Archaeology Museum, Silves, Algarve, Portugal, Europe
Opened in 1990, the Municipal Archaeology Museum of Silves was built around the admirable Well-Tank Almohad of XII-XIII centuries discovered after archeological excavations elapsed in the 80 century. XX and now classified as a National Monument - which became the centerpiece of the collection and the exhibition discourse. Scenographically is also part of the city wall the same period, thus working not only as a museum where collections are exposed very significant, but also as a jewel of Islamic heritage in Portugal. The Museum's collection, mostly derived from excavations elapsed in the city and county, brings together a collection of objects from the Paleolithic, the oldest, through the Neolithic, Chalcolithic by, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, the Roman Period and stand out, not only the quantity but also the quality and exception, the pieces of the Medieval Period, especially the Muslim Period Umayyad, Califal, Taifa, Almohad and Almoravid, from the eighth century to the thirteenth century in its most of the Almohad period, XII-XIII centuries - which are evidence of the wealth and importance of the city in that historical period. The collection contains also an important set of objects of the modern period - the centuries XV, XVI and XVII which demonstrates the influence of trade routes and the importance of trade and contacts with other city regions.
Divided into eight themes, the collection can be visited chronologically from the Paleolithic to the seventeenth century.
Alcoutim Portugal (HD)
ALCOUTIM, localizada no Nordeste Algarvio, entre a serra do Caldeirão e rio Guadiana, e longe da agitação dos centros turísticos do litoral de inigualável beleza natural, rico património cultural e grande tranquilidade são atributos que aliados á hospitalidade e simpatia das suas gentes fazem de Alcoutim um paraíso. O centro histórico mantém nas suas ruas estreitas e íngremes o lado típico da atmosfera tranquila de uma vila serrana, local onde se encontra implantado o Castelo, que teve inícios no Sec. XIV. No seu interior funciona o Museu de Arqueologia onde estão expostos os achados arqueológicos do concelho. Também no centro da vila podemos visitar a Igreja Matriz que é um dos melhores exemplares do Renascimento do Algarve. Ancorados junto à margem do Guadiana deparamo-nos com a beleza dos veleiros, que nos fazem querer ficar algum tempo numa esplanada à beira da água.*carl0spais*YouTube 2011
ALCOUTIM,located in the Northeast of Algarve, between Serra do Caldeirão and Guadiana river, away from the bustle of the tourist centers it's a place of unparalleled natural beauty, rich cultural heritage and very peaceful, people are very friendly. The historic center keeps in its narrow streets and steep side of a quiet atmosphere, typical of a mountain village where you can find the Castle, which was built in the begining of fourteenth century. In the Museum of Archaeology you can see archaeological findings of the county. Also, in the center of the village you can visit the Church, is one of the best examples of the Renaissance in the Algarve. Anchored along the banks of the Guadiana we find the beauty of sailboats that make us want to spend some time on a terrace at the water's edge.*carl0spais*YouTube 2011
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Archaeoscoop: Project Uncovering Prehistoric Portugal
Welcome to Archaeoscoop, the place to find heritage and archaeology related stories from around the world!
Today we hear of a Project in Northern Portugal:
Museu do Vinho da Bairrada / Bairrada Wine Museum - Anadia (Portugal)
O MUSEU DO VINHO DA BAIRRADA, situado na Anadia, a cerca de 30 Km de Coimbra, foi inaugurado em 2003. No museu há uma exposição permanente, designada por “Percursos do Vinho” (0:16), distribuída ao longo de seis salas temáticas, com peças de valor arqueológico, etnográfico e técnico. Nesta exposição é possível conhecer as castas permitidas na região demarcada da Bairrada e ficar a saber um pouco mais sobre Vinha, Vindima, Vinificação, Prova e Roteiro. Há ainda duas outras coleções muito interessantes. Uma é a maior coleção portuguesa de saca-rolhas (1:21), com cerca de 1500 unidades, constituída e doada ao museu pelo colecionador Adolfo Roque. Outra é constituída por bonecos (1:27), a grande maioria em cerâmica, que representam bêbados ou figuras em estreita ligação com o vinho, e que integram a coleção de Pascoal Montezuma de Carvalho. O museu contempla ainda uma programação de exposições temporárias. A atual (1:57) chama-se Vinho e Fado (presente desde Maio até finais de outubro de 2014). Ela resulta de uma parceria com o Museu do Fado, a Fundação Amália Rodrigues e a Comissão Vitivinícola da Bairrada e é constituída por três exposições: “Amália”, “Fado - Património da Humanidade” e “Vinho e Fado”.
