Bornholm rowerem z dziećmi - 6 i 7 Dzień - las Almindingen, ruiny zamków, dolina echa Ekkodalen
Dzień 6 wyprawy rowerowej z dziećmi na Bornholm.
Sceny w filmie:
- 0:00 camping w Aakirkeby
- 1:19 Bastemose
- 2:00 tor wyścigów konnych Bornholms Travselskab
- 3:20 ruiny zamku Gamleborg
- 5:02 dolina echa Ekkodalen
- 7:40 ruiny zamku Lilleborg
- 8:42 wieża widokowa Rytterknægten
- 13:12 kościół rotundowy w Nylars
- 13:44 kamienie Slau - Slaus Stene
- 16:03 pole golfowe Bornholms Golf Klub - Rønne
- 17:13 Galløkken Strand Camping Bornholm
- 18:48 szybkie zakupy w Superbrugsen Rønne Syd
Dzień 7 (ostatni) wyprawy rowerowej z dziećmi na Bornholm.
Sceny w filmie:
- 20:07 zabawy w Galløkken Strand Camping Bornholm
- 20:33 prom Rønne - Sassnitz
#bornholm #bicycle #family #bicycletouring #holiday #camping #ferry #denmark #kids #almindingen #forest
Muzyka (na licencji Creative Commons):
- finch fetti x sabrina claudio - hotline bling | | provided by CopyrightFreeNetwork
- Noxious - Alarm | | provided by CopyrightFreeNetwork
- Canvai - Sunset | | provided by CopyrightFreeNetwork
- Kevin MacLeod: Impact Moderato – na licencji Creative Commons Attribution - -
- Serenity – na licencji Creative Commons Attribution
- Tick Tock - Youtube Creator Studio
- In The Shadows - Youtube Creator Studio
- Best of 2015 Mix | TSC-Media by CopyrightFreeNetwork
- JBP - High | | provided by CopyrightFreeNetwork
- Kevin MacLeod: Gymnopedie No 1 – na licencji Creative Commons Attribution - -
- Vicetone - California | | provided by CopyrightFreeNetwork
- Windows Rolled Down - Youtube Creator Studio
Skiing to Almindingen, departing from Aakirkeby station
På Skitur til Almindingen med afgang fra Aakirkeby station
This video is transformed from the original Super-8 film, made by unknown filmmakers. Now in Bornholms Museums archives.
VLOG#107 Bornholm na rowerze - dzień 1
Wycieczka rowerowa na Bornholm pod namiot. W tym odcinku Nexø, Balka, Snogebæk, Aakirkeby i las Almindingen.
★ Włącz 4K ★ Jakość ma znaczenie ★ Nawet jeśli nie masz monitora/tv 4K obraz będzie wyglądał o wiele lepiej! ★ Jeśli komputer będzie przycinał spróbuj 1440p60 ★
⏵ - moja pozycja na żywo
Arma 3 | Bornholm: Placing the city of Aakirkeby
This video is a bit different than the usual Bornholm Updates. Some of you asked if I could do a video on how I'm populating cities with buildings, walls, vegetation and so on. Aakirkeby was next on my list so I recorded and went through the process of designing a city from scratch with no objects placed.
I'm creating Bornholm, Denmark for Arma 3. Bornholm is an island in the very Eastern part of Denmark. Size of the terrain is approx 22 x 22 kilometres, which is way over 400km2!
I'm providing updates here on Youtube as I go along on my journey, so you out there can get a better understanding of what it takes to make a terrain for Arma.
Read more about Bornholm for Arma 3 here:
If you like this project, please consider donating via PayPal to sandfeld at Donate whatever you like, I really appreciate anything to keep me going :)
If you like my video, please please please subscribe to my channel to get the latest news first! KThxBye! :D
This video was created using content of Bohemia Interactive a.s.
Copyright © 2014 Bohemia Interactive a.s. All rights reserved.
See for more information.
Music and sounds from:
Bornholm fra luften | Denmark travel | Bornholm | Island visit
Flying in helicopter (Bornholm set fra luften) over the island of Bornholm in Denmark (travel). An easy helicopter ride near Allinge and a nice view from the air (fra luften) on this flight.
#Bornholm #BornholmTravel #VisitBornholm
Some various attractions: Ekkodalen, Helligdomsklipperne, Gamleborg, Lilleborg, Hammershus slotsruin, Jons Kapel, Kamelhovederne, Løvehovederne, Vang Granitbrud, Rundkirkerne, Rytterknægten, Rokkestenen, Hammersøen, Opalsøen, Hammeren fyr, Moseløkken stenbrudsmuseum, Slotslyngen, Hammerodde fyr, Madsebakke, Salomons kapel, Almindingen, Døndalen, Paradisbakkerne.
Bornholm keywords: Sandvig, Allinge, Olsker, Tejn, Teglkås, Rutsker, Humledal, Hasle, Klemensker, Rø, Gudhjem, Østerlars, Muleby, Sorthat, Nyker, Skarpeskade, Årsballe, Rønne, Vestermarie, Nylars, Lobbæk, Arnager, Aakirkeby, Bølshavn, Listed, Svaneke, Grisby, Årsdale, Gadeby, Bodilsker, Nexø, Pedersker, Rispebjerg, Stenseby and Dueodde, travel, tourism, flight, aviation, Youtube, video, Denmark. #BTVSvideos #travel #Denmark #visit #island
Smalfilm om sidste tur med DBJ til Neksø
Bornholms første jernbanestrækning, Rønne-Aakirkeby-Neksø (RNJ) åbnedes d. 13. december 1900, med en sidebane Aakirkeby-Almindingen, der åbnedes året efter, d. 31. maj 1901.
