Almaty Zoo, Kazakhstan
Almaty Zoo is located in the eastern side of Almaty, the largest city in Kazakhstan. Covering an area of 21 hectures, Almaty Zoo houses a diverse range of animals from all around the world from tortoises to camels.
Almaty Zoo has different exhibits including outdoor exhibits for hoofed mammals, predators and birds, indoor exhibits such an Exotarium for tropical animals and reptiles, and Aquarium for tropical fish. There are also indoor and outdoor aviaries housing many species of birds, particularly birds of prey.
Some of the animals were in sad conditions (small enclosures with no resemblence of their natural habitat, lack of stimulating objects to keep them occupied, homes overrun by cockroaches and so on).
Still, it was great that the animals were showcased to the public so that the public can have a better appreciation for wildlife and are better informed about the natural world around them, which will lead to a more positive attitude towards wildlife conservation efforts.
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Зоопарк в Алматы ; Zoo in Almaty
Almaty Tour | 4 Nights Almaty Tourism Package | Kazakhstan FAM TOUR
Kazakhstan is the largest country of Central Asia & have boundaries with Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and China. So, you can explore this beautiful country with Dook International.
Dook International offers a best 4 Nights and 5 Days Almaty tour package at unbeatable prices.
Almaty - An Emerging Destination for Global Travelers
Get Almaty Travel Information Here:
Having any doubt about the tour itinerary?? Check below points: or visit
Arrival In Almaty
Check-In To The Hotel
Enjoy Kok Tobe In Cable Car
Gala Dinner With Belly Dance
Republic Square
Palace Of President
Panfilov Park
Rakhat Chocolate Factory
Local Market Zilyoni Bazar
Day 3
Medeo Gorge - Experience Outdoor Speed Skating
Next Destination Is Shymbulak Ski Resort
Get Indian Dinner and Explore Night Activities
Day 4
Enjoy Local Excursions
Almaty Zoo - A Beautiful Place
Dolphin Show etc…
Day 5
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Central Park of Almaty (Gorky Park), Almaty, Kazakhstan
Founded in 1856, the Central Park of Almaty in Almaty City is still very much referred to by its previous name, Gorky Park. It is currently Almaty's largest recreational zone at 100 hectares and features amusement parks, an aquapark, a cinema and is also where Almaty Zoo is located.
Tickets for the amusement rides are sold separately so you only buy tickets for the rides you want to try. There are also games and animal photography for children. The Central Park of Almaty makes a great family outing on a good sunny day.
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Kazakhstan/Almaty Panfilov Park Part 14
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Park of 28 Panfilov Guardsmen:
The Park of 28 Panfilov Guardsmen is a major park in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The park is located in east-central Almaty in the area surrounding Zenkov Cathedral. It is dedicated to and named after the Panfilov Heroes, 28 soldiers of an Almaty infantry unit who died fighting Nazi German invaders outside of Moscow in World War II. The group takes its name from Ivan Panfilov, the General commanding the 316th division which, in spite of heavy casualties, believed at that time managed to significantly delay the Germans' advance on the capital, buying time for the defenders of the city. An eternal flame commemorating the fallen of the Russian Civil War and the Great Patriotic War burns in front of the giant black monument of soldiers from all 15 Soviet republics.
Ascension Cathedral:
Designed by Andrei Pavlovich Zenkov in 1904, a cathedral was built entirely of wood with the belfry being erected on September 14, 1906. The inner structure of the cathedral was made in the artistic workshops of Moscow and Kiev. The iconostasis was painted by N. Khludov. The cathedral in considerably survived the 1911 earthquake. After the Russian Revolution the cathedral was used to house the Central State Museum of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. From 1930 to 1940 it was used by important public organizations. The first radio transmitters in Almaty were situated in the cathedral's belfry. Restoration work on the cathedral began in 1973 and lasted until 1976. In May 1995 control of the cathedral was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church, and after additional restoration work it was reopened for religious services in 1997.
Kazakh Museum of Folk Musical Instruments
Almaty ZOO Full HD 60 FPS 2017
Kazahstan, Almaty city
Some of the animals of Almaty ZOO
What is unique about Almaty Zoo?
Talk to nature #7
The Almaty Zoo is one of the oldest zoos in Kazakhstan. It has been operating for over 80 years now. There are almost 3 000 animals and birds, and every single inhabitant of the zoo has its own amazing story
What rare animals and birds live here? And how are they cared for? Let’s walk in the Almaty Zoo with host Sergei Ponomaryov.
