Tour of Manaus, Brazil - Biggest City in AMAZON RAINFOREST | Wild Fruit, Attractions, and Dinner!
????Flying from Bangkok to Rio de Janeiro:
????Eating Ants in Manaus:
????Banana Chips available now!!
Thanks to Guilherme ( for taking us around Brazil.
MANAUS, BRAZIL - From Belo Horizonte, we flew to Manaus, a city in the State of Amazonas, which is in the heart of the Amazon Rainforest. It’s the biggest city in the Amazon, and it’s surrounded by massive rivers and jungles. I was so excited to be there. We landed in the mid-afternoon, so we just had a few hours to walk around and explore, and get our first impressions of the Amazon. #Manaus #BrazilianFood #Amazon
Mercure Manaus Hotel - Thank you to Mercure Manaus Hotel for hosting all of us during our stay in Manaus, and for the amazing dinner.
We first drove to the market where we sampled a few local fruits. Most of the fruit stalls were closed, but a few were open and mainly we tried Cupuaçu and a type of wild passion fruit.
Amazon Theatre - One of the most important landmarks and sights of Manaus is the Amazon Theater, a beautiful theater in the middle of the city.
Restaurante Canto da Peixada - I wanted to try a local freshwater fish dinner before going back to the hotel, so we stopped to eat a grilled tambaqui, one of the prized fish of Manaus, Brazil. It was delicious. Total price - 89.70 BRL ($22.96)
Dinner at Amazon Restaurant at Mercure Hotel Manaus - Finally we were invited for dinner back at the hotel where they prepared us an amazing Amazon meal including a huge mix of dishes. I didn’t even know I was digging into the piranha soup, and it was so good. Freshwater turtle is also a major part of the Amazonian food diet.
It was a great few hours and my first impressions of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil.
Thanks to Guilherme and Rafa from Rio4Fun and Rio4Food. Check out their videos here:
• Rio4Fun:
• Guilherme:
• Rafa:
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????Watch all my Brazilian food videos:
????Get Banana Chips now in US: (more countries and more flavors coming soon)
Complete Tour of Manaus, Brazil (Legendas em português).
A complete tour in the city of Manaus, North of Brazil.
Including the Amazonas Opera House, Palace of Justice, Largo São Sebastião, Port of Manaus, Municipal market, Museu do Seringal, Rio Negro and Rio Branco Palaces, Praia de Ponta Negra and more.
To learn more about Manaus, access our website:
Tour completo na cidade de Manaus, no norte do Brasil.
O passeio inclui o centro histórico de Manaus; o Teatro Amazonas; os Palácios da Justiça, Rio Negro e Rio Branco; o Museu do Seringal; a Praia de Ponta Negra; e muito mais.
Para mais informações sobre Manaus click no link abaixo:
I dreamt about this adventure since being a little girl - I want to see what it's like to visit the Amazon jungle (before it disappears!). I'm not gonna say much more, just keep watching want we did during 4 days of being disconnected from civilisation!
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Canon G7X Mark II
Canon 5D Mark III
Canon 80D
My name is Aggie and I am a Polish born, Australian educated, Los Angeles based adventure traveler, writer, blogger and photographer but also an inner peace seeker, nature addict, sailor, olympic-level liquid spiller and obsessive learner. I visited over 50 countries so far, but who's counting? (ok, I AM!)
It's good to have you here. Let’s see the world together!
Amazon River Cruise: Tour of Manaus Harbor, Brazil
Pierre Repooc Productions - URL:
Before starting our cruise of the Amazon River, we toured the harbor area of Manaus on the Amazon River, Brazil
HD Ecopark Jungle Lodge - Amazon - Brazil - Manaus
Amazon Ecopark Jungle Lodge is a privately owned tourism complex and scientific and educational enterprise, operating since 1991. The lodging infrastructure was inaugurated in 1995.