THE BAIRRADA WINE MUSEUM, situated in Anadia, about 30 km from Coimbra, was opened in 2003. In the museum there is a permanent exhibition called Wine Routes (0:16), distributed over six theme rooms with items of archaeological, ethnographic and technical value. In this exhibition it is possible to know the castes allowed in the demarcated region of Bairrada and know a bit more about Vineyard, Harvest, Winemaking, Proof and Screenplay. There are two other very interesting collections. One is the biggest Portuguese collection of corkscrews (1:21), with nearly 1500 units, organized and donated to the museum by the collector Adolfo Roque. Another consists of figures (1:27), most in ceramics, representing drunk or figures in close connection with wine, and that integrate the collection of Pascoal Montezuma de Carvalho. The museum also includes a program of temporary exhibitions. The current (1:57) is called Wine and Fado (present from May until late October 2014). It is a partnership with the Museum of Fado, Amália Rodrigues Foundation and Bairrada Wine Commission and consists of three exhibitions: Amália, Fado - World Heritage and Wine and Fado.
Nuno da Câmara Pereira canta Biografia do Fado / Nuno da Câmara Pereira sings Biography of Fado
Mertola Portugal (HD)
MÉRTOLA, Vila Museu, situada no distrito de Beja, foi conquistada aos mouros em 1238, pertenceu depois aos Cavaleiros da Ordem de Santiago. Do património arquitectónico destacam-se:
O Castelo que é o resultado das obras de restauro e ampliação efectuadas nos século XIII, após a conquista cristã, de onde se tem uma bela vista de conjunto da vila e do rio Guadiana;
A Igreja Matriz é um reaproveitamento cristão da antiga mesquita muçulmana dos séculos XII-XIII. Foi com os cavaleiros da Ordem de Santiago em 1238, depois de sagrado para o uso do ritual cristão, que este edifício recebeu a sua primeira intervenção, que lhe alterou a sua primitiva configuração de mesquita árabe.
O Museu de Mértola inclui vários núcleos museológicos espalhados pela Vila e um conjunto de colecções variadas que dão a conhecer a história da vila, sendo um dos mais importantes o da Arte Islâmica sendo esta cultura relembrada anualmente pelo Festival Islâmico. Actualmente Mértola tem tudo para ser um pólo de atracção importante, tirando partido, para além da componente arqueológica e histórica, do seu património natural - merecem referência os passeios fluviais e de descoberta da natureza no Parque Natural do Vale do Guadiana.*carl0spais*YouTube 2011
MÉRTOLA,is a Museum Village, situated in the district of Beja, was conquered from the Moors in 1238, then belonged to the Knights of Santiago. Architectural heritage are:
The castle as the result of the restoration and expansion made in the thirteenth century, after the Christian conquest, from where you have a beautiful view of the whole village and the Guadiana river;
The Church is a Christian reclamation of former Muslim mosque XII-XIII centuries. It was with the Knights of Santiago in 1238, after proclaimed as a Christian ritual place, that this building received its first contribution, which changed its original configuration Arab mosque.
The Museum of Mértola includes several small museums scattered around the village and a number of different collections to make known the history of the village, one of the most important Art Islamic culture which is remembered annually by the Islamic Festival. Currently Mértola has everything to become an important pole of attraction, drawing in addition to archaeological and historical component of its natural heritage the river trips worth mentioning the discovery of nature and the Parque Natural do Vale do Guadiana.*carl0spais*YouTube 2011
Aljezur Portugal (HD)
ALJEZUR, é uma vila portuguesa pertencente ao distrito de Faro, localizada em pleno Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina. É uma terra de origens remotas, habitada desde os tempos pré-históricos, cuja antiguidade é atestada pelos muitos vestígios arqueológicos que têm sido encontrados. A zona histórica que se estende pela encosta, oferece uma vista particular de ruas estreitas com casas caiadas e vãos coloridos em volta das janelas. Do património arquitectónico destacam-se: O Castelo de Aljezur, construído pelos árabes no sec.X e que actualmente se encontra em estado de ruína, conservando ainda as muralhas e duas torres, de onde se observa em toda a volta uma vista panorâmica deslumbrante; A Igreja da Misericórdia, no centro histórico da vila; o Museu de Arte Sacra, instalado no edifício do antigo Hospital da Misericórdia; a Casa Museu Pintor José Cercas na Rua do Castelo e ainda a Igreja Matriz de Nossa Sra de Alva, também chamada Igreja Nova. Fora da vila, a costa de Aljezur com mais de 40 Km de extensão, é um tesouro repleto de vida marinha e belíssimas praias, quase em estado selvagem, frequentadas principalmente por praticantes de*carl0spais*2013
ALJEZUR,is a Portuguese village in the district of Faro, located in the Natural Park of Southwest Alentejo and Costa Vicentina. It is a land of remote sources, inhabited since prehistoric times, whose antiquity is attested by the many archaeological remains that have been found. The historic district that stretches along the hillside, offers a particular view of narrow streets and whitewashed houses with colorful gaps around the windows. Architectural heritage include: Aljezur Castle, built by the Arabs in the 10th Century and which is currently in ruins, there still remaining walls and towers and a stunning panoramic view; the Church of Mercy in the historic center of the town, the Museum of Sacred Art, housed in the former building of the Mercy Hospital; the Museum House of the Painter José Cercas in Castle Street and even the Church of Our Lady of Alva, also called New Church. Outside the village, the coast of Lagos with over 40 km long, is a treasure full of marine life and beautiful beaches, almost in the wild, mostly frequented by*carl0spais*2013
Artista: Armando Sciascia
Música: Largo
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Ao turista que gosta de viajar pelo tempo,aprecie este espetáculo maravilhoso da volta á época medieval
Guarda...Arqueologia na Póvoa do Mileu...
