Antim Monastery of Bucharest ROMANIA
Manastirea Antim este ctitorie a Sf. Antim Ivireanul in anul 1715. Este situata in imediata apropiere a Catedralei Patriarhale si are hramul Tuturor Sfintilor. In zilele noastre este adapostita de blocurile ridicate in vecinatatea cladirii Parlamentului Romaniei; ea nu mai are vederea de altadata... Se constituie intr-un stalp al Ortodoxiei.
Romania-Bucharest, Antim Monastery
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Stavropoleos Monastery in Bucharest Romania
Stavropoleos Church and Monastery,Bucharest,Romania with Daniel Dimitrov
St. George’s Greek Orthodox Church, Bucharest, Romania. Part 2.
This mid-day Mass is broadcasted outside to the court yard. The Court yard and grounds are superbly maintained and are co-located with several museums and other religious sites; such as, The Antim Monastery, St. Apostles' Church, Stavropoleos Church, and others.
Bucharest Travel Guide - Romania Magical Time
Bucharest Travel Guide - Romania Magical Time
Bucharest (Bucureşti) is Romania's capital and largest city, as well as the most important industrial and commercial center of the country. With 2 million inhabitants in the city proper and more than 2.4 million in the urban area, Bucharest is one of the largest cities in Southeastern Europe, the largest city between Berlin and Istanbul. Bucharest is the 6th largest city in the European Union by population within city limits, after London, Berlin, Madrid, Rome, and Paris.
Bucharest is the primary entry point into Romania. Bucharest is a booming city with many large infrastructure projects changing the old face of the city. Known in the past as The Little Paris, Bucharest has changed a lot lately, and today it has become a very interesting mix of old and new that has little to do with its initial reputation. Finding a 300 year old church, a steel-and-glass office building and Communist-era apartment blocks next to one another is a common sight. Bucharest offers some excellent attractions, and has, in recent years, cultivated a sophisticated, trendy, and modern sensibility that many have come to expect from a European capital. Bucharest has been undergoing major construction and modernization works in recent years, such as the Basarab Overpass and the National Arena. Bucharest has benefited from an economic boom along with the EU grants that have helped rebuild neglected parts of the city, such as the historic Lipscani area.
Bucharest, owing to its position in the Romanian Plain, has a humid continental climate with cold winters, hot summers and moderate rainfall (640 milimeters on average). Winters are damp, snowy and very cold.
Bucharest has one of the most extensive systems of public transport in Europe, even though it can sometimes be confusing and crowded. Note that most of the neighborhoods and urban areas are known and called using the name of the nearest Metro station. The other well-known areas without Metro stations are Dorobanţi in the Northeast, Drumul Taberei (Metro network under construction) in the West, Rahova and Ferentari in Southwest (best avoided) and Lipscani - the old city centre situated between Unirii and Universitate Square.
Major brand-name shops and upscale boutiques are concentrated along the main boulevard from Piaţa Romană to Piaţa Unirii and on the small streets adjacent to this boulevard, but also on Calea Victoriei, on Calea Dorobanţilor (the part between Blvd. Iancu de Hunedoara and Piaţa Dorobanţilor) or on Calea Moşilor's section between Blvd. Carol I and Piaţa Obor.
Prices usually go anywhere from €5-7 to €30-40 for high-end dining for a single person menu consisting of a meal (most places offer €5-7 Euros menus that include an Entree, Main Dish and Dessert or a Drink) and a soft drink. The most popular fast-food is undoubtedly Shaorma, with hundreds of places selling it in almost every Square, Mall or street crossroads.
Bucharest also has many parks, such as Herăstrău Park, Carol Park, Cișmigiu Gardens, Tineretului Park, Titan/Alexandru Ion Cuza Park, Izvor Park, Grădina Icoanei Park, Circului Park, Moghioros/Drumul Taberei Park, National Park, Tei Park, Eroilor Park, Crângași Park. Other green attractions are the Bucharest Botanical Garden and Văcărești Nature Park, a nature park containing the wetlands surrounding Lake Văcărești.
A lot to see in Bucharest such as :
Palace of Parliament
Romanian Athenaeum
Dimitrie Gusti National Village Museum
King Michael I Park
National Museum of Art of Romania
Cișmigiu Gardens
Arcul de Triumf
Stavropoleos Monastery
Revolution Square
National Museum of Romanian History
Cotroceni Palace
University Square, Bucharest
Romanian Peasant Museum
CEC Palace
Mogoșoaia Palace
Manuc's Inn
Antipa Museum
Piața Unirii
Curtea Veche
Herăstrău Lake
Carol Park
Muzeul Național de Artă Contemporană
Lake Cișmigiu
Royal Palace
Pasajul Macca-Vilacrosse
Caru' cu Bere
Bucharest Botanical Garden
Tineretului Park
Therme Bucharest
Primăverii Palace
Casa Presei Libere
Cimitirul Bellu Bucureşti
Văcărești Nature Park
Museum of Art Collections
Kretzulescu Church
George Enescu National Museum
Alexandru Ioan Cuza Park
Romanian Patriarchal Cathedral
Museum of Senses
Obor Market
Templul Coral
Antim Monastery
Zoo Bucharest
National Military Museum, Romania
Izvor Park
Orășelul Copiilor
Victoria Palace
Drumul Taberei Park
Crețulescu Palace
Zambaccian Museum
( Bucharest - Romania ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Bucharest . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Bucharest - Romania
Join us for more :
Several clips of Bucharest, Romania.