Find out more:
Алматинский зоопарк | Almaty Zoo №1
Сегодня мы в алматинском зоопарке, где посмотрим на огромное количество разных зверей. Смотрим, оцениваем, подписываемся!
Алматинский Зоопарк - Almaty Zoo (2013)
Красивые Зоопарсике Разноцветные Разноистранские Животные.
Almaty Zoo With All Different Kinds Of Cool Animals Up There.
Vising Kazakhstan Almaty Zoo Park.
Зоопарк Алматы. Март 2016 год. Гуляем в зоопарке.
Верблюды- camel in ZOO Almaty
Алматы хайуанаттар бағы
Табиғатпен тілдесу №7
Алматының хайуанаттар бағы – Қазақстан бойынша алғашқы зоологиялық бақтардың бірі.
80 жылдан астам уақыт бойы жұмыс істеп келе жатқан хайуанаттар бағында бүгінде 3 мыңға жуық аң-құс бар. Мұнда мекендейтін жануарлардың тағдыры әр түрлі. Бұған дейінгі бағдарламалардың бірінде, Қостанай облысында қиын жағдайға душар болған бірқазан туралы айтқан болатынбыз. Жылы жаққа ұшып бара жатқан үйірінен қалып қойып, әбден әлсіреген құс жарты жолда құлап қалған. Оны жақын маңда тұратын жанашыр адамдар құсты құтқарып қалмағанда, Қызыл кітапқа енгізілген бірқазан аштық пен суықтан өліп қалар еді. Бұдан кейін, құс Алматының хайуанаттар бағына жеткізілді.
Алматының хайуанаттар бағы – қала тұрғындары мен қонақтарының ең жиі келетін орны. Әсіресе, мұнда балалар көп. Бүлдіршіндер мен жасөспірімдер Африка шөлейтінде тіршілік ететін момын керікті, Азия құрлығын асықпай шарлайтын тасбақаларды, және басқа да ерекше аң-құстарды көре алады. Солардың бірі – бұтақтан бұтаққа секіретін тынымсыз әрі көңілді кішкентай маймылдар.
Алматинский зоопарк ❣ Влог Зоопарк Алматы ❣ Vlog Almaty Zoo
#алматызоопарк #алматинскийзоопарк #алматы2018
Алматинский зоопарк открыл свои двери для посетителей 7 ноября 1937 года.
В годы войны наступило непростое время для зоопарка. Многие сотрудники отправились на фронт. Рабочих рук не хватало в этот период остро стояла проблема недостатка кормов для животных, особенно хищников. Сотрудники скупили у местных жителей всех ослов. Позже начали отлов бродячих собак. Львов кормили даже сушеным урюком. Часть коллекции погибла, но многих животных удалось спасти.
В 60-е годы началось расширение и обновление Алматинского зоопарка. Был построен новый павильон хищных зверей, зимний павильон для слонов и бегемотов, новые вольеры для птиц.
5 сентября 1961 года в зоопарке впервые появились индийские слоны. Молодые слонята Дубас и Пальма стали подарком жителям Алматы от премьер-министра Индии Джавахарлала Неру, в 1955 году посещавшего город со своей дочерью.
У этой пары впоследствии родилось пять слонят. Самый известный из них — Батыр из Алматы — был направлен в Карагандинский зоопарк. Слоненок прославился тем, что научился с помощью хобота говорить свое имя.
Другие известные обитатели зоопарка — бегемоты Юлька и Спутник, дававшие потомство практически каждый год.
В общей сложности у пары родилось десять бегемотиков, которые разъехались по зоопаркам и циркам всей страны.
На сегодняшний день в коллекции зоопарка 310 видов и 2781 экземпляров животных.
Цены на билеты:
Взрослые (12+) 700 тенге
Дети (от 7 до 12) 200 тенге
Дети (до 7 лет) бесплатно
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Almaty Zoo - Bears
This video was made in August 2015
ЗООПАРК Алматы Часть 1 ZOO in Almaty PART 1
Тика и Ика идут в Алматинский зоопарк. Знакомятся с семьёй очаровательных жирафов, смотрят, как кушает большой бегемот, дремлет под навесом лев и резвится маленький жеребёнок.
Приятного просмотра!!!
TIKA and IKA Egor and Dasha go to the Almaty Zoo. Familiar with the family of charming giraffes. They watch the big behemoth eating.
Pleasant viewing!!!
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Казахстан , Алматы - зоопарк Как Тебе . Kazakhstan, Almaty - a zoo How to You
Almaty Zoo - Mama bear anxious