Orthodox Church expands its influence over Russian society
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Ever since the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia has been searching for an ideology and a faith that can help unite its people. In recent years, authorities have turned to the country's Orthodox Church and its conservative values. But in doing so, they have given a voice to fringe Christian groups - whose influence is on the rise. Thomas Lowe and Ksenia Shaykhutdinova report from Moscow.
A programme prepared by Patrick Lovett and Elom Marcel Toble.
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The Holy Trinity Alexander Svirsky Russian Othodox Monastery
Bells of Russian Alexander Svirsky monastery.
Собор Св. Александра Невского. Строители завершили кирпичную кладку.
Собор Александра Невского вырос до 43 метров. Внутри уже смонтированы инженерные сети, а на верхних ярусах выполняется штукатурка. Благоустройство территории идет полным ходом и вокруг храма. Ход работ проинспектировал глава региона Андрей Бочаров. Как будет выглядеть парковая зона в 2021 году, и какой этап следующий?
Алекса́ндро-Не́вский собо́р — строящийся православный собор в честь Святого князя Александра Невского в Волгограде, который будет являться копией снесённого в 1932 году одноимённого собора.
Исторический собор располагался рядом с проспектом Ленина, где ныне находится сквер (там установлена часовня в память о соборе). Для воссоздания собора выбрано новое место (в парковой зоне рядом с площадью Павших борцов). В советское время на этом месте планировалось строительство Дома Советов. Деревья и другие зелёные насаждения в парке уже вырублены, вырыт котлован. После терактов в Волгограде в конце 2013 года предложение об восстановлении собора вновь активно обсуждалось. Верующиe обратились с просьбой построить часовни в этом городе. Губернатор Сергей Боженов отметил, что «вместе с прихожанами, благотворителями и в сотрудничестве с Волгоградской епархией разработан эскиз строительства храма, и региональное руководство поддержало этот проект».
По результатам публичных слушаний, прошедших 10 ноября 2015 года, из 955 участников публичных слушаний 433 человека высказались за строительство храма в затрибунной части площади Павших борцов, 331 — против, остальные не голосовали. Строительство предлполагалось вести на пожертвования прихожан, но момент принятия решения был собран только 1 % от необходимой суммы.
В апреле 2016 года в затрибунной части площади Павших борцов Волгограда состоялась закладка первого камня в основание Александро-Невского собора. Церемония началась с торжественного молебна, который совершил митрополит Волгоградский и Камышинский Герман в сослужении епископа Урюпинского и Новоаннинского Елисея, епископа Калачевского и Палласовского Иоанна и духовенства Епархии. В мероприятии также участвовал мэр Волгограда Андрей Косолапов.
Митрополит Волгоградский и Камышинский Герман поздравил собравшихся с историческим событием и обратился с речью: «Прошу вас всех — помолитесь о благополучном деле и беспрепятственном строительстве этого святого воссоздаваемого храма Александра Невского, и чтобы никогда в нашем городе не повторилось это безумство разрушения святых Храмов Божиих. Нам надо сегодня с особым благоговением поблагодарить Бога за то, что наступило такое благоприятное время — воссоздания главного храма нашего многострадального города-победителя».
Источник: ГТРК Волгоград-ТРВ. Волгоград 24
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Приход храма Святого праведного Иоанна Кронштадтского Чудотворца. Волгоград. Россия.
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Arts Square in St. Petersburg, Russia Federation - Alexander Pushkin and the Russian Museum - 4K
Arts Square in St. Petersburg, Russia Federation features a Statue of poet, Alexander Pushkin and the Russian Museum.
The Life And Death Of Daniel of Moscow
Daniil Aleksandrovich (Даниил Александрович in Russian) (1261 – 4 March 1303) was the youngest son of Alexander Nevsky and forefather of all the Grand Princes of Moscow.
Prince Daniel of Moscow was the fourth and youngest son of Saint Prince Alexander Nevsky—famous in the history of the Russian State and the Russian Orthodox Church— and his second wife, Princess Vassa. Daniel was born in 1261 in Vladimir, the capital of the Great Vladimir-Suzdal principality. One of the most junior princes in the House of Rurik, Daniel is thought to have been named after his celebrated relative, Daniel of Galicia.
His father died when he was only two years old. Of his father's patrimonies, he received the least valuable, Moscow. When he was a child, the tiny principality was being governed by tiuns (deputies), appointed by his paternal uncle, Grand Prince Yaroslav III.
