Anakena Beach, Easter Island - Chile
Anakena is a white coral sand beach in Easter Island. It was here that Ariki Hotu Matu’a, the first king of the island, landed with his men and established the first settlement on Easter Island.
EXPLORING EASTER ISLAND'S most beautiful beach, the wild ANAKENA BEACH on a stormy day ????⛱️
SUBSCRIBE: - Let's go to Anakena Beach which is a white coral sand beach in Rapa Nui National Park on Rapa Nui (Easter Island), a Chilean island in the Pacific Ocean. Anakena has two ahus, Ahu-Ature has single moai and Ahu Nao-Nao has seven, two of which are deteriorated. It also has a palm grove and a car park.
Anakena is unusual for Easter Island in that it is one of only two small sandy beaches in an otherwise rocky coastline. According to island oral traditions, Anakena was the landing place of Hotu Matu'a, a Polynesian chief who led a two-canoe settlement party here and founded the first settlement on Rapa Nui.
Easter Island, a Chilean territory, is a remote volcanic island in Polynesia. Its native name is Rapa Nui. It’s famed for archaeological sites, including nearly 900 monumental statues called moai, created by inhabitants during the 13th–16th centuries. The moai are carved human figures with oversize heads, often resting on massive stone pedestals called ahus. Ahu Tongariki has the largest group of upright moai.
Vic Stefanu,
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Anakena Beach on Easter Island
Anakena beach. We first went to look at the platform with seven moai on it. These are some of the best preserved examples of moai on the Island as they remained protected and undisturbed buried in the sand until they were recently discovered and restored. This is also the site where the only moai eye was found and is on display in the museum which I will be visiting later in the trip.
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Anakena Beach, Rapa Nui, Easter Island, Chile
Anakena is a white coral sand beach in Rapa Nui National Park on Rapa Nui, a Chilean island in the Pacific Ocean. Anakena has two ahus; Ahu-Ature has a single moai and Ahu Nao-Nao has seven, two of which have deteriorated. It also has a palm grove and a car park.
Chile Easter Island Anakena Beach Folkloric Dance Ennio 2016
Tour Easter Island: The Tattoos of Ahu Ature Hiki on Anakena Beach
Information: A Park Pass is $60 US only and available when landing at Easter Island Airport or the Park Service Office near Orongo Ceremonial Center. Since everyone visits this site first, don't bother standing in the Airport long line; get it at the office.
All necessities must be shipped in to Easter Island. A cargo ship visits every two months filled with petrol and whatever is needed. Everything must be ordered in!
Anakena Beach is the only White Sand Beach on Easter Island and has a line of 7 Moai; the first four have their Pukao on (red top hats or top knots) while the last two are only fragments of their former size. This site is thought to be the landing area of the first Polynesians.
Anakena beach Easter Island - Isla de Pascua
Isla de Pascua Videoguía, 11 Playa de Anakena. Easter Island, Chile 2015
Anakena es la principal playa de Isla de Pascua.
Está ubicada justo al otro lado del pueblo Hanga Roa, a unos 20km.
El primer rey de la isla Hotu Matua, desembarcó en esta playa.
Se encuentra un importante centro ceremonial llamda Ahu Nau Nau, con 7 Moai.
Un paraíso en el paraíso!!!
Anakena is the main beach of Easter Island.
It is located just across the town Hanga Roa, about 20km.
The first king of the island Hotu Matua landed on this beach.
It is an important ceremonial center Ahu Nau Nau llamda with 7 Moai.
A paradise in paradise !!!
Lenkdrachen Osterinsel Anakena Beach Rapa Nui Easter island Chile HD
Lenkdrachen steigen lassen auf der Osterinsel am Anakena Beach (Rapa Nui) Easter island Chile HD
Ile de Pâques Anakena plage / Easter island Anakena beach
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Anakena Beach Lunch and Cultural Show, Easter Island
Captain's Choice Private Jet Tour, Circumnavigation of the Globe March 2015
Anakena Easter Island - Chile
Te Pito o Te Henua
ANAKENA también conocida como HANGA RAU ariki, Bahía de Reyes, la más importante de la isla (porque se habría convertido en el centro religioso de la tribu Miru).
Esta playa de arena blanca y aguas turquesas generalmente tranquila y con la temperatura adecuada es ideal para nadar y tomar el sol. Además, en este sitio se encuentra la plataforma AHU NAU NAU con 7 exploradores, ubicada a 150 metros de la playa.
La zona también cuenta con algunas cafeterías y zonas de picnic.
Anakena Beach - Easter Island Travel 360VR - COMER. DORMIR. VIAJAR.
Mais em:
A Playa de Anakena é onde, segundo a lenda, foi o lugar escolhido para o desembarque do rei e sua família, origem da primeira cidade e da cultura Rapa Nui. Devido ao valor histórico este é um dos locais mais venerados na Ilha de Páscoa.