Ecopark Jungle Lodge is located on the Tarumã River, approximately one hour from the Manaus airport. (transfer by van or bus and regional river boat). Amazon - Brazil.
Amazon Jungle Tours from Manaus
Promotion video by Chris Gil. Jungle tour packages starting at US$ 50 per person per day all included.
Manaus Jungle Trek - Amazonia Brazil
We didn't see monkeys and exotic birds, but we did learn tips on surviving in the Amazonian Jungle; starting a fire, finding water, avoiding poisonous bites, and trapping food. The best part though was learning how to make a Caiparinha!
First time ko kumain nito | Amazon River | Manaus Brazil | Seaman Vlogger | Seamanlalakbay
We went on a tour in Manaus Brazil and tried eating piranha for the first time. Found out in this video what else I have eaten first time. Don't forget to like and subscribe.
Song: NOWË - UNDER THE SUN ( Vlog No Copyright Music)
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Day Tour na Amazônia – Manaus – AM – Brasil - COMER. DORMIR. VIAJAR.
Mais em:
Explorar as florestas da Amazônia, presenciar o encontro das águas do Rio Solimões com o Rio Negro, conhecer comunidades indígenas, navegar pelos igarapés e igapós, apreciar a vitória régia e nadar com os botos-cor-de-rosa em um só dia? Sim, é possível!
Mais uma aventura com o pessoal da Amazon Gero Tours, desta vez com o guia Ubens Kenrick Lacruz. Como a maioria das atividades Amazonas, a nossa começou lá pelas oito da manhã no Porto de Manaus, o maior porto flutuante do mundo e um ótimo local para se comprar banana chips.
A lancha Expresso Jibóia é a nossa condução, toda equipada com coletes salva-vidas, radio comunicador e mais aquele monte de itens de segurança exigidos pela capitania dos portos.
As surpresas começaram cedo, poucos minutos após a partida estávamos sob os postos de combustíveis flutuantes do Rio Negro, uma estrutura incrível e necessária para um lugar que depende principalmente dos barcos a motor.
O primeiro ponto de parada foi no fenômeno natural “Encontro das Águas”, oriundo da junção entre o Rio Negro, de água preta, e o Rio Solimões, de água barrenta. Nosso guia contou que as águas dos dois rios correm lado a lado sem se misturar por uma extensão de mais de 6 km.
É muito impressionante seguir as duas águas, negras e amarelas, correndo juntas por quilômetros.
Continuamos nossa viagem até encontrar a Comunidade de Catalão, um reduto de tranquilidade sobre as águas a pouco mais de 40 minutos de Manaus pelo Rio Negro.
Esta localidade abriga os moradores das casas flutuantes. Eles tem uma cidade completa lá com tudo que é necessário, de supermercados a igrejas. É incrível o poder de adaptação deste povo.
O próximo destino foi o Parque Ecológico Janauary, não tivemos muito tempo por lá, mas foi bem legal poder ter contato com alguns animais locais, como cobras e até um bicho preguiça.
Outro ponto muito legal do parque foi conhecer as belas Vitorias-Regias com suas grandes folhas planas e circulares.
O almoço também foi sobre as águas, no restaurante flutuante Rainha da Selva com dezenas de pratos que trouxeram o melhor da região amazônica com deliciosos peixes e saladas. Comida simples e saborosa.
Anexo ao restaurante há uma feirinha de artesanato com preços justos e mais ao fundo é possível ver macacos nativos livres, se você quiser aproximação com eles basta trazer do restaurante algumas bananas que irão busca-las na sua mão.
Após o almoço navegamos até a Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Tupé. Na maloca indígena localizada às margens do Rio Negro residem cinco etnias diferentes. A raiz dessas tribos é o distrito de Pari Cachoeira, no município de São Gabriel da Cachoeira, fronteira do Brasil com a Colômbia.