Daniel took part in his brothers'—Dmitri of Pereslavl and Andrey of Gorodets—struggle for the right to govern Vladimir and Novgorod, respectively. After Dmitry's death in 1294, Daniel made an alliance with Mikhail of Tver and Ivan of Pereslavl against Andrey of Gorodets of Novgorod.
Daniel's participation in the struggle for Novgorod in 1296 indicated Moscow's increasing political influence. Constantine, the prince of Ryazan, tried to capture the Moscow lands with the help of a Mongol force. Prince Daniel defeated it near Pereslavl. This was a first victory over the Tatars, though not a tremendous victory, but it was noteworthy as a first push towards freedom. In 1300, he imprisoned the ruler of the Ryazan Principality by some ruse, as the chronicle says. To secure his release, the prisoner ceded to Daniel his fortress of Kolomna. It was an important acquisition, as now Daniel controlled all the length of the Moskva River. In 1302 his childless nephew and ally, Ivan of Pereslavl, bequeathed to Daniel all his lands, including Pereslavl-Zalessky.
During the Mongol occupation and internecine wars among the Rus' princes, Daniel created peace in Moscow without bloodshed. During 30 years of ruling Daniel participated in battles only once. According to legend, Daniel was popular and respected by his subjects for his meekness, humility and peacefulness.
Daniel has been credited with founding the first Moscow monasteries, dedicated to the Lord's Epiphany and to Saint Daniel. On the right bank of the Moskva River, at a distance of 5 miles from the Moscow Kremlin not later than in 1282 he founded the first monastery with the wooden church of St. Daniel-Stylite. Now it is the Danilov Monastery. At the age of 42 on the 17-th (4-th in old style) of March in 1303 St. Daniel died. Before his death he became a monk and, according to his will, was buried in the cemetery of the St. Daniel Monastery.
He was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1652.
【K】Russia Travel-Saint Petersburg[러시아 여행-상트페테르부르크]페트로파블로프스크 요새/Petropavlovskaya Fortress/Rabbit
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[한국어 정보]
약 300년 전, 페트로파블로프스크 요새를 건설하면서 상트페테르부르크가 탄생됐다. 당시 러시아의 국왕이었던 표트르 1세는 스웨덴의 침략으로부터 러시아를 보호하고 서구문화를 받아들이기 위해 상트페테르부르크를 건설했다. 도시의 중심에 자리한 요새의 모습이 마치, 거대한 성처럼 느껴진다. 페트로파블로프스크 요새로 향하는 다리를 걷고 있는데 사람들이 토끼동상에 동전을 던지고 있다. “토끼에게 동전을 던지면 소원이 이루어진다고 해서 왔습니다” “동전으로 토끼를 맞추면 소원이 이뤄진다고 하는데 사실인지 모르겠네요. 그냥 이뤄진다고 믿고 있어요” 요새가 세워지기 전, 이곳에는 토끼가 많아 ‘토끼 섬’이라 불렀다고 한다. 조형물을 통해 과거를 기억하려는 모습이 인상적이다. 요새 안쪽으로 들어가 봤다. 두꺼운 성문을 지나자, 고풍스런 건축물이 보이기 시작한다. 전쟁에 대비해 만들어진 화려한 도시. 러시아를 근대국가로 만들려 했던 표트르 대제의 야심을 실감할 수 있다.
[English: Google Translator]
About 300 years ago, St. Petersburg was born when the Petropavlovsk fortress was built. Peter the Great, then the king of Russia, built St. Petersburg to protect Russia from the invasion of Sweden and to accept Western culture. The fortress in the center of the city looks like a huge castle. Walking on the bridge towards the Petropavlovsk Fortress, people are throwing coins on the rabbit statue. I have said that when I throw a coin to a rabbit, I make a wish. I say that when I put a rabbit together with a coin, I make a wish, but I do not know if it is true. I believe that it will just happen. Before the fort was built, there were many rabbits here and they called it Rabbit Island . It is impressive to see the past through memories. I went inside the fortress. After passing through the thick gates, ancient architecture begins to be seen. A splendid city made for war. We can feel the ambition of Peter the Great, who tried to make Russia a modern nation.
