографиях - Великий Новгород
Here I present an album of photographs, taken in the late 19th century, of the ancient Russian city of Veliky Novgorod, also known as Novgorod the Great. Novgorod is among the oldest cities in Russia, being founded in the late 10th century. Known for the variety and age of its medieval monuments, at its peak during the 14th century, the city was one of Europe's largest.......although over a hundred years old, these photographs show that Novgorod has changed little over time and provide a fascinating insight into this historical city......
Кремль Великий Новгород Velikiy Novgorod Kremlin декабрь 2014
Великий Новгород зимой, стены кремля, Софийский собор, памятник «Тысячелетие России», Ярославово дворище
The Novgorod Kremlin, traditionally known as the Detinets, St. Sophia Cathedral, Yaroslav's Court, monument to the Millennium of Russia
【K】Russia Travel-Saint Petersburg[러시아 여행-상트페테르부르크]도스토옙스키 묘지/Dostoevsky Cemetery/Alexander Nevsky
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
내가 마지막으로 들른 곳은 도스토옙스키 묘지. 그는 원래 모스크바에서 태어났으며 그의 작품을 통해 심리분석의 개척자이자, 종교적 사색가로서의 면모를 보여주었고 후대 ‘실존주의’ 철학사조를 한 발 앞서 작품 속에 담고 있다.
[English: Google Translator]
Doseutoyepseuki cemetery is where I finally stopped. He was born in the original pioneer of psychoanalysis through his works Moscow, it showed the status as a religious thinkers later 'existentialist' zeitgeist holds the philosophy one step ahead in the work.
[Russian: Google Translator]
Doseutoyepseuki кладбище, где я, наконец, остановился. Он родился в оригинальной пионером психоанализа через его работ московских, он показал статус как религиозные мыслители позже экзистенциалист дух времени проводит философию один шаг вперед в работе.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아03-10 도스토옙스키 묘지/Dostoevsky Cemetery/Alexander Nevsky Monastery
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김찬호 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2007년 8월 August
유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,김찬호,2007,8월 August
【K】Russia Travel-Sochi[러시아 여행-소치]크라스나야팔라냐 공원, 리프트 투어/Krasnaya Polyana Park/Lift Tour/Air travel
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
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[한국어 정보]
러시아의 작은 스위스, 크라스나야팔라냐! 듣던 대로 멋졌다. 2천m가 넘는 산꼭대기까지 설치된 리프트! 대단하다. 왕복요금은 800루블루, 4만원! 공포심을 최고로 느낀다는 10m 높이. 오금이 저렸다. 이국땅에서 외줄을 타고 떠난 하늘여행은 정말 멋진 경험이었다. 30분에 걸친 공중부양 뒤에 도착한 정거장엔 설인도 있었다. 잠시 휴식을 취한 나는 다시 리프트에 몸을 실었다. 걸어서 올라가는 사람도 있다. 한겨울, 3m 높이까지 쌓인 눈! 또 다른 풍경이 상상 속에 그려진다. 바로 여기가 2013년 동계올림픽, 스키 경기장! 4개의 슬로프가 있는데 가장 높은 게 3200미터. 헬기를 타고 올라간다고 한다. 이러다 중간에 멈춰서면 어쩌지? 걱정은 현실이 됐다. 리프트가 정말 멈춰 선 것이다. 공포도 잠시, 특별한 경험은 이제 모두의 즐거움이 되었다. “도대체 왜 여기 서 있는 건지.” 한 시간 30분의 만만치 않은 공중여행! 뭔지 모를 답답함이 한꺼번에 사라진 것만 같다. 서로 다른 시간과 공간이 나란히 존재하는 색다른 세상의 문으로 향하는 기분이다. 해발 2238미터! 1950미터 높이의 한라산보다도 더 높다. 8월의 뜨거운 여름에 만나는 겨울의 흔적, 잔설! 시간에서 자유로워진 곳. 세상의 꼭대기에 선 이 기분! 최고였다. 눈에 익은 풍경이다. 인간의 기도는 어디서나 닮았다. 이름 모를 야생화를 즈려밟고 걷는 이 기분이 구름 위를 걷는 느낌과 비슷할까?
