Euromaxx | Highlights: 10.05.2009
In dieser Ausgabe:Geigenmeisterkurse an der Kronberg Academy A tribute to Yehudi Menuhin unter diesem Motto lädt die Kronberg Academy in Deutschland erstmals Geigentalente zum Meisterkurs ein. Die jungen Musiker sollen so die Chance erhalten,von weltbekannten Geigern zu lernen. Kew Gardens feiern 250. JubiläumSie zählen zu den berühmtesten Gärten der Welt: Die Royal Botanical Gardens im Südwesten Londons,kurz Kew genannt. Vor 250 Jahren wurden von Prinzessin Augusta von Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg gegründet. Magier der Mehrdeutigkeit Ein Bild kann ein anderes verbergen unter diesem Titel zeigt das Pariser Grand Palais eine Ausstellung mit 250 doppeldeutigen Werken. Darunter sind Bilder von Salvadore Dalí,René Magritte oder Guiseppe Arcimboldo. Marbach feiert Schillers 250. GeburtstagVor 250 Jahren wurde der Dichter Friedrich Schiller in Marbach geboren. Unter dem Titel Der Marbacher Herzogsbesuch - ein Fest des 18. Jahrhunderts hat die Stadt jetzt die Zeit Schillers lebendig werden lassen. Buchvorstellung: Tipps für den GrillViele Deutsche greifen im Sommer zur Grillzange. Eine neues Buch räumt jetzt mit gängigen Irrtümern auf. Im Ratgeber Grillen - Techniken,Tricks & Rezepte verrät der Berliner Grill-Profi Sven Dörge einige Geheimnisse.
Schloss Vollrads HD
Schloss Vollrads ist ein Schloss im hessischen Rheingau, etwa zwei Kilometer vom Rheinufer entfernt nördlich von Winkel gelegen, umgeben von Wald und Weinbergen auf einer Höhe von 160 Metern.
The artist 'Strawalde' in Penang
The great German artist Strawalde spent several weeks in Penang in March 2012 - his first time in Malaysia.
In this unplanned encounter at China Tiger ( where Strawalde stayed and painted, the great artist talks candidly about life, art and inspiration.
One of Strawalde's Penang inspired paintings has been donated to the Penang Heritage Trust for auction The painting named 'Penang I' is the one seen in this clip.
This special painting will be unveiled in April 2012 as part of the PHT fundraiser visit to Loke Villa (April 18 & 22) in celebration of World Heritage Day. More on this here:
Strawalde is represented by the Singapore-based gallery Art Trove -
Jürgen Böttcher, known by his artistic name 'Strawalde' is one of the best known and most respected artists of the former East Germany.
Jürgen Böttcher was born in1931 in Frankenthal/Sachsen the son of a teacher who had been sent into early retirement by the Nazis. He grew up in Strahwalde, a village in Oberlausitz, from which he later took his professional name. The cruelty of the Second World War and the years of Fascism have left a lasting impression on him.
After the collapse of the GDR Böttcher was the first documentary film-maker from the East to take his place in the Pantheon of all-German film history. In 1992 he received the Filmband in Gold the highest award the State can bestow on film-makers. In 2001 this was followed by the Order of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Strawalde remained in East Germany unlike many of his friends and colleagues who relocated in the West.
After the reunification of Germany Strawalde immersed himself in a fury of creativity. His painting is strongly tied to that of the Classical Moderns. In much of his work of the early 90's he deals with the theme of German reunification. In his attempt to realise his ideal of a humane socialism in a dictatorship Strawalde has experienced hurt and humiliation. But it has not broken him.
Half a century of German history seen through the eyes of a critical intellectual is reflected in his work.
Die drei berühmtesten Wasserfälle auf Jeju-do
Dies ist das erste Video der Filmreihe Korea - Laut, Schnell, Hell
Die drei berühmtesten Wasserfälle auf der Insel Jeju
Bochum: The modest city (part 4) BOCHUM MINING MUSEUM
Documentary film about Bochum city, Germany. This section covers the BOCHUM MINING MUSEUM
Falkenhain 2012
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
Wildpark Waldau Bonn
Wildtiergehege: Damwild, Rotwild, Wildschweine
Eintritt frei
Stets frei zugänglich
Botanischer Garten Schellerhau
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under the CC-BY-SA License.
