the amber shops of Riga Latvia
hi we noticed quite a few shops selling amber carved into jewellery etc in the old town.
Land of Amber A song for Latvia
Original three-voice version of Charles Goodger's hymn for Latvia arranged by Kristaps Kievkals. Dace Denava songs in Latvian (and wrote the Latvian adaptation), Charles Goodger on vocals in English and Volha Rybkina singes her own Russian adaptation. Thanks to Marina Kuznecova for the photos and video montage.
【K】Latvia Travel-Bauska[라트비아 여행-바우스카]룬달레 궁전, 황금의 방/Rundale Palace/Gold Room/Ball room/Summer House
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[한국어 정보]
룬달레 궁전은 라트비아의 베르사유라고 불릴 정도로 화려한 바로크 양식으로 유명하다. 1730년대에 이탈리아의 천재 건축가 바톨로메오 라스트렐리에가 이 지역을 지배하던 귀족을 위해 지은 여름별장이다. 이곳에서 당시 귀족들의 화려한 생활을 엿볼 수 있는데 가장 유명한 곳이 황금의 방이다. “룬달레 궁전은 요한 바이론 공작을 위한 여름 별장으로 지어졌는데 이곳은 황금의 방으로 공식적인 환영행사 등을 개최하던 곳이죠.” 이곳 화이트 룸은 주로 무도회가 열린 방으로 천장에 4계절을 주제로 생명력 넘치는 어린 아이들의 모습을 표현한 것으로 유명하다. 이 여름 별장에는 모두 138개의 방이 있는데 기나긴 복도의 끝을 지나 안으로 들어가면 당시 귀족들이 생활했던 내실이 나온다. 그런데 이곳의 주인들은 라트비아인들이 아닌 당시 지배 계급이었던 독일영주와 러시아의 황족들이다. 당시 라트비아를 지배하며 그들이 수탈한 것들은 고스란히 이곳 내실의 사치스러운 생활에 쓰였다고 한다. 내실에는 벽을 통한 문들이 여럿 있는데 비상시를 대비한 탈출구였다. 이곳에서 화려한 생활을 했던 귀족들에게 착취의 댓가는 두려움이었나 보다.
[English: Google Translator]
Rune dalre palace is famous for its colorful Baroque enough to be called the Versailles of Latvia. Genius architect of Italy in the 1730s Bartolo Meo Lely is the last summer residence built for the aristocracy which ruled over the region. The colorful glimpse into the life of the nobility here bangyida most famous place of gold. Rune's where dalre palace official welcoming ceremony was held in the room, etc. This is a golden jyeotneunde built as a summer house for duke John Byron. This life the theme of the four seasons in a white room ceiling into the room is primarily a disco open It is famous for its representation of the appearance of the full young children. The summer house has all 138 rooms there emerges the boudoir beyond the end of the long corridor we entered into at the time of nobles living. But here are the royal family of the owner at the time was the German ruling class lords and Russia who are not in Latvia. Latvia, and dominate the time spent on an extravagant life and the things they have substantial exploitation intact here. There was a substantial way out the door through the walls there are many case of emergencies. The price of the nobles who exploited to the colorful life here is more Was fear.
[Latvian: Google Translator]
Rune dalre pils ir slavena ar tās krāsains Baroka pietiekami, lai varētu saukt Versailles Latvijas. Ģēnijs arhitekts Itālijai 1730s Bartolo Meo Lely ir pēdējais vasaras rezidence būvētas aristokrātu, kas valdīja pār reģionu. Krāsains ieskatu dzīvē muižniecība šeit bangyida slavenāko vietu zelta. Rune s kur dalre pils oficiālā sagaidīšanas ceremonijā notika telpā, uc Tas ir zelta jyeotneunde celta kā vasaras māja hercoga Jāņa Byron. Šī dzīve tēma no četriem gadalaikiem baltu istabas griestiem telpā galvenokārt diskotēka atvērt Tā ir slavena ar savu pārstāvību izskatu pilnas maziem bērniem. Vasaras mājā ir visas 138 istabas tur parādās uz buduārs aiz beigām garš koridors mēs stājās brīdī augstmaņiem dzīvo. Bet šeit ir karaliskā ģimene īpašnieka brīdī bija Vācijas valdošā šķira kungi un Krievijas, kuri nav Latvijā. Latvija, un dominē laiku, kas pavadīts ekstravagants dzīvi un lietām, ko viņi ir būtiska ekspluatācija neskarts šeit. Tur bija ievērojams izeja durvīm caur sienām ir daudz ārkārtas gadījumos. No augstmaņiem, kuri izmantot, lai krāsains dzīve šeit ir cena vēl bija bailes.
