Tram Hyundai Rotem AnTray, Antalya Turkey
Hyundai Rotem — южнокорейская компания, которая производит подвижные составы, военную технику и заводское оборудование. Она является частью Hyundai Motor Group. Название было изменено на современное в декабре 2007 года. Hyundai Rotem - единственный производитель подвижного состава в Южной Корее, который предлагает комплексные решения для железнодорожного вагоностроения, производя железнодорожные транспортные средства, в том числе высокоскоростные поезда, поезда с магнитной подвеской или поезда с магнитной подвеской и поезда метро, а также управляя и ремонтируя железнодорожные системы. Кроме того, компания эксплуатирует свои системы защиты, включающие боевые машины, и специализируется на проектировании, производстве и вводе в эксплуатацию в области сталелитейного производства, производства автомобилей и электростанций. Это один из пяти крупнейших игроков в мире по производству подвижного состава. Компания производит основные электрические и электронные блоки для железнодорожных транспортных средств по собственной технологии, чтобы поставлять свою продукцию по всему миру.
Antalya tram (metro): Airport Havalimani - Pil Fabrikasi (next bus station)
Анталия: поездка на трамвае от аэропорта почти до автовокзала.
ANTALYA ANTRAY Muratpaşa (Mark Antalya) to Airport Turkey | tramway tour / tram ride [FHD HDR]
This ANTRAY (tram ride / tramway tour - by walk) tour, starts at Muratpaşa station (Mark Antalya AVM shopping mall), continues through the old town and end at Antayla Airport (AYT), in Antalya, Turkey.
Watch my related videos from ANTALYA, Turkey:
- ANTALYA KALEİÇİ from Hadrian Gate to Hıdırlık Bridge:
- ANTALYA NOSTALGIC TRAM from Cumhuriyet (Kaleiçi) to Zerdalilik:
- ANTALYA KALEİÇİ from Hırışık Bridge to Hadrian Gate:
- ANTALYA NOSTALGIC TRAM from Zerdalilik to Müze:
+ ANTALYA Turkey walks playlist:
Please, kindly LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE. On this channel, I post walk / walking tour / walk-through / etc. videos regularly - like this one. And, click the BELL to be notified.
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Timeline for this walking tour (in walking order, approx time-stamps):
00:00:00 TRamway ride / tram tour starts at Muratpaşa station (Mark Antalya AVM shopping mall)
Enjoy the video in FHD in HDR. HDR enables further dynamic range and thus further details in high dynamic range and high contrast situations. It's advised to watch on compatible 4K HDR TVs and 4K HDR displays of Sony, Panasonic, LG, etc.
Shot with Huawei Mate 20 Pro. It might be a good reference, whether you are considering Huawei Mate 20 Pro vs Huawei Mate 30 Pro, or perhaps vs iPhone 11 Pro.
© Can Burak Bizer. All rights reserved. Please, contact for licensing enquiries.
Antalya Ulasim - Tram in Antalya (Türkei) [HD] [1080p]
Das Straßenbahnsystem in Antalya ging im Jahre 2009 mit Fertigstellung der 11,1 km langen Strecke von der Endstation Fatih im Norden zur Umsteigestation Meydan im Zentrum. Diese Strecke hat 16 Haltestellen (davon 2 unterirdisch) und ist vollständig auf eigenem Bahnkörper trassiert. Für die Strecke wurden 14 Bahnen des Typs CAF Urbos (Nr. 101-114) gebaut und ausgeliefert. Die Spurweite beträgt 1435 mm (Normalspur). Anlässlich zur Expo 2016 wurde das Netz um eine 15,4 km lange Trasse vom Meydan zum Messegelände (EXPO) mit Streckenast zum Flughafen (Havalimanı), welche im Dezember 2016 in Betrieb ging. Für die Verlängerung wurden 18 hochmoderne Bahnen das Typs Hyundai Rotem an die Antalya Ulasim (Nr. 201-218) ausgeliefert.
Heute besteht das Streckennetz aus zwei Linien (Fatih-Havalimanı und Fatih-EXPO), welche beide alle 10-15 Minuten fahren. Der einzige Betriebshof befindet sich an der Endstation Fatih. Wissenswert ist, dass alle Tram-Haltestellen mit Drehkreuzen ausgestattet sind, durch die man nach Halten der eigenen Abo-Karte an den Leser kommt.