[English: Google Translator]
Russia's little Switzerland, Krasnoyarsk Palazzo me 'cause! As heard it was great. Lifts up to 2,000 m are installed over the top of the mountain! Awesome. Round-trip fare is 800 Lu blue, ₩ 40,000! I feel the best is 10m in height phobia. Ohgeumyi went low. Travel sky ride away from the wire using someone else 's land was a really cool experience. Yeti stops yen was also behind levitation arriving over 30 minutes. I took a moment to relax carried the body back to the lift. There are people climbing on foot. Winter, snow piled up to 3m in height! Another landscape is portrayed in imagination. Here are just 2013 Winter Olympics, ski stadium! There are four slopes to 3200 meters the highest. The olragandago helicopter. Writing cr What if caught in the middle? This worry was real. It will really stop the lift line. Horror a moment, a special experience has now become the enjoyment of all. Why in the hell what the document here one hour and 30 minutes of formidable aerial tour! I do not know what heaviness is equal to just disappear altogether. The mood toward the door of the different world that exists alongside different time and space. 2238 m above sea level! Higher than the 1950-meter-high Mt. August's winter meeting on a hot summer trail janseol! Where freed in time. I feel good on top of the world! It was the best. The ripe scenery to the eyes. Prayer is anywhere resemble a human. Name stepping jeuryeo feel like a wildflower walk do not know the feeling of walking on clouds?
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아05-09 크라스나야팔라냐 공원, 리프트 투어/Krasnaya Polyana Park/Lift Tour/Air travel
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 민승식 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2008년 8월 August
유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,민승식,2008,8월 August
Novgorod en Pskov twee steden in het Noord Westen van Rusland
Het bezoek aan beide plaatsen was onderdeel van de Reis naar De Baltische Staten. Beide steden hebben een oude geschiedenis die wel 1000 jaar terug gaat. We bezochten de erg indrukwekkende Kremlins, de mooie kerken en waren onder de indruk van de devotie van de gelovigen. Conclusie: Dit hadden we niet willen missen.
【K】Russia Travel-Saint Petersburg[러시아 여행-상트페테르부르크]생명의 길/Doroga Zhizni/Road of Life/Ladoga/Ribbom
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
러시아 당국은 얼어붙은 ‘라도가 호수‘ 얼음 위에 30킬로미터의 길을 내 시민들을 먹여 살릴 식량을 운송하기 시작했다. 이때부터 ‘생명의 길’로 불리기 시작했다. ’생명의 길‘과 이어진 숲속, 깊은 곳으로 들어가 봤다. 붉은 리본으로 둘러싸인 나무들이 즐비해있다. 숲속에서 길을 잃지 않도록 리본으로 방향을 표시한 것이다. “(물류 수송을 위해서는) 저기 큰 도로 옆 호수를 가로질러야 했습니다. 무조건 호수를 건너야만 했습니다. 겨울에 호수의 얼음이 얇아서 아이들을 태운 차가 가라앉기도 했어요. 그때 전쟁은 말로 설명할 수 없을 만큼 정말 끔찍했습니다.” 추모비를 살펴봤다. 그 안에는 이곳에서 희생된 100명의 소년병을 추모하는 내용이 새겨져 있다. 고향을 지키기 위해 학도병으로 참여해 목숨을 잃은 어린 소년들. 사람들은 그들이 돌아오기를 바라는 마음으로 붉은 리본과 종을 달았다. 레닌그라드 전투에서 희생된 사람은 무려 300만 명. 생명의 길로 향하는 숲은 수많은 사람들의 희생과 아픈 역사를 간직하고 있다.
[English: Google Translator]
The Russian authorities began to transport food to feed their citizens on a 30-kilometer-long road over the frozen Lake Ladoga ice. From this time, it began to be called 'the way of life'. I went deep into the woods that followed 'The Way of Life'. There are a lot of trees surrounded by red ribbons. It is marked with a ribbon so that it does not get lost in the forest. (To transport the logistics) I had to cross the lake by the side of the big road over there. I had to cross the lake unconditionally. In the winter, the ice in the lake was thin, so the car with the children settled down. At that time the war was so horrible that I could not explain it in words. Inside, there is a memorial to remember the 100 child soldiers sacrificed here. Young boys who lost their lives by participating as schoolchildren in order to defend their hometown. People wore red ribbons and bells with the hope that they would return. 3 million people were killed in the Battle of Leningrad. The forest, which leads to the path of life, retains the sacrifice and sickness of millions of people.