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under the CC0 License.
For any infringement of copyright, please report to us.
Some footages/images in this video are taken from
under the CC0 1.0 License.
For any infringement of copyright, please report to us.
Title: Sleepy Jake
Artist: Silent Partner
Music provided by The Music Library:
geocaching bigelbach nov 2014
Science Museums, Aarhus | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:26 1 The museums
00:00:45 1.1 The Greenhouses
00:01:37 1.2 Ole Rømer Observatory
00:03:29 1.3 The Herbarium
00:04:01 1.4 Steno Museum
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.9367328230005114
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-C
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Science Museums, Aarhus, founded 1 January 2008, is an umbrella organization comprising the Steno Museum, the greenhouses at Aarhus Botanical Gardens, the Ole Rømer Observatory and a herbarium in Aarhus, Denmark. The Science Museums works as an independent institution under the Science and Technology department of Aarhus University.
Schloss Nymphenburg Park mit Bäärli
Bäärli, der König von Fuerteventura, verbringt die Ferien in seiner Residenz in München und spielt ein bisschen Ludwig der Zweite.
TBS Discovery Pro FPV in Little Cottonwood Canyon
Hiked to 10,000 ft in Little Cottonwood Canyon to try out the new FPV backpack set-up. The wind got stronger the higher we got ... still had to try a couple of flights. Vid. doesn't begin to show how windy it really was.
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Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel in Weimar am 3. Juni 2019 mit Sony PXW-Z90
Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel in Weimar am 3. Juni 2019
mit Sony PXW-Z90 - vergleichbar mit Sony AX 700
#Weimar #AngelaMerkel #CDUCSU #WeimarerErklärung
2014 ist das Jubiläumsjahr für 150 Jahre Kölner Flora als Botanischer Zier- und Lustgarten und 100 Jahre Botanischer Garten. Beide Gärten sind im Laufe der Jahre zu einer Einheit zusammen gewachsen. Für das Jubiläumsjahr wurde das Flora Festhaus nicht nur nach langjähriger Renovierung erneuert sondern erstrahlt jetzt wieder im alten Glanz wie vor dem Krieg. Dazu wurde das im Krieg zerstörte großartige Tonnengewölbedach des ehemaligen Glaspalastes bei der Renovierung wieder mit aufgebaut. Am Sonntag, 15.06. 2014, wird mit einem Tag der offenen Tür 150 Jahre FLORA und Wiedereröffnung der Flora gefeiert.
Bemerkenswert ist auch das sich der alte Botanische Garten der Stadt Köln bis ca. 1860 direkt am Dom befand. Als die Stadt aber für den neuen Kölner Zentralbahnhof ein Gelände nahe der ebenfalls neuen Dombrücke brauchte, stellte sie das Gelände des Botanischen Gartens für den Bau zur Verfügung. 1862 beschlossen einflussreiche Herren der Kölner Wirtschaft, darunter Eduard von Oppenheim und Adolph Rautenstrauch, das Statut einer Aktien-Gesellschaft zur Anlage eines Botanischen Zier- und Lustgartens. Diese neu gegründete Flora AG errichtete dann diesen Garten an der heutigen Stelle der im Jahr 1864 eröffnet wurde.