[Russia: Google Translator]
Около 300 лет назад Санкт-Петербург родился, когда была построена Петропавловская крепость. Петр Великий, затем Царь России, построил Санкт-Петербург, чтобы защитить Россию от вторжения в Швецию и принять западную культуру. Крепость в центре города выглядит как огромный замок. Прогуливаясь по мосту к Петропавловской крепости, люди бросают монеты на статую кролика. «Я сказал, что, когда я бросаю монету кролику, я делаю желание». «Я говорю, что когда я кладу кролика вместе с монетой, я делаю желание, но я не знаю, правда ли это. Я верю, что это произойдет ». Перед тем, как был построен форт, здесь было много кроликов, и они назвали его« Остров кроликов ». Удивительно видеть прошлое через воспоминания. Я вошел в крепость. Пройдя через толстые ворота, начинается древняя архитектура. Великолепный город для войны. Мы можем почувствовать амбиции Петра Великого, который пытался сделать Россию современной страной.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아11-02 토끼섬으로 불린 페트로파블로프스크 요새
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 하창민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2017년 7월July
섬,island,cliff,역사/자연지역,historic site,동상,statue,동물,animal,건물,architecture,유럽Europe러시아RussiaРоссийская ФедерацияRussian Federation하창민20177월북서 연방관구NorthwesternJuly걸어서 세계속으로
The Streets of St. Petersburg Russia
St. Petersburg Russia
A few photos of the Streets of St. Petersburg in Russia
Baltic Sea Cruise: on Holland-America Cruise Line.
(Ms Noordam)
Vantage Tours
Moyka river in Saint Petersburg 4K video
The Moika river is located in St. Petersburg. Russian Federation. It is located in the Central part of the city. It is bordered by the Neva river and Fontanka river. Has a very busy tourist shipping. A ride on it on the river tram, you can see many of the beauty of the city of St. Petersburg
--------------cvg, st. isaac's cathedral, alexander nevsky lavra, state russian museum, summer garden, anichkov palace, catherine palace and park in tsarskoye selo, pavlovsk palace and park, peterhof palace and garden, admiralty building, church of the savior on the spilled blood, palace square - hermitage, admiralty embankment, alexandrinsky theatre, nevskiy prospekt
RUSSIA: Part Two, Walking in St Petersburg
We've just arrived in St Petersburg, Russia, and explore the giant sites that the city has to offer.
Music Credit:
Tchaikovsky - Symphony No.5 in E minor op.64
St Petersburg 1. A walk round the city.
A walk round the main sights of St Petersburg.
Russian Orthodox Religious procession in Irkutsk
2008-06-28. AS Baikal TV (Irkutsk).
City Tour by Car || M. Morskaya - St. Isaac's Square. - Voznesensky prosp. || St. Petersburg video
- A CITY TOUR (BY CAR) at night from $20
City Tour by Car is the best way to start getting acquainted with St. Petersburg.
City Tour by Car || M. Morskaya - St. Isaac's Square. - Voznesensky prosp. || St. Petersburg video
The tour begins and ends wherever you wish. You will visit the most popular sights of St. Petersburg and learn the history of the city.
You will see the following sights: Palace Square, Winter Palace, St. Isaac's Cathedral, St. Nicholas Cathedral, Mariinsky Opera and Ballet Theater, Vasily Island, St. Peter and Paul Fortress, Bronze Horseman, Kazan Cathedral, Nevsky Prospekt, Blood Church, Smolny Monastery and others, as well as you can visit Russian Orthodox churches and cathedrals.
To get the right photos and videos, you will have special stops for taking pictures in places with beautiful views. The weather is not important to you since most of the time you will be in the car.
Also, according to your desire, we can organize a visit to the farmers market or in our metro, for its construction which was used rather expensive materials, such as marble, rock crystal, guild, and others.
The price includes a professional guide and a professional driver with a comfortable car for three hours.
st petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia, Winter Palace, Hermitage Museum, Saint Issacs Cathedral, Kazan Cathedral, Palace Square, Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, Санкт-Петербу́рг, Россия, English Guide, things to do in Russia, St. Petersburg, Canal Tours, St. Isaac's Cathedral, Alexander Nevsky Lavra, State Russian Museum, Summer Garden, Anichkov Palace, Catherine Palace and Park in Tsarskoye Selo, Pavlovsk Palace and Park, Peterhof Palace and Garden, Admiralty Building, Church of the Savior on the Spilled Blood, Palace Square - Hermitage, Admiralty Embankment, Alexandrinsky Theatre, Nevskiy Prospekt, visit St. Petersburg, Trip to St. Petersburg, tour to saint Petersburg, Welcome to St. Petersburg
Гуляем по Петербургу у Елисеевского Walk in St. Petersburg с Ларуссия
Гуляем по Петербургу у Елисеевского Walk in St. Petersburg Larussia
Великий Новгород / Veliki Novgorod: 1900s
Дореволюционная Россия на фотографиях - Великий Новгород
Here I present an album of photographs, taken in the late 19th century, of the ancient Russian city of Veliky Novgorod, also known as Novgorod the Great. Novgorod is among the oldest cities in Russia, being founded in the late 10th century. Known for the variety and age of its medieval monuments, at its peak during the 14th century, the city was one of Europe's largest.......although over a hundred years old, these photographs show that Novgorod has changed little over time and provide a fascinating insight into this historical city......
