Romanian Carpathians - Apuseni Nature Park.avi
The Apuseni Nature Park - comprising part of the Bihor and Vlădeasa massifs - embrace vast limestone areas, including the most spectacular karst paradise of all in the Carpathians: the Padiş Plateau. The main habitats of the Apuseni Nature Park are the mixed forests and glades intertwinned with the complex karst phenomena. There are over 1500 caves in the park area, 19 are of international importance. Apuseni Nature Park is a unique wonderland full of natural beauties. This jewel of Transylvania and Southwestern Carpathians as well is one of the last naturally forested karst areas of large size in Europe.
Apuseni & Bihor Mountains, Romania
Two dudes, two bikes, lots of fun. Romania = offroad paradise.
Transylvania - Romania, Apuseni Nature Park
The Apuseni Nature Park (Parcul Natural Apuseni) - known as the cavers' paradise - protects one of the most interesting cave fauna in Romania.
As opposed to other mountain areas, the Apuseni Mountains are populated up to high altitudes, with permanent and quasi-permanent dwellings.
Vadu Crisului is a commune in Bihor County Romania
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Visit Romania: Bihor County
Author: Camelia Popa, photos: Ștefan Baciu; audio: Lacramioara Simion and Vlad Palcu
apuseni: muntii bihorului: zona padis
A journey through Bihor Mountains in Romania.
Cascada Evantai, Cheile Galbenei
Parcul Natural Apuseni, traseul Cheile Galbenei, frumoasa cascada Evantai
Apuseni Natural Park, Fan Waterfall, Bihor County, Romania
Defrişări în Parcul Naţional Semenic-Cheile Caraşului 2017
Discover the Authentic Romania - The colours of Autumn in Apuseni Mountains
Filmed with Panasonic GH4
Lenses: Canon 75-200mm, f3.5-5, Olimpus Zuiko 14-48mm, f3.5, Sigma 17-50, f2.8.
NELSTILL VIDEO PRODUCTION: Our passion is creating video content that truly brings a destination to life for the viewer.
WE PRODUCE: travel film presentation, graphics AE CS, advertising, film and editing, weddings, news events.
Poiană Marşoaia - Bihor - Munţii Apuseni - România (28.7.2005)
Dimineata panoramă și caii de la Poiana Marşoaia pe marginea de est a Bihor.
Morning panorama and horses on Poiană Marşoaia glade on the eastern edge of the Bihor area.
Hoții în Parcul Natural Apuseni
10 ani de Romsilva la administratia Parcului Natural Apuseni
Cel putin 526 160 de metri cubi de lemn din conifere exploatati illegal, adica munti intregi taiati la ras sau bracuiti
Apuseni Natural Park after 10 years of management by Romsilva
At least 526 160 m3 of coniferous wood have been illegaly extracted. This means several mountains being clear cut
English subtitles will follow this week
Râșnoavei Cave, Fall in love with Romania!
Râșnoavei Cave, Râșnoavei Gorges, Râșnov Valley Fortress, Postăvarul Montain, Brașov county, Fall in love with Romania!
LDH1250 DHC Cabview - Crișul Repede's Valley and Canyon ~15x Timelapse
RO: Cabview LDH1250 DHC pe M300 prin Lunca si Defileul Crisului Repede, judetul Bihor, intre statiile Tileagd - Telechiu Hm. - Tetchea h. - Alesd - Alesd h. - Butan h. - Vadu Crisului - Vadu Crisului h. - Pestera h. - Suncuius - Balnaca h. - Bratca intr-o zi de vara
EN: LDH1250 DHC cabview on M300 through the Valley and the Canyon of Crisul Repede, Bihor County, between Tileagd - Telechiu Hm. - Tetchea h. - Alesd - Alesd h. - Butan h. - Vadu Crisului - Vadu Crisului h. - Pestera h. - Suncuius - Balnaca h. - Bratca stations in a summer sunny day
Soundtrack: Jim Yosef - Firefly
Exploring abandoned sites in Apuseni Mountains - Romania - Motorcycle Adventure
If it's May, it's the annual Apuseni Mountains motorcycle trip. This time we explored the abandoned mining site of Geamana - the sterile lake resulted from the process of copper ore exploitation. The next site is the Rosia Poieni open pit copper mine.