[Russia: Google Translator]
Российские власти начали транспортировать продовольствие, чтобы прокормить своих граждан на 30-километровой дороге над замороженным льдом «Ладожского озера». С этого времени его стали называть «образом жизни». Я пошел глубоко в лес, который следовал «Пути жизни». В окружении красных лент много деревьев. Он отмечен лентой, чтобы она не терялась в лесу. «Чтобы транспортировать логистику, мне пришлось пересечь озеро рядом с большой дорогой. Я должен был безотлагательно пересечь озеро. Зимой лед в озере был тонким, поэтому машина с детьми успокоилась. В то время война была настолько ужасной, что я не мог объяснить это словами ». Внутри есть мемориал, в котором помнят 100 детей-солдат, принесенных в жертву здесь. Молодые мальчики, которые погибли, участвуя в школьных школах, чтобы защитить свой родной город. Люди надевали красные ленты и колокольчики, надеясь, что они вернутся. В Ленинградской битве погибло 3 миллиона человек. Лес, который ведет к жизненному пути, сохраняет жертву и болезнь миллионов людей.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아11-08 레닌그라드 전쟁의 보급로 생명의 길
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 하창민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2017년 7월July
호수,lake,volcanic, crater, caldera, mountain,숲,forest,석회동굴, 종유석, 석순, 호수, karst, limestone cave, stalagmite, lake,
석회암지형, 석회암길,street,추모관련,tomb, cemetery,소리,sound,유럽Europe러시아RussiaРоссийская ФедерацияRussian Federation하창민20177월북서 연방관구NorthwesternJuly걸어서 세계속으로
Episode 31. Russia. From Nizhniy Novgorod to Pskov. Russia's Golden Ring
From Nizhny Novgorod I'm beginning to get acquainted with the ancient cities of Kievan Rus and the Golden Ring of Russia. From there I will switch to another ancient city of Vladimir. After that I'll visit a small and quiet Suzdal, I'll travel thru Ivanovo with cool dudes on their BMW X5. After that, Yaroslav finally going to visit the city of Yaroslavl, from there dropping into a little town of Rostov Velikiy. Then there will be several hours in Moscow and direct car up to Pskov, which is located in the western part of the country.
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Russia | Top 10 Places to Visit in Russia
RussiaPoints of interest
Moscow Kremlin
Monumental architectural complex
Hermitage Museum
Art & culture museum founded in 1764
Red Square
Landmark square & site of cathedral
Peterhof Palace
Seafront royal palace, park & museums
Winter Palace
Former residence of Russian emperors
Saint Basil's Cathedral
Museum in iconic former Orthodox church
Peter and Paul Fortress
Original city site founded in 1703
Church of the Savior on Blood
1880s church with vibrant, lavish design
Saint Isaac's Cathedral
Ornate religious edifice with gold dome
Lake Baikal
Huge Siberian lake for hiking & wildlife
Palace Square
Square lined by neoclassical buildings
Lenin's Mausoleum
Memorial hall displaying Lenin's body
Kazan Cathedral, Saint Petersburg
Colonnaded Russian Orthodox cathedral
Russian Museum
Fine artworks, icons & sculptures
Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow
Iconic home of Russian ballet & opera
Iconic, long-established shopping mall
Kremlin Armoury
Weaponry, jewelry & state regalia
Kizhi Island
Church, open-air museum, lake, nature reserve, and cathedral
Tretyakov Gallery
Collection of 21st-century Russian art
Event venue with 4 traditional halls
Mount Elbrus
Mountain, climbing, snowboarding, volcano, and alpine skiing
Mariinsky Theatre
Grand complex for music, opera & ballet
Nevsky Prospect
Church, shopping, cathedral, architecture, and monument
Pushkin Museum
European painting & sculpture collection
Curonian Spit
Forest, lagoon, nature reserve, nature, and cycling
Qolşärif Mosque
Blue-domed mosque on Kremlin site
Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Saint Petersburg
18th-century Romanov dynasty burial site
Moika Palace
Grand palace museum with ornate decor
Anthropological & ethnographic museum
Sparrow Hills
Monument, alpine skiing, and history
Mamayev Kurgan
Hill with a complex of memorials
Diamond Fund
Treasury museum of diamonds & jewelry
Sochi Theme Park
Amusement park suited for all ages
Palaces, parks, gardens, sculpture, and cathedrals