Russian Orthodox Liturgy
Ruska Crkva / Srpski Svestenik. Serbia,Russia
Bed and Breakfast hotels in St.Petersburg Russia
Bed and Breakfast hotels in St.Petersburg Russia
#1 Antique Hotel Rachmaninov
A Boutique hotel, the Rachmaninov is situated in the very center of St. Petersburg near Nevsky Prospekt and Kazan Cathedral. It combines the museum area with a homely coziness, the sophisticated atmosphere of the Silver Age with contemporary Bohemian chic. The owners of the hotel possess a unique collection of antiques and they also constantly replenish the hotel art collection with contemporary paintings and photography.
#2 5th Corner Hotel
Less than 10 minutes drive away are some great attractions such as the State Russian Museum and Saint Michaels Castle, and conveniently there is complimentary parking available at the 5th Corner Hotel should you require it. The hotel is within a 10 minute walk to Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace and within a 20 minute walk are Nevsky Avenue, Zimniy Stadion and National Library of Russia. Novo-kamenniy Bridge, Eliseyev Emporium and Alexandrinsky Theatre are within a 20-minute walk from the hotel.
#3 M-Hotel
M Hotel is a very convenient variant of inexpensive and comfortable staying located in the heart of St. Petersburg. The Hotel is situated in the Golden Triangle of St. Petersburg, in close vicinity to the world-famous museums such as the Hermitage, the Kazan Cathedral, the Church of the Savior on Blood, the Russian museum and other tourist sights. Next to the hotel, guests will find a great variety of cafes and restaurants catering to different tastes, as well as plenty of boutiques
#4 Courtyard St. Petersburg Center West/Pushkin Hotel
Dining options at Courtyard by Marriott St. Petersburg Center West Pushkin include 2 restaurants. A bar/lounge is open for drinks. The hotel serves Buffet breakfasts (surcharges apply). Recreational amenities include a fitness facility. This 4-star property has a 24-hour business center and offers small meeting rooms and audio-visual equipment. Complimentary wireless Internet access is available in public areas. This St. Petersburg property has 9149 square feet of event space consisting of banquet facilities, conference/meeting rooms, and a ballroom. Wedding services and tour/ticket assistance are available. Additional property amenities include multilingual staff and laundry facilities.
#5 Matisov Domik
The Matisov Domik is located on the Pryazhka River in the center of the city. The Mariinsky Opera and the St. Petersburg Ballet Theater are close by. The Yusupov Palace is about a 10-minute walk away along the river. Also nearby are the Alexander Blok House Museum and several other entertainment options and attractions. The nearest train station is a short walk from the Matisov Domik. From there, guests can connect to the airport.
Рюриковичи. 5 Серия. Документальная Драма. Star Media
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Все серии сериала:
Режиссер: Максим Беспалый
Оператор: Иван Бархварт
Композитор: Максим Войтов
Продюсер: Евгения Доронкина (креатив.)
Актеры: Иван Петков, Дмитрий Могучев, Владимир Кузнецов (IX), Светлана Бакулина, Валентина Нейморовец, Александр Карпенко (II), Андрей Камин, Пётр Лойко, Алексей Фролов (II), Евгений Капитонов, Денис Беспалый, Вадим Мельников, Алексей Артамонов, Алина Никольская, Алексей Белозерцев, Дмитрий Белозерцев, Юрий Васильев (VII), Александр Койгеров, Сергей Сулим, Алексей Видов, Дин Махаматдинов, Василий Гузов, Артур Федынко, Даниил Эльдаров, Николай Прилуцкий, Станислав Концевич, Александр Баргман, Олег Ребров, Валерия Ватаман, Виктор Бугаков, Егор Антонов (II), Дмитрий Гудим, Михаил Осипов, Алексей Ингелевич, Николай Мухин, Виталий Хаджиев, Юрий Стебаков
Cерий: 8
Цикл фильмов в жанре документальной драмы.
Это одна из старейших династий Европы. Князья и цари из дома Рюриковичей правили страной непрерывно на протяжении 740 лет. За это время Русское государство, ими созданное, выросло до размеров 5,4 миллиона квадратных километров и стало больше всей Европы.
