Modern factory for sale in Alytus, Lithuania
Address: Miškininkų st. 19 and 19A
Land plots: 3.2505 ha (2.5058 ha + 0.7447 ha)
Land status: State land lease (until the year 2096 and 2098)
Premises area: 5136 sq. m (year of reconstruction - 2007)
Purpose of premises: Manufacturing (perfect for the food industry)
2 metal hangars: 1059 sq. m (year of construction - 1992)
Electricity: 2 own substations, max power - 2140 kW
Heating: Gas
Water, sewage, gas: City supply
Fire protection: Sprinkler system, 3 fire hydrants
Price: 2.1 M Eur + VAT
Interested? Please contact our expert Tomas Slyva for more details:
Alytus Slideshow
Alytus, Lithuania feels and looks like something out of a fairytale, with green forests and wide fields. Alytus is the largest city in Southern Lithuania, with some 68,000 inhabitants only. Alytus is now teeming with museums such as the Alytus Museum, Fight for Freedom Museum, Law and Order Museum, and many art galleries. Aside from that, the city is also very proud of its many beautiful parks such as the City Garden, Youth Park, Resort Park, and of course the beautiful Gulbyne or Swan Park.
Alytus - Vilnius
Alytus - Vilnius going very fast :) Time lapse
ÁLOVE (Alova), ALÍTE (Alytus), BUTRIMÁNTS (Butrimonys), VISHÉY (Veisiejai)
Open Air Museum of Lithuania. Akademicka Telewizja Naukowa ATVN
Open Air Museum of Lithuania was established in 1966, 22 km outside Kaunas. The territory of the museum covers 175 ha. There are 146 buildings from the whole Lithuania and approximately 60 000 exhibits at the museum.The museum's concern is to preserve the vital capacity of Lithuanian culture and to cherish the customs of the nation. One of the very sad story of the Lithuania history has been told in this short video clip.
The Open-Air Museum of Lithuania (Lietuvos liaudies buities muziejus)
The Open-Air Museum of Lithuania is one of the largest ethnographic open-air museums in Europe that stretches across the area of 195 ha.
The museum was established on the picturesque shores of Kaunas Lagoon in Rumšiškės in 1966. The exhibitions at the museum are intended to introduce the ethnographic regions of Lithuania, i.e. Dzūkija (Dainava), Aukštaitija (Highlands), Suvalkija (Sudovia), Žemaitija (Samogitia) and Lithuania Minor, as they looked at the end of the 18th century and the first half of the 20th century.
Lietuvos liaudies buities muziejus – vienas didžiausių (195 ha) etnografijos muziejų Europoje po atviru dangumi. Įkurtas 1966 m. Rumšiškėse, vaizdingoje Kauno marių pakrantėje. Muziejuje pristatomi XVIII a. pab. – XX a. pirmos pusės Lietuvos etnografiniai regionai. Natūralioje gamtinėje aplinkoje pastatytuose statiniuose įrengti eksterjerai, interjerai, eksponuojama buitis, amatai, verslai, žemės ūkio technika, etnobotanika
Laisvoje Tėvynėje - Lithuania (1937-1938)
Color footage (documentary) about Lithuania in 1937-1938 by Motūzas Brothers is made for Lithuanian community schools and youth organizations in Canada to show Lithuania's life before the Soviet occupation in June 1940. It shows the Lithuanian countryside, cities and towns, architecture, people's daily life, the most important events of 1937 - 1938 years. Director and director of photography Kazys Motuzas, director of photography Mečys Motuzas.
