TURKEY: Hiking The Сarian Trail
In ancient times, on the territory of the present Turkish provinces, Mugla and Aydin, was the state of Caria. In the north, it bordered with Lydia, in the northeast — with Phrygia and Pisidia. In the east — with Lycia.
Caria — one of the most picturesque regions of Turkey. There is everything here. Ancient ruins, paved stone caravan roads, hillsides, goat tracks, godforsaken villages, pine woods, olive and almond trees, vineyards and sea beaches.
In 2013, across Caria's territory, was laid a 820-kilometer long walking tourist route.
The Сarian Trail, or in Turkish, Karia Yolu, is marked by standard red-white marks. It is possible to travel on it without a guide. It is enough to acquire the detailed guide with the map.
Yunus Ozdemir, was the ideological inspirer of the Сarian Trail. He personally participated in its creation and description. He is one of the coauthors of the Carian Trail guide. And precisely knows which sites are the most interesting. And which ones, if need be, can be passed.
The Сarian Trail is presently, poorly known. There are no tourists traveling on it. Absolutely none. There are no tourists infrastructures as well. Guesthouses and restaurants are rare. Nevertheless, it is possible to count on the hospitality of locals. But it is better to be autonomous. To travel with a reliable tent and to cook food on a fire.
There is a lot of water. Springs and wells can often be encountered.
Finding firewood is not a problem. It is not forbidden to kindle fires.
It is only necessary to observe the safety measures for fire.
The trail is divided into four sites, differing on their geographical features and landscapes: the Bozburun Peninsula , the Datcha Peninsula, the Ceramic Gulf and Carian remote place.
The Сarian Trail begins near Marmaris. In the resort settlement of Icmeler. And immediately dives into the maze of trails, running through the overgrown slopes covered with pines.
The city of Labranda was part of Caria. In 545 BC, it was captured by the Persians. And in 334 BC - by Alexander The Great's army.
The ruins of Labranda are protected. But security guards almost don't speak English. They don't get enough practice. Foreign tourists rarely pass by here.
All of the Bafa Lake area is declared a Natural Park, and is taken under state protection. Fishing is still allowed. But it is already strictly forbidden to hunt.
In ancient times, on the bank of the Latmos Gulf of the Aegean Sea, was the city of Heraclea on Latm. Later the gulf became shallow. And after an earthquake, the level of the land rised, and it turned into a lake.
The Сarian Trail runs along on the scattered sections of the ancient road, which have been preserved up to now. It led from the internal regions of Caria, to the seaport of Heraclea.
Near the town of Karpuzla, ruins of the ancient city of Alinda have remained. In the 14th century BC, Hittites lived here. Back then, the city was known under the name Ialanta. Later, already under the name Alinda, it belonged to the famous tsar, Mausolus of Caria.
Near Alinda, there is one more ancient city — Alabanda.
Narration was done by Frederic Moretti (fredericmorettimusic@gmail.com)
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Arykanda in Lykien
Arykanda, eine Ruinenstadt aus hellenistischer und römischer Zeit mit Theater, Odeon und Bädern, liegt 700 Meter hoch im lykischen Bergland.
Weitere Info's von Arykanda in Lykien auf
Archäologischer Reiseführer, Beschreibungen, Historie und Pläne. Lykien, Pamphylien, Kilikien und Pisidien im Hellenismus und in der römischen Kaiserzeit.
Nysa in Karien
Nysa ist eine antike nordkarische Stadt. U.a. eine Bibliothek, die Agora und das Odeon sind sehenswert. Im Theater sind außerwöhnliche Reliefs zu sehen.
Weitere Info's von Nysa in Karien auf
Archäologischer Reiseführer, Beschreibungen, Historie und Pläne. Lykien, Pamphylien, Kilikien und Pisidien im Hellenismus und in der römischen Kaiserzeit.
Milet in Karien
Milet war eine wichtige antike Hafenstadt auf der Südseite des Mäanderdeltas. Mit der Verlandung des Hafens begann deren wirtschaftlicher Niedergang.
Weitere Info's von Milet in Karien auf
Archäologischer Reiseführer, Beschreibungen, Historie und Pläne. Lykien, Pamphylien, Kilikien und Pisidien im Hellenismus und in der römischen Kaiserzeit.
