Aquaforum Latsch - Black Hole Wasserrutsche | Acquascivolo Onride POV
Die Black Hole Wasserrutsche im Aquaforum Latsch (Laces), Südtirol, Italien. Die recht rasante Röhrenrutsche ist mit bunten Lichteffekten ausgestattet.
This is the Black Hole water slide at Aquaforum Latsch, Italy. The ride is quite fast and features some colorful light effects.
Typ: Röhrenrutsche RR D=1200
Länge: 48,4 m
Starthöhe: 5,4 m
Hersteller: Aquarena
Baujahr: 2007
Pizza-Zubereitung in der Pizzeria Aqua Forum Latsch 3
AquaForum - Pizzeria - Bistro - Restaurant - Laces (BZ)
Alto Adige
Markstrasse 48/a
39021 Latsch (BZ)
Südtirol - Gemeinde Latsch im Vinschgau / Alto Adige - Comune di Laces in Val Venosta
The apple orchards of South Tyrol surround the lively centre of Laces. Here, in the heart of the Venosta Valley at an altitude of 639 m, is where the mild Mediterranean-Alpine Adige Valley meets the dry and sunny climate of Monte Sole. Gradually, Laces became a major fruit-production centre, as well as a centre for tourism and the retail trade.
In Laces, there are also a wide range of recreational activities and cultural itineraries. Besides the numerous churches and old farms, there are relics of prehistoric times. There is a wealth of information available for those interested in culture such as guided tours to historical castles and old churches.
Besides culture, there is also a broad spectrum of recreational and sporting activities, such as the Aqua Forum in Laces. Both experienced and amateur cyclists and hikers will find an intricate network of well-marked trails with several rest stops around Laces.
Northwest of Laces/Latsch, at the foot of Monte Sole in the Venosta Valley, lies the locality of Coldrano – an idyllic tourist destination with a population of 910 inhabitants. As tradition has it, its name is evocative of the golden ditch located beneath the ruins of the old Laggar mountain farmstead. Coldrano is known for its castle, one of the few remaining Renaissance buildings in South Tyrol, which today serves as a training centre. In its shadow, close to the Adige River, is the Kräuterschlössl organic farm, generically known as “Südtiroler Kräutergold”. The farm is open to visitors.
Situated at 729 meters above sea level, the village of Morter is linked to Laces and, with its 750 inhabitants, is regarded as the gateway to the nearby Stelvio National Park. This settlement was already recorded in documents dating back to the ninth century under the name, ‘Villa Mortario’ (place of the mortar producers). At Morter, one comes across the remnants of a rich history: old buildings and ruins, such as those of the castles of Montani di Sopra and Montani di Sotto and edifices dating back to the Renaissance, such as the Chapel of St. Stephen and the Church of San Vigilio – which is open to visitors. The sheer tranquillity and beauty of the landscape inspire long walks and hikes in the area.
In the same way as a number of other localities located on Monte Tramontana mountain, the forest extends right to the edge of the centre of Tarres/Tarsch. In this village of 690 inhabitants situated at 800 m above sea level, there is the fossilised flow-cone of an ancient stream of torrential lava, which is clearly visible from a distance and constitutes a geological landmark in the Venosta Valley. From Tarres, visitors can reach the pasture on foot before reaching Laces/Latsch, with its numerous scenic hiking trails and stunning natural landscape.
With a population of just 120 inhabitants, the sanctuary of St. Martino in Monte/St. Martin im Kofel is one of the most attractive localities in the Venosta Valley. At just a short distance from Laces/Latsch, this hiking paradise is easily accessible by cableway.
The climb from Laces to St. Martin in Monte is one of the most exhilarating Speed-hiking routes in the Venosta Valley. There are a number of well-frequented and relatively easy hiking routes that pass St. Martino in Monte, such as the high altitude scenic trail along Monte Sole running through St. Martino in Silandro, capital of the Venosta Valley, via the Egg and Forra farms and then the fortresses of Annaberg and Schlandersberg. The St. Martin in Monte high mountain plateau can also be crossed in winter thanks to its position on Monte Sole mountain, where snowfall is rare.
Ferienregion Latsch-Martelltal
Film der Ferienregion Latsch-Martelltal
Impressionen aus Latsch-Martelltal in der Kulturregion Vinschgau in Südtirol -
Camping Latsch
Camping Latsch liegt terrassenförmig am Flußlauf der Etsch in mitten vom Vinschgau - Südtirol. Der Ortskern Latsch liegt nur 10 Gehminuten entfernt. Am Fuße des lichtdurchfluteten und biologisch-reichen Sonnenberg liegt der Camping optimal und ist somit Ausgangspunkt für die schönesten Urlaubsausflüge, Wanderungen, Biketouren usw.