Os restos de pedras e afins na Estação Arqueológica da Póvoa do Mileu, Guarda...
---The remains of stones and the like in Archaeological Station of Póvoa do Mileu, Guarda...Portugal
Tavira Castle, Tavira, Algarve, Portugal, Europe
The Tavira Castle is located in the town of Santiago, Tavira, Faro District, Portugal. In dominant position over the mouth of the river Asseca, the town developed as major seaport since antiquity. While primitive human occupation of the region dates back to prehistoric times, an archaeological campaign undertaken in 1997 brought forth a Phoenician wall portion dating from the eighth century BC, proving the existence of a warehouse or a colony established here by that people sailors and traders. At the time of the Roman invasion of the Iberian Peninsula, the village, then called Ferry, acquired strategic importance due to the construction of a bridge over the river. Although have not been located remains of a fortification materials in this period, it is believed that a posting has garnished this stretch of ancient Roman road. Although archaeological research dates back to the eleventh century Muslim settlement, the first written information about it date from the first half of the twelfth century, when it was called at-Tabira, referring to his fortification in the context of struggles between Almoravids and Almohads, which led to Submission to the village emir Almunine, in 1168. The albuminé site twice emir in the days of his emirate in Seville, but resisted it and defended himself with his evil against it until the rendered God in his caliphate, for their good fortune at the end of Dulcada month of the year that historiamos. (Ibne Sahib al-Sala. al-Mann Bil-Imama). Tavira was constituted then, along with Santa Maria al-Harum (current Faro) and Shilb (now Silves), one of the main towns in the al- gharb al-Andalus. At the time of the Christian Reconquista of the peninsula, the Portuguese forces reach the Algarve east from Tavira was conquered in 1238. June 11, 1239 (May 1240, according to Alexandre Herculano or 1242 seconds other sources), by the forces of King Paio Peres Correia, Master of the Order of Santiago. The tradition associated with this achievement to a reprisal of that Order for the death of seven of their riders in an ambush when hunting at the site of the Antas (Parish of Light).
The January 9, 1242 (or 1244 seconds other sources), Sancho II of Portugal (1223-1248) donated the areas of Tavira and the patronage of his church to the Order of Santiago, donation confirmed in 1245 by Pope Innocent IV. On the pretext that the city had been conquered by a Military Order Castilian Alfonso X of Castile claimed it for themselves, come to impose siege and conquer it in 1252. The following year, signed a treaty by which Alfonso III of Portugal (1248-1279) wed the daughter of Alfonso X, and if this union resulted a child to come to complete the seven years, the maternal grandfather would give as gifts Algarve. Having the conditions that statute was completed in 1264, Alfonso X gave the Algarve Afonso III by letter of 20 September, set in Seville. Because of this act, the Portuguese sovereign granted charters to several Algarve villages, the first of which Tavira in August 1266. Under the reign of King Dinis (1279-1325), the castle was repaired and strengthened and the about the expanded village (1292), as epigraphic inscription. Date of this period the erection of the Keep. The sovereign, by Royal Charter 1303, extended the privileges of the residents, preventing their assets were seized or sold except for debts to the Crown. At the time of the 1383-1385 crisis, the Master of Avis donated Reguengo de Tavira to Ferdinand Alvares Pereira, the Constable Nuno Alvares Pereira brother. Later, after the conquest of Ceuta, started the process of the Portuguese Discoveries, the village would see its strategic and economic importance increase. The castle, however, present risk of collapse, as the complaint of its people before the courts of 1475. Under the reign of Manuel I of Portugal (1495-1521), the village received the Foral New (1504), rising to to city status on March 16, 1520, among other important privileges. Is your Alcaide chief at the time Vasco Eanes Corte-Real. In 1573, when King Sebastian (1568-1578) visit Tavira, are in progress the works of construction of the Santo Antonio Fort (Fort Mouse), opposite to the river Gilão bar in 1577.