Bafa Lake
Located close to some of the most important cultural and historical sites for tourism in Turkey, like Ephesus, Labranda, Halicarnassus (Bodrum) and Alinda, the picture-perfect natural setting of glorious Bafa Lake against the backdrop of the rugged Latmos Mountains is an ideal starting point for your holiday to Turkey. The region has seen human settlement for millennia, as evidenced by over one hundred prehistoric rock paintings discovered in the area since 1994. Pair this with the ruins of Byzantine castles on the lake’s shore and islands, rock-cut shrines and frescoes, ancient monasteries and an almost absurdly picturesque rural village and its friendly hosts, and you have the recipe for an authentic and memorable holiday in Western Turkey.
Bafa Lake and the extraordinarily craggy Latmos Mountain range rising steeply from its northern shore are unforgettable examples of the deepest rural Turkey surviving within an hour’s drive of mass tourism destinations Bodrum and Kușadası. For those that venture this far off the beaten path, turning off the highway at the vast expanse of water that is Bafa Lake is well worth your while. Day-hikers, walking clubs, overnight trekkers, outdoor enthusiasts and naturalists of all varieties will immediately recognize the immense value of the beautiful surroundings and this unspoiled taste of village culture. Tread the same paths as 8th century hermits and Byzantine monks as you wander the boulder-strewn mountain slopes between monastic ruins and caves concealing prehistoric rock paintings.
In antiquity, Bafa Lake was a bay in the Aegaen Sea, but silt deposited by the Büyük Menderes (Meander River) landlocked the gulf over time, and transformed it into the 15 km by 5 km wide lake it is today. Due to its formation history it is home to both salt and freshwater species, the water retaining a degree of salinity. Since it is an extensive nature preserve, the area has remained relatively unaffected by tourism.
Boat trips are a wonderful way to explore the rich wildlife and historic ruins sprinkling the shores and islands of the lake. Ornithologists can observe a plethora of different bird species native to the lake, including pelicans, grebes, egrets, herons, storks, flamingos, hawks and partridges. Botanists can identify up to twenty endemic orchid varieties on the slopes of the Latmos Mountains. Rock climbers can challenge themselves on an abundance of colossal boulders that enliven the hilly landscape.
Фильм ТУРЦИЯ: Карийская тропа
В древности на территории нынешних турецких провинций Мугла и Айдын было государство Кария. На севере оно граничило с Лидией, на северо-востоке — с Фригией и Писидией. На востоке — с Ликией.
Кария — один из самых живописных регионов Турции. Здесь есть все. Древние руины, мощёные камнем караванные дороги, горные склоны, козьи тропы, забытые Богом деревеньки, сосновые леса, оливковые и миндальные деревья, виноградники и морские пляжи.
В 2013 году по территории Карии проложили 820-километровый пешеходный туристический маршрут.
Карийская тропа или по-турецки Кария Йолу маркирована стандартными красно-белыми метками. Пройти по ней можно и без гида. Достаточно приобрести подробный путеводитель с картой. А еще лучше лично пообщаться с один из соавторов этого путеводителя.
Юнус Оздемир был идейным вдохновителем Карийской тропы. И лично участвовал в ее создании и описании. Он один из соавторов путеводителя по тропе. И точно знает, какие участки самые интересные. А какие, в случае необходимости, можно и пропустить.
Карийская тропа еще мало известна. Туристов на ней нет. Совсем. Нет и туристической инфраструктуры. Пансионы и рестораны встречаются редко. Можно рассчитывать на гостеприимство местных жителей. Но лучше настраиваться на автономный поход. Взять с собой надежную палатку и готовить еду на костре.
Воды много. Часто попадаются родники и колодцы. С дровами тоже проблем нет. Костры разжигать не запрещено. Нужно только соблюдать меры противопожарной безопасности.
Ходить по тропе можно в любое время год. Но лучше это делать осенью или весной.
Тропа разделяется на несколько участков, различающихся по своим географическим особенностям и пейзажам: Полуостров Бозбурн, Полуостров Датча, Керамический залив и Карийская глубинка.
Настраивайтесь на длительный просмотр и наслаждайтесь.
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