Es gibt seit 1999 noch eine historische Straßenbahn in der Innenstadt, hiervon habe ich allerdings keine Aufnahmen gemacht.
Das Video zeigt Aufnahmen beider Straßenbahntypen entlang der Strecke von Havalimanı bis Fatih. Mitfahrten in beiden Typen habe ich ebenfalls mit hereingenommen.
Ich wünsche viel Spaß beim Anschauen!
Nicht vergessen: Ohne meine Erlaubnis dürfen meine Videos nicht weiterverwendet werden.
Antalya tramvay sistemi kuzeyde bulunan Fatih terminalinden Meydan merkezine 11.1 km'lik mesafenin tamamlanarak 2009 yılında faaliyete geçti. Bu rota 16 durak (2 tanesi yeraltındadır) ve tamamen kendi demiryolu pistindedir. Yol için, 14 CAF Urbos (No. 101-114) inşa edildi ve teslim edildi. Parça genişliği 1435 mm (normal iz). 2016 fuarı vesilesiyle, ağ, Meydan'dan fuar alanlarına (EXPO), Aralık 2016'da faaliyete geçen havalimanına (Havalimanı) giden bir yol ile 15.4 km uzunluğunda bir rota haline geldi. Uzatma için, 18 ultra modern tren, Hyundai Rotem tipi olarak Antalya Ulasime teslim edildi (No. 201-218).
Günümüzde, germe ağı her iki dakikada 10-15 dakikada bir (Fatih-Havalimanı ve Fatih-EXPO) olmak üzere iki hattan oluşmaktadır. Tek depo Fatih'te. Tüm tramvay duraklarının, kendi abonelik kartını aldıktan sonra okuyucuyu yönlendiren turnikelerle donatılmış olduğunu unutmamak önemlidir.
1999 yılından beri hala şehir merkezinde tarihi bir tramvay var, bununla birlikte çekim yapmam.
Video, Havalimanı'dan Fatih'e giden yol boyunca her iki tramvayın fotoğraflarını göstermektedir. Her iki tipte de benimle birlikte olan biniciler.
Çok eğlenmenizi dilerim!
Unutmayın: Videolarım iznim olmadan tekrar kullanılamaz.
Antalya (Turkey) Light Rail System - Antray
The light rail system in Antalya (Turkey) opened in December 2009 and is branded Antray.
There is one route of 11.1 km with 16 stops. All stops are staffed.
The low-floor rolling stock is build by CAF
Antalya, Old City marine, Mark Antalya
Antalya, 08.2017 #анталия #море #отдых
Antalya Trams
A video of the Trams both old and new in Antalya Town Centre.
From Antalya Airport to city center
The way from Antalya Airport with Havaş coach, public bus and Antray Tram
There is a Bus and a Shuttle Service to the city center from the Domestic
Terminal. International passengers can make use of it by going through the
Domestic Terminal. Just turn to your right when you leave the International Terminal.
On the way you also see the ANTRAY (ANTALYA RAIL) on your left.
Antalya Tramway
The roadworks to make the Antalya Tramway.
НОВЫЙ ТРАМВАЙ район Кепез Анталия Турция. Транспорт в Анталии. 2 AntRay Antalya
Новая линия трамвая (2 AntRay Antalya) работает в Кепезе ездит по маршруту Varsak - Ataturk (Варсак - Ататюрк). Возле остановки Ataturk находится Kepez Kaymakamlığı (Кепез Каймаканлыи), куда обращаются к Nüfüs Müdürlüğü (Нюфюс Мюдюрлюю) за любыми изменения в гражданском состоянии, за сменой документов (кимлик, водительское удостверение ит.п.) Строительство продолжается и 2 линия трамваев будет соединена с 1-й на пересадочной остановке Otogar (Отогар - автовокзал). Ходят трамваи каждых 10 минут. Поезд стоит 3,2 TL
Где не стоит покупать квартиры в Анталии - Обзор районов - плюсы и минусы жизни в Анталии -
Что дорого и дёшево в Турции? - Сколько стоит жить в Анталии? -
Что может турист успеть посмотреть за день в Анталии? Челлендж -
СБЕРБАНК / ДЕНИЗБАНК Турция - Сбербанк снимает комиссию с 1 августа 2019 Какую валюту брать в Турцию -
Сколько пляжей в Анталии? Какой самый лучший пляж? - Лучший отдых в Турции - обзор Sarısu Сарысу -
Что дорого и дёшево в Турции? - Сколько стоит жить в Анталии? -
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TURKEY, Antalya। How expensive is Street food and Public transport ?
