Address: Eberhard 370 | Eberhard 370, Puerto Natales 6160000, Chile
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AmericanMS Tours Videos
Trekking Torres Del Paine National Park // Hiking Patagonia Chile
Trekking Torres Del Paine National Park // Hiking Patagonia Chile
In this travel vlog, my friends hike in Torres Del Paine National Park. Torres Del Paine National Park is hiking Patagonia Chile at its best. To get to Torres Del Paine National Park in Patagonia Chile from Santiago, Chile, we hopped on a plane to Punta Arenas.
From Punta Arenas we rented a car and drove down to Puerto Natales where we rented some hiking gear for our Torres Del Paine National Park hiking Patagonia Chile adventure.
If you plan on going trekking in Torres Del Paine National Park or hiking Patagonia in general you should make sure you're prepared. The weather in Torres Del Paine National Park and Patagonia Chile can change drastically, so you so be prepared with fowl weather hiking gear.
For my group, trekking Torres Del Paine National Park was an amazing Patagonia expedition. The beginning of the Torres Del Paine trek is a little misleading. The Torres Del Paine trail seems easy at first but it quickly becomes a challenging trek through Patagonia.
Halfway through hiking Torres Del Paine trail you come across a cool base camp. You can stop at this base camp in Torres Del Paine National Park from some camping, food and to rest from hiking a difficult hike trekking through Patagonia Chile.
After basecamp, this hike through Torres Del Paine National Park in Patagonia Chile gets pretty difficult. You will spend most of the next few hours trekking up rocky Patagonia terrain trying to get to your destination along the Torres Del Paine trail.
However, the pain is so worth it. This hike is one of the things to do in Chile and in Patagonia Chile. Don't miss out on trekking Torres Del Paine National Parking and Hiking Patagonia Chile.
Thanks for watching my travel vlog Trekking Torres Del Paine National Park // Hiking Patagonia Chile. Torres Del Paine w trek!!!!
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★ Gear I Use: → Camera: → Day Lens: → Night Lens: → Action Camera: → Mic:
→ Osprey 30L Porter Backpack: → Eagle Creek Pack It Compression Bags:
_ ★ Music: All music sourced from Artlist: (if you use this affiliate link, we both get 2 months free)
I am currently traveling with Remote Year.
#torresdelpaine #trekking #hikingtorresdelpaine
Leuk dat jullie keken naar onze vijfde reisvlog, met beelden van Puerto Natales en Torres del Paine. Vond je deze video leuk? Klik dan op abonneren om geen video van ons te missen! Instagram voor meer foto's:
Onze paklijst 6 dagen hiken en kamperen in Torres del Paine: (Voor 2 personen): Kampeerspullen: 1 tent 2 slaapmatjes (wij hebben thermorest Neoair Xlite, opblaasbaar) 2 slaapzakken 1 gasbrander gas (mag niet in het vliegtuig dus ter plekke kopen) Pannenset (1 koekenpan en 1 normale pan) 2 besteksetjes (decatlon) 1 plastic bakje voor o.a. restjes en bewaren van producten. Deksel fungeerde tevens als bord. Stevige diepvrieszakken 1 handdoek
Kleding (per persoon): 2 hardloopshirts korte mouwen 1 hardloopshirt lange mouwen 1 vest 1 regenjas/windjack/winterjas (van Marlies is van Decathlon waarbij binnenjas eruit kan worden gehaald, super handig) 1 lange broek (afritsbroek of hardlooplegging) 3 paar sokken (1 paar hielden we ’schoon’ voor in de nachten) Thermo-ondergoed (lange broek en shirt met lange mouwen) Onderbroeken 1 muts 1 pet 1 paar handschoenen
Eten (voor 2 personen): 12 ongekookte eieren 1 heel brood bakboter 1 smeerpaté Pindakaas (restje gevonden tussen de restjes van andere reizigers) 2 rollen koekjes 18 cereal bars 2 pakken pasta (800 gr totaal) 2 blikken tomatensaus 4 blikken tonijn 2 zakjes ‘paella’ 4 bakjes noodles
Onze uitgaven voor deze dure hiking trip in Torres del Paine: 50 dollar per persoon voor entree (cash only) 2 dagen campsite ‘Central’: 44 dollar per persoon (met douches) of 14.000 pesos per nacht per persoon. 1 dag campsite ‘Italiano’: Free (geen voorzieningen behalve gat in de grond) 1 dag campsite ‘Paine Grande’: 11 dollar per persoon 1 dag campsite ‘Pehoe’: 15,5 dollar per persoon Enkeltje boot van Paine Grande naar Pehoe: 35 dollar per persoon of 23.000 pesos per persoon (cash only) Shuttle van Entree naar camping Central: 3000 pesos per persoon Busticket return naar Puerto Natales: 15.000 pesos per persoon
Hostel Puerto Natales: Isla Yu Patagonia hostel, hele relaxte huiselijke sfeer met een hele lieve eigenaar!
