Madagascar Parc Ankarafantsika Majunga.
Émission TV Zone Australe ( Antenne Réunion ) Serge Marizy et Laurence Gilibert sur le Parc Animalier et éco Touristique de Ankarafantsika à 120 Km de Majunga
Voetspore - Madagascar - Episode 3 - Mahajanga and Ankarafantsika
The team travels north to Mahajanga on the Mozambique Channel. This is a bustling town and popular holiday destination to the people of the capital. After Mahajanga a visit is paid to the wild life conservation area of Ankarafantsika. Well informed guides assist as the team experiences this park during day and night hikes. A variety of lemurs and chameleons are seen, as well as strange leaf bugs, lizards and spiders.
Voetspore in Madagascar is a 13-part series of the Voetspore team’s visit to the Indian Ocean island, broadcast on SABC2, Thursdays at 20:00. Catch full episodes, here directly after the normal TV broadcast at 21:00. Join us then!
The first time in 15 years, the Voetspore Team is leaving the African continent! During a three month journey over 9 000 km on the island in their 4x4 vehicles, the Voetspore Team explore the island from the capital, Antananarivo, to the tourist hot spots of Nose Be, the Tsingy, Alle de Baobabs, Tuléar and Anakao, to the barren Cap Saint Marie and Faux Cap.
Madagascar, the world’s fourth largest island after Greenland, New Guinea and Borneo, is a land of dramatic contrasts and renowned for its unique, diverse landscapes, flora and fauna as well as the intriguing culture of its people. Referred to as the Great Red Island because of its red clay soils, Madagascar splintered off from the super-continent Gondwana between 120 and 165 million years ago, creating a geographic isolation from Africa and India which facilitated a gentle evolution of its plants and animals, largely free from predators.
The result is a peculiar assemblage of life forms, including several species of lemurs that range in size form 150 gram up to that of a female gorilla and from the smallest to the largest chameleons..
????ENVIRONNEMENT - Le parc national d’Ankarafantsika gravement menacé.
Depuis quelques années, le phénomène semble prendre de l'ampleur selon le chef de secteur. La migration de populations du sud de Madagascar est pointée du doigt, tout comme la culture des terres et la production de charbon. Reportage sur la destruction programmée d'une richesse unique de Madagascar si aucune action pérenne n'est mise en place. Une problématique humaine et environnementale qui nécessite une implication importante de l'État.
05 Madagascar parc national d'Ankarafantsika
Découverte du Parc National d'Ankafantsika à Madagascar
Road between Ankarafantsika and Majunga in a taxibrouse part two. Madagascar
via YouTube Capture
Madagaskar Ankarafantsika NP
april 2017
Le Parc Ankarafantsika. Madagascar.
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Road between Ankarafantsika and Majunga in a taxibrouse. Madagascar
via YouTube Capture
Release of head-started Madagascar side-necked turtles, Ankarafantsika National Park, Madagascar
180 head-started turtles are released into Lake Ankomakoma to restore the wild population. To date, over 300 turtles have been head-started and released by Durrell.
Parc National d'Ankarafantsika, Madagascar
Après un tour du monde de 11 mois en famille, nous sommes rentrés pour vendre le reste de nos affaires puis direction Madagascar!
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Images et montage : le grand Monde
Musique : BO la vie rêvée de Walter Mitty
Coquerel´s sifaka´s in Ankarafantsika National Park (Madagascar)
This video shows the activities of the individuals of one family of Coquerel´s sifaka´s (Propithecus verreauxi coquereli) in the trees in front of the reception of the Ankarafantsika National Park in Madagascar
For more info about Madagascar, see also my book (in Dutch) about my travel journey through Madagascar in 2012:
Parc d'Ankarafantsika
J'ai créé cette vidéo à l'aide de l'outil de création de diaporamas YouTube (
environs de Mahajanga.wmv
Un parcours en quatre temps dans les environs de Mahajanga, des multiples plages de pêcheurs, aux villages secrets de l'autre côté de la rive; l'arrière pays de Marovoay jusqu'au parc national de l'Ankarafantsika pour terminer sur le sublime site d'Antsanitia.
Ankarafantsika Nationalpark
Ankarafantsika ist einer der größten und letzten verbliebenen Abschnitte des dichten trockenen Laubwaldes in Madagaskar, dort leben stark gefährdete endemische Arten. Der Park liegt etwa 450 km nördlich von Antananarivo und 110 km südlich von Mahajanga auf einer Fläche von fast 1.350 km² . Die Vegetation besteht hauptsächlich aus relativ niedrigem und schroffem Laubwald mit Savannengebieten und Laubwald um den Ravelobe-See. Die wichtigste ethnische Gruppe sind die Sakavala, die hauptsächlich Zebu Züchter und Bauern sind.
Ankarafantsika ist das letzte Refugium mehrerer Lemuren- und Vogelarten, deswegen ist der Schutz des Parks so wichtig.
2s Mada visite zoo tsimbazaza tnr 1
Salam à tous, voici une vidéo Khojatv...:
Visit Madagascar: Ankarana National Park and Market Day
Trust me. Even with the world's greatest guide, it is NOT easy to spot the elusive lemur. And I still wonder how the guide could plunge into the thick undergrowth and come up with a chameleon!
Ankarana in northern Madagascar was created in 1956 and is a small plateau composed of 150-million-year-old middle Jurassic limestone. However, we did see our first lemurs. They like to move it, move it....
Madagascar: July, 2017
Madagascar : Parc National Andasibe
Émission TV Zone Australe ( Antenne Réunion ) Serge Marizy et Virginie Baret sur le Parc National de Andasibe.
History of Sakalava People, NW Madagascar
This was during a little lake safari with my Malagasy brother Emile in the beautifully unique Ankarafantsika National Park, en route to the DTS being held in Mahajanga. Our guide tells us about how the Sakalava people today make sacrifices to the local freshwater crocodiles (sometimes as large and costly as a zebu oxen!), believing them to be their royal ancestors who had drowned themselves centuries ago to avoid becoming slaves to the conquering power coming out of the East (modern day capital of Tana)...Madagascar is a fascinating land with a variety of peoples in need of the gospel of Jesus as the Ultimate Sacrifice, once and for all!
Vacances 2016 Part I: Ankarafantsika
Visite du Parc National Ankarafantsika avec Stéphano, Mady, Ella, Evans, Xa et Viviane. Août 2016.