История династии началась одновременно с историей государства. Однако начало это скрыто в густом тумане легенд. Мы никогда не узнаем, кем на самом деле был легендарный варяг Рюрик, и был ли он реальным историческим лицом. Зато мы знаем, кем были его потомки. Среди них были поэты и воины, святые и разбойники, законодатели и братоубийцы. Одни восходили на престол по праву рождения, другие – по приглашению, третьи – по трупам родных братьев, но законной их власть над огромной страной делала сама принадлежность к правящему дому Рюриковичей.
В истории династии было все – яростная борьба за власть и высокое самопожертвование, завоевания и потери, интриги и новые законы, пепел пожарищ и создание мировых шедевров, любовь и предательство. Рюриковичи укрепляли, обороняли, расширяли своё государство: кто-то – огнем и мечом, кто-то – миром и договором. Во время их правления сформировалась русской нация и возник феномен русской культуры. Именно Рюриковичи создали ту самую страну - трансконтинентальную полиэтничную державу, - в которой мы сегодня живём.
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Nicholas II of Russia | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Nicholas II of Russia
00:03:16 1 Family background
00:06:34 2 Tsarevich
00:09:51 3 Engagement, accession and marriage
00:13:43 4 Reign
00:13:52 4.1 Coronation
00:17:55 4.2 Initiatives in foreign affairs
00:18:52 4.3 Ecclesiastical affairs
00:19:40 4.4 Russo-Japanese War
00:22:47 4.5 Anti-Jewish pogroms of 1903–1906
00:23:48 4.6 Bloody Sunday (1905)
00:28:08 4.7 1905 Revolution
00:31:49 4.8 Relationship with the Duma
00:41:58 4.9 Tsarevich Alexei's illness and Rasputin
00:44:33 4.10 European affairs
00:46:48 4.11 Tercentenary
00:47:26 4.12 First World War
00:56:40 4.13 Collapse
01:01:25 4.13.1 Abdication (1917)
01:04:41 4.14 Imprisonment
01:08:10 4.15 Execution
01:11:32 5 Identification
01:13:22 6 Funeral
01:14:12 7 Sainthood
01:16:19 8 Assessment
01:19:54 9 Ancestry
01:20:03 10 Titles, styles, honours and arms
01:20:14 10.1 Titles and styles
01:21:29 10.2 Honours
01:22:12 10.2.1 National
01:22:39 10.2.2 Foreign
01:23:30 10.3 Arms
01:23:38 11 Children
01:23:47 12 Wealth
01:25:01 13 Documentaries and films
01:25:37 14 See also
01:25:53 15 Note
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Nicholas II or Nikolai II (Russian: Николай II Алекса́ндрович, tr. Nikolai II Aleksandrovich; 18 May [O.S. 6 May] 1868 – 17 July 1918), known as Saint Nicholas the Passion-Bearer in the Russian Orthodox Church, was the last Emperor of Russia, ruling from 1 November 1894 until his forced abdication on 2 March 1917. His reign saw the fall of the Russian Empire from one of the foremost great powers of the world to economic and military collapse. He was given the nickname Nicholas the Bloody or Vile Nicholas by his political adversaries due to the Khodynka Tragedy, anti-Semitic pogroms, Bloody Sunday, the violent suppression of the 1905 Russian Revolution, the execution of political opponents, and his perceived responsibility for the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905). Soviet historians portrayed Nicholas as a weak and incompetent leader whose decisions led to military defeats and the deaths of millions of his subjects.Russia was defeated in the 1904–1905 Russo-Japanese War which saw the annihilation of the reinforcing Russian Baltic Fleet after being sent on its round-the-world cruise at the naval Battle of Tsushima, off the coasts of Korea and Japan, the loss of Russian influence over Manchuria and Korea, and the Japanese annexation to the north of South Sakhalin Island. The Anglo-Russian Entente was designed to counter the German Empire's attempts to gain influence in the Middle East, but it also ended the Great Game of confrontation between Russia and the United Kingdom. When all Russian diplomatic efforts to prevent the First World War (1914–1918) failed, Nicholas approved the Imperial Russian Army mobilization on 30 July 1914 which gave Imperial Germany formal grounds to declare war on Russia on 1 August 1914. An estimated 3.3 million Russians were killed in the First World War. The Imperial Russian Army's severe losses, the High Command's incompetent management of the war efforts, and lack of food and supplies on the home front were all leading causes of the fall of the House of Romanov.