■클립명: 유럽081-라트비아01-11 룬달레 궁전, 황금의 방/Rundale Palace/Gold Room/Ball room/Summer House
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 박성주 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 5월 May
유럽,Europe,,라트비아,Latvia,Latvija,Latvijas Republika ,박성주,2011,5월 May
Amber Butt, Jurmala - Riga
The Amber Museum in Gdansk, Poland
This is a video I made during a trip to the Amber Museum in Gdansk, Poland.
Visit the Amber Museum website:
【K】Lithuania Travel-Palanga[리투아니아 여행-팔랑가]세계 최초 호박 박물관/Amber Museum/Exhibition/Residence
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
나는 팔랑가의 한 박물관을 찾았다. 바로 호박박물관. 호박을 전문으로 하는 세계 최초의 박물관으로 발트해에서 나는 호박을 전시하고 있었다. 1963년 개관한 이 박물관은 약 2만개의 호박을 전시하고 있는데, 그 중 11,000개의 호박이 4천만 년 전에 살았던 나뭇가지, 식물, 곤충 등을 간직하고 있다고 한다. “우리는 리투아니아산 호박에 큰 자랑을 느낍니다. 발트해에서 발견된다는 것뿐만이 아니라 호박 안에 많은 동물군과 식물군이 들어있기 때문입니다.” 리투아니아에서 가장 큰 호박도 볼 수 있는데 호박의 무게만 3.5Kg으로 우리 돈으로 5억 원의 가치가 있다고 한다. 또 선사시대부터 호박이 어떻게 이용되었는지를 보여주는 전시관도 있어 호박의 오랜 역사를 알 수 있게 해준다. 원래 이곳은 펠릭사스 티쉬케비츄스라는 귀족의 저택이었는데 그가 소유했던 호박 유물들을 중심으로 박물관을 만들었다고 한다.
[English: Google Translator]
I found a museum in Palanga. Amber museum immediately. I had the pumpkin and pumpkin exhibition in the Baltic Sea as the world's first museum specializing. The museum was opened in 1963 and there are about 20 000 exhibits pumpkin, pumpkin and that 11,000 of them are branches lived 40 million years ago, plants, and keep insects. We feel a great pride in Lithuanian amber acid. As well as in amber found in the Baltic Sea that is because it contains a lot of fauna and flora. I can also see the largest pumpkin in Lithuania and that the value of our money to 500 million won in only 3.5Kg weight of the pumpkin. There is also another exhibition from prehistoric times show that the pumpkin is what allows you to know the long history of use of the pumpkin. Originally there was a residence of the nobility of SARS pelrik Tish chyuseu Kebbi and created a museum relic around the pumpkin he owned.
[Lithuanian: Google Translator]
Radau Palangoje muziejus. Gintaro muziejus karto. Turėjau moliūgų ir moliūgų paroda Baltijos jūros kaip pirmasis pasaulyje muziejus specializuojasi.Muziejus buvo atidarytas 1963 metais ir yra apie 20 000 eksponatų moliūgų, moliūgų ir 11.000 iš jų yra filialai gyveno prieš 40 milijonus metų, augalai ir išlaikyti vabzdžių. Jaučiame didelį pasididžiavimą Lietuvos gintaro rūgšties. Kaip ir gintaro randama Baltijos jūros, kuri yra, nes jame yra faunos ir floros daug. Aš taip pat galima pamatyti didžiausią moliūgą Lietuvoje ir kad mūsų pinigų vertė 500 milijonų laimėjo tik 3,5 kg svorio moliūgų. Yra ir kitas paroda iš priešistorinių laikų rodo, kad moliūgų yra tai, ką leidžia jums žinoti, ilgą istoriją naudoti moliūgų. Iš pradžių ten buvo iš SŪRS pelrik tish chyuseu Kebis bajorų gyventi ir sukūrė muziejų reliktas aplink moliūgų jis priklauso.