Øens anden jernbane, Rønne-Allinge-Sandvig (RAJ) åbnedes d. 6. maj 1913, og den tredie banestrækning, Almindingen-Gudhjem (AGJ), -en forlængelse af Aakirkebys sidebane-, åbnedes d. 27. juni 1916.
Alle tre strækninger var smalsporede, sporvidde 1000 mm.
I 1934 sluttedes de tre baner sammen som De Bornholmske Jernbaner (DBJ).
D. 18. august 1952 lukkedes strækningen Aakirkeby-Gudhjem og året efter, d. 15. september 1953, strækningen Rønne-Sandvig.
D. 28. september 1968 var det helt slut med jernbanedrift på øen.
Almindingen er Bornholms største skov
Snestorm i Almindingen påskedag 2018
Sne og blæst kl. 9.00 i haven på Koldekildehus midt i Almindingen på Bornholm. Det har sneet hele dagen, og kl. 17.00 var der faldet ca. 30 centimeter. Optaget af Michael Stoltze.
Tv-klip: Anne-Vibeke Rejser - Bornholm udenfor sæsonen, naturen ved Almindingen
Læs mere om campingferier her:
Følg alle Anne-Vibekes rejser her:
Denmark: An EU-funded Ski Run in a Flat Land | European Journal
The EU has given funds to construct a ski run on the Danish island of Bornholm -- even though there's hardly ever enough snow to use it. This winter the snow groomer has never made it out of the garage.Bornholm is known as the island of the sun and is the warmest spot in Scandinavia. It's also quite flat -- its highest elevation is 160 meters. But four years ago that didn't stop EU officials from approving 50-thousand euros in aid to build a ski run here. Then they provided addition funding for the purchase of ski lifts. Now Brussels has come in for criticism for wasting tax payers' money.
Sommerfest Aakirkeby 1946
Sommerfest Aakirkeby 1946
Bornholm rowerem z dziećmi - Dzień 1 - prom Sassnitz-Rønne, kościół Nyker, kemping Hasle
Pierwszy dzień naszej wyprawy rowerowej na Bornholm.
Płynęliśmy promem z Sassnitz do Rønne. Następnie rowerami dostaliśmy się do Nyker, by obejrzeć kościół rotundowy. Na nocleg zatrzymaliśmy się w Hasle Camping.
Sceny w filmie:
- poranna kąpiel w morzu w Sassnitz
- prom do Rønne (Povl Anker)
- przejazd rowerami do Nyker
- przejazd rowerami do Hasle
- zakwaterowanie w Hasle Familiecamping
Możesz zarezerwować nocleg w tym kempingu:
#bornholm #bicycle #family #bicycletouring #holiday #camping #ferry #denmark #kids
Muzyka (na licencji Creative Commons):
- Audionautix: Wheels –
- Take A Ride On The Ocean by Kevin Lee Jones (soundcloud)
- Bicycle Ride by Holms (soundcloud)
- Gianfredo Konig Project - Levare (Early Morning On The Beach) by Gianfredo Konig Project (soundcloud),
- Twin Musicom: Dial M -
God Jul Aakirkeby
God Jul Aakirkeby by IBornholm
Arma 3 | Bornholm Update June 1
Shorter update on a giant project of mine!
Drive through parts of Almindingen in the center of the island
I'm creating Bornholm, Denmark for Arma 3. Bornholm is an island in the very Eastern part of Denmark. Size of the terrain is approx 22 x 22 kilometres, which is way over 400km2!
I'm providing updates here on Youtube as I go along on my journey, so you out there can get a better understanding of what it takes to make a terrain for Arma.
If you like this project, please consider donating via PayPal to sandfeld at Donate whatever you like, I really appreciate anything to keep me going :)
If you like my video, please please please subscribe to my channel to get the latest news first! KThxBye! :D
This video was created using content of Bohemia Interactive a.s.
Copyright © 2014 Bohemia Interactive a.s. All rights reserved.
See for more information.
Music and sounds from:
Maling Åkirkeby
Denne video er uploadet fra en Android-telefon.
Aakirkeby marked 2011
Aakirkeby marked d. 9-10. april 2011
Stemning fra Aakirkeby
Aakirkeby marked d 17. April
Rowerem po Bornholmie - CHRIS
Baza rowerowa CHRIS na Bornholmie.
Obozy rowerowe na duńskiej wyspie Bornholm organizujemy od 2005 roku, a od 2011 roku posiadamy tam stałą bazę. Ujęcia zrealizowane podczas 4 turnusu obozu Rowerem po Bornholmie w 2017 roku.
Sne i Aakirkeby 2 (HD optagelse)
Optaget med Sony HDR-HC9e, i et forbandet vejr ved Aakirkeby d. 30/1 2010
Russians leave Bornholm and the Danish soldiers arrive in April 1946.
Russerne forlader Bornholm og de Danske soldater ankommer.
This video is transformed from the original Super-8 film, made by unknown filmmakers. Now in Bornholms Museums archives.