Ancient Fortress at Cape St. Atanas
Ancient Fortress at Cape St. Atanas in Biala, Bulgaria. 360 degree video, use your mouse, finger or move mobile device to look around.
Music by Georgi Dobrev
Byala. Antique Fortress Cape Atanas // Болгария 2019. Бяла. Античная крепость.
В районе современного курортного города Бяла, на мысе святого Атанаса расположены руины позднеантичной крепости, где до сих пор продолжаются археологические раскопки. Впервые исследователи проявили интерес к этой местности в конце 19 века.
Ученые утверждают, что древнее поселение возникло в этом районе в 6 веке до нашей эры, немного позже была возведена крепость – эллинская колония, получившая название Аспро, что означает Белый город. Этим названием крепость обязана белым цветом известняковых скал, имеющих к тому же причудливую, изрезанную форму. Сохранились до наших дней руины древних крепостных стен, которые окружали и защищали поселение.
Здесь были найдены фрагменты древних корабельных якорей, которые были изготовлены из дерева и камня. Вместе с другими экспонатами, найденными на раскопках, они доступны для обозрения в выставочном центре «Белые скалы» («Белити Скали»).
В ходе раскопок археологами из Варны здесь был обнаружен уникальный артефакт – перстень из золота, датируемый 6 веком до н.э. Он украшен миниатюрной точной копией ротонды, которая находится в Иерусалиме. Подобный перстень лишь единожды упоминается в литературе, считается, что такие украшения изготавливались только в мастерских императора в Константинополе. Вероятно, перстень с ротондой был подарен константинопольским патриархом местному епископу. Найдено украшение было в руинах дома, состоящего из двух этажей, в котором, предположительно, епископ и проживал.
In the area of the modern spa town of Byala, on the cape of St. Athanas, are the ruins of a late antique fortress, where archaeological excavations are still ongoing. For the first time, researchers showed interest in this area at the end of the 19th century.
Scientists say that an ancient settlement arose in this area in the 6th century BC, a fortress was built a little later - a Hellenic colony, called Aspro, which means the White City. The fortress owes this name to the white color of the limestone cliffs, which also have a bizarre, rugged shape. The ruins of the ancient fortress walls that surrounded and defended the settlement have survived to this day.
Fragments of ancient ship anchors that were made of wood and stone were found here. Together with other exhibits found during excavations, they are available for viewing at the White Rocks exhibition center.
During excavations by archaeologists from Varna, a unique artifact was discovered here - a ring of gold dating from the 6th century BC. It is decorated with a miniature replica of the rotunda, which is located in Jerusalem. Such a ring is mentioned only once in the literature, it is believed that such jewelry was made only in the workshops of the emperor in Constantinople. The ring with the rotunda was probably donated by the Patriarch of Constantinople to the local bishop. The decoration was found in the ruins of a house consisting of two floors, in which, presumably, the bishop lived.
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Archeology: Cape Saint Atanas in Byala on Bulgaria's Black Sea coast.
Varna archaeologists working at a site of an ancient fortress near Cape Saint Atanas in Byala on Bulgaria's Black Sea coast have found early Christian baptismal fonts, estimated to date from the fifth to sixth centuries CE, as well as the foundations of a basilica.
Byala Fortress on Black Sea,Bulgaria with Daniel Dimitrov
Fortress Saint Atanasii is in small town of Byala,Bulgaria.located on the cape near Byala it also have a old lighthouse and old bazilic.
Bulgaria HiLites: The Ulpia Eskus Archeological Reserve
The Ulpia Eskus Archeological Reserve from the 3rd-4th c. is on the municipal territory very close to the village of Gigen. In archeological terms the town has been researched since the beginning of the last century and the excavation, preservation and restoration work continues until nowadays. The municipality is planning to build a museum and an archeological center in order to make best use of its setting and reserves for the development of cultural, hunting, fishing and rural tourism.
After excavations in the village of Gigen the archeologists discovered not only an early-fortress wall of an ancient town, dating from II century AC, but also a lot of findings and information for the lifestyle of the population, that inhabited that region. One of the most remarkable things discovered in the town of Ulpiya Eskus is the mosaic Aheitsi. In the Regional history museum monuments, findings from the Roman town Ulpiya Eskus and the early Byzantine fortress of Storgozia are exposed: architecture details, colored floor mosaics, sculptures of Greek -- Roman pantheon divinities, golden ornaments.