In this turkey travel series, i will be taking tram and eating delicious sweet corn in antalya. I will also be showing you the beautiful ocean from the park and sights in antalya.
This video is in hindi
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ANTALYA TRAMWAY from Kaleiçi to Zerdalilik in Turkey | walk, walking tour [4K UHD HDR]
This walk (tram ride) starts at next to clock tower of Kaleiçi, Antalya, Turkey. Nostalgic tramway of Antalya continues its journey - via Cumhuriyet Meydanı, Kale Kapısı, Üç kapılar, Belediye, Işılklar-1, Işıklar-2 and Zerdalilik tram stops, in Antalya, Turkey.
Watch my related videos from ANTALYA, Turkey:
- ANTALYA KALEİÇİ from Hadrian Gate to Hıdırlık Bridge:
- ANTALYA NOSTALGIC TRAM from Cumhuriyet (Kaleiçi) to Zerdalilik:
- ANTALYA KALEİÇİ from Hırışık Bridge to Hadrian Gate:
- ANTALYA NOSTALGIC TRAM from Zerdalilik to Müze:
+ ANTALYA Turkey walks playlist:
Please, kindly LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE. On this channel, I post walk / walking tour / walk-through / etc. videos regularly - like this one. And, click the BELL to be notified.
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Timeline for this walking tour (in walking order, approx time-stamps):
00:00:00 Nostalgic Tram ride starts at Kaleiçi, Antalya, Turkey
00:00:16 Tekeli Mehmet Paşa Cami
00:00:20 Antalya Clock Tower
00:00:25 via Ali Çetinkaya Cad.
00:01:30 via Atatürk Cad.
00:02:20 Üç kapılar tram stop (Hadrian Gate, on the left)
00:04:35 via Işıklar Cad.
00:04:50 Belediye tram stop (Karaalioğlu Park, on the left)
00:05:32 Antalya Öğretmenevi
00:06:04 Işılklar-1 tram stop
00:07:20 Cender Hotesl & Restaurant in Antalya, Turkey
00:07:23 Işıklar-2 tram stop
00:07:50 via Tevfik Işık Cad.
00:08:48 Haşim İşcan Park
00:08:50 Lara Cad. (starts, on the left)
00:09:15 Zerdalilik tram stop
00:09:25 Interior of Nostalgic Tram
00:09:45 Interior of Nostalgic Tram
00:09:55 Nostalgic Tram of Antalya U turns for Müze route
Nostalgic tram or Heritage tram (Turkish: Nostalji tramvay hattı) in Antalya, is a single-track 4.7 km (2.9 mi) long heritage tram line opened in 1999 with ex-Nuremberg tramcars. Trams runs from Antalya Museum along the main boulevard through the city center at Kale Kapısı, Hadrian's Gate, Karaalioglu Park, and ending on the way to Lara Plajı (Beach) to the east. There are three passing points, but trams by-pass one other at the central Cumhuriyet Meydanı stop and passing point. The tram stations are as follows: Müze - Barbaros - Meslek Lisesi - Selekler - Cumhuriyet Meydanı - Kale Kapısı - Üç Kapılar - Büyükşehir Belediyesi - Işıklar - Zerdalilik.
There are only two tramcars with trailers (out of three available) of MAN and Duewag cars from the 1950-60s. The heritage tramway line and the new light rail line do pass through the same intersection in the city center, however, they do not cross, nor there is a hard rail connection between the two.
The (historic) tramway has been donated by the German city of Nuremberg and connects the western Konyaalti Beach and Antalya Museum to the eastern part of the city center. It runs all 30 min. Tramway can be used for sightseeing as it passes most beautiful places of the city center.