Gorky Park
Park with sports & open-air movies
Lake Ladoga
Lakes, monasteries, rivers, and lighthouses
Novodevichy Convent
Landmark 16th-century religious complex
Kazan Kremlin
Hilltop palace & museum complex
State Historical Museum
Landmark museum of Russian history
Lake Onega
Lakes, monasteries, and churches
Tsaritsyno Park
Opulent palace with a fine arts museum
Amber Room
Summer Garden
Formal gardens designed by Czar Peter
Saint Michael's Castle
Art exhibitions in 1790s royal residence
Grand Kremlin Palace
Palace, cathedral, and architecture
Lake Ritsa
Lake, waterfall, canyon, and mountain
Vasilyevsky Island
Monuments, churches, palaces, architecture, and cathedrals
Alexander Garden
Landmark park with memorials & monuments
The Life And Death Of Alexander Nevsky
Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky (Russian: Алекса́ндр Яросла́вич Не́вский; pronounced [ɐlʲɪˈksandr jɪrɐˈslavʲɪtɕ ˈnʲɛfskʲɪj] ( listen); Ukrainian: Олександр Ярославович Не́вський); 13 May 1221 – 14 November 1263) served as Prince of Novgorod, Grand Prince of Kiev and Grand Prince of Vladimir during some of the most difficult times in Kievan Rus' history.
Commonly regarded as a key figure of medieval Rus', Alexander - the grandson of Vsevolod the Big Nest - rose to legendary status on account of his military victories over German and Swedish invaders while agreeing to pay tribute to the powerful Golden Horde. He was proclaimed as a saint of the Russian Orthodox Church by Metropolite Macarius in 1547.[2] Popular polls rank Alexander Nevsky as the greatest Russian hero in history.
From Tales of the Life and Courage of the Pious and Great Prince Alexander found in the Second Pskovian Chronicle, circa 1260–1280, comes one of the first known references to the Great Prince:
By the will of God, prince Alexander was born from the charitable, people-loving, and meek the Great Prince Yaroslav, and his mother was Theodosia. As it was told by the prophet Isaiah: 'Thus sayeth the Lord: I appoint the princes because they are sacred and I direct them.'
... He was taller than others and his voice reached the people as a trumpet, and his face was like the face of Joseph, whom the Egyptian Pharaoh placed as next to the king after him of Egypt. His power was a part of the power of Samson and God gave him the wisdom of Solomon ... this Prince Alexander: he used to defeat but was never defeated ...
Born in Pereslavl-Zalessky, Alexander was the second son of Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich and Rostislava Mstislavna, daughter of Kievan Rus' Prince Mstislav Mstislavich the Bold. Alexander seemed to have no chance of claiming the throne of Vladimir. In 1237, however, the Tatar-Mongols came to the Suzdal region. All who bowed their heads, kissed the boots of the Khan, and gave up their citizenship remained alive and well; those who did not submit were destroyed. Vladimir princes Yuriy Vsevolodovich and Yaroslav Vsevolodovich submitted to Batu Khan. Thus, the land became part of the Genghisid Golden Horde empire and its military force merged with the Tatar-Mongols military.
During the military campaigns of Yuriy Vsevolodovich, his younger brother Yaroslav was seated as Prince. He gave his 8-year-old son Alexander Yaroslavich to Batu into amanat (hostages). While staying in the Horde from 1238 to 1252, Alexander learned the whole structure and customs, became blood brother to Batu's son Sartak, wed Batu Khan's daughter, and later became a loyal servant of the Golden Horde as head of the Vladimir principality (1252-1263). He was summoned by the Novgorodians to become knyaz (or prince) of Novgorod and, as their military leader, to defend their northwest lands from Swedish and German invaders.
Памятник князю Александру Невскому
Величественный памятник князю-победителю Александру Невскому
Novgorod, Léningrad, Petrodvorets, Kiji - juin 1975 et juillet 1976 - Film Super 8 - URSS (partie 3)
Toujours dans les années 1975-76, poursuite du voyage avec un passage à Novgorod, la plus ancienne cité russe (9ème siècle) : le Kremlin, ses fortifications, la cathédrale Sainte-Sophie, le quartier commercial avec ses nombreuses églises et ses monuments.