Views of Zarasai region. General view from Šatrija hill. Landscape, countryside, homesteads. Marketplace in Samogitia. Solemn procession in Kalvarija. Children in the carousel. People take photos. Fair in Klaipėda. Beach in Palanga: bridge, dunes, vacationers. Ships Šiauliai, Friesland and others in Klaipeda port. Lithuanian churches in Zapyškis, Pažaislis, Šiauliai, Rokiškis, Kaunas Old Basilica, Raudonė castle. Buildings in Kaunas: Military Museum, the Statue of Liberty in the garden of Military Museum, the Land Bank, the Bank of Lithuania, Central Post Office, Officers' House, Dairy Center, County Board Building, University Hall, sport hall. Multi-and private houses. The most beautiful Lithuanian Bridges: Raudondvaris, Juozapavičius Bridge in Alytus, Lyduvėnai railway bridge. Train in Šiauliai railway station, train rides. Tunnel of Kaunas. Plane of Lithuanian Airlines . 20th anniversary of Lithuanian scouts: camp in Pažaislis forest. Camp of boyscouts in Panemunė forest. Camp of Baltimore's Lithuanian scouts. Festival of primary schools. Children and young people in the stadium of Kaunas. Winter: homesteads, birds, fishing under ice. Fishermen. Horce race in Dusetos on the lake of Sartai. First Lithuanian national olympic games. Spectators. Sportsmen's parade: participants from foreign states carry flags of their countries. Athletics competition. Equestrian. Swimmers in the swimming pool. US Lithuanian team. General view of Kaunas. Glider. Man and woman play field tennis. Competition of volleyball, basketball, football. Coach of women basketball team Pranas Lubinas. Cyclists. Shooting competition. Yachts near Klaipėda. Plane of Lithuanian aeroclub. Planes. People inspect plane Lituanica-2. The army returnes after autumn maneuvers. Marching soldiers get flowers, cigarettes. Riders, artillery rides, armored vehicles. Festival of military school is visited by Lithuanian President Antanas Smetona. Marching of cadets. Consecrated sSwords are given to officers by Antanas Smetona. National celebration in the garden of Military Museum. Army representatives, participants from public organizations. Trumpeter in the tower of Military Museum. Flag waves. Parade: marching of representatives of students and public organizations, soldiers, volunteers, military orchestra. Spectators watch, women give flowers. In the tribune: Brigade General Antanas Gustaitis, President Antanas Smetona, other officials. Tanks and armoured vehicles ride.
Spalvotas dokumentinis filmas, skirtas Kanados lietuvių bendruomenės mokykloms ir jaunimo organizacijoms, siekiant parodyti Laisvojo pasaulio lietuvių jaunimui, kokia buvo Nepriklausoma Lietuva iki bolševikų okupacijos (kraštovaizdį, miestų ir miestelių architektūrą, žmonių kasdienį gyvenimą, svarbiausius 1937 -- 1938 metų įvykius).
Originalo saugotojas - Lietuvos centrinis valstybės archyvas
Vasario 16 d. Alytuje - renginių gausa (REPORTAŽAS)
Alytaus Gidas - populiariausias portalas Dzūkijoje
Одного разу на екскурсії. Гість музею, литовський коваль Juozas Kavaliauskas, замаскований під простого відвідувача, проводить майстер-клас кування підкови та розповідає, чому не можна підіймати те, що впало у кузні.
Once on the tour. A museum guest, Lithuanian blacksmith Juozas Kavaliauskas, disguised as a simple visitor holds a master class forging horseshoes and tells why the one should not raise that fell in the forge.
Blacksmith Juozas Kavaliauskas gives a master class of Lithuanian horseshoe.
They lost in Korean traditional game (in Alytus, Lithuania)
Vilnius - Alytus Timelapse drive
December 2017
Vilnius Skypark FlipFlapFlop
Music: House Of Pain - Jump Around
Back to Soviet times.Visiting Salt city Druskininkai |Lithuanian vlog
Visiting Druskininkai and its famous Gruto park which is dedicated to Soviet union times.
Telšiai in Lithuania
It’s the town on 7 hills in Lithuania.
About 70 km from the Baltic sea.
There live about 25000 people.
There are 3 gymnasiums,
5 basic schools, 1 primary school,
1 higher education institution.
7 kindergartens.
2 Churches, Bishop's Palace.Bus, train stations
3 museums, drama Theater,tourist info center, hospital.
A lot of shopmarkets, individual shops and
other places.
Sapnas žydinčiame sode - Lithuanian National Costumes (1938)
Old colour documentary The Dream in the Blooming Garden is about Lithuanian national women costumes from different regions. Folk artist Antanas Tamošaitis is sitting in the blooming garden and looking at the sketches of girls' national costumes. He falls asleep and has a dream where Lithuanian girls wearing national costumes of different regions are passing by. Director of photography - Kazys ir Mečys Motūzai (Matuzai), directors - Kazys ir Mečys Motūzai (Matuzai), screenplay - Antanas Tamošaitis.