Отдых В Болгарии 2019:Путешествия По Болгарии. Асенова Крепость/Travel In Bulgaria. Asenova Fortress
Асенова крепость – средневековая крепость в Родопах, расположенная на возвышении левого берега Чепеларской реки, южнее на 2-3 километра от Асеновграда. По данным, основанных на археологических раскопках, первые укрепления на этой территории появились в IX столетии. В частности, об этом свидетельствуют найденные монеты времён правителя Феофила.
Асенова крепость являлась важным центром, который контролировал движение через речную долину к Эгейскому морю из Пловдива. Этому способствовало и выгодное расположение прямо в Родопских горах.
Первоначально крепость была лишь небольшой башней, вокруг которой со временем стали обустраиваться сельские постройки. Позднее они выделились в два крошечных села – Стенимака и Петрич.
Впервые упоминания об Асеновой крепости обнаружены в уставе Бачковского монастыря XI столетия: в нём речь идёт об «укреплённом поселении Петрич». К слову, это поселение существовало лишь до XIV столетия. В период, на который пришёлся Третий крестовый поход, крепость захватили, тогда она упоминалась как Скрибенцион.
Крепость была перестроена в 1231 году, во время правления Ивана Асеня II. Согласно надписи на стене, перестройка была необходима для обороны болгар от латинян. Высота стен стала 12 метров, ширина – 3 метра. По сути это был феодальный замок. Сегодня там можно осмотреть уцелевшие три цистерны-водохранилища и три десятка разнообразных комнат.
Превосходно сохранился храм Успения Пресвятой Божьей Матери XII-XIII столетий. Это двухэтажная однонефная крестово-купольная церковь. Внутри церковь украшают фрески работы мастеров XIV столетия.
Крепость была захвачена византийцами после смерти болгарского царя Асеня II, вновь она была возвращена болгарским царём Иоанном-Александром ближе к середине XIV столетия. Но после её захватили турки. В этот период крепость была заброшена, функционировала только церковь.
Русские в 1878 году, наступая на османские войска, отбили вместе с селением Станимак и руины Асеновой крепости. В 1934 город переименовали в Асеновград, а в 70-е на территории крепости начались активные археологические работы.
К 1991 году специалисты завершили реставрацию крепости и она превратилась в национальный памятник культуры.
Asenova Fortress is a medieval fortress in the Rhodope Mountains, located on the elevation of the left bank of the Chepelar River, 2–3 km south of Asenovgrad. According to data based on archaeological excavations, the first fortifications on this territory appeared in the 9th century. In particular, coins found during the reign of Theophilus testify to this.
Asenova fortress was an important center that controlled the movement through the river valley to the Aegean Sea from Plovdiv. This was facilitated by a favorable location right in the Rhodope Mountains.
The first mention of the Asen Fortress was found in the charter of the Bachkovsky monastery of the XI century: it refers to the “fortified settlement of Petrich”. By the way, this settlement existed only until the XIV century. In the period during which the Third Crusade fell, the fortress was captured, then it was referred to as Scribention.
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Durankulak, Bulgarian Troy
Film about prehistoric settlement Dourankulak, Bulgaria 2004 Prof. Henrietta Todorova tells why Dourankolak called Bulgarian Troy. Bulgarian language.
Europe's oldest town discovered:Dead sliced in half, and buried from pelvis up
Residents of what is thought to be Europe's oldest town cut their dead in half and buried them from the pelvis up, according to archaeologists.
The newly discovered ancient settlement, thought to date back to 4700BC, is near the Bulgarian town of Provadia, about 25 miles from the country's Black Sea coast.
Archaeology professor Vassil Nikolov led the dig which focused on the town itself and its necropolis, where the strange and complex burial rituals were discovered.
'Now we can say that the Provadia salt pans location is the oldest town in Europe, [dating from] roughly 4700 to 4200BC,' he told CNN.
There is as yet no clue as to why some corpses have been sliced in half and buried from the pelvis up, but researchers found evidence to show some residents of the salt-producing area were wealthy people.
Professor Nikolov told the Sofia Globe the town's 300 to 350 residents lived in two-storey homes and earned their living mining the surrounding area for salt, which was as important to the ancient world as oil is today.
'The salt water was evaporated by different techniques in ceramic bowls,' Professor Nikolov told CNN. 'Salt produced was used as money because salt was essential for both humans and animals.'
The nearby town of Provadia remains an important salt centre to this day, with much foreign investment in the area devoted to extracting the stuff.
But in ancient times Provadia-Solnitsata would have needed little in the way of outside money since, as the only place in the Balkans where salt was produced at the time, it was the 'mint' of the region.
