“Scarlet Sails” Graduation Festival in St. Petersburg Unveils Elegant New Rossiya Boat!
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The Scarlet Sails, one St. Petersburg's main festivals, managed to gather almost 1,500,000 viewers last night. Graduates of the northern capital met their first morning of adult life on the picturesque Neva embankments, admiringly watching a fantastic show on the water and enjoying some breathtaking fireworks. But the main hero of this prom was a new brig, the Rossiya, with its raised scarlet sails.
Алые паруса 2018, Санкт Петербург. Alye Parusa, Graduation in Russia, St. Petersburg
This is not my personal vlog. I asked and got permission from BAGIN LIVE who owned this video and uploaded it to his channel. I just wanted to show you guys how graduation celebrated in Russia, Saint peterburg. Please, visit to his channel to see more videos. Thank you, Grigoriy Bagin!! Just watch and enjoy!!!!
Assalomu allaykum aziz do'stlar. Bu video man olgan video emas. Man videoni qo'yishdan oldin egasidan (Bagin Live) ruxsat oldim. Bu video Rossiyada o'qiydigan o'quchilar, talabalarni bitiruviga bag'ishlangan video. Ko'rin va zavq oling!!!! Rahmat sizga Grigoriy Bagin!!!! OBUNA Bo'lishni unutmang do'slar!!!
Питер АЛЫЕ ПАРУСА 2011 Saint Petersburg ФЕЙЕРВЕРК ШОУ
Алые Паруса 2019, Санкт-Петербург
В ночь с 23 на 24 июня 2019г. ????⛵️
18:50 – Появление корабля
«Алые паруса» — праздник выпускников ленинградских школ, появление которого в конце 60-х навеяла невероятная популярность одноименного фильма по повести Александра Грина. Первый праздник состоялся 27-го июня 1968-го года. В этот день ленинградские школьники впервые увидели на Неве бригантину под алыми парусами, ставшую впоследствии эмблемой праздника.
Традиция всем городом отмечать вступление вчерашних школьников во взрослую жизнь прервалась в 1979-м году и была возрождена лишь спустя 25 лет по инициативе Администрации Санкт-Петербурга, Акционерного Банка «РОССИЯ» и Пятого канала. Второе рождение праздника состоялось 24 июня 2005-го года. С тех пор его география существенно расширилась, городское событие обрело международное звучание, «Алые паруса» были внесены в реестр мирового событийного туризма и рекомендованы к посещению в 20-ти странах Европейского союза. Международная премия EUBEA выбрала Алые Паруса лучшим событием.
Бриг «Россия» — приобретён Санкт-Петербургом специально для этого праздника. Ранее это был голландский парусник «Mercedes», перестроенный из рыболовецкого сейнера 1958 года постройки
#АлыеПаруса2019 #ВместеСРоссией
Scarlet Sails / Alye Parusa 2018 from the eyes of Indian Travellers- Saint Petersburg, Russia
Video credits: Uma Kashelkar
Scarlet Sails. Saturday,23 June 2018:
00.40 hours on the night of 23rd and early morning of 24th June 18.
was the biggest extravaganza in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
We 4 couples from India travelled to Russia to witness that. It was a feast to eyes. We will remember this night forever.
Watched it from the Palace Bridge. Reached there 4 hours prior. Sat on the floor in a group till we waited.
weather 16.5° C, Cloudy Sky, No rains
The Scarlet Sails is the biggest celebration in St. Petersburg, the most massive and famous public event during the White Nights Festival. The tradition is highly popular for spectacular fireworks,
The ship with scarlet sails is drawn from a tale by Soviet fantasy author Alexander Grin about a young girl with modest prospects for life who lives in a sleepy fishing village but dreams of seeing the world. One day she is told by a wizard that a ship with red sails will come and take her away; on recounting this prophesy to the people around her, she is scorned and ostracized, but she continues to believe the old man's words. One day, a nobleman's son and merchant ship captain passing through the village, sees her from a distance and falls in love with her; upon inquiring about her with the locals, he hears of her tale, and decides to make it come true, so as to get her to sail away with him.
Scharlachrote Segel - St. Petersburg, Russland
Die Scharlachroten Segel ist die Mega-Show zur Zeit der weißen Nächte Mitte Juni in St. Petersburg. Die Veranstaltung ist eines der Aushängeschilder von St. Petersburg und wird im russischen Fernsehen live übertragen.
Beim Konzert auf dem Schlossplatz hinter der Eremitage treten Künstler und Sänger auf, die zuvor von den Schülern ausgewählt wurden. Das Video zeigt Auszüge aus der Veranstaltung und das anschließende Feuerwerk über dem Newa Fluss.