Sabendo-se que a Polinésia é um dos destinos de praia mais famosos do mundo imaginávamos que aqui encontraríamos ótimos lugares para banho, entretanto Anakena é a única praia “de verdade” da Ilha de Páscoa, com areia branca, água azul cristalina e maré calma. O solo formado por rochas vulcânicas e as fortes ondas do Oceano Pacífico fazem com que praticamente toda a área costeira da ilha seja imprópria para banho.
Anakena entrega um cenário paradisíaco, relaxante e tradicional, com muitos coqueiros (que foram transportados do Taiti na década de 60), estacionamento, banheiros, quiosques com comidas, bebidas e artesanato e até aluguel de equipamentos para mergulho. Este é o o único lugar fora da vila de Hanga Roa (o centro urbano da Ilha de Páscoa) que tem uma boa estrutura de serviços e alimentação.
A Playa de Anakena é a única do mundo onde existem 2 sítios de moai e oito estátuas de pé, transformando-a em uma das mais exóticas da Polinésia.
Por terem passado séculos soterrados, protegidos dos fortes ventos e do tempo instável que provocam a inevitável erosão das esculturas, os 7 moais sobre o Ahu Nau Nau estão bem conservados, especialmente os maiores, os poucos da ilha cujos encaixes do pukao encontram-se praticamente intactos e os únicos que exibem petróglifos nas costas.
Sobre o Ahu Ature Huki existe um moai solitário, também restaurado em 1978 pelo arqueólogo Sergio Rapu, e ao fundo a bela praia de águas geladas. Várias outras esculturas estão caídas pela região e com certeza muitas outras ainda encontram-se soterradas.
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Anakena Beach Lunch and Cultural Show, Easter Island
Captain's Choice Private Jet Tour, Circumnavigation of the Globe March 2015
Anakena Beach Lunch and Cultural Show. Easter Island
Captain's Choice Private Jet Tour, Circumnavigation of the Globe March 2015
Anakena - Isla de Pascua - Easter Island
Anakena, que es la principal playa de Isla de Pascua, representa la típica estampa que todos tenemos cuando pensamos en una playa paradisíaca. Su blanca y fina arena coralina, el mar cristalino de color turquesa, sus calmadas olas y las palmeras cocoteras (traidas de Tahití hace varias décadas) la convierten en un lugar ideal para el descanso y el ocio.
La playa Anakena invita a bañarse en cualquier época del año, ya que la temperatura del agua se mantiene en una media de unos agradables 20ºC, con pequeñas variaciones en el verano y el invierno.
Anakena es todavía una playa bastante virgen, con pocos bañistas, sobre todo durante la mañana (los tours organizados suelen llegar por la tarde) o en temporada baja, lo que permite, en ocasiones, disfrutar a solas de este pequeño, remoto y bellísimo paraíso.
Anakena Beach Easter Island
Anakena Beach, Easter Island
Anakena Beach Lunch and Cultural Show, Easter Island
Captain's Choice Private Jet Tour, Circumnavigation of the Globe March 2015
【K】Chile Travel-Easter Island[칠레 여행-이스터 섬]최고 휴양지, 아나께나 해변/Anakena Beach/Resort
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[한국어 정보]
이스터섬 원주민들이 최초로 닻을 내렸다는 아나께나 해변. 붉은 산호가루가 섞인 백사장은 완만한 해안선과 따뜻한 수온으로 물놀이를 하기에 그만이다. 성수기에는 모든 경비가 비싸다. 그래도 관광객이 폭증하는 건 연중 최적의 날씨와 아름다운 풍광 때문 일 것이다. 섬에서 나고 자연 속에서 자란 아이들의 노는 모습은 언제나 밝고 명랑하다.
[English: Google Translator]
Easter Island natives were first issued an anchor is kkena Ana beach. Red coral white sand is mixed with the powder is enough for a dip in the gentle coastline and warm temperatures. All expenses are expensive in high season. But because the tourists will be gun bursts of beautiful scenery and the best weather all year round. Appearance of overgrown children playing in nature Nago on the island is always bright and cheerful.
[Spanish: Google Translator]
Nativos de Isla de Pascua se emitieron primero un ancla es kkena playa Ana. Arena blanca de coral rojo se mezcla con el polvo es suficiente para un chapuzón en la apacible costa y temperaturas cálidas. Todos los gastos son caros en temporada alta. Pero debido a que los turistas estarán ráfagas de armas de hermosos paisajes y el mejor clima durante todo el año. Aspecto de los niños crecidos que juegan en la naturaleza Nago en la isla es siempre brillante y alegre.
■클립명: 남미11-칠레06-09 최고 휴양지, 아나께나 해변/Anakena Beach/Resort
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 은희각 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2013년 3월 March
남미,America,아메리카,칠레,Chile,은희각,2013,3월 March,이스터 섬,Easter Island,Isla de Pascua