Places to see in ( Hannover - Germany ) Altes Rathaus
Places to see in ( Hannover - Germany ) Altes Rathaus
The Altes Rathaus was the first town hall in the German city of Hanover. First built in the old city district in 1410 and extensively restored in 1953 and 1964 after heavy bomb damage in World War II, it is the oldest secular building in the city.
The old Town Hall was built over a period of more than 100 years. The earliest part (from 1410) overlooks the Schmiedestrasse (Blacksmith Street), the later wing next to the market was erected on the foundations of the 13th century trade hall. The adjacent wing in the Koebelinger Str. is called the Chemists' Wing (Apothekenflügel), because it was the location of the Town Hall's pharmacy. This wing was later rebuilt in Italian Romanesque style, after a citizen's action group led by a well known neo-Gothic architect, Conrad Wilhelm Hase, managed to save the entire building from demolition in 1844. Hase was subsequently commissioned to renovate the remaining wings in their original style of 1500, with its exceptional gothic gables and the ornamental frieze.
Amongst the portraits of the princes and coats-of-arms it features the Luderziehen, a popular game from the Middle-Ages, a kind of Tug of War with the opponents using just their little fingers instead of the rope (a similar game called Fingerhakeln is still a firm part of the south German folklore). This marvellous picture above the outer right arched window in the Schmiedestrasse can only be seen by following the red line around the Old Town Hall.
( Hannover - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Hannover . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Hannover - Germany
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Altes Rathaus - Hannover
Rundfahrt Norden Deutschland - Urlaub
August 2016 - Tag 18 - Film 302
Altes Rathaus
Altes Rathaus (Hannover)
El Altes Rathaus (ayuntamiento antiguo) fue el primer ayuntamiento de la ciudad de Hannover. Se encuentra en el barrio de Mitte y es el edificio profano más antiguo de la ciudad. Su parte más antigua, que da a Marktplatz y Marktstraße, fue construida al mismo tiempo que la iglesia de Marktkirche, tratándose del grupo arquitectónico en gótico báltico más al sur.
Hannover Altes Rathaus - Gleann Bheatha
Musik zum Film bei iTunes:
Hannover Altes Rathaus - Rouge Beach
Musik zum Film bei iTunes:
Best places to visit (tour) in Hannover, Germany 2019 4K 60fps (Part 1)
Welcome to the first part of our tour through the beautiful city of Hannover, Germany.
This film features the beautiful historic sites and breathtaking scenery in the magnificent city with relaxing music and sounds in 4k ultraHD resolution.
Are you looking for travel inspiration and some information before you proceed? Then join us, as we take you on this exciting expedition.
We visited the Nanas, Leibnizhaus, Oskar-Winter-Brunnen, Altstadt and Marktkirche.
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Hannover - das alte Rathaus - die Altstadt an der Leine - ein Spaziergang 2/2 gesehen von Thilo
Hannover - das alte Rathaus
- die Altstadt an der Leine - ein Spaziergang 2/2 gesehen von Thilo
Neues Rathaus Hannover - Turmauffahrt & Ausblick - 2D-Version
3D-Film - hier die 2D-Version für 2D-Player ohne 3D-2D-Umschaltbutton - 3D-Rec.: JVC GS-TD1 (23.04.2014)
Created with Magix Video Pro X5
Musik: Magix Video- & Fotoshow - Urlaubspaket (01:23 - 03.19 drum-bass 022-01.55 / 06:40 - 08:36 drum-bass 022-01.55)
Best places to visit (tour) in Hannover, Germany 2019 4K 60fps (Part 2)
Welcome to the second part of our tour through the beautiful city of Hannover, Germany.
This film features the beautiful historic sites and breathtaking scenery in the magnificent city with relaxing music and sounds in 4k ultraHD resolution.
Are you looking for travel inspiration and some information before you proceed? Then join us, as we take you on this exciting expedition.
We visited the Leineschloss, Denkmal der Göttinger Sieben, Schloßbrücke/Leintorbrücke, Neues Rathaus, Maschpark, Maschteich bridge, Maschsee and the Olympic torchbearer column.
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Stadtmodelle von Hannover im Foyer des Neuen Rathaus 2016
Die vier Stadtmodelle im Neuen Rathaus wurden − vermutlich auf Anregung von Rudolf Hillebrecht − anlässlich der 1951 veranstalteten Bauausstellung Constructa in der Größe 4,5 x 5,5 m angefertigt.Sie sollten präzise, gesicherte und vor allem zweckgebundene Informationen über Hannover ab der Zeit um 1689 veranschaulichen.Drei dieser Stadtmodelle wurden während der Ausstellung „Moderne Architektur in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland“ von Juli 1966 bis Januar 1967 in der Sowjetunion in den Städten Leningrad, Kiew und Moskau gezeigt, wo die Modelle des Zustandes von 1939, 1945 und das ergänzte Modell von 1951 den „vorbildlichen Wiederaufbau der Stadt Hannover“ veranschaulichen sollten.