■클립명: 유럽085-리투아니아01-09 세계 최초 호박 박물관/Amber Museum/Exhibition/Residence
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이연식 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2009년 6월 June
,유럽,Europe,,리투아니아,Lithuania,Lietuva,Lietuvos Respublika,이연식,2009,6월 June,,,,
Cold War underground hospital in Rīga, Latvia
TV reportage about formerly secret ungerground section of largest hospital in Rīga, Latvia.
It's said that there were treated radiation-contamined workers from Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion clean-up groups.
Riga Latvia - Home of the Largest Single Piece of Amber
2019 Kaliningrad & Königsberg Walk through the district. walk to the amber museum
Kaliningrad & Königsberg Walk through the district. walk to the amber museum
Riga Center Flowcast - Tourist Sights & Skating Tips
This is a long, unedited skate in Riga Center. View the parts that may interest you.
02:00 New smooth stone pavement
14:42 Down small hill
16:14 Skate vlogs (Shop Task, Authentic Rollerblade, Bill Stoppard, James Mackey, Mushroom Blading, Singapore Skater, Tiago, Ed Stu, Dom's Blading)
23:15 Triskates vs 4 wheels
25:05 Downhill slalom slowdown
28:50 Double-Push speed skating
04:13 Latvian National Museum of Art (Latvijas Nacionālais mākslas muzejs / Латвийский Национальный художественный музей)
07:13 Russian Orthodox Cathedral (Nativity Cathedral / Rīgas Kristus Piedzimšanas pareizticīgo katedrāle / Христорождественский кафедральный собор)
11:13 Freedom Monument (Brīvības piemineklis / Памятник Свободы)
12:09 Riga Old Town (Vecrīga / Ста́рый го́род в Риге)
13:15 Latvian National Opera (Latvijas Nacionālā opera / Латвийская национальная опера)
19:27 Art Nouveau (Jūgendstils / Модерн)
34:20 Riga Heart Sign
41:14 National Library of Latvia (Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka / Латвийская национальная библиотека)
46:01 Map
6:55 Why I make videos
12:26 Windows Movie Maker vs Davinci Studio vs Hitman Express
New Architecture of Riga Latvia
Video documents time and shows development options for the modern city of Riga Latvia which is undergoing a construction boom. The video is filmed through the eyes of a schoolboy named Pēteris and how he looks at Riga - he is excited about the new buildings, the modern vocabulary of architecture. He walks through highly developed districts where historical heritage harmoniously blends with contemporary architecture. And, of course, he dreams about skyscrapers and architectural landmarks of the century designed to make Riga the Baltic Metropolis.
Scriptwriter: Ieva Zībārte - Director: Inese Stade
more information:
【K】Latvia Travel-Pilsrundale[라트비아 여행-필스룬달레]룬달레 궁전/Rundale Palace/Middle Ages/Versailles/Baltic
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[한국어 정보]
태양의 빛을 받으며 다시 리가로 향했다. 라트비아 가을의 절정에서 만난, 룬달레 궁전. 조용한 시골 마을 바우스카에 있는, ‘평화의 계곡’이라는 뜻의 궁전이다. 중세 복장을 하고 안내하는 사람들 덕분에 더 생생한 중세를 만나볼 수 있다. 138개의 화려한 방과 정원으로 발트해의 베르사유 궁으로 불렸던 이곳은 수많은 세월, 권력이 바뀔 때마다 주인이 바뀌는 라트비아의 역사와 너무나도 닮은 궁이지만 지금은 모든 사람을 환영하고 방문하는 모든 이들을 주인으로 만들어주는 아름다운 룬달레 궁전이다.
[English: Google Translator]
The light of the sun was received and I headed for Riga again. Latvia At the peak of autumn, Rundal Palace. It is a palace of peaceful valley in Bauska, a quiet country town. Thanks to the medieval costumers and guides, we can see more vivid medieval times. 138 spectacular gardens and gardens, called the Versailles Palace on the Baltic Sea, are a palace that resembles the history of Latvia, where the owner changes over time and time, but now it is a beautiful rune It is the Dalai Palace.
[Latvia: Google Translator]
Saules gaisma tika uzņemta, un es atkal devos uz Rīgu. Latvija Rudens pīķa Rundāles pilī. Tā ir mierīgas ielejas pils Bauskā, klusā lauku pilsētā. Pateicoties viduslaiku klientiem un ceļvežiem, mēs varam redzēt daudz spilgtāko viduslaiku. 138 iespaidīgi dārzi un dārzi, ko sauc par Versaļas pils Baltijas jūrā, ir pils, kas līdzinās Latvijas vēsturei, kura daudzus gadus ir mainījusies un mainījusies, bet tagad tā ir skaista rune Tā ir Dalailas pils.
