As a tribute to the one of the greatest bands in the world! “Без 25 или без 26 минут 4” - Леонид и друзья (кавер-версия группы Чикаго) В знак признательности одной из величайших групп на Земле!
Leonid Vorobyev – bass, producing, mixing, mastering, video-montage Serge Tiagniryadno (Kiev, Ukraine) – lead-vocal, guitar Sergey Kashirin – guitar, backing-vocal Vasily Akimov – backing vocal Igor Javad-Zade – drums Vlad Senchillo – piano Alexey Batychenko – trumpet Alexandr Michurin – trombone Konstantin Gorshkov – tenor sax Vladimir Popov – alto & baritone sax
Special thanks to Vladimir Osinsky for the superior studio Serge Tiagniryadno vocal & guitar recorded in the Crystal Sound Studio (Kiev, Ukraine) Serge Tiagniryadno video shot in the Crystal Sound Studio
Леонид Воробьев – бас-гитара, продюсирование, микс, мастеринг, видео-монтаж Сергей Каширин – гитара, бэк-вокал Василий Акимов – бэк-вокал Сергей Тягнирядно (Киев, Украина) – вокал, гитара Игорь Джавад-заде – ударные Влад Сенчилло – ф-но Алексей Батыченко – труба Александр Мичурин – тромбон Константин Горшков – тенор-саксофон Владимир Попов – альт и баритон саксофон Валентин Осинский – звукорежиссер Алексей Седов и Кирилл Попов - видеосъемка Особая благодарность Володе Осинскому за великолепную студию
Вокал и гитара Сергея Тягнирядно записаны и сняты на видео в студии Crystal Sound (Киев, Украина)
Вольный перевод с английского: “Без 25 или без 26 минут 4” (Песня о том, как мучительной порой сочиняются песни)
Дожидаюсь рассвета Подыскиваю нужные слова Свет мигалок рассекает небо за окном Я сдаюсь и закрываю глаза
Сижу на полу с поджатым ногами Без 25 или без 26 минут 4
Поднимаюсь, чтобы умыться Просто стараюсь не заснуть Слепо уставившись в одну точку Удивляюсь, сколько я еще могу выдержать
Должен ли я сделать что-то ещё? Без 25 или без 26 минут 4
Чувствую, что мне нужно поспать Перед глазами всё идёт кругом Ищу, что сказать Жду рассвета Без 25 или без 26 минут 4
A.Levkovich A talk with an Aquarius for Viola and String orchestra
Alexander Levkovich
A talk with an Aquarius for Viola and String orchestra (2012)
Kiev-Camerata, conductor: Valery Matoukhin, Viola: Andrey Tuchapets. Kiev, recording in studio
Beautiful Ukrainian Women Irina Answers, How Do You Imagine Your Future?
Irina gives you a precious glimpse into her soul by answering 10 tricky, psychology-based questions. Now you can meet Irina or any of our over 1,000 other ladies (with no-obligation) by clicking on the link below.
Click on a links below to see our lady Soul Profile Videos:
Natalia's Soul Profile Video...
Victoria's Soul Profile Video...
Valeria's Soul Profile Video...
Julia's Soul Profile Video (10 vids in playlist)
Elena's Soul Profile Video (10 vids in playlist)
Marianna's Soul Profile Video (10 vids in playlist)
Irina Soul Profile Video (10 vids in playlist)
Natalia's Soul Profile Video (10 vids in playlist)...
25.05.12, Smailov @ Boom Boom Room afterparty
25.05.12, Smailov @ Boom Boom Room afterparty
Jason Little @ Chain Reaction Ukraine Kiev The Most Open Air
19.07.2008 Hard Techno vs. Hardcore
Ukraine, Kiev, The Most Open Air
Purdue Bells Tocatta on King's Weston at the Long Center
The Purdue Bells performed Tocatta on King's Weston during the PMO Spring Show at the Long Center for the Performing Arts on April 7, 2019.
RUSSIA और UKRAINE के बिच आखिर क्या हुआ जो बात इतनी आगे बढ़ गयी
LEO. FEBRUARY’19. The BEST horoscope.
In this horoscope for February 2019, Masha Volina, astrologist from Ukraine, will do astrological analysts for your Zodiac sign.
How to contact Masha? Facebook: Website : Email: Skype: volinateam
Pushups and Paws
Pushups and Paws Workout of the Week
Engelbert Humperdinck in Kiev!
Энгельберт Хампердинк !
aerial silks by Lisandra Cros at State Circus of Belarus
In this horoscope for February 2019, Masha Volina, astrologist from Ukraine, will do astrological analysts for your Zodiac sign.
How to contact Masha? Facebook: Website : Email: Skype: volinateam
NATO to use combat dolphins and seals in Black Sea
The group of American forces in the Black Sea can receive a new weapon - combat dolphins. This summer, the sea mammals will take part in NATO exercises in the region. This is the first time when such drills are going to be held.
The exercises will involve 20 dolphins and ten sea lions. The animals will have to test a new anti-radar system. The legend is as follows: the device will disorient enemy sonars, and sea lions and dolphins will look for mines and military divers.
The animals will be flown to the site of the drills from their training camp in special bathtubs. One is left to note that Russia is revisiting the project to train combat dolphins in the Black Sea as well.
Gemini sun, moon and rising, here are your weekly tarot messages 7 to 13 January 2019, tarot timings being what they are. To book a personal reading with me visit:
Decks in order used: Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso Whispers of Love by Angela Hartfield Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid Postcards from Spirit by Colette Baron-Reid
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Intro/Outro music 'Bye Bye' an original composition by Venus Archangel Tarot - used with permission:
Please remember information provided in these videos is not intended to replace your own judgement in any way. Seek professional advice where necessary. These are general readings and may not resonate with everyone - please book a personal reading if you'd like messages for your personal situation.
In this horoscope for October 2018, Masha Volina, astrologist from Ukraine, will do astrological analysts for your Zodiac sign.
How to contact Masha? Facebook: Website : Email: Skype: volinateam
In this horoscope for March and April 2019, Masha Volina, astrologist from Ukraine, will do astrological analysts for your Zodiac sign.
How to contact Masha? Facebook: Website : Email: Skype: volinateam
List of planetariums | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:13 1 Permanent planetariums 00:00:37 1.1 Africa 00:01:21 1.2 Asia 00:06:51 1.3 Europe 00:21:00 1.4 North America 00:21:09 1.4.1 Canada 00:22:56 1.4.2 Costa Rica 00:23:08 1.4.3 Mexico 00:25:50 1.4.4 United States 00:40:49 1.5 Oceania 00:41:41 1.6 South America 00:44:17 2 Planetarium computer software 00:45:02 3 Planetarium manufacturers 00:50:40 4 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
This entry is a list of permanent planetariums, including software and manufacturers. In addition, many mobile planetariums exist, touring venues such as schools.
Jason Little - Live @ Tunnel Terror 2005 Part 2
June 28 2014 Daily Horoscope overview by Jennifer Angel
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