Esta visita foi muito especial, é uma emoção única e indescritível assistir a uma apresentação dos costumes e folclore deste povo guerreiro, lutador e sobrevivente. (no fim deste post tem um vídeo desta experiência)
Agora nosso destino é a região do Paricatuba. Durante o percurso pudemos observar melhor a exuberante floresta do Rio Negro até chegar no local onde é possível interagir com os Botos-Cor-de-Rosa, animais doces e brincalhões.
Apesar de um monitor estar neste local para dar as instruções de como interagir e alimentar os botos, achamos que os bichos sofrem um pouco com toda esta situação. Eles ficam desesperados para pegar a comida na mão do monitor, que abusa um pouco deixando o boto esperando muito tempo para pegar os peixes.
Na volta pra Manaus pudemos observar a grandeza da Ponte Rio Negro, que liga a cidade de Manaus ao município de Iranduba. Esta é considerada a maior ponte fluvial e estaiada do Brasil, com 3,6 quilômetros de extensão.
Mais em:
Manaus is the capital of the Brazilian state of Amazon. It is located at the mouth of the Rio Negro in the Rio Solimões. From there the river is called Amazonas. Impressive is the width of the river 1,500 km of air line from the mouth to the ocean. Manaus is a large city in the Amazon, but a lovely and friendly city that invites you to an impressive river landscape.
The main attractions are the theater from the great times of the rubber barons, the market with everything the Amazon offers, and the atmosphere at the port, were people and goods spread to all directions.
Visit Manaus, Brazil: Gateway to the Amazon
Old (and I think decrepit) Hotel Tropical is located on the Rio Negro River, way...outside of Manaus Center. (Rumor is the hotel will be bankrupt by the end of 2016.)
Intensely disliked the hotel but there are several excellent shops in its outside shopping plaza. Particularly, Seringueira Jewelry store where owner spent considerable time explaining Amazonian jewelry and history even though I only purchased an $8 bracelet.
Jamie's Journeys - Manaus, Brazil, Amazon
The capital of the state of Amazonas, Manaus is situated at the confluence of the Negro and Solimões rivers. After visiting the meeting of the waters, we hike to see giant water lilies and fish for piranha. Then we head into town to explore the city's culture and history and visit the world famous opera house.
MANAUS Top 46 Tourist Places | Manaus Tourism | BRAZIL
Manaus (Things to do - Places to Visit) - MANAUS Top Tourist Places
City in Brazil
Manaus, on the banks of the Negro River in northwestern Brazil, is the capital of the vast state of Amazonas. It's a major departure point for the surrounding Amazon Rainforest.
Just east of the city, the dark Negro River converges with the brown, muddy Solimões River resulting in a striking visual phenomenon called the “Meeting of the Waters.” The combined tributaries form the Amazon River.
MANAUS Top 46 Tourist Places | Manaus Tourism
Things to do in MANAUS - Places to Visit in Manaus
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MANAUS Top 46 Tourist Places - Manaus, Brazil, South America
Village Food in AMAZON RAINFOREST - Lemongrass Ants + EXOTIC Energy Drinks! | Manaus, Brazil!
????Street Food Tour in Rio de Janeiro:
????Banana Chips available now!!
Thanks to Guilherme ( for taking us around Brazil. #Brazil #Amazon #AmazonFood
MANAUS, BRAZIL - During my food trip to Brazil there was no place I wanted to visit more than the Amazon Rainforest. We flew to Manaus (if you look at a map, Manaus is directly in the heart center of the Amazon). The jungle, the unique dishes and fruits, and the people made it incredible.
Exotic fruit tasting - One of the things that you have to do when you’re in Brazil, especially in the Amazon is sample all the unique and indigenous fruits of the region, some that are only available there. We started with mari-mari, an amazing long pod fruit and have inga (ice cream bean fruit) and biribá - wild sugar apple. All the fruit - 10 BRL ($2.55)
Manaus is a pretty big city, especially for being in the heart of the Amazon Rainforest. They have a big market, full of fruits, vegetables and fish. We headed straight for some tucumã, a type of palm tree fruit that’s essential in the local diet.