Pizza-Zubereitung in der Pizzeria Aqua Forum Latsch 2
Auf diesem Video sieht man den 2. Teil der Zubereitung von köstlichen Pizza's ind der Pizzeria Aqua Forum in Latsch im Vinschgau-Südtirol.
LV Fricktal in Latsch 2017
Aktiv & Spa Resort JAGDHOF, das DolceVita Hotel in Latsch-Vinschgau-Südtirol
Toben Sie sich aus!
Ob Indoor-Fitness oder Outdoor-Spaß. Ob biken, laufen oder golfen, Nordic Walking, Trekking oder Trainingsplanung. Wir leiten und begleiten Sie, und stehen stets mit Rat und Tat zur Seite – auch draußen im Gelände. Denn Outdoor-Sport ist bei uns Chefsache. Hotelchefin Ruth Pirhofer nimmt ihre Gäste mit zum Laufen und Golfen. Ehemann Martin genannt Piri, der Chef, surft mit Bike-Gästen über die schönsten Trails im Vinschgau, ist begeisterter Rennradler und zeigt, wo’s beim Power Walking lang geht. Außerdem können Sie bei uns Equipment vom Lowa-Schuh über Leki-Stöcke bis zum Garmin-GPS-Gerät zum Testen bei 5 geführten Wanderungen pro Woche ausleihen. Für top Bike-Equipment sorgt der hoteleigene Bikeshop. Also, worauf warten Sie noch, mehr Ferieninfos gibt`s unter:
Giro d`Italia durch Latsch 25.05.2013
Leider konnte die Etappe mit Zielort Martell aufgrund der Witterung nicht gefahren werden! Schade für die Organisatoren, welche schun über Monate an der Arbeit waren! Trotzdem an sie und alle freiwilligen Helfer vor Ort ein großes Kompliment! Die Etappe am Samstag mit Start in Schlanders konnte dann gefahren werden! Hier ist die Durchfahrt von Latsch zu sehen! Beeindruckend dieses Tempo der Radprofis!
***** LACES / LACHS (Val Venosta) CHIESA DI S. SPIRITO ALL'OSPEDALE - trittico di Jörg Lederer
La Chiesa di Santo Spirito fu fatta costruire da Heinrich von Annenberg, che fondò anche l'Ospedale di Santo Spirito. Un tempo la chiesa e l'ospedale formavano un unico complesso gotico. Mentre l'ospedale è oggi un museo che concede preziosi sguardi nel passato, la Chiesa del Santo Spirito è stata conservata in gran parte come ai tempi di Annenberg.
Di grande valore artistico è il trittico interno, attribuito al maestro svevo Jörg Lederer. La parte posteriore dell'altare tardogotico presenta invece pitture di grande valore che si presumono opera di Hans-Leonhard Schäuffelin. Perfettamente conservato, il polittico della Chiesa all'Ospedale è oggi tra i più preziosi ed importanti dell'Alto Adige.
Impressionante anche il portale gotico, realizzato interamente in marmo bianco dall'artista locale Oswald Furter. Risale invece alla prima decade del '600 il ciclo di affreschi che rappresentano il Giudizio Universale, gli atti di misericordia, la discesa dello Spirito Santo e la moltiplicazione dei pani. Gli affreschi sono opera di Adrian Mair, altro artista di Laces. Gli altari laterali barocchi e l'organo risalgono al 1741. La Chiesa di Santo Spirito all'Ospedale di Laces Venosta è aperta tutti i giorni tranne la domenica da metà aprile a inizio novembre.
Holiday region Latsch-Martelltal
Video of the holiday region Latsch-Martelltal
Impressions from Latsch-Martelltal in the culture region of Venosta valley in South Tyrol -
MIS – Mobilität in Südtirol übergibt ein neues Fahrzeug in Latsch #MobilitätinSüdtirol
Vinschgau, das Dorfzentrum von Latsch. Mobilität in Südtirol ist das wohl wichtigste Projekt der Genossenschaft Solution. Unternehmer, Handwerker, Kaufleute und Freiberufler stellen ausreichend Geld zur Verfügung, um ein Fahrzeug zum Transport von Menschen mit Behinderung ankaufen zu können.
Trainingslager Latsch 2017
Bierkeller Trail Latsch Vinschgau 2014
Laces freeride (BZ)
Pietraia a cannone by Ippu e Ude
Latsch und Marco beim Strippen
Tjoa, Latsch und Marco ham wohl en bisschen zu viel gesoffen, dann passiert sowas... xD
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