A long video containing many clips of the sights of Bucharest, Romania. Really useful for those thinking of going to Bucharest, it shows how cars rule the city centre and how amongst the chaos are some of the most beautiful churches I have ever seen.
Clips include Revolution Square, Memorial of Rebirth, New St. George's Church, Antim Monastery, mad car parking, traffic, bollards and a tourist photographing a cat.
Curăţirea Sufletului - Marele Duhovnic Sofian Boghiu de la Mân. Antim, Bucureşti
BLOGUL si Site-ul
1) The Eastern ORTHODOX Church is the ONLY TRUE and Apostolic CHURCH. part 1 of 3 - American documentary: The Ancient Church
2) Arhimandrit Arsenie Papacioc(94 de ani) Dovada ca ORTODOXIA este singura credinta adevarata! ANTI-Ecumenism!
3) Articolul How old is the orthodox faith?
Sa iti dau si 3 exemple de Ortodoxie autentica:
Arhim. Arsenie Papacioc (94 de ani)- Sa Pretuim Timpul
Arhim. Sofian Boghiu - Purificarea sufletului
Părintele Ilie Cleopa despre Ortodoxie şi Românism
Filmare Februarie 2009.
Parintele AMFILOHIE BRANZA este ucenicul marelui duhovnic JUSTIN PARVU.
Parintele Amfilohie,Diaconesti - Casatoria si Calugaria, doua cai spre mantuire
CONFERINTE SUPERBE cu Parintele Amfilohie Branza de la manastirea Diaconesti:
Conferinta Dan Puric, Pr. Amfilohie Branza de la Man. Diaconesti, si Monahul Moise de la Manastirea Petru Voda - Lansarea Cartilor ' Valeriu Gafencu - Sfantul Inchisorilor ' si ' Viata Parintelui Gheorghe Calciu Dumitreasa '
Pr. Amfilohie - Intoarcerea la HRISTOS - Conf. la Academia Studii Economice (ASE)
Partea 1
si Partea 2
Pr. Amfilohie Diaconesti - Credinta nadejdea si dragostea: Conferinta
si Partea2
Pr. Amfilohie Branza - Postul Ortodox: libertate sau constrangere
si Partea2
Site updatat (inoit ) zilnic.
Unul dintre putinele site-uri ortodoxe romanesti, daca nu chiar singurul, care mai spune adevarul in problemele cu adevarat importante care ne framanta: pasapoartele, permisele de conducere si chipurile biometrice 666, transformarea Romaniei , Uniunii Europene, si a intreg Pamantului in general intr-o uriasa inchisoare, oamenii fiind supravegheati in cele mai intime detalii de stat, planurile masoneriei si multe alte aspecte omise special de mass media....
De asemenea sunt publicate articole ale marilor duhovnici: Arsenie Papacioc, Ilie Cleopa, Justin Parvu, Gheorghe Calciu Dumitreasa, etc... si articole ale unor mari oameni de valoare cum ar fi Danion Vasile, Savatie Bastovoi, etc.
Blogul ieromonahului Savatie Bastovoi:
. . . . . . . .
Citat din brosura Introducerea actelor de identitate cu Cip in Romania - mijloc de ingradire a vietii personale si libertatii religioase :
Romani, pastrati-va libertatea!
Ni s-a spus ca libertatea pentru care s-a murit in decembrie 1989 va fi garantata pe deplin odata cu integrarea in structurile euro-atlantice. Inregul sistem de supraveghere electronica reprezinta o invadare a vietii noastre private intr-o masura nemaiintalnita in istorie.
Dupa 20 de ani in care am nadajduit ca vom reveni in sfarsit la o viata normala, eliberati de cosmarul dosarelor de urmarire ale securitatii in care eram incatusati fara voia si stiinta noastra, noile acte de identitate biometrice deschid calea pentru initierea unor noi indosarieri.
Daca primim acum pasapoarte si carnete de conducere cu cipuri, vom primi incepand cu 1 ianuarie 2011 si cartile de identitate cu cip.
Peste cativa ani vom accepta fara probleme de constiinta imbogatirea cipurilor cu noi informatii, care ne vor usura legatura cu diverse institutii medicale, informationale, comerciale, apoi va deveni fireasca unificarea lor intr-unul singur, care sa incorporeze si cartile de credit.
Peste cativa ani se va spune ca, pentru a preveni pierderea sau furtul, este mai eficienta implantarea chipului in corpul uman.
Va mai trece inca o perioada si se va ajunge la concluzia ca, pentru buna functionare a societatii, este strict necesar ca toti oamenii sa aiba implantate aceste cipuri pe frunte sau pe mana.