Ensuite, trop courte visite de Léningrad, la « Venise du Nord », ville magnifique sur la Neva avec ses édifices de toute beauté. Elle possède un patrimoine historique, culturel et architectural absolument unique : la forteresse Pierre et Paul, la cathédrale Notre Dame de Kazan, la cathédrale Saint-Sauveur-sur-le-Sang-Versé, la place du Palais et la colonne Alexandre, le musée de l'Ermitage, la cathédrale Saint-Isaac, l'institut et le couvent Smolny, le cimetière mémorial de Piskarevskoïe … et la fameuse perspective Nevski.
Visite de Petrodvorets, ancien palais impérial. C'est l’une des résidences la plus brillante et la plus vaste de la cour des tsars russes. Elle se trouve au milieu d'un immense parc, orné de fontaines, de statues et de pavillons.
Derniers moments à l'île de Kiji, sur le lac Onéga en Carélie pour contempler un enclos paroissial constitué de deux églises du XVIIIe siècle et d'un clocher octogonal, le tout édifié en bois sans clous ni vis … Le joyau de cet ensemble unique est l'église de la Transfiguration.
Musique :
BDKSonic : Beautiful Piano 3
Akashic Records : Sad Romantic Piano
(jamendo licensing)
Alban Lepsy : Inmemorian – Slowtheme - Nolan
(musique libre de droits)
Памятник святому князю Владимиру в Москве
В год тысячелетия со дня преставления святого равноапостольного великого князя Владимира в Москве реализуются различные юбилейные проекты. Один из них – памятник святому князю. В мастерской, где появится на свет этот монумент побывала наша съемочная группа.
Ответы на самые важные вопросы духовной жизни можно найти в разделе ВОПРОС-ОТВЕТ:
Все видео с проф. А.И. Осиповым:
Все видео с о. Дмитрием Смирновым:
Памятник Александру Невскому очищен от грязи и пыли областным депутатом
Великий Новгород. На набережной А.Невского в час ночи, 21 июня 2013 года
Великий Новгород.
На набережной А.Невского в час ночи.
21 июня 2013 года
Съемка фотокамерой Pentax K-01
Памятник почтальону Печкину (subs ENG, RUS)
г. Луховицы, Московская область. В нём установлен памятник героям одного из моих самых любимых мультфильмов про Простоквашино («Трое из Простоквашино», «Каникулы в Простоквашино» и «Зима в Простоквашино»).
Здесь все мои любимые герои: Шарик, Матроскин, галчонок, но нет дяди Федора ((
Автор памятника — рязанский скульптор Полина Горбунова. Между прочим, жена скульптора Василия Горбунова, автора рязанского памятника свинье-копилке.
Ссылка на видео:
Ссылка на мультфильм:
Координаты: 54.950200, 39.021044
День России новгородцы отметили шествием журналистов
12 июня в Великом Новгороде отметили День России. Основные мероприятия проходили в Кремле. В них приняли участие первые лица города и области, а также журналисты, приехавшие в областной центр на фестиваль «Вся Россия».
Памятник Тысячелетия Руси
#Памятник #Тысячелетие #России — монумент, воздвигнутый в Великом Новгороде в 1862 году в честь тысячелетнего юбилея легендарного призвания варягов на Русь. Авторами проекта памятника являются скульпторы Михаил Микешин, Иван Шредер и архитектор Виктор Гартман. Памятник находится в новгородском детинце, напротив Софийского собора и бывшего здания Присутственных мест
Памятник представляет собой гигантский шар-державу на колоколообразном постаменте; общие очертания монумента колоколообразные (по некоторым предположениям, был призван «благовестить потомкам о героическом прошлом России»). Вокруг державы установлены шесть скульптурных групп. Общая высота памятника 15,7 м (высота пьедестала — 6 м; высота фигур — 3,3 м; креста на державе — 3 м).
Диаметр гранитного постамента — 9 м; шара-державы — 4 м; окружности горельефа — 26,5 м. Вес металла памятника — 100 тонн, вес бронзового литья — 65,5 тонны (шар-держава — 400 пудов; колоссальных фигур — 150 пудов; крест на шаре — 28 пудов)
Всего памятник содержит 128 фигур.