Top 10 Places to Visit in Chile
This list of top 10 places to visit in Chile shows you the highlights of the country. I have been backpacking in Chile 2 times already where I managed to visit 13 of 15 regions. My complete Guide to Chile:
--- my travel equipment --- camera insurance packing list Online Language Course
Due to it’s long and narrow shape Chile is one of the most diverse countries on the continent. Therefore Backpacking in Chile is very attractive but also time consuming in matters of covering distances – you should plan your journey well and avoid underestimation of distances!
Things to do in Chile covered in this video: - Atacama Desert, San Pedro de Atacama, - Streetart in Valparaiso, Valparaiso - Osorno Volcano, Puerto Varas - Villarrica Volcano, Pucon - Carretera Austral & Fjords near Puerto Montt - Futaleufú River, Futaleufu - Marble Caves, Puerto Rio Tranquilo - O'Higgins Glacier and O'Higgins Lake, Villa O'Higgins - Torres del Paine, Puerto Natales (a must do in Chile!) - Isla Magdalena & Los Pinguinos, Punta Arenas
Best Places to Visit in Chile: your favorites? Did I miss any important spot you should visit when backpacking Chile? Tell us your favorite place to visit in Chile in the comments below and feel free to share this video with your friends!
More travel guides for South America can be found here:
=== Photo Credits for O'Higgins Lake & Glacier:
1) Lago O'Higgins-San Martín, NASA:
2) Glaciar O'Higgins o Ventisquero Grande, Roberto Araya Barckhahn:
=== Music:
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What to do in Chile: Gastronomy Patagonia - Open Nature
The untamed nature of the Patagonia bears unique ingredients that carry this wild spirit to each dish. Roast lamb is one of the legendary dishes in this part of the country, and is perfect for those who love a good meal. We invite you to discover exotic and unique flavors in the southern tip of Chile.
Chile is like nowhere else on earth. A magical land of fire and ice, desert and glaciers, lakes and mountains, salt pans and geysers. You can stargaze in the rugged Atacama desert, go trekking in Patagonia’s breathtaking Torres del Paine national park, sample the country’s world famous wines or discover Easter Island’s monumental Moai statues. This summer choose a cool new destination, choose Chile. Call The Ultimate Travel Company on 020 3603 5723
This is Patagonia, Part 1/2
Some highlights of my trip to Patagonia. Amazing glaciers, incredible wild enjoyable experience that I would recommend to everyone.
Fingere is a movie from a small town in southern Chile called Puerto Natales. We follow Tertuliano Correa, a local film maker, who was hired by an American investment firm to make a tourist video documenting the beautiful Torres del Paine national park in an effort to build hotels in the area. Tertuliano, of course, rebels against the Americans and decides to make his own movie about a local card game called Truco, introducing us to four card players each with a story to tell. These four stories become the movie Tertulaino creates not to be outdone though by the Americans who head to Chile to straighten Tertuliano out resulting in a final climax sure to surprise you.
Chile -Family Trip-
fuí a Chile, a un país que pensé que nunca iría pero fue increíble la pase suuuuper c00l
✭ Gracias por ver mi video, espero que les haya gustado baaaaastante y los veré en el siguiente
Ultra Fiord The magical journey has begun Highlights
(English below) Ultra Fiord: El mágico viaje ha comenzado… Entrenaste duro. En carrera, hiciste un trabajo más duro aun. Independientemente si llegaste a la meta o no, tu sabes que has explorado uno de los lugares más salvajes en el extremo sur de la Patagonia chilena. Con este video podrás revivir algunos momentos y volver a inspirarte. Bienvenido al mágico mundo de los fiordos…
*** Ultra Fiord: The magical journey has begun. You've trained hard. You've raced even harder. Regardless of completion, you know you've tasted one of the world's rawest piece of nature in the extreme southern end of Chilean Patagonia. Watch this video to relive the moments and be inspired once again by the reason that first brought you to the start line.
Welcome to the magical world of fiords…
VC BMX in Chile
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Chile impressions ♥
A few impressions from my trip to Chile ♥
Music: BTS - Outro: Wings
More Attractions in Puerto Natales Torres Del Paine