Enjoy the video in 4K UHD in HDR. HDR enables further dynamic range and thus further details in high dynamic range and high contrast situations. It's advised to watch on compatible 4K TVs and 4K displays of Sony, Panasonic, LG, etc.
Flew on 10/10/2019 and shot with Huawei Mate 20 Pro. It might be a good reference, whether you are considering Huawei Mate 20 Pro vs Huawei Mate 30 Pro, or perhaps vs iPhone 11 Pro.
© Can Burak Bizer. All rights reserved. Please, contact for licensing enquiries.
Antalya TURKEY | Buy belts, shoes, clothes, lamps, hookahs, clocks, souveniers
In this turkey travel video series, i will take you to a bazar or market where you can do loads of shopping since you can buy stuff here at the cheapest rate. Also under one roof you are getting almost everything. Just do remember that slight bargaining is there but unlike india , it is not like over the top.
This video is in hindi
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DARJEELING playlist-
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SUNDERBAN palylist-
SHIMLA playlist -
RESORTS playlist-
MEGHALAYA playlist-
There are more playlists with many more interesting videos. You can check them out as well
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Antalya Tram - Antalya Tramvayı(5)
my little trip with my wife and little son Davıd
ANTALYA Turkey Akdeniz CITY PARK in Konyaaltı - walk, walking tour, walk-through [4K UHD HDR]
This walk starts at West gate / entrance of Akdeniz / Mediterranean City Park in Konyaaltı, Antalya, Turkey. First, we walk towards the East gate / entrance of Akdeniz / Mediterranean City Park. Then we walk towards South gate / entrance of Akdeniz / Mediterranean City Park in Konyaaltı, Antalya, Turkey - where our 4K walk ends.
Watch my related videos from ANTALYA, Turkey:
- ANTALYA KALEİÇİ - Hadrian Gate to Hıdırlık Tower:
- ANTALYA NOSTALGIC TRAM from Cumhuriyet (Kaleiçi) to Zerdalilik:
- ANTALYA KALEİÇİ - Hıdırlık Tower to Hadrian Gate:
- ANTALYA NOSTALGIC TRAM from Zerdalilik to Kaleiçi to Müze:
- ANTALYA ANTRAY Muratpaşa (Mark Antalya) to Airport:
+ ANTALYA Turkey walks playlist:
Please, kindly LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE. On this channel, I post walk / walking tour / walk-through / etc. videos regularly - like this one. And, click the BELL to be notified.
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Timeline for this walking tour (in walking order, approx time-stamps):
00:00:00 West gate / entrance of Akdeniz / Mediterranean City Park in Konyaaltı, Antalya, Turkey.
Konyaaltı is a district in the Antalya Province, Turkey. The district is situated beneath the old city of Antalya, and extends miles toward the west, with various kinds of beaches including sand and shingle. The water is a little cooler compared to other beaches in Antalya because of an underground creek flowing to the sea. There are modern underground facilities for aesthetic reasons. Transportation is easy by means of buses. Destinations are reachable by foot as well.
Konyaaltı Beach (Turkish: Konyaaltı Plajı) is one of the two main beaches of Antalya, the other being Lara Beach. The beach is located on the western side of the city and stretches for 7 km from the cliffs to the Beydağları Mountains. It is bound inwards by the beach park and numerous bars, cafes, nightclubs and hotels, including the Rixos Downtown Hotel (formerly the Sheraton Voyager Hotel). The 'Aqualand' waterpark along Dumlupınar Bulvarı is the other border.
Enjoy the video in 4K UHD in HDR. HDR enables further dynamic range and thus further details in high dynamic range and high contrast situations. It's advised to watch on compatible 4K TVs and 4K displays of Sony, Panasonic, LG, etc.
Recorded with Huawei Mate 20 Pro - ultra wide camera. It might be a good reference, whether you are considering Huawei Mate 20 Pro vs Huawei Mate 30 Pro, or perhaps vs iPhone 11 Pro.
© Can Burak Bizer. All rights reserved. Please, contact for licensing enquiries.