■클립명: 유럽081-라트비아03-22 평화의 계곡 룬달레 궁전
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 홍은희 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 2월February
성/궁전,palace,건물,architecture,유럽Europe라트비아LatviaLatvijaLatvijas Republika 홍은희20182월룬달레 시RundalesFebruary걸어서 세계속으로
Riga Lions VS Kaliningrad Amber Hawks. Refereed by U.S. Soldiers
Soldiers and American Football Meet in the Baltic States
Five Soldiers from 2d Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, 3d Infantry Division out of Fort Stewart, Georgia, refereed an American football game between the Riga Lions and the Kaliningrad Amber Hawks in Riga, Latvia on March 22, 2015
【K】Latvia Travel-Riga[라트비아 여행-리가]짧고 달콤한 리가 여름/Summer solstice/June/Latitude/Baltic Sea
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
러시아와 벨라루스를 지나온 다우가바 강이 천 킬로미터를 흘러 북유럽의 발트해와 만나는 곳에 라트비아의 수도 리가가 있다. 이 물길을 따라 중세 독일인의 무역선과 기독교가 들어왔고 무역으로 번성했던 항구 도시의 기억은 800년째 거리에 스며있다. 밝은 표정의 사람들이 인사를 건네는 따스한 오후, 6월의 리가에는 금방 지나가버릴 듯 짧고도 달콤한 여름이 찾아온다. 세계 수도 중 여섯 번째로 위도가 높은 리가는 밝은 햇빛이 쏟아지는 날이 귀한 곳이다. 하지만 하지 무렵이면 하루 열여덟 시간 동안 햇빛이 머물고 사람들은 긴 겨울 뒤의 긴 낮을 즐긴다. “공원에 앉아서 샐러드를 먹고 있었어요. 오는 길에 카페 두 곳에 들러 차도 마셨고요” “여름이 되면 밖에서 많은 시간을 보내요. 아이들은 짚으로 피리를 만들어 불기도 하고요” “오늘 본 것들 중에 뭐가 제일 좋았어?” “저기 작은 집들이 모여 있는 데가 좋았어요”
[English: Google Translator]
The Latvian capital Riga is where the Daugava River, which crosses Russia and Belarus, flows through a thousand kilometers and meets the Nordic Baltic Sea. The memories of the port city, which had been medieval German merchant ships and christianity along with the trade, flourished for 800 years. A warm afternoon in which people with bright expressions greet each other and greet the summer in a short and sweet summer that seems to pass by in Riga in June. The sixth highest latitude of the world's capital, Riga, is a precious day of bright sunshine. But at no time, the sun shines for eighteen hours a day, and people enjoy the long day after the long winter. I was sitting in the park and eating salad. On the way, I stopped by two cafes and drank tea. I spend a lot of time outside in the summer. What did you like the best of what you saw today? It was nice to have a small house there.
[Latvia: Google Translator]
Latvijas galvaspilsēta Rīga ir tā, ka Daugavas krasts, kas šķērso Krieviju un Baltkrieviju, plūst cauri tūkstoš kilometriem un atbilst Ziemeļvalstu Baltijas jūrai. 800 gadu laikā plaukstās ostas pilsētas atmosfēras, kas bija viduslaiku vācu tirdzniecības kuģi un kristietība kopā ar tirdzniecību. Silta pēcpusdiena, kurā cilvēki ar spilgtām izpausmēm sveic viens otru un sveicina vasaru īsajā un saldajā vasarā, kas, šķiet, izstaida Rīgā jūnijā. Sestā augstākā pasaules galvaspilsēta, Rīga, ir dārga svaigas saules gaismas diena. Bet jebkurā laikā saule spīd astoņpadsmit stundas dienā, un cilvēki bauda ilgu dienu pēc garās ziemas. Es sēdēju parkā un ēdu salātus. Pa ceļam es apstājos ar divām kafejnīcām un dzēra tēju. Es pavadu daudz laika ārpus vasarā. Ko jums patika vislabākais, ko jūs redzējāt šodien? Bija jauki turēt nelielu māju.
