Spaceship Aurora demo
At Andøya Space Center in Vesterålen you can take part in an exciting mission, explore the Northern Lights and learn about space travel with the Spaceship Aurora!
ICFRC: An International Rocket Field School at the Andoya Space Centre in Norway
David Miles is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Iowa. Professor Miles is an experimental space physicist specializing in the development of the next-generation space-flight magnetic field instruments and particularly miniature instruments for nanosatellites and multipoint measurement instrument constellations. His research interests include space weather, solar-terrestrial physics, and auroral dynamics including magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. He is the Co-Pl of the magnetic field instrument (MGF) on the Canadian Cassiope/e-POP spacecraft and is the Instrument PI for the miniature digital fluxgate magnetometer (DFGM) on the Ex-Alta-1 CubeSat. He has provided fluxgate magnetometer for two sub-orbital sounding rockets (ICI-4 and Maxidusty-1b) and several ground observatories. Professor Miles was named one of Alberta's Most Influential People: the Next 10 by Alberta Venture Magazine in 2015. He received his PhD from the University of Alberta in 2017. He has eleven peer reviewed publications with five as first author.
Hannah Gulick is a sophomore from Spirit Lake, Iowa studying astronomy, physics, and English Creative Writing. She works on several research projects with the astronomy faculty concerning space instrumentation, X-ray astronomy, and radio astronomy. She hopes to be a researching astrophysicist.
Josh Larson is a senior from Mount Pleasant who is currently pursuing two degrees at the University of Iowa: a BSE in Electrical Engineering and a BS in Physicals. His post-grad plans are to pursue at PhD in space physics with regards to experimentation and instrument development for measuring space plasmas.
In January 2018 to University of Iowa undergraduate students traveled to the Andøya Space Center in Northern Norway to complete a week long sounding rocket field school called CaNoRock (Canada/Norway Sounding Rocket Program). CaNoRock uses student rocket activities as a high profile talent magnet to attract undergraduate students into space-related career paths, to enhance discovery learning through practical hands-on instruction, and to create an exceptional learning environment for undergraduate students. The ultimate goal of CaNoRock is to build scientific and technological research capacity by helping undergraduate students to transition into space-related graduate study and industry. This was the first time that an American university has participated in this international field school. This speech describes the field school and its pedagogical approach and presents the experience through the eyes of the two participating students, Hannah Gulick and Josh Larson.
For more information on the Foreign Relations Council visit their website at
Launch of C-Rex at Andøya Space Center (NASA)
C-REX is a NASA sounding rocket mission that will release a large constellation of artificial clouds into the ionosphere above the Greenland Sea, in order to measure winds at the edge of space. People on Svalbard will have a front-row seat for this spectacular event.
The C-REX mission
In parallell with the CAPER mission, NASA is also preparing the C-REX (Cusp-Region Experiment) mission (NASA nr. 52.001 UE). The PI for this Experiment is Dr. Mark Conde of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks (UAF). The C-REX Experiment is being based lined aboard a Black Brant XIIA launch vehicle and requires the deployment of 24 individual canisters sub-payloads. Each canister will be propelled away from the main payload by small rocket motors and then detonate, releasing barium and strontium clouds between the altitude of 150 and 400 km over the Greenland Sea, west of Svalbard. Ground and aircraft based cameras will then track these clouds with the strontium drift indicating movement of the neutral winds, and the barium drift giving the ion velocities. This Experiment also requires an Attitude Control System (ACS) to hold alignment of the main payload during sub-payload deplaoyments and real time GPS release timing in order to maintain the desired integrity of the resultant constellation. The C-REX mission is a collaboration between the UAF, Clemson University (CU) with Dr. Miguel Larsen as Co-Investigator and responsible person for the barium/strontium ampoules needed for this mission, and the University College of London (UCL) with Dr. Anasuya Aruliah responsible for the UCL’s Fabry-Perot instruments on Svalbard .
Rocket Launch at Andoya Space Center
A modded f-16 missile by engineer students at UIT Narvik.
Robert Svendsen fra Larvik på Romskipet Aurora. -Andøya Space Center
Andøya space center: northern rocket range
This image shows a fourstage Black Brant XII sounding rocket on Dec. 12, 2010, during the NASAfunded Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling RENU. The...
Andøya space center: northern rocket range
Nammo Lost in Space?
A short movie filmed on the fly while some colleagues and I flew a mission in the Aurora spaceflight simulator at Andøya Space Center. The movie is made to be sci-fi in style. Sorry only Norwegian language spoken in the film.