Leipzig | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:02:49 1 History
00:02:57 1.1 Name
00:04:22 1.2 Origins
00:06:10 1.3 19th century
00:08:05 1.4 20th century
00:15:25 1.5 21st century
00:16:15 2 Geography
00:16:24 2.1 Location
00:17:38 2.2 Subdivision
00:18:01 2.3 Neighbouring communities
00:18:10 2.4 Climate
00:19:09 3 Demographics
00:21:45 4 Culture, sights and cityscape
00:21:55 4.1 Architecture
00:23:39 4.2 Tallest buildings and structures
00:24:14 4.3 Museums and arts
00:26:32 4.4 Main sights
00:28:54 4.5 Churches
00:30:07 4.6 Parks and lakes
00:31:07 4.7 Music
00:35:18 4.8 Annual events
00:36:12 4.9 Sports
00:36:32 4.9.1 Football
00:38:13 4.9.2 Ice hockey
00:38:30 4.9.3 Handball
00:39:39 4.9.4 Other sports
00:40:55 4.10 Food and drink
00:41:35 5 Education
00:41:44 5.1 University
00:43:31 5.2 Visual arts and theatre
00:44:16 5.3 University of Applied Science
00:45:10 5.4 Leipzig Graduate School
00:45:35 5.5 Others
00:46:43 6 Economy
00:49:09 7 Media
00:50:54 8 Quality of life
00:51:58 9 Transport
00:52:27 9.1 Rail
00:55:28 9.2 Suburban train
00:57:12 9.3 Tramway and Buses
00:58:20 9.4 Bicycle
00:59:23 9.5 Road
01:00:51 9.6 Long-distance buses
01:01:41 9.7 Air
01:02:55 9.8 Water
01:04:13 10 Quotations
01:05:14 11 International relations
01:05:25 12 Notable residents
01:05:35 12.1 17th century
01:06:12 12.2 18th century
01:06:50 12.3 19th century
01:06:59 12.3.1 1801–1850
01:08:09 12.3.2 1851–1900
01:09:48 12.4 20th century
01:09:57 12.4.1 1901–1950
01:11:19 12.4.2 1951–present
01:12:11 13 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.9172498659366575
Voice name: en-AU-Wavenet-C
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Leipzig (, also US: , German: [ˈlaɪptsɪç]) is the most populous city in the federal state of Saxony, Germany. With a population of 581,980 inhabitants as of 2017 (1.1 million residents in the larger urban zone), it is Germany's tenth most populous city. Leipzig is located about 160 kilometres (99 mi) southwest of Berlin at the confluence of the White Elster, Pleiße and Parthe rivers at the southern end of the North German Plain.
Leipzig has been a trade city since at least the time of the Holy Roman Empire. The city sits at the intersection of the Via Regia and the Via Imperii, two important medieval trade routes. Leipzig was once one of the major European centers of learning and culture in fields such as music and publishing. Leipzig became a major urban center within the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) after the Second World War, but its cultural and economic importance declined.Events in Leipzig in 1989 played a significant role in precipitating the fall of communism in Central and Eastern Europe, mainly through demonstrations starting from St. Nicholas Church. Since the reunification of Germany, Leipzig has undergone significant change with the restoration of some historical buildings, the demolition of others, and the development of a modern transport infrastructure. Leipzig today is an economic centre, the most livable city in Germany, according to the GfK marketing research institution and has the second-best future prospects of all cities in Germany, according to HWWI and Berenberg Bank. Leipzig Zoo is one of the most modern zoos in Europe and ranks first in Germany and second in Europe according to Anthony Sheridan. Since the opening of the Leipzig City Tunnel in 2013, Leipzig forms the centrepiece of the S-Bahn Mitteldeutschland public transit system. Leipzig is currently listed as a Gamma World City, Germany's Boomtown and as the European City of the Year 2019.Leipzig has long been a major center for music, both classical as well as modern dark alternative music or darkwave genres. The Oper Leipzig is one of the most prominent opera houses in Germany. It was founded in 1693, making it the third oldest opera venue in Europe after La Fenice (Venice, Italy) and the Hamburg State Opera (Hamburg, ...