■클립명: 유럽081-라트비아04-01 밝은 햇빛이 쏟아지는 리가 여름
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김가람 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 6월June
호수,lake,volcanic, crater, caldera, mountain,길,street,공원/광장,park, square,유럽Europe라트비아LatviaLatvijaLatvijas Republika 김가람20186월리가RigaJune걸어서 세계속으로
【K】Latvia Travel-Liepaja[라트비아 여행-리예파야]호박 보석/Jewelry of yellow amber/Pine/Resin
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[한국어 정보]
리예파야는 호박 보석으로도 유명한 곳이다. 맑고 투명한 빛깔이 아름다워 바다가 낳은 천연보석이라 불리는 호박석이 많이 채취되는 곳이기 때문이다. 호박석을 정성스레 가공해 그 빛을 더 밝혀주는 구나르스씨는 20년 동안 호박석을 채취하다가 은퇴 후 보석 가공하는 일을 시작했다. “세상에 똑같이 생긴 호박석이 하나도 없어 재미있어요. 이 작업을 하면서 스스로 정화되는 느낌을 받아요” 호박석에 구멍을 내 실을 꿰고 가장자리를 둥글고 평평하게 만들어 보석을 만든다. 오랜 시간 송진이 석화돼 만들어지는 호박석은 소중한 선물이 되기도 한다. “행운을 가져다주는 이 구멍이 중요한 거죠” “당신에게 주려고 이걸 보관하고 있었어요” “호박석에 구멍은 자연이 장시간에 걸쳐 만든 것이기 때문에 특히 호박석에 구멍이 뚫렸다는 건 행운을 상징해요” 소나무 진액이 호박이라는 이름으로 불리기까지 걸리는 시간은 최소 5천 만 년이라고 한다. 과연 발트해의 황금이라고 불릴 만하다.
[English: Google Translator]
Rijefaya is also famous for its amber jewelery. It is because it is a place where a lot of amber stones called natural gem produced by the sea are collected because the clear and transparent color is beautiful. Mr. Guarras, who carefully processed the amber stone and lightened its light, started to work on jewelry after his retirement, while taking amber stone for 20 years. There is no amber stone that looks the same in the world. I get the impression that I am purified myself by doing this work. I made a gem by making a hole in a hallmark, rounding the edge and making it flat. The amber stone that is made of petrochemicals for a long time is a precious gift. This hole that brings good luck is important. I kept it for you. The hole in the amber stone is made from nature for a long time, so it is a symbol of good fortune, especially in the amber stone. It takes at least 50 million years for this pumpkin to be called. It would be called the golden of the Baltic Sea.
[Latvia: Google Translator]
Rijefaya ir slavena arī ar savu dzintara rotaslietu. Kristāla skaidra krāsa ir skaista, jo tā ir vieta, kur jūra ir daudz pieņemts dzimšanas kā dabas dārgakmens sauc ķirbi vietas. Mēs strādājam ar ķirbi sēdekļu kvalitatīvās robežvērtības, kas vēl atklāja, ka Mr Bruce gaismā, bet pacelt ķirbjiem vietas uz 20 gadiem, sāka darbu rotaslietas pensijas apstrādi. Nav tāda dzintara akmens, kas pasaulē būtu vienāds. Batahyo sajūta tiek attīrīts pats ar šo veikt caurumu malas mana vieta iekšējo darbību ķirbju kārta dzīvoklis dzijas padarīt rotaslietas. Dzintara akmens, kas ilgu laiku ir izgatavots no naftas ķīmijas produktiem, ir dārgs dāvinājums. Es 'svarīgi esmu caurums, kas nes veiksmi. Es esmu bijis jūs mēģināt saglabāt to ķirbju sēdekli hole'm dabas simbols veiksmi lieta, it īpaši caurums pārkāptas dzintara akmens, jo jūs izveidojāt ilgā laika periodā, Pine esences Šī ķirbja izsaukšana prasa vismaz 50 miljonus gadu. To sauc par Baltijas jūras zeltainu.
■클립명: 유럽081-라트비아03-20 발트해의 황금 호박 보석
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 홍은희 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 2월February
시장/상점,market,공장/작업장,factory,특산품,local products,유럽Europe라트비아LatviaLatvijaLatvijas Republika 홍은희20182월리예파야LiepajaLiepayaFebruary걸어서 세계속으로
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