CAF Urbos 2, AnTray, Antalya Turkey
The fleet consists of 14 CAF 5-module 100% low-floor Urbos trams delivered for the opening of the Antray line in 2009
Трамваи второго поколения трамваев Urbos поставлены в следующие системы:
Трамвай Витории, оператор EuskoTran
Трамвай Велес-Малаги (в связи с экономическим кризисом линия законсервирована, трамваи переданы в лизинг в Сидней)
Трамвай Сиднея (переданы из системы Велес-Малаги)
Севильский метрополитен
AntRay (лёгкорельсовая система Антальи)
ANTALYA Turkey NOSTALGIC TRAMWAY Zerdalilik to Kaleiçi to Müze - tram ride / tour, walk [4K UHD HDR]
This nostalgic / heritage tramway tour / tram ride (T2 line of Antalya) starts Zerdalilik station, in East side of Antalya, Turkey. From Zerdalilik, tram continues to West and passes along key touristic attractions, including Hadrian Gate, Kaleiçi, Clock Tower, Konyaaltı Street, etc. before finishing its journey at Müze (Museum) stop.
Watch my related videos from ANTALYA, Turkey:
- ANTALYA KALEİÇİ - Hadrian Gate to Hıdırlık Tower:
- ANTALYA NOSTALGIC TRAM from Cumhuriyet (Kaleiçi) to Zerdalilik:
- ANTALYA KALEİÇİ - Hıdırlık Tower to Hadrian Gate:
- ANTALYA NOSTALGIC TRAM from Zerdalilik to Kaleiçi to Müze:
- ANTALYA ANTRAY Muratpaşa (Mark Antalya) to Airport:
+ ANTALYA Turkey walks playlist:
Please, kindly LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE. On this channel, I post walk / walking tour / walk-through / etc. videos regularly - like this one. And, click the BELL to be notified.
Follow me on Instagram:
Timeline for this walking tour (in walking order, approx time-stamps):
00:00:00 Zerdalilik
Üç Kapılar (Hadrian Gate)
Kale Kapısı
Cumhuriyet Meydanı
Meslek Lisesi
Müze (Antalya Museum)
Nostalgic tram or Heritage tram (Turkish: Nostalji tramvay hattı) in Antalya, is a single-track 4.7 km (2.9 mi) long heritage tram line opened in 1999 with ex-Nuremberg tramcars. Trams runs from Antalya Museum along the main boulevard through the city center at Kale Kapısı, Hadrian's Gate, Karaalioglu Park, and ending on the way to Lara Plajı (Beach) to the east. There are three passing points, but trams by-pass one other at the central Cumhuriyet Meydanı stop and passing point. The tram stations are as follows: Zerdalilik - Işıklar - Büyükşehir Belediyesi - Üç Kapılar (Hadrian Gate) - Kale Kapısı - Cumhuriyet Meydanı - Selekler - Meslek Lisesi - Barbaros - Müze (Antalya Museum)
Antalya Kaleiçi (old town, old quarter) has narrow, winding streets enclosed in ancient city walls, which now protect the peaceful quarter from the noise of the concrete metropolis of a million people. The northern part (Selçuk and Tuzcular sections) of Kaleiçi is mostly touristy shops and restaurants lining the narrow mazelike streets. The Kilinçarslan section is a little more quiet and still charming. Although there are other entrances, it is best to enter and exit the old quarter from charming Hadrianus Gate, built by the Roman emperor Hadrianus as the entrance arch to the city. Hadrian Gate will lead you to Kilinçarslan district.
Enjoy the video in 4K UHD in HDR. HDR enables further dynamic range and thus further details in high dynamic range and high contrast situations. It's advised to watch on compatible 4K TVs and 4K displays of Sony, Panasonic, LG, etc.
Recorded with Huawei Mate 20 Pro - ultra wide camera. It might be a good reference, whether you are considering Huawei Mate 20 Pro vs Huawei Mate 30 Pro, or perhaps vs iPhone 11 Pro.
© Can Burak Bizer. All rights reserved. Please, contact for licensing enquiries.
MarkAntalya - Tram Antalya/Turkey 2017-2018
MarkAntalya Tram Antalya Turkey
Antalya, Turkey. Анталия, Турция. Trip on the tram. Поездка на трамвае