To protect their wealth, their town was surrounded by stone walls three metres high and a phenomenal two metres thick, which researchers believe are the earliest and most massive fortifications of Europe's pre-history.
Other findings suggested that even 7,000 years ago the residents of the town had already developed a class system.
Archaeologist Margarita Lyuncheva, a member of Professor Nikolov's team, told CNN that finds of spiral copper needles for hairdressing in some graves showed 'there are two grades of people, [one] probably with higher social status'.
She added: 'We think that women had a sort of bun-shaped hairstyle.'
British, Japanese and German scientists have so far confirmed the Bulgarian team's findings, which were made during a two-month dig over the summer.
1. VELIKO TARNOVO FORTRESS 43° 4'55.86N 25°39'5.92E
2. KALIAKRA FORTRESS, BALGAREVO 43°21'53.90N 28°27'57.16E
3. MADARA HORSEMAN 43°16'41.28N 27° 7'10.52E
4. MONUMENT, PLOVDIV 42° 9'4.75N 24°44'40.00E
5. PALACE OF THE PARLIAMENT 44°25'39.30N 26° 5'15.30E
6. EUXINOGRAD PALACE, VARNA 43°13'8.95N 27°59'41.29E
7. ART MUSEUM, TARNOVO 43° 4'53.90N 25°38'19.23E
8. CLOCK TOWER, PLOVDIV 42° 8'46.74N 24°44'46.32E
9. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, SOFIA 42°41'50.48N 23°19'27.27E
10. NEBET TEPE FORTRESS, PLOVDIV 42° 9'5.00N 24°45'7.37E
11. CASTLE BABA VIDA, VIDIN 43°59'35.02N 22°53'12.88E
Archaeological dig near Geshaview - part one
David Hollands meets archaeologists from the New Bulgarian University as they uncover Bulgaria's past.
Prehistory in Thrace
Prehistory in Thrace (29)
Bulgaria, Tatul ancient Thracian tomb
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
In the 2000s Bulgarian archaeologists discovered an ancient Thracian surface tomb and sanctuary in the immediate proximity of the village, and it was soon recognized as an exclusive religious center in the region of importance to the whole region according to head archaeologist Nikolay Ovcharov. Latest archaeological finds date the earliest settlement to 4000 BC
Medieval Archaeological Complex Perperikon -- town of Kardzhali
Medieval Archaeological Complex Perperikon -- town of Kardzhali (12)
Bulgaria HiLites: Cape Kaliarka, Black Sea Coast
Kaliakra is a long and narrow headland in the Southern Dobruja region of the northern Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, located 12 km east of Kavarna and 60 km northeast of Varna. The coast is steep with vertical cliffs reaching 70 m down to the sea.
Kaliakra is a nature reserve, where dolphins, cormorants and pinnipeds can be observed. It also features the remnants of the fortified walls, water-main, baths and residence of Despot Dobrotitsa in the short-lived Principality of Karvuna's medieval capital.
The first traces of the inhabitants of Kaliarka lead us back to the 4th c. BCE, when the Thracian tribe Terizi settled here. They also gave the first name of the cape - Tirizis. Later, the settlement fell under the rule of the Roman Empire and then the Byzantine Empire.
The name Kaliarka, which is translated from ancient Greek as a nice and hospitable cape, was first mentioned in a navigational map in 1318. The major growth of Kaliarka came in the second half of ythe 14th c., when the fortress became the capital of the independent Bulgarian prinicipality.
Kaliarka is one of the last Bulgarian territories to fall under the Ottoman rule. In 1444 the knight warriors of the Polish-Hungarian king Vladislaus III Jagiello conquered the fortress but were forced to leave it after their defeat near Varna.
On 31 July 1791 the greatest battle in the Black Sea occurred near Kaliarka.
The Russians utterly defeated the larger Ottoman squadron. This victory ended the Russian-Ottoman war of 1787-1792. The Russian admiral is honored on Cape Kaliarka with a monument.
Norway funds archaeological excavations in Bulgaria
Rousse Regional Historical Museum (Bulgaria)
The Rousse Regional Historical Museum is one of the 11 regional museums of Bulgaria. It acts within the Rousse, Razgrad, and Silistra regions. The museum occuipies the building of the former Battenberg Palace, previously a local court, built 1879--1882 by Friedrich Grünanger.
The Rousse Regional Historical Museum was established in 1904. Its basis are the archeological collections of Karel and Hermenguild Shkorpil, as well as of the naturalist Vasil Kovachev, which were gathered in the Knyaz Boris men's high school of Rousse.