Added sountracks:
1. part of instrumental sutartinė Perluti, rytata (Lithuanian Pan Flutes)
2. Lithuanian folk song Miegužio noriu (neo folk group Liberte)
Brolių Matuzų filmas, pagamintas Lietuvoje 1938 m. gegužės mėn.
LIETUVIŲ MOTERŲ TAUTINIAI DRABUŽIAI (iš Anastazijos ir Antano Tamošaičių rinkinio) / Sapnas žydinčiame sode (Antano Tamošaičio scenarijus)
Dokumentiniame spalvotame filme yra įamžinti 10 tautinių kostiumų, kuriuos Tamošaičiai atkūrė, atspindėdami skirtingų Lietuvos regionų apsirengimo tradicijas:
Vilnietė - Vilnius
Aukštaitė - Panevėžys
Aukštaitė - Biržai
Žemaitė - Telšiai
Žemaitė - Raseiniai
Dzūkė - Alytus
Zanavykė - Šakiai
Zanavykė - Griškabūdis
Kapsė - Vilkaviškis
Mažlietuvė - Pagėgiai
Naujai pridėtas garso takelis:
1. Perluti, rytata - skudučių sutartinė (dalis).
2. Miegužio noriu - lietuvių liaudies daina iš Liudviko Rėzos dainų rinkinio (atlieka neo folk grupė Liberte, vokalas - Ana Banuškina).
Dail. Ant. Tamošaičio ūkyje buvo nufilmuotos lietuvaitės tautiškais
drabužiais apsivilkusios. Buvo parinkta dešimt studenčių, aprengtos
tautiškais klaipėdiečių, žemaičių, aukštaičių, rytiečių, vilniečių, dzūkių, kapsiu ir zanavykių drabužiais ir įamžintos specialiai paruoštoj filmoj „Sapnas žydinčiame sode.
Drabužiai buvo paruošti men. Anast. Tamošaitienės, o stilizuoti —
dail. A. Tamošaičio. Scenarijų paruošė ir filmavo Amerikos lietuviai
broliai Motuzai. Filmą šešiasdešimt metrų ilgio ir specialiai bus vaidinama išeivijoje. (Darbininkas, 1938, liepos 21 d., 7 psl.)
Originalo saugotojas - Lietuvos centrinis valstybės archyvas.
Off road driving in Vilnius. Off road experience, Lithuania
Try off road driving in Vilnius, test your driving skills with off road experience in Lithuania and discover Lithuanian nature
My 4-Day Latvia Trip in 400 Seconds | Trip to Riga, Latvia | Wea Mazeika
I had a 4-day trip to Latvia!
It was my first time traveling to Latvia and I tried summing up my experience in 400 seconds.
This trip has been very memorable for me because there were a lot of firsts! Visited Rundale Palace (which I refer to as a castle in the video), attended Ed Sheeran's concert for the first time, explored Riga (the capital of Latvia) for 4 days, went to museums and old churches, had my belly button piercing done, went to Liepaja and saw the Baltic sea!
Places that are shown in the video:
Rundale Palace
Old Town Riga
St. Peter's Church
Latvian War Museum
Egle Restaurant
I didn't include Ed Sheeran's concert in the video since I made a separate one for it.
Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and click the notification bell so you won't miss any of my upcoming videos :)
You can also follow me on my Instagram!
Links of my other videos:
Ed Sheeran's concert:
Pack with Me for Latvia:
Get to Know Me:
Latvia is not the only Baltic country I have explored! I have experienced great summer festivals in Lithuania.
Alytus City Festival:
Birstonas Town Festival:
Went to Dailides Lake:
RoadTrip Lithuania E3: Merkinė, Marijampolė, Molėtai, Alytus (AIESEC in ISM)
The trip goes on! Join our adventure on this amazing bus and travel with us all around this beatiful country.
We Thank For:
UAB Vidisa Birštonas camping (for providing with all camping equipment)
Dzūkijos National Park
Etnografinė Sodyba in Dzūkija
Žuvintas National Park
Šolena Hotel (Alytus)
Liaudies ansamblis VARSA Alytus 02