Folgende Sänger und Gruppen sind in der Show aufgetreten:
Sergej Lasarew
Mark Tischman
Darina und Michail Mischyny
Theater-Zirkus Krakatuk
Dima Bilan
Symphonieorchester (IP Orchestra)
Mehr Informationen zu den Scharlachroten Segeln in Sankt Petersburg:
Mehr Videos zu Sankt Petersburg:
NEU seit 2019: Kostenloses E-Visum für St. Petersburg und Kaliningrad
Mehr zu Sankt Petersburg:
RusslandJournal.de wünscht eine gute Reise!
Scarlet sails in Saint Petersburg
The Scarlet Sails is a celebration in St. Petersburg, Russia, the most massive and famous public event during the White Nights Festival. The tradition is highly popular for its spectacular fireworks, numerous music concerts, and a massive water show.
Alye Parusa Sankt Peterburg [ PowerRossiya ]
White Nights season in Saint Petersburg, is the largest public event anywhere in Europe with the annual estimated attendance about four million people, most of whom are students from thousands of schools and colleges, both local and international from Russian Federation, Germany, Austria, Ukraine, France, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Moldova.
Fireworks and scarlet sails mark finale of St. Petersburg's White Nights festivities
Soccer fans from all over the world were treated to a spectacular celebration in St. Petersburg on Saturday as millions of people gathered in the city center for Scarlet Sails, the climactic event of the annual White Nights festival.
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The Scarlet Sails festival 2013 Алые паруса Alye Parusa, St. Petersburg, Russia
The scarlet sails celebration 2013, Alye Parusa. Fireworks, music concert, water show on the river Neva St. Petersburg, Russia, June 23, 2013
Алые паруса 2019. Saint-Petersburg. Scarlet Sails 4К
Holiday graduates of St. Petersburg schools Scarlet sails 2019 4K
Праздник выпускников Петербургских школ Алые паруса. 2019 4K
видеосъемка праздников, мероприятий, концертов, фестивалей, соревнований, экстрим, клипы, имиджевое видео, аэросъемка.
White Nights Festival Saint Petersburg 2013 - Alye Parusa
White Nights season in Saint Petersburg, is the largest public event anywhere in Europe with the annual estimated attendance about four million people, most of whom are students from thousands of schools and colleges, both local and international from Russian Federation, Germany, Austria, Ukraine, France, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Moldova.
Dedicated to Russian Federation superpower 21st century.
Opening of the Saint Petersburg Palace Bridge during white nights
Part 1 ????
* The Scarlet Sails (Russian: Алые паруса) is a celebration in St. Petersburg, Russia, the most massive and famous public event during the White Nights Festival. The tradition is highly popular for its spectacular fireworks, numerous music concerts, and a massive water show. The Scarlet Sails show celebrating the end of the 2007 school year was attended by more than one million people. In 2010, public attendance grew to 3 million, and entertainers were such stars as the Cirque du Soleil, Mariinsky Ballet and Antonio Banderas, among others.
This tradition began after the end of World War II, when several Leningrad schools united to celebrate the end of the school year in connection with the symbolism of the popular 1922 children's book Scarlet Sails by Alexander Grin. During the first celebration, a boat with scarlet sails sailed along the English Embankment and the Admiralty Embankment towards the Winter Palace. Although it was designed to update the rusty revolutionary propaganda, the Scarlet Sails tradition eventually evolved into a massive demonstration of freedom from schools and rules and has become the most popular public event annually celebrating the end of school year.
Crowds of about one million people are treated to a wide variety of free entertainment provided by the city of St. Petersburg.
Entertainment also includes appearances by popular rock stars, as well as the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra, ballet, and other classical acts, performing on several stages simultaneously during the event. The show also includes a series of large-scale events on the waters of the Neva river, such as rowing and motorboat races, and a massive battle with pirates culminating in the appearance of a tall ship sporting spectacular scarlet sails. The show has become the main part of the White Nights celebration .. (Quelle Wiki)
#IchOhneBild #Алые_паруса #Scarlet_Sails #School #СанктПетербург #Россия #Saint_Petersburg #Russia #Russland #Leningrad #Travel #Reisen #WhiteNight #Palace_Bridge #SaintPetersburgRussia #санкт_петербург #питер #дворцовыймост #PalaceSquare #Watercolor #Firework #saintpetersburg #Festival #OpeningBridge #PalaceBridge #Leningrad #Photography #Summer #Sunrise #Facebook #VK #Instagram #Youtube
Part 2 ????