Aufnahme/Schnitt: JANGO TV HANNOVER 2016/11
Musik von Dag Reinbott /
Hannover 1930 - 1938 ..Zurück in die Vergangenheit
Hannover (neues) Rathaus
Das neu-alte Rathaus von Hannover ist sehr imposant und unbedingt Sehenswert. Im Hintergrund hört man leise das Glockenspiel.
Places to see in ( Bonn - Germany ) Altes Rathaus
Places to see in ( Bonn - Germany ) Altes Rathaus
The Old Town Hall on Bonn's market square was built in 1737-38 in the style of the Rococo by the elector court architect Michael Leveilly ; However, it was not completely completed until around 1780. The three-storey building has seven window axes and a mansard roof with dormers. It stands as a monument under monument protection .
In addition to its central location in Bonn city center and the former function as the seat of the city administration, the town hall has also become known through the gilded staircase on the market square. In the course of history, this was repeatedly the scene of important events; famous personalities appeared there before the people of Bonn.
On October 18, 1944 , the city hall burned down to the surrounding walls in the Allied bombing raids during the Second World War , and part of the vaults in the basement were breached. The subsequent reconstruction took place waiving the existing stucco decorations and a more highly trained roof until 1950.
The building on the marketplace lost its function in 1978 as the seat of the city administration, since the capacity was no longer sufficient after the 1969 completed incorporations and in Nordstadt a new townhouse was built. However, it is still used by the city of Bonn as a representation object. Significant resolutions and meetings outside the committees and councils continue to be held there. In addition, significant speeches and celebrations are held in the Old Town Hall for the city. In addition to the mayor, the board of directors also has fundamental affairs and the executive committeeInternational affairs and representation based in the Old Town Hall. The city of Bonn offers the option on selected dates in the wedding room of City Hall registry office to marry.
The building was in bad condition for some years, the necessary renovation was postponed several times for financial reasons. The renovation of the façade, doors, windows and roof, as well as the renewal of the technology (heating, air conditioning and sanitary facilities) and the improvement of the fire protection costs 5.45 million euros and lasted from February 2010 to June 2011. The refurbishment was financed funded by the so-called stimulus package .
( Bonn - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Bonn . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Bonn - Germany
Join us for more :
Altes Rathaus-Stadt Bielefeld German
Neues Rathaus - Hannover
Rundfahrt Norden Deutschland - Urlaub
August 2016 - Tag 18 - Film 303
Neues Rathaus
Germany Hanover Rathaus von Hannover - Town Hall of Hanover
Das Rathaus von Hannover oder doch ein Schloss ?
Der Kaiser von Hannover - Pedro Prüser - ist unterwegs und klärt es auf.. eine kleine Reise zum Zentrum und Naherholungsgebiet mitten in Hannover.
Viel Spaß beim ansehen.
Kamerafahrt Altes Rathaus
Fahnen und Säulen des Projektes einzigARTig 2014 in Lienz von oben!
Das neue Rathaus Hannover - der Kuppelsaal und die Modelle der Stadt - gesehen von Thilo
Das neue Rathaus Hannover - der Kuppelsaal und die Modelle der Stadt - gesehen von Thilo
Eines , wenn nicht das schönste Bauwerk Hannover ist das neue Rathaus.
Betritt man das neue Rathaus ist man schon von der großen Halle mit der hohen Kuppel beeindruckt. Schön sind die Statuen und Deckenverzierungen, auch von der Treppe auf die man zugeht. Erschrocken war ich von den Modellen der Stadt Hannover, die dort ausgestellt sind, dort wurde mir erst bewusst, das Hannover im Krieg fast völlig zerstört wurde, da blieb nicht viel übrig.
Aber weiter vom Rathaus: Auf jeden Fall solltet Ihr einmal auf die Kuppel vom Rathaus steigen/fahren, denn dort oben hat man einen traumhaften Blick auf die gesammte Stadt. Karten bekommt Ihr, wenn Ihr Euch gleich hinterm Eingang links haltet. Nirgendwo sonst fühlt man sich Hannover so nahe finde ich. Die Altstadt, Waterloo, Maschsee, bis hin zu den Herrenhäuser Gärten oder der List scheint zum Greifen nahe.
Macht es gut,
Thilo-W. Finger
Top Tourist Attractions in Hannover: Travel Guide Lower Saxony, Germany
Top Tourist Attractions in Hannover: Travel Guide Lower Saxony, Germany
Hannover City Hall, Erlebnis Zoo Hannover, Lower Saxony State Museum, Maschsee, Berggarten, Aegidienkirche, Historisches Museum Hannover, SEA LIFE Hannover, Altes Rathaus, HDI Arena, Marktkirche, Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen
10.05.2018. Wunderschöner Prachtbau von 1913. Der Maschpark erstand um 1900. Hannover-Niedersachsen-Deutschland-Germany. Stadt Hannover.