Following the February Revolution of 1917, Nicholas abdicated on behalf of himself and his son and heir, the Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich. He and his family were imprisoned and transferred to Tobolsk in late summer 1917. On 30 April 1918, Nicholas, Alexandra, and their daughter Maria were handed over to the local Ural Soviet council in Ekaterinburg (renamed Sverdlovsk during the Soviet era); the rest of the captives followed on 23 May. Nicholas and his family were executed by their Bolshevik guards on the night of 16/17 July 1918. The remains of the imperial family were later found, exhumed, identified and re-interred with elaborate State and Church ceremony in St. Petersburg on 17 July 1998 – 80 years later.
In 1981, Nicholas, his wife, and their children were recognized as martyrs by the Russian Orthodox Church Outsid ...
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Это одна из старейших династий Европы. Князья и цари из дома Рюриковичей правили страной непрерывно на протяжении 740 лет. За это время Русское государство, ими созданное, выросло до размеров 5,4 миллиона квадратных километров и стало больше всей Европы.
История династии началась одновременно с историей государства. Однако начало это скрыто в густом тумане легенд. Мы никогда не узнаем, кем на самом деле был легендарный варяг Рюрик, и был ли он реальным историческим лицом. Зато мы знаем, кем были его потомки. Среди них были поэты и воины, святые и разбойники, законодатели и братоубийцы. Одни восходили на престол по праву рождения, другие – по приглашению, третьи – по трупам родных братьев, но законной их власть над огромной страной делала сама принадлежность к правящему дому Рюриковичей.
В истории династии было все – яростная борьба за власть и высокое самопожертвование, завоевания и потери, интриги и новые законы, пепел пожарищ и создание мировых шедевров, любовь и предательство. Рюриковичи укрепляли, обороняли, расширяли своё государство: кто-то – огнем и мечом, кто-то – миром и договором. Во время их правления сформировалась русской нация и возник феномен русской культуры. Именно Рюриковичи создали ту самую страну - трансконтинентальную полиэтничную державу, - в которой мы сегодня живём.
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Russian Orthodox Church | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Russian Orthodox Church
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC; Russian: Ру́сская правосла́вная це́рковь, tr. Rússkaya pravoslávnaya tsérkov), alternatively legally known as the Moscow Patriarchate (Russian: Моско́вский патриарха́т, tr. Moskóvskiy patriarkhát), is one of the autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Christian churches, since 15 October 2018 not in communion with the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. The Primate of the ROC is the Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus'. The ROC, as well as the primate thereof, officially ranks fifth in the Orthodox order of precedence, immediately below the four ancient Patriarchates of the Greek Orthodox Church, those of Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem. The official Christianization of Kievan Rus' widely seen as the birth of the ROC is believed to have occurred in 988 through the baptism of the Kievan prince Vladimir and his people by the clergy of the Ecumenical Patriarchate whose constituent part the ROC remained for the next six centuries, while the Kievan see remained in the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate until 1686.
The ROC currently claims its exclusive jurisdiction over the Orthodox Christians, irrespective of their ethnic background, who reside in the former member republics of the Soviet Union, excluding Georgia and Armenia, although this claim is disputed in such countries as Estonia, Moldova and Ukraine and consequently parallel canonical Orthodox jurisdictions exist in those: Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church and Metropolis of Bessarabia, respectively. It also exercises ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the autonomous Church of Japan and the Orthodox Christians resident in the People's Republic of China. The ROC branches in Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Moldova and Ukraine since the 1990s enjoy various degrees of self-government, albeit short of the status of formal ecclesiastical autonomy. In Ukraine, ROC (represented by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church) has tensions with schismatic groups supported by the current government. The debate over recognition of the Orthodox church in Ukraine as autocephalous has caused tension between the Russian Church and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.The ROC should not be confused with the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), another autocephalous Orthodox Church (since 1970, albeit not universally recognised in this status), that traces its existence in North America to the time of the Russian missionaries in Alaska (then part of the Russian Empire) in the late 18th century, and still adheres to the ROC liturgical tradition.
The ROC should also not be confused with the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (also known as the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, or ROCOR), headquartered in New York, New York, U.S.A. The ROCOR was instituted in the 1920s by Russian communities outside then Communist Russia, which refused to recognize the authority of the Moscow Patriarchate then de facto headed by Metropolitan Sergius Stragorodsky. The two Churches reconciled on May 17, 2007; the ROCOR is now a self-governing part of the Russian Orthodox Church.