The museum holds approximately 140,000 items, including:
* prehistoric pottery and idol plastic arts
* the Borovo treasure of the 4th century BC (a ritual wine set, gold-plated silver)
* the finds of excavations of the antique Danube castles Yatrus and Sexaginta Prista, and of the medieval Bulgarian city Cherven
* a collection of medieval frescoes
* a collection of exhibits of traditional lifestyle
* a collection of urban clothing, china, glass, and silver from the end of the 19th — beginning of the 20th century
* personal belongings of notable figures from the struggle for national liberation
* a numismatic collection
* a collection of bones from prehistoric mammals, including a unique lower jaw of a Mammuthus rumanus
* a bronze helmet from 4th--3rd century BC, suggestedly belonging to one of the soldiers of Alexander the Great. The helmet was contributed in August 2006 by the Bobokovi brothers, major shareholders of the Prista Oil company. The time and place where the helmet was found was not publicly revealed.
The museum features seven full-time exhibitions, three of them being open-air:
* the Rock-hewn Churches of Ivanovo
* the Medieval city of Cherven
* the Roman castle of Sexaginta Prista
Русенският музей е основан през 1904 г. В основата му стоят археологическите сбирки на Карел и Херменгилд Шкорпил и на естествоизпитателя Васил Ковачев, които са били събрани в Русенската мъжка гимназия „Княз Борис. От 2007 г. постоянната експозиция на музея се помещава в сградата на Окръжното управление, построено пред 1882 г. от арх. Фридрих Грюнангер.
Институционално, Регионалният исторически музей в Русе обединява експозициите на историческия музей, Пантеона на възрожденците, Къща-музей „Градски бит на Русе (известна като Къщата на Калиопа), Къща-музей „Захарий Стоянов, Къща-музей „Тома Кърджиев, както и три експозиции на открито: Ивановските скални църкви,Средновековният град Червен, Римската крепост Сексагинта Приста.
Archeology Field School Documentary
Summer of 2012 Steven and Abe went to film the students and staff at the excavation site of Fort Massachusetts in Southern Colorado. For more information about the field school visit: Produced by Jack Rabbit Hollow and Grizzly Video.
Pliska a national historical archaeological reserve
I love Bulgaria. I love Pliska.
Streetfood in Bulgaria. Кулинарный Фестиваль Street Food & Art Festival “Кино и Храна” Варна 2019
С 28.08 по 01.09 в Морском саду Варны второй раз проходил кулинарный фестиваль Street Food & Art Festival Кино и Храна.
На 5 дней часть территории Морского парка превратилась в кулинарную и художественную арену, где своим мастерством делились повара любители и профессионалы, кулинарные блогеры и просто любители вкусно покушать)
По словам организаторов: Идея фестиваля заключалась в объединении различных исскуств: музыки, танцев, кино и других через призму кулинарии.
From 28.08 to 01.09 in the Sea Garden of Varna, the Street Food & Art Festival Kino and Khrana was held for the second time.
For 5 days, part of the territory of the Marine Park turned into a culinary and art arena, where amateurs and professionals, culinary bloggers and just lovers of tasty food shared their skills
According to the organizers: The idea of the festival was to unite various arts: music, dance, cinema and others through the prism of cooking.
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Я - Ольга Липатова, тревэлвлогер и представитель международного проекта Фонд Всемирная энциклопедия путешествий. В своих путешествиях я встречаюсь со многими интересными людьми, беру интервью и рассказываю об их деятельности.
Также, я помогаю организовать комфортный отдых в Варне и Суздале.
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Гостевой дом Колокольцы в Суздале -
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Naoh's Ark Quest Part 4 The City of the Lake
Footnote 1
Necklace of gold and chalcedonic beads from tomb No 211 of the necropolis at Durankulak (the second half of the 5th millennium B.C.) - Late Neolithic-chalcolithic Age, Varna culture.
Footnote 2
Strings of gold and malachite beads from the necropolis at Durankulak (the middle of the 5th millennium B.C.) - Varna culture.
Footnote 3
Anthropomorphic amulet, tomb No 694 of the necropolis at Durankulak (the middle of the 5th millennium B.C.) - Varna culture.
Footnote 4
Spiral of gold wire (probably a head ornament), tomb No 165 of the necropolis at Durankulak (the middle of the 5th millennium B.C.) - Varna culture.
The Hamangia Culture
For the Sava culture as such only their territory of settlement is known and gave them their name.
Varna culture
Scientific advise