Aachen | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:57 1 Name
00:02:04 1.1 Aachen dialect
00:02:26 2 History
00:02:35 2.1 Early history
00:04:31 2.2 Middle Ages
00:08:00 2.3 Manuscript production
00:08:54 2.4 16th–18th centuries
00:10:46 2.5 19th century
00:12:38 2.6 20th century
00:14:35 2.6.1 History of Aachen Jews
00:16:08 2.7 21st century
00:16:41 3 Geography
00:18:10 3.1 Climate
00:19:33 4 Geology
00:21:11 5 Demographics
00:21:55 5.1 Boroughs
00:24:22 5.2 Neighbouring communities
00:24:53 6 Main sights
00:25:02 6.1 Aachen Cathedral
00:27:25 6.2 Cathedral Treasury
00:29:43 6.3 Aachen Rathaus
00:30:56 6.4 Other sights
00:33:16 7 Economy
00:34:03 7.1 Electric vehicle manufacturing
00:35:37 8 Culture
00:36:37 9 Education
00:38:46 10 Sports
00:40:18 11 Transport
00:40:27 11.1 Rail
00:41:33 11.2 Intercity bus stations
00:41:53 11.3 Public transport
00:43:41 11.4 Roads
00:44:05 11.5 Airport
00:44:32 12 Charlemagne Prize
00:45:29 13 Notable people
00:45:38 14 International relations
00:45:48 14.1 Twin towns and sister cities
00:45:59 15 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Aachen (German pronunciation: [ˈaːxn̩] (listen)) or Bad Aachen, French and traditional English: Aix-la-Chapelle (French pronunciation: [ɛkslaʃapɛl]), is a spa and border city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Aachen developed from a Roman settlement and spa, subsequently becoming the preferred medieval Imperial residence of Charlemagne, and, from 936 to 1531, the place where 31 Holy Roman Emperors were crowned Kings of the Germans.Aachen is the westernmost city in Germany, located near the borders with Belgium and the Netherlands, 61 km (38 mi) west south west of Cologne in a former coal-mining area. One of Germany's leading institutes of higher education in technology, the RWTH Aachen University is located in the city. Aachen's industries include science, engineering and information technology. In 2009, Aachen was ranked eighth among cities in Germany for innovation.
Leipzig | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at:
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Leipzig (; German: [ˈlaɪptsɪç]) is the most populous city in the federal state of Saxony, Germany. With a population of 591,686 inhabitants as of 30 June 2018, (1.1 million residents in the larger urban zone) it is Germany's tenth most populous city. Leipzig is located about 160 kilometres (99 mi) southwest of Berlin at the confluence of the White Elster, Pleiße and Parthe rivers at the southern end of the North German Plain.
Leipzig has been a trade city since at least the time of the Holy Roman Empire. The city sits at the intersection of the Via Regia and the Via Imperii, two important medieval trade routes. Leipzig was once one of the major European centres of learning and culture in fields such as music and publishing. Leipzig became a major urban centre within the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) after the Second World War, but its cultural and economic importance declined.Events in Leipzig in 1989 played a significant role in precipitating the fall of communism in Central and Eastern Europe, mainly through demonstrations starting from St. Nicholas Church. Since the reunification of Germany, Leipzig has undergone significant change with the restoration of some historical buildings, the demolition of others, and the development of a modern transport infrastructure. Leipzig today is an economic centre, the most livable city in Germany, according to the GfK marketing research institution and has the second-best future prospects of all cities in Germany, according to HWWI and Berenberg Bank. Leipzig Zoo is one of the most modern zoos in Europe and ranks first in Germany and second in Europe according to Anthony Sheridan. Since the opening of the Leipzig City Tunnel in 2013, Leipzig forms the centrepiece of the S-Bahn Mitteldeutschland public transit system. Leipzig is currently listed as a Gamma World City, Germany's Boomtown and as the European City of the Year 2019.Oper Leipzig has become one of the most prominent opera houses in Germany. It was founded in 1693, making it the third oldest opera venue in Europe after La Fenice (Venice, Italy) and the Hamburg State Opera (Hamburg, Germany). Leipzig is also home to the University of Music and Theatre Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. It was during a stay in this city that Friedrich Schiller wrote his poem Ode to Joy. The Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, established in 1743, is one of the oldest symphony orchestras in the world.