Ce vom face atunci?
Mănăstirea Snagov.Snagov Monastery. Romania
Snagov Monastery located on a small island of lake Snagov in Romania ,around 30 km from Bucharest , is allegedly the burial site of Vlad the Impaler also known as Count Dracula. His earthly remains ar in a tomb in front of the church altar.
Stavropoleos Monastery Bucharest
recorded on July 7, 2013
Moving Image Archive Serge de Muller
Stavropoleos Church July 2015 - Bucharest Old City Ties
The famous Stavropoleos monastery in a divine summer sun.
A guide and his guests.
Beautiful streets in a great day. ;-)
Superb music by Katharsis.
Orthodox Patriarch of Bucharest blessing the People with the Holy Water
His holiness, metropolitan of Bucharest, Patriarch of Romania Daniel, in procession blessing the faithful with the Holy Water.
Bucharest In Your Pocket - Stavropoleos Church (Biserica Stavropoleos)
Stavropoleos Church was built in 1724 by the Greek monk Ioanikie Stratonikeas, and is currently under going much-needed restoration. It is characterized by its beautiful stone and wood carvings, of which the finest are on the main doors. The courtyard outside (beautiful on a warm afternoon) has a curious collection of tombstones dating from the 18th century.
For more about Bucharest Old Town check out Bucharest In Your Pocket:
Stavropoleos Monastery Bucharest
recorded on July 7, 2013
Moving Image Archive Serge de Muller
Bucharest - Stavropoleos Church
Bucharest - Stavropoleos Church - 17-08-2009
Stavropoleos Monastery Bucharest
recorded on July 7, 2013
Moving Image Archive Serge de Muller
Bucarest (Roumanie) : Itinéraire de visite touristique par vue aérienne de la ville en 3D, l'itinéraire de vos visites touristiques et culturelles en vidéo en 3D (visite virtuelle). D'autres visites sont disponibles sur
Visite virtuelle de la ville de Bucarest (Roumanie), par vue aérienne en 3D, à partir du logiciel Google Earth.
Détail de la visite par lieux :
- Orășelul Copiilor & Tineretului Park
- Parc Carol
- Musée technique Dimitrie-Leonida
- Drumul Taberei Park
- Palais Cotroceni
- Jardin botanique de Bucarest
- Palais du Parlement
- National Museum of Contemporary Art
- Monastère d'Antim
- Dealul Mitropoliei
- Musée juif de Bucarest
- Manuc's Inn
- Curtea Veche
- Musée national d'histoire de Roumanie
- Église du monastère Stavropoleos
- Palais CEC
- Pasajul Macca-Vilacrosse
- National Bank of Romania Museum
- Place de l'université
- Foișorul de Foc
- Lac Cișmigiu & Parc Cișmigiu
- Église Crețulescu
- Musée national d'art de Roumanie
- Theodor Aman Museum
- Athénée roumain
- Palais Crețulescu
- Museul national militar
- Musée des collections d'art
- Frederic and Cecilia Cuțescu-Storck Art Museum
- Palais Cantacuzène & Muzeul Național George Enescu
- Museum of the Romanian Railways
- Muséum national d'histoire naturelle « Grigore Antipa »
- Musée du Paysan roumain
- Geology Museum
- Kiseleff Park
- National Museum of Maps and Old Books
- Musée Zambaccian
- Arc de triomphe
- Parc Herăstrău
- Musée du village roumain
- Parcul Plumbuita
- Alexandru Ioan Cuza Park
- Zoo de Bucarest
- Palais de Mogoșoaia
Stavropoleos Monestary in Bucharest
Binecuvântare pentru medici și farmaciști, la Mănăstirea Antim din București
Father Sofian Boghiu
He was 90 years old at the interview shortly before going to meet Christ.
Father Sofian Boaghiu of Antim Monastery Bucharest was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor in 1958 by the communists because he did not want to quit Orthodoxy.
SITE The ORTHODOX Church of America
Romanian, English translated site:
On the site there are many works of the big american Orthodox monk SERAPHIM ROSE.
ORTHODOXY is the only true religion!
All the other so-called christian churches changed very very many things in Christianity..
Catholicism changes and ajusts doga every day(a metaphore, but you got the idea).
Orthodoxy has remain pure and unchanged since the 7 ecumenical councils at the dawn of Christianity.
Catholics left us, and after them, the protestants split from them and drifted farther away from the true essence of Christianity, and then the anglicans, penticostals, baptists, etc, etc.... Now there are hundreads or even thousand of so-called christian churches.Catholics are the origin of all the sects today.
It is a saying...
There were three Great falls in history:
1)The fall of Satan
2)The fall of Adam
3)The fall of the first Pope in 1054!
But the Truth is only one, and is found in the only Church founded by the 12 apostols.
The Orthodox Church.
Orthodox =The Right Faith
Ortho = Right,Unchanged
Dox = Dogma,Faith
All the thousands of so-called christian churches starting with Catholicism lost Apostolic descendence.
They are anathematised, because they changed the Faith.