We spent the night in Rimetea village - Alba County. The village is on the world heritage list, and whilst we were there, a rock climbing contest took place. Needless to say, the whole atmosphere was great, we had perfect Hungarian food and enjoyed the surrounded areas.
Audio credit: Subcarpati - Folclor nemuritor.
Travel with Marub MP150 Through Apuseni Mountains
Travel with Marub MP150 Through Apuseni Mountains
1:In Marub MP150
2:Video Ending
© Train97
Padis - Muntii Bihor ROMANIA
Groapa Ruginoasa - Bihorului Mountains (Apuseni)
For more useful information please visit
Music: Subcarpati - Ciuleandra dub
Bihor Mountains
Bihor Mountains is a mountain range in western Romania. It is part of the Apuseni Mountains, which are part of the Carpathian Mountains. The massif has a length of 25 km from the northwest to the southeast and a width of 14 km. It is located east of the town Ștei, and north of the town Brad.
The highest peak is Cucurbăta Mare with an elevation of 1,849 m, also the highest of the Apuseni Mountains. Other high peaks are Buteasa (1,790 m), Cârligatele (1,694 m) and Piatra Grăitoare (1,658 m).
Vlădeasa is a volcanic range extension of the Bihor Mountains to the north, reaching a maximum height of 1,836 m.
Târgul de Fete de pe Muntele Găina.
Girls Fair on Chicken Mountain.
În fiecare an, în cea mai apropiată duminică de 20 iulie, se organizează, din vremuri străvechi, Târgul de fete de la Găina. Această manifestare etno-culturală a fost menţionată prima dată în documente în 1816. Desfăşurarea târgului are loc într-o frumoasă poiană, la altitudinea de 1467 m. Acolo se adunau locuitorii din diferite văi ale Apusenilor pentru a-şi schimba produsele. Târgul a făcut posibilă întâlnirea şi căsătoria tinerilor din zone îndepărtate, evitându-se astfel încrucişările dintre rudele apropriate.
Se spune că fetele veneau cu zestrea încărcată pe cai, iar cununia se făcea pe loc de către preoţi care veneau acolo în acest scop. Ceremonia era însoţită de cântece şi jocuri cu strigături, iar fetele se luau, nu se cumpărau.
Astăzi Târgul de fete de la Găina s-a transformat într-o mare sărbătoare folclorică, la care îşi dau concursul locuitorii din zona Munţilor Apuseni, din judeţele apropiate şi chiar din ţinuturi mai îndepărtate ale ţării. Pregătirile se fac cu câteva zile înainte, iar plecarea spre munţi se face în jurul orei patru dimineaţa. Deschiderea o fac vestitele tulnicărese de la Avram Iancu, după care urmează programul artistic al participanţilor care durează până spre seară.
Pentru turişti târgul oferă şi produse artizanale specifice zonei: tulnice, vase de lemn pirogravate, ceramică de Bihor şi Zărand, unelte de lemn, ţesături populare de casă şi produse culinare
English (by google translate):
Every year, on the closest Sunday 20 July, is organized from time immemorial, Fair girls from Chicken Mountain. This event ethnocultural was first mentioned in documents in 1816. Carrying Fair takes place in a beautiful meadow at an altitude of 1467 m. There would gather people from different valleys of the Apuseni to change products. Fair led to meeting and marriage of young people in remote areas, thereby avoiding interbreeding between close relatives.
It is said that girls were coming horses loaded with dowry and wedding information must take place by priests who came there for this purpose. The ceremony was accompanied by songs and dances with witty and the girls' actions were not bought.
Today Fair girls from Chicken Mountain turned into a great folk festival, which lend to people in the Apuseni Mountains from nearby counties and even from more distant provinces of the country. Preparations are a few days before, and leaving the mountains is around four in the morning. Opening famous tulnicărese do Avram Iancu followed the participants artistic program which lasts until the evening.
For tourists fair offer products of the artisans: alpenhorns, pyrography wooden pots, ceramics Bihor and Zarand, wooden tools, fabrics and popular homemade dishes
Apuseni Mountains-Spledor of the Romanians
full HD 1920x1080 - widescreen 16.9-Scărişoara Cave is one of the biggest glacier in Apuseni Mountains, part of western Carpathian chain, Gârda village, Alba county, on Ariesului (river) Valley,