Recommend all to visit and fly the Spaceship Aurora simulator at Andøya Space Center. Follow the link for more information:
Thanks to intro clip from the feature movie Space Odysse 2001 and the TV series Blindpassasjeren.
Kind regards,
Jan-Erik Rønningen
Northern lights and wildlife at Andøy Friluftssenter
Welcome to winter Wonderland. Nice Place at all time of the year.
Some pics by BennyHøynes(
Music by Chris Barlow, from the album Under Northern lights
Thanx to Chris Barlow, for allowing us to use his great songs at this video.
Andøya Space Center | Building contest entry | FREE DOWNLOAD
This is my contest entry for the Andøya Space Center, Norway, building contest.
Modern themed (first modern build) and space like items around. Based on the real map over Andøya located in Norway.
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Mods used in my videos:
-GLSL Shaders Mod + Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders
-Optifine HD
-Camera Studio V2.172
-Camera Studio Video Recorder
-Docucraft TSC Light
Music used:
Approaching Nirvana - Mount Olympus
Approaching Nirvana - Monster
Helene Bøksle - Vi blir til her
Launch of Care II from Andøya Space Center
NASA Care II launched from Andøya Space Center 16 september 2015, 1906 UTC.
Hvorfor skyte raketter fra Andøya
Hva er egentlig årsaken til at det kommer forskere fra hele verden til Andøya i Nord-Norge for å skyte raketter opp i rommet? Hva er så spesielt med Andøya?
Tarjei Antonsen jobber som romforsker på raketter som skal skytes opp i 2016.
Musikk: Février -
Filmet på Space Systems ved Andøya Space Center.
Rocket launch Andenes 22.06.2012
Rocket launch on Andenes 2012
Countdown and launch of Volare-1 Fly a Rocket! 2017
31st May, 2017 at 11:04, Volare-1 was launched from Andøya Space Center. Volare-1 was the name of the first rocket in the Fly a Rocket! programme.
‘Fly a Rocket!’ is a pilot Hands-on Space Projects’ opportunity offered in the framework of the ESA Academy programme for university students. It is being offered in collaboration with the Norwegian Centre for Space-related Education (NAROM), and the Norwegian Space Centre (Norsk Romsenter).
Read more about the programme at: or!_programme
Andøya - Norway (4K)
Captured with DJI Mavic Pro 2.
European Space Camp Rocket Launch 2018
Andōya Space Centre, Norway
Fra Slemmestad til Nordmela - [FULL FILM]
Fra Slemmestad til Nordmela - er en dokumentarfilm som ble filmet av en gutt på tolv år, igjennom turen hvor vi kjørte fra Slemmestad i Røyken, til Nordmela i Andøy.
Vi kjørte en tur på 25 timer som vi fordelte på tre dager.
DAG 1: Slemmestad - Trondhiem
DAG 2: Trondheim - Mo I Rana
DAG 3: Mo I Rana - Nordmela
Intro og film tittel ble laget i IntroMate og er ikke fullt mine rettigheter.
All rights to Kristoffer Film 2014
Music: RelaxDaily -
Også vil jeg takke Svein Vollan for turen.
Filmet med:
Canon 1100D
iPhone 4
Andøya Rocket Range
Andøya Space Center
Hval angrep
Hvalsafari Andøya
Kristoffer film
Kort film
Trist kortfilm
Glad kortfilm
Road trip
Full Film
Aurora Borealis Andøya North Norway
Short: AZURE rocket launches
I'm at Alomar Observatory in northern Norway as part of the AZURE mission (Auroral Zone Upwelling Rocket Experiment). Two rockets were launched from Andøya Space Center, and my part was to help with optical observations from the nearby highpoint here at Alomar Observatory. I've been here a week waiting for both the weather and the science conditions to cooperate for the launch, but the mission has been waiting for a launch much longer than that - they tried to launch last year but after waiting for two weeks they never found the right conditions, and I think the same might have happened the year before (2017). So this launch was a long time coming.
The AZURE mission used sounding rockets to release these glowing tracer clouds in the upper atmosphere, from around 100km to up to 250km altitude. Observers at the ground sites (like me) then use optical instruments - which are mostly off-the-shelf dSLR cameras - to track the way the clouds move over the next ~30 minutes. This allows investigators to learn about the winds and magnetic fields at these altitudes.
As a bonus, it also looks spectacular.
Romskipet Aurora
Romskipet Aurora, tegnet av NITH-studentene Austvik Jacobsen, Johannessen, Kastnes, Opsahl, Ramskjell og Roberts.
Andøya Student Rocket Launch Kaputnik Vlog