Alter Ego (Murcia) Spain - Mundorgb
MADRIX @ Alter Ego in Murcia, Spain
136 DMX universes / almost 70,000 DMX channels / MADRIX ultimate / Alter Ego in Murcia, Spain
Thank you:
Javier Velasco
Plaza Gaudi, 41 04009 – Almeria
Tlf 950 624136 - 626 191242
MADRIX Supply:
T. +34 935 329 034
M. +34 697 965 076
Rocafort 67 - 69 B2 08015, Barcelona
MADRIX - LED Lighting Control Solutions
LEDs have become a major highlight in today's lighting and entertainment industries. The MADRIX range of software and hardware products will help you use the full potential of this modern technology. Thanks to very intuitive controls, you have the right tools available to manage each of your projects and create stunning lighting effects. With MADRIX, you will quickly produce extraordinary results and amaze your audience every single time.
The MADRIX® brand brings powerful and easy-to-use
LED lighting control solutions based on innovative software and hardware to the lighting market.
MADRIX is the LED lighting controller. It is a feature-rich and intuitive Windows® software.
The application is both an effect generator and media server with outstanding capabilities to display unique real-time effects on your LEDs. Endless stunning and fully customizable visuals are created live for you using pixel mapping (2D), voxel mapping (3D), and the built-in graphics and rendering engine. MADRIX supports many well-known industry standards, such as DMX512, DVI, Art-Net, Streaming ACN (E1.31), the Philips Color Kinetics (KiNET) and Insta/ROBE protocols, Eurolite T9, ColourSmart Link, and Colorlight 5A.
MADRIX can be used alone, or along with any DMX/MIDI console or desk. Complementary MADRIX hardware reliably controls your LED installation via MADRIX–the centerpiece of our intuitive products. This provides a seamless integration of both software and hardware and high performance.
Download MADRIX:
Alter Ego - Murcia
Alter Ego - Murcia
Ismael Mareida - Viernes tarde - Alter Ego
AlterEgo en MURCIA se reMANGA
AlterEgo visita el Salón del Manga de Murcia
Tardeo en Murcia
Rachel Green, reportera de Picoesquina, sale a las calles de Murcia a descubrir qué es eso del 'tardeo'
¡SUSCRÍBETE a 7 TV y no te pierdas nada!
LUMINATA DISCO - Murcia - Spain
Luminata (Murcia), Spain - Mundorgb
PUB alter ego 2016
El 'tardeo' murciano | PICOESQUINA
¿Qué prefieren los murcianos, tardeo con los amigos o con los compañeros de trabajo?
¡SUSCRÍBETE a 7 TV y no te pierdas nada!
Tony Rivers @ Alter Ego, Denia, Spain May 5, 2014
Have you ever seen the rain.
Álter ego Concurso cortos IES Floridablanca ´15 Murcia
Álter ego Concurso cortos IES Floridablanca ´15 Murcia
MADRIX KEY basic @ Luminata Disco in Murcia, Spain
Thank you:
Dirección: Plaza Gaudí 41 – 04009 – Almería – España
Teléfono: 950 624136 – 626 191242
Development: Antonio Solvas Duarte
Programmer: Jota Velasco
Music Title ➞ Alf - Erfindung der Liebe [Minimal House ED]
Music Link ➞
Powerful LED Control – Made In Germany
LEDs have become a major highlight in today's lighting and entertainment industries. The MADRIX range of software and hardware products will help you use the full potential of this modern technology. Thanks to very intuitive controls, you have the right tools available to manage each of your projects and create stunning lighting effects. With MADRIX, you will quickly produce extraordinary results and amaze your audience every single time.
The MADRIX brand brings powerful and easy-to-use
LED lighting control solutions based on innovative software and hardware to the lighting market.
MADRIX is the LED lighting controller. It is a feature-rich and intuitive Windows software.
The application is both an effect generator and media server with outstanding capabilities to display unique real-time effects on your LEDs. Endless stunning and fully customizable visuals are created live for you using pixel mapping (2D), voxel mapping (3D), and the built-in graphics engine and rendering engine.
MADRIX supports many well-known industry standards for output, such as DMX512, DVI, Art-Net, Streaming ACN (E1.31), the Philips Color Kinetics (KiNET), Philips Hue, the Insta/ROBE protocols, Eurolite T9, ColourSmart Link, Colorlight A8, Colorlight 5A, and Colorlight T9. Art-Net, ASIO, DMX512, CITP, MA-Net, MIDI, Remote HTTP, Streaming ACN, Time Code, and more are available for audio and input.
The new MADRIX NEBULA directly connects to your LED pixels. This advanced SPI decoder receives control data over USB or Art-Net over Ethernet network and is built to provide excellent image quality. Supported LEDs are: APA101, APA102, APA104, APA106, GW6201, LPD6803, LPD8806, MBI6120, P9883, SK6812, SK6822, SM16703, SM16716, TLS3001, TLS3008, TM1804, TM1809, TM1812, TM1814, TM1829, UCS1903, UCS512B3, WS2801, WS2803, WS2811, WS2812, WS2812B, WS2813, WS2818, WS2822S, WS2822S Addressing.
MADRIX can be used alone, or along with any DMX/MIDI console or desk. Complementary MADRIX hardware reliably controls your LED installation via MADRIX–the centerpiece of our intuitive products. This provides a seamless integration of both software and hardware and high performance.
Download MADRIX:
Live Design Product Of The Year 2013-14
An evening in Murcia, Spain
Footage from the plaza at night in Murcia, Spain.
Very lively atmosphere with street music and lots of tapas bars.
Alter Ego - Cortometraje
Brutal agresión por un portero del club AFTER EGO + 609 a un joven en Murcia (EPAÑA).
Tres porteros del club AFTER EGO + 609 detenidos por una brutal agresión a un joven en Murcia (ESPAÑA).
El vídeo aportado por un testigo resulta determinante para que la Policía Local haya identificado a los presuntos
Nueve Pisos Vivelo Murcia Tu copa bien preparada o tu cocktail en uno de los mejores ambientes de murcia. 9 Pisos
Nueva temporada de Tardeo, PRIMER y TERCER sábado de cada mes en nuestra residencia de Murcia, ALTER EGO. Un montón de sorpresas nos esperan este año de la mano de nuestros DJs residentes Dingo y Serch.
#TodasLasCosasBuenasComienzanPorLaTarde #Tardeo3 #Dingy #Serch #AlterEgo #Murcia #Tardeo