Almodovar Portugal (HD)
ALMODÔVAR, a vila de Almodôvar situa-se no Baixo Alentejo, entre a Serra do Caldeirão e a dourada planície alentejana, marcando a transição entre o Alentejo e o Algarve. com caracteristicas maioritáriamente agrícolas é uma vila pacata, histórica e tradicional, marcada pela tipica calmaria desta região. A igreja matriz é o mais imponente monumento da Vila, na simplicidade das suas colunas toscanas, na riqueza dos altares laterais e na sumptuosidade do altar-mor, mandado construir por D. João V.
Encontramos também o Convento de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, fundado em 1680 por Frei José Evangelista. Situado junto à Torre do Relógio, no centro da vila , encontra-se o Museu da Escrita do Sudoeste. Inaugurado em Outubro de 2007, o MESA (também conhecido como Museu da Escrita do Sudoeste de Almodôvar) conta com alguns dos mais importantes achados arqueológicos epigrafados com caracteres da escrita do sudoeste. Inscrições sobre pedra que contam a História da Península Ibérica. Entre os tesouros, encontram-se estelas funerárias, túmulos em pedra de xisto, peças de cerâmica e artefactos de culto funerário.*carl0spais*YouTube 2011
Recomenda-se uma visita.
The village of Almodovar is located in the Lower Alentejo, between the Serra do Caldeirão and the golden plains of Alentejo, marking the transition between the Alentejo and Algarve. It is an agricultural and quiet town, historical and traditional. The church is the most imposing monument in the village, in the simplicity of its Tuscan columns and the richness of the side altars and the sumptuousness of the high altar, built by King John V.
It also have the Convent of the Immaculate Conception, founded in 1680 by Father José Evangelista. Situated next to the Clock Tower in the town center, is the Museum of Southwest Writing. Opened in October 2007, MESA (Southwest Writing Museum of Almodovar) has some of the most important archaeological facts of written characters headed to the southwest. Inscriptions onstone that tell the history of the Iberian Peninsula. Among the treasures are funerary steles, stone slate tombstones, pottery and funerary artifacts of worship.*carl0spais*YouTube 2011
Murillo KevorK A caminho da Antiguidade Portuguesa
Fotos de: Portugal - Indanha a Velha - restos arqueológicos
A Arqueologia em Revista (Conimbriga)
No momento em que assinala 25 anos de existência, a revista Al-Madan e a associação que a edita, o Centro de Arqueologia de Almada, promovem um Ciclo de Debates para reflexão alargada da situação actual da Arqueologia portuguesa e para apresentação pública do volume 15, que trata precisamente o processo de transformação da disciplina no último quarto de século, tanto no plano dos mecanismos de produção e difusão do conhecimento científico, como no da sua necessária sociabilização.
Pretende-se reunir os profissionais da área, mas também das disciplinas científicas que com ela interagem de forma cada vez mais intensa e multidisciplinar, com intervenção genérica nos campos das Arqueociências, do Património, da História, da Antropologia, da Museologia, da Conservação...
Com um programa descentralizado territorialmente e um modelo que privilegia assumidamente a participação colectiva, o Ciclo materializa uma sinergia institucional dificilmente repetível e pretende criar uma oportunidade única para tratar no lugar próprio, com ponderação e sustentação, as problemáticas que marcam o presente e condicionam o futuro da Arqueologia portuguesa.
Exposição interativa retrata Portugal
Foi aberta hoje em São Paulo uma exposição interativa que mostra a história de Portugal. Os visitantes poderão interagir e ver o amplo acervo de vídeos, fotos, informações da alta gastronomia portuguesa. A exposição interativa Sentir Portugal está em cartaz no parque do ibirapuera e vai até o próximo domingo. O horário é das 10h até às 19h. A entrada é gratuita.
Repórter: Sabrina Pires
Tema: Portugal
Apresentação do Museu Nacional de Arqueologia