Jenipapo - Along the way we also tried some jenipapo, a pretty unique fruit.
Tucumã sandwiches - Sandwich shop owners better take note! Tucumã sandwiches are a true Amazonian food and they are delicious. Along with the palm fruit they were paired with cheese and fried sweet banana. It’s a perfect breakfast and way to start the day in the Amazon. Price - about 10 BRL ($2.55) per sandwich
Tambaqui fish - Tambaqui is a fish from the Amazon that’s known for having ribs - seriously almost like pork ribs. We decided to get a fish to bring to the village since we weren’t sure what they’d have al the village.
Amazon village - We didn’t really have a plan, we were just going to find a boat driver and ask him to take us to a village and see if anyone could cool. So we got a boat, and our boat driver asked if they were home and if we could invite ourselves in. We arrived completely unplanned and unannounced and it turned out to be an outstanding learning experience and fun time with an amazing family in the Amazon.
Along with the food we brought, the family mixed up about 4 different exotic drinks - some of them known in the Western world as ingredients in trendy energy drinks - but here in the Amazon of Brazil they are consumed regularly.
It was such an awesome Brazilian Amazonian food meal with the family followed by a time of drumming and dancing, football, and finally a swim in the river. It was an extraordinary day in the Amazon of Brazil.
Thanks to Guilherme and Rafa from Rio4Fun and Rio4Food. Check out their videos here:
• Rio4Fun:
• Guilherme:
• Rafa:
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????Watch all my Brazilian food videos:
????Get Banana Chips now in US: (more countries and more flavors coming soon)
Manaus Brazil, Warhawk Vlog
Two weeks in the city of Manaus Brazil. Solo Trip where I met local people using couch surfers. 5 Days in the Jungle. Manaus is a great city, I highly recommend a trip!
Manaus Amazon Rain-forest Tour Aug15 2019
Paul Brennan, founder of Bring Our Birds Home and airsidetv, and Jason Rhodes from the National Transport & Toy Museum at Wanaka recently visited Manaus, Brazil to continue efforts to recover DC-8-52 ZK-NZC, they also took a day out for an Amazon Rain forest tour and Paul Brennan filmed the excursion, which means you can come along for the ride.
Cheguei na Selva! Pousada Juma Lake / Manaus - Amazonas
No vlog de hoje tem mais temporada pelo estado do Amazonas. Finalmente Cheguei na Selva, o momento mais esperado!
Venha conferir como foi o trajeto para chegar na Pousada Juma Lake no meio da floresta para conhecer o berço da natureza do nosso lindo Brasil!
Obrigada Iguana Turismo pelo excelente passeio foi um dos momentos mais especiais e únicos que eu pude ter!!! Muito feliz com este sonho realizado!!!
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Assistam também meus vídeos:
➜ Nadando com botos, vitórias - Régias e Tribo Indígena / Manaus - Amazonas:
➜ Encontro das Águas (Rio Negro e Rio Solimões) Manaus - Amazonas:
➜ Cheguei em Manaus - Amazonas:
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Um super beijo!!!
The Heart of Amazon - Manaus, Brazil
Manaus lies in the heart of Amazon. This is where most people go to get into the Amazon. A lot of river boats depart from here and it's the biggest metropolitan area in this part of Brazil. In the morning the harbor gets busy with all the boats stocking up and getting ready for next trip. The market is also full of activity offering all kinds of food, like the mountain of bananas that can be seen in this movie. Manaus also feature a world famous Opera house in the center of town with a very special architecture.
Amazon River Cruise from Manaus Brazil to Iquitos Peru video
Amazon River Cruise on the SeaDream II from Manaus Brazil to Iquitos Peru. A great look at the wildlife, villages & river scenery.
Visit my updated website at
This vlog will show how we experienced the Amazon Jungle and Rainforest as part of our package tour of Brazil