* The Scarlet Sails (Russian: Алые паруса) is a celebration in St. Petersburg, Russia, the most massive and famous public event during the White Nights Festival. The tradition is highly popular for its spectacular fireworks, numerous music concerts, and a massive water show. The Scarlet Sails show celebrating the end of the 2007 school year was attended by more than one million people. In 2010, public attendance grew to 3 million, and entertainers were such stars as the Cirque du Soleil, Mariinsky Ballet and Antonio Banderas, among others.
This tradition began after the end of World War II, when several Leningrad schools united to celebrate the end of the school year in connection with the symbolism of the popular 1922 children's book Scarlet Sails by Alexander Grin. During the first celebration, a boat with scarlet sails sailed along the English Embankment and the Admiralty Embankment towards the Winter Palace. Although it was designed to update the rusty revolutionary propaganda, the Scarlet Sails tradition eventually evolved into a massive demonstration of freedom from schools and rules and has become the most popular public event annually celebrating the end of school year.
Crowds of about one million people are treated to a wide variety of free entertainment provided by the city of St. Petersburg.
Entertainment also includes appearances by popular rock stars, as well as the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra, ballet, and other classical acts, performing on several stages simultaneously during the event. The show also includes a series of large-scale events on the waters of the Neva river, such as rowing and motorboat races, and a massive battle with pirates culminating in the appearance of a tall ship sporting spectacular scarlet sails. The show has become the main part of the White Nights celebration .. (Quelle Wiki)
#IchOhneBild #Алые_паруса #Scarlet_Sails #School #СанктПетербург #Россия #Saint_Petersburg #Russia #Russland #Leningrad #Travel #Reisen #WhiteNight #Palace_Bridge #SaintPetersburgRussia #санкт_петербург #питер #дворцовыймост #PalaceSquare #Watercolor #Firework #saintpetersburg #Festival #OpeningBridge #PalaceBridge #Leningrad #Photography #Summer #Sunrise #Facebook #VK #Instagram #Youtube
Saint Petersburg - The City Of White Nights in Russia | Most Beautiful Moments Of Nigh Life
Get to know about the city of white nights i.e. Saint Petersburg present in Russia. Checkout glimpse of the beautiful city of how it looks at night :). We have tried to cover the places to be visited in the city if anytime you visit must visit these places. People who love travelling find it among the best places to visit in Russia. Do share if you like the video .
Credits - Partnered with Timelab.Pro
Alye Parusa 2012 Russia St. Petersburg
Sankt-Peterburg, 23.06.17, Alie parusa.
Live streets view, Yerevan, June 23, Алые паруса.
Khndrank: nayeluts heto, ampayman sekhmek ????, kam ????.
White Nights in St. Petersburg Russia
Saint Petersburg Russia White Nights in St. Petersburg , Visit St Petersburg. Tour guide Russia- One of the world's most beautiful cities, St. Petersburg has all the ingredients for an unforgettable travel experience: high art, lavish architecture, wild nightlife, an extraordinary history and rich cultural traditions that have inspired and nurtured some of the modern world's greatest literature, music, and visual art. From the mysterious twilight of the White Nights to world-beating opera and ballet productions on magical winter evenings, St. Petersburg charms and entices in every season. Every aspect of this fascinating city, with all the information and travel resources necessary to plan your trip to St. Petersburg
St.Petersburg City Break City tour by car, by foot and boat trip along Neva River at day and at night, when bridges are being raised.
Sankt Petersburg White Nights- Some clues:
Sapsan Train Moscow-St Petersburg - 00:01
Saint Isaac's Cathedral -- 01:32
Monument to Peter the Great -- 02:16
Along Neva and over the bridges -- 03:00 , 10:34, 23:16
St. Peter and Paul Cathedral-Peter and Paul Fortress 04:18
Field of Mars -- 06:52 , 10:15
The Church of Our Savior on the Spilled Blood -- 07:18 , 11:35
Along Nevsky Prospekt -- 08:10 , 12:16 , 12:37 , 21:20 , 32:14 , 38:27
Smolny Cathedral -- 09:50
Summer Garden -- 11:17
Boat trip -- Neva River and canals (Fontanka, Moyka) day 13:38 , and night 25:11
Hermitage Museum- Winter Palace 19:48, 22:49 (inside: )
Moskovsky Prospect -- 24:42
Waiting for the bridge to be lowered -- 36:06
Sennaya Square -- 39:18
WATCH Russia Vid:
Music by: zero-project :
Thousands gather for Scarlet Sails Festival in St. Petersburg, Russia
Scarlet Sails Youtube.mp4